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Classification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko
A search found 54 entries.
No. 詳細 CallMark Heading TitleAuthor
XVI-6-A-9 Ibn Haldūn, γAbd al-Raḥman ibn M. Šifā'-us-Sā'il litahzīb-il-Masā'il. Apaisement à qui cherche comment clarifier les problèmes. Edition, introduction et vocabulaire technique par le Père Ignace-Abdo Khalifé.
XIV-9-B-1 Schaich Sālih Aschscharīf Attūnisī, ḥaqīqat aldschihād. Die Wahrheit über den Glaubenskrieg. Aus dem Arabischen übersetzt von Karl E. Schabinger. Mit einem Geleitwort von Martin Hartmann.
XIV-9-B-2 Ḣunain ibn Isḥâq, al-γIbādī. Die Sittensprüche der Philosophen "Kitâb âdâb al-falâsifa" von Honein ibn Isḥâq. In der Überarbeitung des Muḥammed ibn 'Alî al-Anṣârî, von Phil. Karl Merkle.
XIV-9-B-3 Sbath, Paul, ed. Vingt Traités, philosophiques et apologétiques d'auteurs arabes chrétiens du IXe au XIVe siècle. Publiés pour la 1re fois et annot....
XIV-9-B-4 Muḥammad ibn 'Abd al-Karīm, al-Shahrastānī. Book of religious and philosophical sects, by Muhammad al-Shahrastáni. Now first ed. fr. the collation of several MSS. by the Rev. William Cureton.
XIV-9-B-5 Vloten, G[erholf] van. Ein arabischer Naturphilosoph im 9. Jahrhundert (el-Dschâhiz). Aus dem Holländischen (mit einigen Zusätzen) übertragen von O. Rescher.
XIV-9-B-6 Gregory (Abu al-Faraj) called Bar-Hebaeus. Traité sur l'âme, par Bar-Hebraeus... ... publié pour la 1re fois d'après 2 manuscrits conservés dans la Bibl. d. Manuscrits... et annonté par le P. Paul Sbath.
XIV-9-B-7 Muḥammad ibn Jarīr, al-Ṫabarī. The book of religion and empire. A semi-official defence and exposition of Islām written by order at the court and with the assistance of the Caliph Mutawakkil (A.D. 847-861). By 'Ali Tabari. Tr. with a critical apparatus ... by A. Mingana.
XIV-9-B-8 [Moses ben Maimon.] Die Seelenhygiene des Maimonides. Auszug aus d. III. Kap. d. diätetisch. Sendschreibens d. Maimoides an d. Sultan Al malik Alafdhal. (ca. 1198). zum ersten Male nach einer Oxforder arabischen u. Münchener hebräischen Handschrift herausg., übers. u. kritisch beleuchtet von Rabbiner Dr. Kroner.
XIV-9-B-9 Gottschalk, Walter. Das Gelübde nach älterer arabischer Auffassung.
XIV-9-B-10 Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad, al-Ghazzālī. Über Intention, reine Absicht und Wahrhaftigkeit. Das 37. Buch von Al-Ġazālī's Hawptwerk. Üebersetzt u. erlaütert von Hans Bauer.
XIV-9-B-11 Elias bar Shināyā, Metropolitan of Nisibis. Massime di Elia Metropolitano di Nisibi (975-1056). Testo arabo curato e pubblicato per la prima volta, con traduzione italiana e francese, dal R. P. Paolo Sbath.
XIV-9-B-12 Muḥammad ibn Ahmad, called Ibn Rushd, or Averroes. Kitāb Faṣl al-Maqāl. With app. (Ḍamīma) & an extr. fr. Kitāb al-Kashf γan Manāhij al-Adilla. Arabic text, ed. by George F. Hourani.
XIV-9-B-13 Ḣusain ibn γAbd Allāh (Abu γAlī) called Ibn Sinā. Psychologie d'Ibn Sīnā (Avicenne) d'après son oeuvre Aš-Šifā'. Éd. et tr. en Fr. par Ján Bakoš.
XIV-9-B-14 Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad (Abū Naṣr), al-Fārābī. Āl-Fārābī, Fuṣūl al-Madanī. Aphorisms of the statesman. Ed. with an English tr., introd., & notes by D.M. Dunlop.
XIV-9-B-15 Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, called Ibn Rushd, or Averroes. Averroes' Tahafut al-Tahafut (The incoherence of the incoherence). Tr. fr. the Arabic with intro. & notes by Simon van Den Bergh.
XIV-9-B-16 Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad, al-Ghazzālī. Al-Ghazali's Tahafut al-Falasifah (Incoherence of the philosophers.) Tr. into Eng. by Sabih Ahmad Kamali.
XIV-9-B-17 Ess, Josef van. Traditionistische Polemik gegen γAmr b. γUbaid. Zu einem Text des γAlī b. γUmar ad-Dāraquṭnī.
XIV-9-B-18 Brönnle, Paul, ed. Die Staatsleitung von Alfārābī. Eine metaphysische und ethisch-politische Studie eines arabischen Philosophen.
XIV-9-B-19 Averroes. Averroes' Tahafut al-Tahafut (The incoherence of the incoherence). Tr. fr. the Arabic with introd. & notes by Simon van den Bergh.
XIV-9-B-21 Miskawayh. Traité d'éthique (Tahḏīb al-'aẖlāq wa taṭhīr al-'ā'rāq). Traduction française avec introduction et notes par Mohammed Arkoun.
XIV-9-B-22 Фараби. Социально-этические трактаты / Аль-Фараби.
XIV-9-B-23 Nakamura, Kojiro. Ghazali on prayer.
XIV-9-B-24 al-Gẖazālī, [Abu ḥāmid Muḥammad]. Scritti scelti. Ed. by Laura Veccia Vaglieri & Roberto Rubinacci.
