データーベーストップ 香港銅版画・水彩画

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 人物画は、当時、清国に関連をもった欧米の政治家、軍人、商人たちが中心に描かれています。乾隆帝や大韓帝国の皇帝の像も入っています。 戦争&外交画では、清国と西欧諸国との間で行われた外交交渉や戦闘場面が描かれています。有名な「アヘン戦争図」(E-2-B-6)が入っています。


as of 2005/09/01

General view of Wei-hai-wei, to be leased to Great Britain when evacuated by the Japanese / F. C. D.

Entrance to Port Arthur from the Mansheying Forts / F. C. D.

Bird's eye view of Port Arthur / F. C. D.

Portion of eminence to left of Sseszetai Forts : w. coast of Wei-hei-wei / F. C. D. adfadsfasdfadsfaadfasdfadsfadsf

General view of Wei-hai-wei / F. C. D.

View of Wampooh, China / Owen, del. ; Wells, sc.

Vue de Manille, Philippines / dessine par Fisquet ; lith. par Sabatier ; imp. Lemercier, Benard et Ce.

Port de Manille, Philippines / dessine par Fisquet ; lith. par Guiaud ; fig. par Bayot ; imp. Lemercier, Benard et Ce.

Manille : pont [pour] le passig / dessine par Fisquet ; Ad. Cuvillier, lith. ; fig. par Bayot.

Douane de Manille, Philippines / dessine par Fisquet ; lith. par Villeneuve ; imp. Lemercier, Benard et Ce.

Eglise de Bidondo, a Manille, Philippines / dessine par Fisquet ; lith. par Bichebois ; fig. par V. Adam ; imp. Lemercier, Benard et Ce.

Une rue de Manille, Philippines / dessine par Fisquet ; lith. par Sabatier ; imp. Lemercier, Benard et Ce.

Vue de Macao, Chine / dessine par Lauvergne ; Sabatier, lith. ; fig. par Ferogio ; imp. Lemercier, Benard et Ce.

Pagode chinoise a Macao, Chine / dessine par Lauvergne ; lith. par Sabatier ; fig. par Bayot ; imp. Lemercier, Benard et Ce.

Couvent de la Guya a Macao, Chine / dessine par Lauvergne ; lith. par Bichebois ; fig. par V. Adam ; imp. Lemercier, Benard et Ce.

Village de Heong-chang, riviere de Canton, Chine / dessine par Lauvergne ; Sabatier, lith. ; fig. par Bayot ; imp. Lemercier, Benard et Ce.

Village de Chinao, Chine / dessine par Lauvergne ; lith. par Bichebois ; fig. par V. Adam ; imp. Lemercier, Benard et Ce.

Pagode aux environs de Canton, Chine / dessine par Fisquet ; lith. par A. Joly ; fig. par Bayot.

Fort de Canton, Chine / dessine par Fisquet ; lith. par Sabatier ; fig. par Bayot ; imp. Lemercier, Benard et Ce.

The north east view of the City of Victoria, capital of Hongkong / [painted] by J. Prendergast ; engraved by E. Duncan.

The river and city of Canton / from a drawing by Lt. Emerson, U.S.N.

View of Victoria : looking west from the garden of the Honorable John Walter Hulme, chief justice, Hong Kong / M. Bruce, archt. del. ; on stone by A. Maclure ; Maclure, Macdonald & Macgregor, lith.

Vue de Macao en Chine / dessine par Duche de Vancy ; grave par Masquelier.

British and foreign factories at Canton / Day & son lithrs. to the Queen.

Clippers in the China trade : this print of the Falcon F. Jauncey, Esq. Commander, and other clippers on the China coast ... / N. M. Condy, del. ; T. G. Dutton, lith. ; Day & Haghe, lithrs. to the Queen.

Second bar, China / Owen, del. ; Wells, sculp.

[Canton : six original drawings of buildings in and around Canton, of foreign ships at Whampoa, and of Honan, opposite Canton / by a Chinese artist, in Chinese ink and wash, in European style].

[Canton : six original drawings of buildings in and around Canton, of foreign ships at Whampoa, and of Honan, opposite Canton / by a Chinese artist, in Chinese ink and wash, in European style].

[Canton : six original drawings of buildings in and around Canton, of foreign ships at Whampoa, and of Honan, opposite Canton / by a Chinese artist, in Chinese ink and wash, in European style].

[Canton : six original drawings of buildings in and around Canton, of foreign ships at Whampoa, and of Honan, opposite Canton / by a Chinese artist, in Chinese ink and wash, in European style].

[Canton : six original drawings of buildings in and around Canton, of foreign ships at Whampoa, and of Honan, opposite Canton / by a Chinese artist, in Chinese ink and wash, in European style].

[Canton : six original drawings of buildings in and around Canton, of foreign ships at Whampoa, and of Honan, opposite Canton / by a Chinese artist, in Chinese ink and wash, in European style].

View in Macao / J. Webber, fecit., 1788.

View in Macao : including the residence of Camoens, when he wrote his Lusiad / J. Webber, fecit. 1788.

The European factories at Canton in China : to John Woolmore Esqr. ... / drawn, engraved & published by William Daniell.

A view of the celebrated Great Wall of China, which divides that Empire from Tartary, & was originally built to prevent the incursions of the Tartars / G. H. Millar, delin. ; Taylor, sculp.

Turris novizonia Sinensium.

