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詳細 |
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XII-9-A-e-1 |
Maheśa Candra Nyayaratna, Mahāmahopādhyay. |
Brief notes on the modern Nyāya system of philosophy and its technical terms. (Read at the nineth Internat. Congress of Orient., 1891.) |
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XII-9-A-e-2 |
Ruben, Walter. |
Die Nyāyasūtra's Text, Übersetzung, Erläuterung und Glossar. |
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XII-9-A-e-3 |
Potter, Karl H. |
The Padārthatattva-nirūpaṇam of Raghunātha Siromaṇi. (A demonstration of the true nature of the things to which words refer) |
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XII-9-A-e-4 |
Viśvanātha Nyāya-Pañcānana. |
Bhāṣāpariccheda, with Siddhāntamuktāvalī. Tr. by Swāmī Mādhavānanda. 2nd ed. |
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XII-9-A-e-5 |
Bhavānanda Siddhāntavāgīśa. |
Tattvacintāmaṇi-dīdhiti-prakāśa. With Tattvacintāmaṇi and Dīdhiti Anumāṇakhaṇḍa. |
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XII-9-A-e-5 |
Bhavānanda Siddhāntavāgīśa. |
Tattvacintāmaṇi-dīdhiti-prakāśa. With Tattvacintāmaṇi & Dīdhiti. Ed. by Mahāmahopādhyāya Guru Charana Tarkadarshanatirtha. |
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XII-9-A-e-6 |
Gupta, Brahmânanda. |
Die Wahrnehmungslehre in der Nyāyamañjarī. |
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XII-9-A-e-7 |
Chattopadhyaya, De biprasad & Gangopadhyaya, Mrinalkanti. |
Nyāya philosophy. Literal translation of Gautama's Nyāya sutra and Vātsyāyana's Bhāṣya along with a free and abridged translation of the elucdation by Mahāmahopādhyāya Phaṇibhūṣaṇa Tarkavāgīśa. |
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XII-9-A-e-8 |
Gaṅgeśa Upādhyāya. |
The Tattvacintāmaṇi. With the commentary of Mathurā Nātha Tarkavāgīśa. V. 1. Pratyakṣa khaṇḍa. Edited by Pandit Kāmākhya Nātha Tarkavāgīśa. English introduction by Satis Chandra Vidyābhūṣaṇa. Repr. |
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XII-9-A-e-9 |
Udayanācārya. |
Ātmatattvaviveka, or, Bauddhādhikāra : a refutation of Buddhistic metaphysics / by Udayanācārya ; with the commentaries of Śaṅkara Miśra, ... [et al] ; edition begun by Mahāmahopādhiyāya Vindhyeśvarīprasāda Dvivedin and continued by Paṇḍita Lakshmaṇa Śāstrī Drāviḍa. |
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XII-9-A-e-9 |
Udayanācārya. |
Ātmatattvaviveka, or Bauddhādhikāra. A refutation of Buddhistic metaphysics. With the commentaries of Śaṅkara Miśra, Bhagīratha Ṭhakkura, Ragunātha Tārkikaśiromaṇi, Mathurānātha Tarkavāgīśa, etc. Edition begun by Mahāmahopādhyāya Vindhyeśvarīprasāda Dvivedin, and continued by Paṇḍita Lakshmaṇa Śāstrī Drāviḍa. |
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XII-9-A-e-11 |
Spitzer, Moritz. |
Begriffsuntersuchungen zum Nyāyabhāṣya / von Moritz Spitzer. |
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XII-9-A-e-12 |
Wada, Toshihiro. |
The analytical method of Navya-Nyāya / Toshihiro Wada. |