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東洋文庫 モリソン文庫資料 分類検索
A search found 7 entries.
No. 詳細 CallMark Heading TitleAuthor
貴 XVII-11-B-73 Dollfus, Jean. Catalogue des objets d'art chinois et japonais porcelaines & Grés Emaux cloisonnés bronzes et objets variés de la Chine .... Collections de M. J. D. ....
貴 XVII-11-B-13 Goncourt. Arts de l'Extrème-Orient, objets d'art japonais et chinois, peintures estampes composant la collection des Goncourt dont la vente aura lieu Hotel Drouot 8-13 Mars 1897.
貴 XVII-11-B-20 Kay, Arthur. Catalogue de l'importante collection de M. Arthur Kay de Glasgow : laques du Japon des XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles.
貴 XVII-11-B-28 Matsuki, Bunkio. Catalogue of arms and armor of old Japan : examples of the famous Miyochin's and others celebrated for their work in metals, also important Chinese carved screen, cloissone, Japanese temple and palace carvings, and other objects of interest to amateurs and connoisseurs / gathered on a recent visit to Japan by Bunkio Matsuki.
貴 XVII-11-B-76 Nomura, Shojiro. Ancient Japanese and Chinese brocades Japanese color prints, the collection of Nomura Shojiro of Kioto : Nishiki and Kinran brocades and tapestries from 1400 to 1812.
貴 XVII-11-B-42 Oshima, Kano. Catalogue of an interesting collection of Chinese and Japanese art objects.
貴 XVII-11-B-50 Yamanaka & Co. A catalogue of a very choice collection of antique carvings and things Buddhistic removed from temples and palaces in Japan and China, which will be sold by auction.

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