Hongkong, from the gap looking into the Valley of Wung ni chong.

Canton in China / aus d. Kunstanst d. Bibliogr. Inst. in Hildbh.

Peking in China / aus d. Kunstanst d. Bibliogr. Inst. in Hildbh.

Singapore / C. Graham, del. ; A. H. Payne, sculps.

A View of Sinkicien in China, with Grand Pagoda near it.

A Pleasure house on the water, where ladies of the Imperial Court in China, amuse themselves with fishing.

The Summer house of a Mandarin, with an artificial causway, over a large piece of water.

Great navigable river of Sanwonhab in China, which runs between prodigious rocks, with the pagoda at the entrance / I. Caldwal, sculp.

The Imperial city of Peking, with a view of the Great Wall on the mountains, which seperates China & Tartary.

The Porcelane tower, at Nankin, in China / I. June, sc.

A Chinese triumphal arch, esteem'd the most elegant at Canton in China.

The Emperor of China's palace at Pekin / I. June, del., sculp.

The Fine river and pleasant town of Joesiwoe, in China, with a rice plantation / I. Caldwal, sculp.

A Summer Palace near Kiang in China, ornamented with artificial rocks.

A Chinese street on the side of a Canal, with the manner in which the shops are distinguish'd.

The Country seat of a provincial governor, built over an artificial cascade with pleasure house in the midst of a lake.

Anhing, ville dans la Chine.

La ville de Kancheu, en Chine.

La celebre ville de Kanton, une des principales de la Chine.

Plan de la ville de Quancheu, ou Kanton, Capitale de la Province de Quantung en Chine.

La ville de Kajutsiu, en Chine.

La ville de Kiangsi, en Chine.

La ville de Kinningfoe, dans la Chine.

Kinnungam, ville en Chine.

La ville de Kuching, en Chine.

Makou, ville de la Chine.

Le Fort Minjaceen, dans la Chine = Caftrum Meinjaceen.

La ville d'Aymuy, dans la Chine.

La ville de Namkvn, ou Nankang dans la Chine.

La ville de Nangan, dans la Chine.

La ville de Nanking, dans la Chine.

Nanking, ville capitale de la province de Nanquin, en Chine.

The pagoda, [Nanking].

Paolinx pagode a Nanking, dans la Chine.

Le dedans d'une pagode dans la Chine.

Plan d'une petite pagode dans la Chine.

Le dedans du Cour de l'Empereur de Chine a Peking = Interior aulae Imperatoriae facies = 't Keysers Hof van binnen.

Prospect of Ye. inner court of the Emperours Palace at Pekin / W. Hollar, f.

Depart de l'Ambassadeur d'Hollande de Focheu a Peking, dans la Chine.

Festin Imperial donne aux Ambassadeurs d'Hollande, a Peking, dans la Chine.

The grovnd plot & forme of Ye. Palace or Imperiall Court in Peking / W. Hollar, fecit.

Plan du Cour de l'Empereur de Chine a Peking.

Place ou les presens des Hollandois sont presentees aux Chinois, a Peking.

Reception de l'Ambassadeur d'Hollande devant Peking, par le Lipu, general des Chinois = The welcoming dor by the Lipu half an hower without the Towne Pecking = Welkomst door de Lipu een half uur buyten Pecking.

La ville de Pouching, dans la Chine.

Pulo Tymon, ile agreable des Indes Orientales ou croit la plante Betel.

La ville de Quemuy dans la Chine.

La ville de Single, dans la Chine.

Xaocheu ou Sucheu, ville de la Chine.

Hanchieu, ville dans la Chine : the chief citie of province of Chekiang.

Tonglingh, ville dans la Chine.

La ville de Tonglov, dans la Chine.

La ville de Tuncham, dans la Chine.

Ufu, ville dans la Chine.

La ville de Vannvngam, dans la Chine.

La ville de Xantsui dans la Chine.

La ville et le Chateau de Zelandia, dans l'ile de Tayovan, en Chine.

Representation du tour de porcelaine, dans la Chine.

La ville de Hitsiu, dans la Chine : in the province of Tzietkiang.

Hoaigan, une des grandes villes de la Chine.

La ville de Hvkoen, ou Hukeu, dans la Chine.

La ville de Jamcefv, dans la Chine.

Jemping, ville en Chine.


Namhung : ville de la Chine, sur la frontiere du Pays de Kanton. Pengce : bourg sur la riviere Kiang, dans la Chine. Taiko, ou Tayho : bourg sur la riviere Kan, dans le Pays de Kiangsi, dans la Chine. Fungching : Fungching, ville avec de fortes murailles, sur la riviere Kan, dans la Chine.

Koesuwen : village sur les Monts Sang won hab, dans le Pays de Kanton, dans la Chine. Sahu : village abondant en ris, du Pays de Kanton, dans la Chine. Faesan : village dans une campagne fertile, dans le Pays de Kanton, dans la Chine. Lantam : village sur le bord de la mer, dans le Pays de Kanton, dans la Chine.

Kiexui : bourg sur la riviere Kan, dans le Pays de Kiangsi, dans la Chine. Kiangsi : ville celebre dans la Chine. Ienping, ou Ienpingfoe : ville fur le bord occidental de la riviere Min, dans le Pays de Fokien, dans la Chine. Village flottant, ou plus de 200 familles avec leurs bestiaux demeurent, dans la Chine.

