Class index → V Northeast Asia

V Northeast Asia

Manchuria, Mongolia
A. Manchuria
B. Mongolia

A. Manchuria

1. General works, Geography
2. Anthropology, Ethnology
3. Natural science
4. Archaeology
5. History, Biography
6. Learning (Science)
7. Religion
  a. Aboriginal (Shamanism)
  b. Buddhism
  c. Christianity
8. Arts
9. Language, Literature
10. Custom, folklore and Social life
11. Politics, Finance, Law, Education
12. Medical science
13. Economy, Communication
14. Social problems
15. Military science

B. Mongolia

1. General works, Geography
2. Anthropology, Ethnology
3. Natural science
4. Archaeology
5. History, Biography
6. Learning (Science)
7. Religion
  a. Aboriginal (Shamanism)
  b. Buddhism
  c. Christianity
8. Arts
9. Language, Literature
10. Custom, folklore and Social life
11. Politics, Finance, Law, Education
12. Medical science
13. Economy, Communication
14. Social problems
15. Military science