Database List Cyrillic Alphabet Online Search
Cyrillic Alphabet Online Search

The database contains the following: The database will be updated as necessary.


  1. You may search title, series, author, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, content and annotations.
  2. Diacritical marks not contained in Unicode need not be entered. There are many transliterations of Arabic words.
      For, Мух̣аммад-Ка̄зим will yield Мухаммад-Казим, sinceа̄ is not contained in Unicode.
  3. The engine also accommodates the old (pre-1918) Russian style However, revised Russian searches will yield only old Russian titles, title page datas and authors. Other data searches require old Russian entries.  
    1. The script eliminated by the 1918 revisions (іѢѣѲѳѴѵ) can be searched with either old or revised character entries.
        Conversion to revised characters may be done with і→И, ѣ→е, ѳ→ф and ѵ→и
        However, the conversion may not be applied to non-Russian titles.
        For example, изслѣдованіе will yield изследование, but факсимилѣта(Bulgarian title) will not yield факсимилета.
    2. Searches can be made without hard consonant endings.
         For example: Ивановъ will yield Иванов.   
  4. A portion of the results will enclose the name of the publisher in quotation marks (" "). For example: "Наука".
  5. The engine will accommodate English searches, but not Cyrillic.
Debut day:2007/3/22
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