Chateau sur l'eau, dont deux defendent la ville de Kanton dans la Chine. Mongley : ville forte, dans le pays de Kanton, dans la Chine. Chateau d'Upun, sur le bord de la riviere Kiang, dans la Chine. Chateau de la ville de Tiencien, avec de tres fortes et hautes murailles sur la frontiere du pays de Peking, dans la Chine.

Mons Sang-won-hab = Montagne de Sang-won-hab : Sang-won-hab, montagne epouvantable dans le pays de Kanton, dans la Chine. Vyf Paards Hoofden : montagne dans la Chine, que les Tartares a cause de leur figure, nomment les 5. tetes de cheval. Agreables montagnes avec des fleurs, dans la Contree de Suytjeen, dans la Chine. Agreables montagnes et d'autres endroits de la Contree de Suitjeen, dans la Chine.

Rochers faits par art, dans le village Pekkinsa dans la Chine. Arc de triomphe magnifique, donton trouve beaucoup a Kanton, ville de la Chine. Le dehors dun Maison magnifique dans la Chine. Heytamon, avec ses ports et ses bayes dans la Chine.

Chines, ou Tours baties pres chaque ville de la Chine. Plan d'une Maison royale, ou d'un tres riche Mandarin, dans la Chine. Plan de la maison d'une riche Chinois, ou d'un Mandarin de condition mediocre. Plan d'une maison d'un Chinois de mediocre condition.

Paolinx, pagode avec une tour de porcelaine a Nanking dans la Chine. Teywanmiao : celebre pagode hors de Xantsui, dans le Pays Xantung, dans la Chine. Pagode admirable pres du bourg Sinkocien. Pagode et une tour a huit coins de go coudees de hauthors de Lincing, dans la Chine.

Pagode sur les Monts Sang-won-hab, dans le Pays de Kanton, dans la Chine. Quangguamiao : pagode artistement batie avec une tour, dans une compagne riante, dans la Chine. Pagode, avec une Chapelle une Montagne pres de la riviere Kan, dans la Chine. Pagode Kon-jan-siam : dans un montagne deserte, pres d'une riviere, dans le Pays de Kanton, dans la Chine.

Sinkocien : Sinkocien, bourg avec de belles murailles flanquees de Tours, ou l'on fait sentinelle dans la Chine. Tsisang : bourg et un Chateau sur le bord de la riviere Jaune, dans la Chine. Siampu : village entre le canal royal et la riviere jaune, dans la Chine. Tonnau : village vis a vis uafort Chateau, dans le Pays de Xantung, dans la Chine.

L'agreable ville de Sinkin, sur la riviere de Kan, dans Kiangsi, dans la Chine. Kyakya, ou Hiakiang : bourg sur la riviere Kan, dans Kiangsi, dans la Chine. Ucienjen : bourg qui abonde en vaisseaux et en porcelaine sur la riviere Kan, dans la Chine. Pekkinsa : village peuple et de trafic, avec ses hauts rochers, dans la Chine.

Toncsiou : ville avec de bons fossez, dans le Pays de Pekin, dans la Chine. Tachu, ou Ukiao : ville sur la riviere de Guei, dans la Pays de Xantung, dans la Chine. Sansianwey : ville du Pays de Pekin, dans la Chine. Tonquam : ville pres de la riviere de Guei, du cote Meridional, dans le Pays de Xantung, dans la Chine.

Tungchang : ville du Pays de Xantung dan la Chine. Ucin : bourg dans la Chine. Lincing : Lincing, belle ville marchande de la Chine, avec 2. forts Chateaux et un pont de bateaux. Cinningsiu : bourg dans le Pays de Xantung, dans la Chine.

Nankang : ville sur le bord de la riviere Chang, dans le Pays de Kiangsi, dans la Chine. Xanxui, ou Xantsui : ville dans le Pays de Kanton, dans la Chine. Ingtak : bourg sur une riviere agreable, dans le Pays de Kanton dans la Chine. Sanyuum : Sanyuum, bourg sur le bord d'une riviere dans le Pays de Kanton, dans la Chine.

Jejenieen, ou Loho : ville sur le bord de la riviere Kiang, dans la Chine. Jax Hinno : village de la Chine, avec 36 belles tours dedans, ou aux environs. Neynemiao : village dans le Pays de Nanking, dans la Chine. Kia-kia : village celebre, sur le Canal Royal Jun, dans le Pays de Xantung, dans la Chine.

Foeheen : ville du Pays de Peking, dans la Chine. Sanglo : ville au cote Meridional de la riviere de Guei vers la terre, dans la Chine. Ioesiwoe : ville sur le cote occidental de la riviere de Chaoleang, dans la Chine. Sinkicien : ville sur le cote Meridional de la riviere de Guei, dans la Chine.

Straet van Nanking : Maisons avec des marques devant comme des enseignes dans une rue de Nanking dans la Chine. Taytong : ville dans une Ile, au milieu de la riviere Kiang, dans la Chine. Taujenjeen : bourg dans une compagne fertile, dans la Chine. Paoing : ville sur le canal royal dans la Chine.

Brucke von Loyano in der Sinesischen : Provinz Fockien / J. W. Stor, fecit.

Whampoa in China : the view is taken from Danes Island, looking towards Canton, embracing Whampoa & junk rivers, with the surrounding picturesque scenery & including Whampoa pagoda & those near to Canton / painted by W. J. Huggins ; engraved by E. Duncan.

