Database ListClassification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko → 検索結果            

Classification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko
A search found 13 entries.
No. 詳細 CallMark Heading TitleAuthor
貴 XVII-17-H-b-1 Russia. Ministère des Affairs Etrangères. Recueil de documents diplomatiques concernant les négociations en vue de la conclusion d'une convension de pêche entre la Russie et le Japon, Août, 1906-juillet, 1907.
貴 XVII-17-H-b-2 Russia. Procès-Verbaux de la conférence pour la conclusion d'un traité de commerce et de navigation entre la Russie et le Japon 1906-1907.
XVII-17-H-b-3 Price, Ernest Batson. The Russo-Japanese treaties of 1907-1916 concerning Manchuria and Mongolia.
XVII-17-H-b-4 Treaty of commerce and navigation between Japan and the United States of America. Signed at Washington, 22nd day of the 11th month, 27th year of Meiji, Ratifications exchanged at that City, 21st day of the 3rd month, 28th year of Meiji.
貴 XVII-17-H-b-5 Руссія. Министерство Иностранныхъ Дѣлъ. Протоколы портсмутской мирной конференціи и текстъ договора между Россіею и японіею, заключеннаго въ Портсмутѣ : 23 Августа (5 Сентября) 1905 года.
XVII-17-H-b-6 Japan. Department of Foreign Affairs. The Washington Conference, 1921-22. Treaties & resolutions.
XVII-17-H-b-7 Japan. Department of Foreign Affairs. The convention embodying basic rules of the relations between Japan and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and protocols with declaration, exchanged notes, annexed note and protocol of signature.
貴 XVII-17-H-b-8 Great Britain. Parliament. Japan, no. 1 (1902). Despatch to His Majesty's Minister at Tôkiô forwarding agreement between Great Britain and Japan of January 30, 1902.
貴 XVII-17-H-b-9 Great Britain. Parliament. Japan, no. 1 (1911). Treaty of commerce and navigation between Great Britain and Japan, signed at London, April 3, 1911, together with a prefatory note and a apendices.
貴 XVII-17-H-b-10 Great Britain. Parliament. Japan. Convention between Her Majesty and the Emperor of Japan. Signed at Nagasaki in the English and Japanese languages, October 14, 1854.
貴 XVII-17-H-b-11 Great Britain. Parliament. Treaty of peace, friendship, and commerce between Her Majesty and the Tycoon of Japan. Signed in the English, Japanese and Dutch languages at Yedo, August 26, 1858.
貴 XVII-17-H-b-12 Great Britain. Parliament. Japan, no. 1 (1876). Correspondence respecting the treaty between Japan and Corea.
貴 XVII-17-H-b-13 Great Britain. Parliament. Japan, no. 1 (1894). Correspondence respecting the revision of the treaty arrangements between Great Britain and Japan.

Database ListClassification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko → 検索結果