Database ListClassification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko → 検索結果            

Classification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko
A search found 13 entries.
No. 詳細 CallMark Heading TitleAuthor
XII-9-A-f-1 Ui Hakuju. The Vaiśesika philosophy according to the Daśapadārtha-Śāstra: Chinese Text with introduction, translation, and notes.
XII-9-A-f-2 Faddegon, B. The Vaiçeṣika-system, described with the help of the oldest texts.
XII-9-A-f-3 Mahā-Deva, called Vādīndra. The Rasasāra of Bhaṭṭa Vādīndra. Ed. with introduction &c., by Gopīnātha Kavīrāja.
XII-9-A-f-4 Viśvanāṭha Pancānana Bhaṭṭācarya. Kālikavalī, Nyāyasiddhāntamuktāvalī ca. Śrī Rāmarudra Bhaṭṭācarya viracitta Rāmarudrītīka sahitayā, Śrīmad Bhāradvāja Dinakara Bhaṭṭa viracita Dinakarīvyākyayopetā.
XII-9-A-f-5 Annam Bhaṭṭa. Le compendium des topiques (Tarkasaṃgraha). Avec des extr. de trois comment. ind. (texte et tr.) et un comment. par A. Foucher.
XII-9-A-f-6 Kṛishṇa-Dāsa Sārvabhauma. Anumānadīdhiti-prasārinī. With Tattvacintāmaṇi and Dīdhiti, ed. by Pandit Prasanna Kumar Tarkanidhi. Fasc. 1-3.
XII-9-A-f-6 Sārvabhauma, Kṛishṇa-Dāsa. Anumāna dīdhiti prasārini by Krishna Das Sarvavhauma : with Tattvacintāmani and Didhiti / edited by Pandit Prasanna Kumar Tarkanidhi.
XII-9-A-f-7 Ui, Hakuju, tr., introd. & annot. The Vaiśeshika philosophy. According to the Daśapadārtha-Śāstra Chinese text with introduction, transaltion and notes by H. Ui. Edited by F. W. Thomas. 2nd ed.
XII-9-A-f-8 Chemparathy, George. An Indian rational theology. Introduction to Udayana's Nyāyakusumāñjalī.
XII-9-A-f-9 Türstig, Hans-Georg. Über Entstehungsprozesse in der Philosophie des Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika-Systems.
XII-9-A-f-11 Tachikawa, Musashi. The structure of the world in Udayana's realism : a study of the LakṣaṇāvalĪ and the KiraṇāvalĪ / by Musashi Tachikawa.
XII-9-A-f-12 Miyamoto, Keiichi. The metaphysics and epistemology of the early Vaiśeṣikas : with an appendix Daśapadārthī of Candramati (a translation with a reconstructed Sanskrit text, notes and a critical edition of the Chinese version) / by Keiichi Miyamoto.
XII-9-A-f-10 Гостеева, Е. И. Философия вайшешика / Е. И. Гостеева.

Database ListClassification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko → 検索結果