Whampoa in China.

View of Whampoa and bankshall, China / J. Moffat, sculp.

View of Canton / James Moffat, sculp.

30-3 Hongkong, &c. : as seen from the anchorage / drawn by Lieutt. L. G. Heath of H.M.S. Iris, 1846.

Hong Kong : from a painting by a Chinese artist / I. C. Bourne, delt. ; Standidge & Co., litho.

Hong Kong and the town of Victoria / drawn on the spot by the late Lieut. Bellairs, R. N. Admiralty Agent ; drawn on stone by B. Walker.

Kuchin een sineesche stadt in het lantschan Peking, aen de rivier Guei, de gemeene vryplaets der vluchtelingen van Sina en Korea / Pet Schenk.

A plan of the city of Peking / J. Andrews, sculp.

[The opium ships at Lintin, 1824].

[North view of the city of Victoria, 1843].

La ville d'Osacco.


[Lhassa : view of the Potala at Lhassa] / H. Nakasawa, K. Tamaki.

Macao / E. Hildebrandt.

Peking / E. Hildebrandt.

Peking / E. Hildebrandt.

Macao : Sing Song / E. Hildebrandt.

Macao, 1863 / E. Hildebrandt.

Macao, China / E. Hildebrandt.

Hong Kong : Piraten Strasse / E. Hildebrandt.

Hongkong / E. Hildebrandt.

Whampoo / E. Hildebrandt.

China, Ladrones / E. Hildebrandt.

[Panorama of Lanchow / by a Chinese artist].

Vue de Peckin : le Cour imperiale chinois a Peckin / grave par F. X. Habermann.

Le dedans du Palais de l'Empereur de Chine a Peking / P. van Blankaert, del. ; Georg Balthasar Probst, excud.

Vue de Nankin : vue de la rue des marchands chinoises a Nankin / grave par F. X. Habermann apres Neuhof.

Arc triomphal a Canton / P. van Blanckaert, del. ; G. G. Winckler, sculps. ; Georg Balthasar Probst, excud.

Whampoa in China : the view is taken from Danes Island, looking towards Canton, embracing Whampoa & junk rivers, with the surrounding picturesque scenery & including Whampoa pagoda & those near to Canton / painted by W. J. Huggins ; engraved by E. Duncan.

La Ville et le chateau de Zelandia dans l'ile de Tayovan.

Ontong Java ; Pays de van Diemen : van Diemens Land / I. V. Schley, direx.

The commercial traveller / Cloister.

Colonial Government / Ape.

A Lancashire lad / Spy.

China / Spy.

A manipulator of phrases / Spy.

Sir Robert Jardine / Spy.

Naval ordnance / Spy.

Little Harry / from a drawing by J. Tissot.

I regret to report / Jmp.

The Affghan frontier / Ape.

Li / Guth.

Siam / Spy.

The cape high commissioner / Spy.

An earnest African / Spy.

Afghan frontier / Spy.

St. Bernards / Spy.

Tokio / Spy.

Diplomacy / Spy.

Prince Henry of Orleans / Guth.

Polly / Spy.

Gunnery / Spy.

China in London / Spy.

China / Spy.

[Sir Cecil Clementi Smith] / Kyd.

A most discreet under secretary, drawn for the first time / Spy.

The man who won't stop / Ape.

North America and West Indies / Spy.

[Emperor of Korea] / Pry.

Persia and India / Spy.

On 1 China station / Pat.

The ever victorious army / Ape.

Chinese customs / Jmp.

[Chinese customs / Jmp].

Japan / Spy.

Right Hon. George N. Curzon, M.P.

The right honourable Lord Saltoun, C.B. / painted by Sir Thos. Lawrence ; engraved by W. H. Mote.

Robert Morrison, D.D. (1782-1834) / [by Turner after George Chinnery].

Griffith John.

Li Hung Chang / [tinted portrait by William Nicholson].

Li Hung Chang / H. Meyer.

Revo. James Legge, D.D. : President of the Theological Seminary, Hong Kong / [painted by H. Room ; engraved by J. Cochran].

Rev. James Legge, D.D. / painted by H. Room ; engraved by J. Cochran.

Your affectionate friend, Mary Isabella Legge / engd. by J. Cochran.

Revd. William C. Milne, M.A. / painted by H. Room ; engraved by J. Cochran.

Ferdinand Freiherr v. Richthofen / H. Hellhoff pinx.

Karl Gutzlaff / S. Altmann, del. & lith.

[Sir John Bowring] / painted by H. W. Pickersgill Esqre. R.A. ; engraved by Wm. Ward, engraver to His Majesty.

Conference between Commodore Sir James John Gordon Bremer, K.C.B., K.C.H., and Chang the Chinese Admiral (Governor of Chusan) and the chief Mandarins, on board H.M.Ship "Wellesley" Captn. Thomas Maitland on the 4th July 1840, in the harbour of Chusan, the evening before the taking of the island / dedicated to Sir James John Gordon Bremer by his friend Harry Darell ; [lithograph in colours by J. H. Lynch after Darell].

Quest' effigie del Revo. P. Filippo Grosso da Santia Minore osservante della Provincia Di S. Tommaso di Torino per lunga e perigliosa missione sostenuta nella Cina della religione benemeritissimo All'insigne merito dell' illmo Sigr. Conte Carlo Signoris Diburonzo Capitano nel reggimento di Piemonte R,,le in segno di devozione e d'ossequio, DDD / M. Beltrandi dis. e lit.