XIV-9-B-25 Makdisi, George. Le livre de la dialectique d'Ibn γAqīl.
XIV-9-B-26 Фараби. Философские трактаты / Аль-Фараби.
XIV-9-B-27 Таукелев, Айдарат Нурекелевич. Государственно-правовые взгляды аль-Фараби / А. Н. Таукелев, Г. С. Сапаргалиев.
XIV-9-B-28 Фараби. О разуме и науке / Аль-Фараби.
XIV-9-B-29 Фараби. Логические трактаты / Аль-Фараби.
XIV-9-B-30 al-Djahiz de Basra, Abou Othman Amr ibn Bahr. Le livre des avares, par Abou Othman Amr ibn Bahr al-Djahiz de Basra. Texte arabe, publié d'après le manuscrit unique de Constantinople, par G. van Vloten.
XIV-9-B-31 Gautier, Lucien, ed. & tr. La perle précieuse (ad-Dourra al-Fâkhira) de Ghazâlî, 450-505 A.H. Traité d'eschatologie musulmane. Texte arabe, publié d'après les manuscrits de Leipzig, de Berlin, de Paris et d'Oxford. Accompagné d'une traduction en Français, des variantes, des notes critiques et une introduction.
XIV-9-B-32 Хайруллаев, Музаффар Мухитдинович. Фараби : эпоха и учение / М. Хайруллаев.
XIV-9-B-33 Иванов, Анзор Самсонович. Учение аль-Фараби о познабательных способностях / А. С. Иванов.
XIV-9-B-34 Ибн Сина, Абу Али. Избранные произведения / Абу Али ибн Сина.
XIV-9-B-35 Hazrat Ali. Nahjul Balagha of Hazrat Ali.
XIV-9-B-36 Leder, Stefan. Ibn al-Ǧauzī und seine Kompilation wider die Leidenschaft. Der Traditionalist in gelehrter Überlieferung und originärer Lehre.
XIV-9-B-37 al-Fārābī, Abū Naṣr. Al-Farabi on the perfect state. Abū Naṣr al-Fārābī's Mabādi' ārā' ahl al-madīna al-fāḍila. A revised text with introduction, translation, and commentary by Richard Walzer.
XIV-9-B-38 Фараби. Историко-философские трактаты : перевод с арабского / Аль-Фараби.
XIV-9-B-39 Farabi. Deux traités philosophiques. L'harmonie entre les opinions des deux sages, le divin Platon et Aristote et de la religion. Introd., traduction et notes par Dominique Mallet.
XIV-9-B-40 Ибн Сина, Абу Али. Избранные философские произведения / Ибн Сина (Авиценна).
XIV-9-B-41 Ehrig-Eggert, Carl, tr. Die Abhandlung über den Nachweis der Natur des Möglichen von Yaḥyā ibn γAdī.
XIV-9-B-42 Qōnawī, Ṣadr ud-Dīn. Annäherungen : der mystisch-philosophische Briefwechsel zwischen Ṣadr ud-Dīn-i Qōnawī und Naṣīr ud-Dīn-i Ṭūsī / edition und kommentierte inhaltsangabe von Gudrun Schubert.
XIV-9-B-43 The World of Ibn Ṭufayl : interdisciplinary perspectives on ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān / edited by Lawrence I. Conrad.
XIV-9-B-44 Sahebozzamani, Mohammed-Hassan. Das Verhaltnis von Religion und Philosophie bei al-Farabi / vorgelegt von Mohammed-Hassan Sahebozzamani.
XIV-9-B-45 Taghi, Shokoufeh. The two wings of wisdom : mysticism and philosophy in the Risālat uṭ-ṭair of Ibn Sina / by Shokoufeh Taghi.
XIV-9-B-46 Фараби. Избранные трактаты : перевод с арабского / Аль-Фараби.
XIV-9-B-47 Ali, Imam. Nahjul-Balagha (the style of eloquence) : the written and spoken words of Imam Ali, successor to the Prophet Muhammad / collected by Sharif Razi in Arabic ; translated from Arabic into Persian by Mohsen Farsi ; re-translated into English from Persian by Alaeddin Pazargadi ; edited by Ali Bahrami.
XIV-9-B-48 Даукеева, Саида Диасовна. Философия музыки Абу Насра Мухаммада Аль-Фараби / Саида Даукеева.
XIV-9-B-49 Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʾ. On arithmetic and geometry : an Arabic critical edition and English translation of Epistles 1-2 / edited and translated by Nader El-Bizri, with a foreword.
XIV-9-B-50 Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʾ. On music : an Arabic critical edition and English translation of Epistle 5 / edited and translated by Owen Wright ; foreword by Nader el-Bizri.
XIV-9-B-51 Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʾ. The case of the animals versus man before the King of the Jinn : an Arabic critical edition and English translation of Epistle 22 / edited and translated by Lenn E. Goodman and Richard McGregor ; foreword by Nader el-Bizri.
XIV-4 Гафуров, Б. Г., отв. ред. Ал-Фараби : научное творчество : сборник статей / ответственный редактор Б. Г. Гафуров.
XIV-5 Гафуров, Бободжан Гафурович. Ал-Фараби в истории культуры / Б. Г. Гафуров, А. Х. Касымжанов.
XIV-9-B-52 Shahrastānī, Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd al-Karīm. Struggling with the philosopher : a refutation of Avicenna's metaphysics : a new Arabic edition and English translation of Muḥammad b. ʿAbd al-Karīm b. Aḥmad al-Shahrastānī's Kitāb al-Muṣāraʿa / [edited and translated] by Wilferd Madelung and Toby Mayer.

Database ListClassification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko → 検索結果