1. Please use jiantizi簡体字 characters for the search entries.
2. Searches will yield titles and authors (using characters or pinyin romanization), as well as table of contents titles, series names, publishing houses, locations and years.
| *Pinyin Searches: |
| | | ・Use half-byte Romanization. |
| | | ・Insert a space between each syllable |
| | | ・Do not enter diacritics |
| | | ・"ū" will be displayed as "u.". |
| | | | ex. | 敦煌吐鲁番研究 → dun huang tu lu fan yan jiu |
| | | | | 中国革命资料集 → zhong guo ge ming zi liao ji |
| | Insert a half-byte space or a comma followed by a half-byte space to designate family and given names and check OR. |
| | | | ex. | 毛泽东 → mao ze dong OR mao, ze dong |
3. Characters That Cannot Be Displayed
| ・ | In systems that cannot display UNICODE characters, characters will be followed by [uXXXX] codes. |
| ・ | Non-UNICODE characters will be displayed as 〓 followed by a [dXXXXX] code indicating the character number in Morohashi's Daikan-wa Jiten 大漢和辞典, Daishukan 大修館 Edition. |