Loum Kiqua / D. Serres ad vivum pinxt. ; T. Burford fecit.

Tchien lung Ta whang tee = Tchien Lung, The great Emperor / W. Alexander delt. ; Collyer sculpt.

Sir Robert Hart : directeur general des douanes maritimes de l'Empire chinois chevalier de l'ordre de Saint-Georges et Saint-Michel / [by Mayall].

[Profile of Sir Henry Ellis, K.C.B. (1777-1855) / H. C.].

Commodore Sir Thomas Herbert, K.C.B. : commander in chief of H.M. Naval Forces, on the S.E. coast of America / J. H. Lynch lith.

Hanc Francisci Couplet, Societ. Jesu, ad Fidem Christianam inter Sinenses propagandam missi, imaginem ao. 1687 a Gothofredo Kneller Equite pictam ; et ex ipso archetypo in Arce Vindesoriana deposito expressam; Richardo Mead M.D. S.R.S. publicum suoe erga Virum Clarissimum observantiae testimonium. D.D.D. Johannes Faber, ao. 1736.

[Tuan Fang / steel engraving by W. Adolph from a photograph].

Admiral Lord Anson / [engraved by] A. Sanders.

General" Adiutant" N.N. Murav'ev".

P. Matthaeus Riccius Macerat e Soc. Jesu primo. Chrianae Fidei in Regno Sinarum propagator : [standing with] Lij Paulus Magnus Sinarum Colaus Legis Christianae propagator.

The effigies of Mr. Jno. Nieuhoff.

Elgin & Kincardine, [James Bruce, 8. Earl of Elgin and 12. Earl of Kincardine after the portrait / by Richmond].

[Sir] John Bowring / drawn by C. A. Du Val ; engraved by I. Stephenson.

P. Adam Schall Germanus I. Ordinis Mandarinus.

P. Ioannes Adamvs Schall, Hoochduytsch, vande Societeyt Iesv ende President vanden conincklyken opper-Raedt der Astrologie binnen de stadt van Pequin, in Sina daer hy 50 iaeren, met groote ghemeensaemheyt van verscheyden keysers, ende authoriteyt, het Catholyke Gheloof vervoordert heeft, AEtat. 79 / P. Clouwet fecit.

Sir John Walsham, 2n.d. Bart., K.C.M.G. / drawn by C. W. Walton.

Sir William Chambers, R. A. Treasr. / painted by Sir J. Reynolds ; engraved by S. W. Reynolds.

Earl Amherst / Herbert L. Smith, pinxt. 1836 ; James Posselwhite, sculpt. [1845?].

[Charles George Gordon / S. Llewellyn sc.].

John Barrow / painted by John Lucas ; engraved by G. T. Payne.

[Lord Macartney / engraving by Bartolozzi].

The Right Honorable Lord Macartney, Baron of Lissanoure & knight of the most ancient Royal order of the White Eagle & of the most Hon Order of the Bath / printed by M. Brown ; engraved by Henry Hudson.

[His Excellency of the Earl of Macartney, Embassador Extraordinary from the King of Great Britain to the Empire of China / painted by T. Hickey] ; engd. by I. Hall.

[Capt. Sherard Osborn / by J. Scott after Stephen Pearce].

Capt. Sherard Osborn Rev. 1861 / Stephen Pearce ; Herbert Davis.

James Gilmour, M.A., 1843-1891.

[Sir George Thomas Staunton / by W. Overend Celler after G. Swandale].

Vitte / gravirov. Vbobrob'.

Sir James Hope, Admiral of the Fleet, G.C.B. / painted by Sydney Hodges ; engraved by W. T. Davey ; printed by T. Brooker.

[Hsu Hsueh-ching] / Taon-te ; H. Adlard.

Captain Granville G. Loch, R.N., C.B. / painted by G. Richmond ; engraved by J. Brown.

The signing and sealing of the treaty of Nanking [in the State Cabin of H. M. S. Cornwallis, 29th August, 1842 ... with key-plate] / painted by Capt. John Platt ; engraved by John Burnet.

General Lord Wolseley, G.C.B., &c. &c. / painted by Frank Holl ; engraved by Richard Josey.

The Revd. Chas. Gutzlaff : the Chinese missionary in the dress of a Fokien sailor / painted by George Chinnery at Canton ; drawn on ston by R. J. Lane ; printed by C. Hullmandel.

[Robert Morrison (1782-1834) seated at table at which his Chinese secretary is writing, another Chinese standing / by Turner after George Chinnery].

Le venerable Pierre Dumoulin Borie elu Eveque d'Acanthe : Vic. Apost du Tongking occid. decapite pour la foi en Cochinchine le 24 Obre 1838 / Pincon lith. ; imp. Lemercier.

Lieut. General Lord Saltoun, K.T., K.C.B., G.C.H., &c. &c. &c. : knight of the Austrian order of Maria Theresa, & of the Russian order of St. George / painted by Sir Thomas Lawrence ; engraved by George Zobel ; printed by T. Brooker.

The Right Honorable William Pitt, Lord Amherst, governor general of India : from a picture / by Sir Thomas Lawrence painted for the Britain Factory at Canton, upon his lordships return from his embassy to China / painted by Sir Thos. Lawrence ; engraved by Chas. Turner.

