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東洋文庫 モリソン文庫資料 分類検索
A search found 3 entries.
No. 詳細 CallMark Heading TitleAuthor
貴 I-6-A-b-5 The faiths of the world. A concise history of the great religious systems of the world.
貴 I-6-A-b-9 Giles, Herbert Allen, &c. Great religions of the world. By H.A.G., T.W. Rhys Davids, Osker Mann, Sir A. C. Lyall, D. Menant, Sir Lepel Griffin, Frederic Harrison, E. Denison Ross, the Rev. M. Gaster, the Rev. Washington Gladden, Cardinal Gibbons.
貴 I-6-A-b-14 Moore, George Foot. History of religions. In 2 vols. Vol. 1. China, Japan, Egypt, Babylonia, Assyria, India, Persia, Greece, Rome.

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