[Sir Henry Pottinger : envoy in China 1840 : first British governor of Hongkong 1840 / by J. Bennett after Sir Francis Grant].

The Right Honble. The Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, K.T., G.C.B. / painted by F. Grant ; engraved by James Faed.

[Sir James Hope Grant (1808-1875) / by Scott after Sir Francis Grant].

[Viscount Hugh Gough / by G. Sanders after Sir Francis Grant].

Napier of Magdala / painted by Charles Mercier ; engraved by Charles Tomkins.

[Charles George Gordon] / T. L. Atkinson ; assisted by Saml. Cousins ; Lowes Dickinson.

Mandarin Esing of the Chinese junk / drawn on stone by F. Davignon from daguerreotype by P. Haas.

[Emperor of Korea] / Pry.

[Suite des seize estampes representant les conquetes de l'Empereur de la Chine / gravees sous la direction de C.N. Cochin fils].

Forcing the passage of the Bocca Tigris, in China : on the 7th and 9th Septr. 1834 by H.M.S. Imogene and Andromache : from obsevations made on board the Andromache, during the action with the forts / by William Skinner, R.N. ; lithograph & printed by G. E. Madeley.

Storming of Chusan heights, 1st. Oct. 1841 [by the sailors and marines from H.M.S. "Wellesley", Admiral Sir F. L. Maitland "Nemesis" W. H. Hall and "Phlegathon" Lt. J. J. McClaverty].

This plate representing the loss by fire of the Honble. E.I. Compy's. war steamer Madagascar Capt. James Minns Dicey, -in a typhoon, at the entrance of the Formosa Channel, whilst employed in the expedition against the Chinese, three boats out of four being lost, and fifty seven of the crew drowned, ... / painted by W. J. Huggins from original sketch by Capt. Dicey ; engraved by E. Duncan.

The Hon. E.I. Co. iron steam ship Nemesis, Lieut. W. H. Hall, R.N. Commander, with boats of Sulphur, Calliope, Larne, and Starling destroying the Chinese war junks, in Anson's Bay, Jany. 7th. 1841 ... / painted & engraved by E. Duncun

The Hon. E.I. Co. iron steam ship Nemesis, Lieut. W. H. Hall, R.N. Commander, destroying the Chinese war junks, in Anson's Bay, Jany. 7th. 1841 / painted & engraved by E. Duncun.

2-B-7-2 2-B-7-3 This view of the capture of Amoy, on the coast of China, on the 26th. August, 1841 by Her Majesty's combined forces, under Vice Admiral Sir William Parker, K.C.B. and Lieut. General Sir Hugh Gough, K.C.B. ... / Capt. R. B. Crawford, delt. ; H. Papprill, sculpt.

H.M.S. Plover & Young Hebe, the two vessels which surveyed the Coast of China from Shanghae to Hongkong, under Capt. Collinson, R.N., C.B. and Lieut. Bate, R.N. in 1842, 43, 44, 45.

Bombardment of the forts at the entrance of the Peiho river, 25th June, 1859 about half an hour after commencement as seen from the junks in which were the two battalions of marines commencement of action 2.30 PM / T. G. Dutton, lith. ; from drawing by Major W. G. R. Masters.

Landing to attack the Peiho forts by Royal Marines and seamen on the evening of the 25th June, 1859 / E. Walker, lith. ; from drawing by Major W. G. R. Masters.

View from the centre bastion south forts 1860 looking south shewing the southern Bastion attacked in 1859 and the ground over which storming party passed / E. Walker lith. ; from drawing by Major W. G. R. Masters.

At the stakes, mouth of the Peiho river 1860 / T. G. Dutton, lith. ; from drawing by Major W. G. R. Masters.

View of the south forts taken from H.M.S. Coromandel, 8th September 1860 / E. Walker, lith. ; from drawing by Major W. G. R. Masters.

Fort taken by assault 21st August in which was found an English 32 l.b. Gun / E. Walker, lith. ; from drawing by Major W. G. R. Masters.

The forts at the mouth of the Peiho river, from the fort that was stormed / T. G. Dutton, lith. ; from drawing by Major W. G. R. Masters.

Fort taken by assault by the allied forces, 21st August 1860 / E. Walker lith. ; from drawing by Major W. G. R. Masters.

Attack on the pirate squadron of Chuiapoo, off Tysami, China, on the night of the 28th. Septr. 1849 by H.M.S. Columbine J.C. Dalrymple Hay Esqr. Commr. / E. H. Cree, del. ; Dickinson & co., lith.

Destruction of the pirate squadron commanded by Chui Apoo, in Byas Bay, China, 1st October, 1849 by Her Majesty's sloop Columbine J. C. Dalrymple Hay Esqr. Commr. H.M. steem sloop, Fury, J. Willcox Esqr. Commr. & boats of H.M.S. Hastings / E. H. Cree, del. ; Dickinson & Co., lith.

Attack on, and destruction of, part of the pirate squadron of Shap-ng-tsai, in the gulf of Tonkin, on the 21st October 1849, by Her Majesty's sloop 'Columbine', J. C. Dalrymple Hay Esqr. Commr. H.M. steam sloop, Fury, J. Willcox Esqr. Commr. & Hon. E. I. Co's hired armed steam vessel, Phlegethon Mr. C. J. Neblett, Commr. with two boats of H.M.S. Hastings / E. H. Cree, del.; Dickinson & Co., lith.

Portraits of the chiefs at the Biritish factory in Canton.

[Destruction of the Bogne forts].

[Macao passage and British shipping previous to attack on Canton].

[Attack on Canton from the heights at the back of the city].

[Burning of the foreign factories].

Attack and capture of the forts at the entrance of the river Pei ho, China, on the 20th May 1858, by the allied British and French gun boats and boats of the squadron of the gulf of Pechili : from a sketch / by F. B. B. ; T. Picken, lith.

Engagement with the Tae-ping Rebels at Nanking, by Her Majesty's ships Furious, Retribution, Cruizer, Dove and Lee on the 20th of November 1858, during their passage up the Yang-tse-Kiang / from a sketch by F. Le B. B. ; T. G. Dutton, chromolith.

Fort Tung-chaw. Mr. Wade with a flag of truce demands the release of the prisoners.

Firing on the flag of truce sent to demand the release of the prisoners.

Action of Pa-lee-chaio : a rencontre on the field during the action.

General de Montauban receives a message from Sir Hope Grant to push the enemy towards the Pa-la-bridge.

The return of the prisoners, identification of the bodies by moonlight.

Bivouac of the Commander-in-Chief at Pehtang.

The reconnaissance 9th of August.

Sir Hope Grant and staff land at Pahtang.

Admiral Seymour gibt bei dem Ruckzuge auf Tientsin den Befehl : "The Germans to the front!" 22. Juni 1900 / C. Rochling prinxit. ; Georg Buxenstein & Comp.

The European Chinese fleet : [six large ships in full sail, i.e., "China", "Tientsin", "Pekin", "Amoy", "Kwang Tung", "Keang Soo". mountains in background / lithograph in colours by T. G. Dutton].

Pokorenie Sibiri / V.I. Surikov".

Afbeelding van dat gedeelte van Batavia, alwaar eigentlyk de Schrikaelyke Slagting der Chinezen, na de Ontdekking van hun verraad, geschied is, der 9. Octob. 1740.

The reception of the diplomatique & his suite, at the Court of Pekin / Js. Gy. design et fecit.

Representation of the Chinese court of justice at the British factory of Canton on the 8th of March 1807 / on stone by M. Gauci ; printed by Graf & Soret.

[Representation of the Chinese court of justice at the British factory of Canton on the 8th of march 1807 / on stone by M. Gauci ; printed by Graf & Soret].

The battle of muddy flat : April 4, 1854.

China in the Bull-shop : chorus of rival shop keepers (outside) "wonder if he's going to by anything here? We hav'nt got any orders out of him".

Giving him a lift : Farmer Bull (to John Chinaman) "You stick to me, Johnny We'll go to market together, and I'll see that no one "bests you!!".

A Chinese puzzle : Sentry "Who goes there?" Li Hung Chang. "Friend! You know me very well a friend to every body?" Sentry "H'm! Give the Countersign!!".

A legacy of discord : Chinaman "You alee chop-chop me now, but welly soon forrin devil chop-chop forrin devil!".

The Imperial charioteer : "The national review" (China) : souvenir of the coronation.

The action at Port Arthur.

Panoramic map of the Liaotung Peninsula and Port Arthur showing relative positions of the opposing armies.

Carte du theatre de la guerre russo-japonaise / dressee par Emmanuel Barralier.

Michie's deer (Lophotragus Michianus).

The sweet scented water, and compleat mountains : a view of some of houses, for the residence of the Emperor of China, & several of his concubines.

A perfume is best from a far : other apartments for ladies.

The vapour of the earth, covers the houses on the montain : a pallace for affairs of state.

The two lakes like two looking glasses : a view of the place where the pleasure boats are sent for the service of the Emperor & his mistresses.

The many rivers and air, that breaths from the pine tree, its partner : apartments where the Europeans, were employ'd by the Emperor.

The limpid stream of the fountain that encompasses the rocks : ladies apartment.

The gentle murmur, of the winds and water : a pallace for the Emperor to eat fruit in an afternoon.

The great rock and black tree : a view of a pleasure room, on a high mountain, & an odd piece of rock much bigger on the top than at bottom, & as high as the girt of thirty men.

The figure of heaven is all delightful : a view of the temple serv'd by Eunuchs, & of the delicious round island it stands upon.

The waters like a looking glass, and the mountains like clouds : another view of the temple serv'd by Eunuchs.

The shining of the sun, on the limpid waters : a view of the Emperors pleasure house & flower garden.

The place for thinking : a pleasure house in view of a very pretty little island.

[Water colour sketch of a pagoda : river scene with boats].

Opium smokers and gamblers in one of their secret nightly haunts / drawn on the spot by Sir Harry Darell Bart ; on stone by J. H. Lynch.

Chinese punishment of the rack.

Der Theebau in China / herausgegeben v. M. Trentsensky.

The process of planting, growing & curing tea : from the original drawings in the collection of Coll. Harcourt / J. Clarke & H. Merke, sculpt.

The Chinese junk "Keying" : Capt. Kellett, as she appeared in New York harbour July 13th. 1847, 212 days from Canton, 720 tons burthen / lith. & pub. by N. Currier.

The Royal Chinese junk, Keying : the first vessel of Chinese construction which ever reached Europe, now on view at the temple-bar pier, Essex St. Strand London, manned by a Chinese crew, under the command of the Mandarin Hesing, of Canton, the preparer of the celebrated Hesing's mixture of royal Chinese junk teas.

Keying : this remarkable vessel is a junk of the largest class and is the first ship which has ever reached Europa, ... .

A view at Bolcheretzkoi, in Kamtschatka / J. Webber del. ; P. Benezech sc.

A view of the town and harbour of St. Peter and St. Paul, in Kamtschatka / J. Webber del. ; B. T. Pouncy sc.

A man of Kamtschatka / J. Webber del. ; W. Sharp sc.

A woman of Kamtschatka / J. Webber del ; W. Sharpe sc.

Summer and winter habitations in Kamtschatka / J. Webber, de. ; S. Smith sc.

The inside of a winter habitation, in Kamtschatka / J. Webber, del ; W. Sharp sculp.

A map of China prepared for the China Inland Mission.

Map of China : showing the distribution of the missionary body / prepared in the office of the China Continuation Committee.

China : map of missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church / C. H. Morgan.

Political railway map of China.

Imperial railways of North China.

Carte du chemin de fer de Lao-kay a Yunnanfou / Societe de Construction de chemins de fer indo-chinois.

50 each maps / Morrison & Gratton.

[Shanghai, "New harbour-bunding lines"].

Telegraph lines of China / W. P. Chow and C. Chr. Sonne.

China : postal working map / Inspectorate General of Customs and Post.

Chinese imperial postal route-map / Inspectorate General of Imperial Chinese Posts.

General geological map of Korea / compiled by K. Inouye.

Karta linii Ova : Kitasikoi Vostochnoi J. D.

Map to illustrate roads in Manchuria and North Corea : taken from map in Japanese Intelligence Dept.

Japan and Korea : map of missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church / C. H. Morgan.

The new route from London and Paris to Egypte, India and China ... / Wertheimer & Co. lith.

General plan of K.F.R.R. line : Yongtong po to Suwon.

The chart showing the plague deaths rates occurring in Manchuria during the last six months.

The chart showing the no. of deaths prom [i.e. from] plague on an average per 1000.

Principali persone componenti la marcia / Anda Bernieri, dis. inc.

Mura del Palazzo Imperiale di Pe-kin / Anda Bernieri, dis. e incise.

Mura di Pe-kin / Anda Bernieri, incise.

Peristilio d' Yuen-ming-yuen / Anda Bernieri, dis. e inc.

Ritratti di Imperatori e uomini celebri / Bernieri, inc.

Antico Imperatore nel suo carro / Bernieri, inc.

Imperatore tartaro-chinese e mandarino / And. Bernieri, dis. inc.

L'esterno della sala del trono / Bernieri, dis. inc.

Trono e scettro / Bernieri, inc.

Imperatore Kien-long portato in trionfo / Anda Bernieri, inc. e.

Carro da guerra / And. Bernieri, inc.

Imperatori e mandarini nel loro abito antico / Anda Bernieri, inc.

Mandarini militari / Bernieri, inc.

Infanteria / Bernieri, inc.

Soldato nel suo completo uniforme / Bernieri, inc.

Cavalleria chinese / Bernieri, incise.

Grande Muraglia / Bernieri, inc. e dis.

Bonzi / Luigi Giarre pitt, inc.

Bonzo in abito di ceremonia / L. Giarre, inc.

Pianta di una pagode / Anda Bernieri, dis. e incise.

Cappelletta di campagna / Anda Bernieri, incise.

Cerimonie nuziali / Anda Bernieri, dis. e incise.

Casa di un mandarino / Anda Bernieri, inc.

Cerimonie funebri / Anda Bernieri, dis. inc.

Erpice strascinato da un buffalo / Anda Bernieri, incise.

Piantagione del riso / Anda Bernieri, incise.

Aratro, seminatojo ec. / Anda Bernieri, incise.

Maniera di innafflare le terre / Anda Bernieri, incise.

Templi antichi / Anda Bernieri, inc.

Pagode di Ho-nan / Anda Bernieri, dis. e inc.

Corte della sala di udienza / Anda Bernieri, dis. e inc.

Torre di Nan-kin / Anda Bernieri dis e incise.

Rappivesentazione drammatica / Anda Bernieri, incise.

Abiti de cittadini, e de contadini / Anda Bernieri, incise.

Abiti delle donne / Anda Bernieri, incise.

Donne della provincia di kiang-nan piedi delle donne cinesi / Anda Bernieri, inc.

Giuocatori / Anda Bernieri, dis. e incise.

Castello Zelanda / Anda Bernieri, incise.

Abitanti dell'isola di Formosa / Anda Bernieri, incise.

Casa di un particolare / Anda Bernieri, dis. e inc.

Arco di cantone di Ce-ceu-fu, &c: / Anda Bernieri, incise.

Camera, e suppellettili / Anda Bernieri, dis. inc.

Ponti / Anda Bernieri, incise.

Strada di Nan-kin / Anda Bernieri, incise.

Glanusk park, the seat of Joseph Bailey Esqr. M.P. / A. J. R.

A historical chart of the Muslim world / by Ibrahim Gomaa.

Mahakaruna-garbha mandala : cosmogram of the matrix of supreme compassion / Lokesh Chandra.

Carte generale des grandes communications telegraphiques du monde dressee d'apres des documents officiels / par Le Bureau international des administrations telegraphiques.

Missions Catholiques en Chine / par le P. J.-B. Prud'homme, S. J.

Periods of Chinese history and parallelism with that of the West / by Thomas Francis Carter.