No. |
詳細 |
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TitleAuthor |
1 |
XII-13-B-46 |
Hulin, Michel. |
Sāṃkhya literature / Michel Hulin. |
2 |
XII-9-A-c-16 |
Verdon, Noemie. |
Negotiating Sāṅkhya-Yoga concepts : al-Bīrūnī and Falsafa / Noemie Verdon. |
3 |
XII-9-A-d-1 |
Patanjali. |
The Yoga aphorism of Patanjali, An interpretation by W. Q. Judge, assisted by J. H. Connelly. Point Loma ed. |
4 |
XII-9-A-d-2 |
Hohlenberg, J. E. |
Yoga. Studier i indisk levnadsfilosfi. Till svenska av Ernst Norlind. 3. upplagan. |
5 |
XII-9-A-d-3 |
Vivekananda, Swāmi. |
Bhakti-Yoga. 3. ed. |
6 |
XII-9-A-d-3 |
Surendra-Nātha Dāsa Gupta. |
Yoga as philosophy and religion. |
7 |
XII-9-A-d-4 |
Old, Walter Gorn. |
The Yoga of Yama. What death said. A version of the Katopanishad, with commentary. Being a system of Yoga or means of attainment. |
8 |
XII-9-A-d-5 |
Schmidt, Richard. |
Fakire und Fakirtum im alten und modernen Indien. Yoga-Lehre und Yoga-Praxis nach den indischen Originalquellen dargestellt. |
9 |
XII-9-A-d-6 |
Avalon, Arthur, tr. |
The serpent power, being the Shat-chakra-nirūpana and Pādukā-panchaka. Two works on Laya yoga. Tr. fr. the Sanskrit, with introd. & commentary. 2. rev. ed. |
10 |
XII-9-A-d-7 |
Rāmacandra Dikṣit, T. V. |
The Yogasūtras of P., with the scholium of Vyāsa and the commentary of Vachaspatimiśra. Ed. by Rajaram Shastri Bodas. Rev. & enl. by the add. of the commentary of Nāgojī Bhaṭṭa by Vasudev Shastri Abhyankar. 2. ed. |
11 |
XII-9-A-d-8 |
Patanjali. |
The Yoga aphorisms of P. With the commentary of Bhoja, Rāja & an Eng. tr. by Rājendralāla Mitra. Fsc. 1. |
12 |
XII-9-A-d-9 |
Avalon, Arthur, tr. |
Two works on Tantrik Yoga, Tr. fr. the Sanskrit, with introduction and commentary. |
13 |
XII-9-A-d-10 |
Hauer, J. W. |
Der Yoga als Heilweg. Nach den indischen Quellen dargestellt. |
14 |
XII-9-A-d-11 |
Behanan, Kovoor T. |
Yoga. A scientific evaluation. |
15 |
XII-9-A-d-14 |
Bragdon, Claude. |
An introduction to Yoga. |
16 |
XII-9-A-d-15 |
Bhagavan Das. |
Yoga-sūtra-bhāshya-kosha. A concordance-dictionary to the Yoga-sūṭras of Paṭanjali and the Bhāshya of Vyāsa. |
17 |
XII-9-A-d-16 |
Siddhéswarānanda, Swāmi. |
Le méditation selon le Yogavédānta. |
18 |
XII-9-A-d-17 |
Lindquist, Sigurd. |
Die Methoden des Yoga. Inaugural-Dissertation. |
19 |
XII-9-A-d-18 |
Lindquist, Sigurd. |
Siddhi und Abhiññā. Eine Studie über die klassischen Wunder des Yoga. |
20 |
XII-9-A-d-19 |
Avalon, Arthur. |
The serpent power, being the Shat-chakra-nirūpana and Pādukā-panchaka. Two works on Laya yoka, tr. fr. the Skt. with introd. & comment. 5th ed. |
21 |
XII-9-A-d-20 |
Vivekananda, Swami. |
Bhakti-yoga. 9th ed. |
22 |
XII-9-A-d-21 |
Vivekananda, Swami. |
Karma-yoga. |
23 |
XII-9-A-d-22 |
Vivekananda, Swami. |
Raja-yoga; or, Conquering the internal nature. |
24 |
XII-9-A-d-23 |
Pavitrananda, Swami. |
Common sense about Yoga. 2nd ed. |
25 |
XII-9-A-d-24 |
Schmithausen, Lambert. |
Ālayavijña : on the origin and the early development of a central concept of Yogācāra philosophy / Lambert Schmithausen. |
26 |
XII-9-A-d-25 |
Meisig, Konrad. |
Yogasūtra-Konkordanz / von Konrad Meisig. |
27 |
XII-9-A-d-26 |
Tola, Fernando. |
The Yogasūtras of Patañjali on concentration of mind / Fernando Tola, Carmen Dragonetti ; translated by K. D. Prithipaul. |
28 |
XII-9-A-d-27 |
Dasgupta, Surendranath. |
Yoga as philosophy and religion / Surendranath Dasgupta. |
29 |
XII-9-A-d-28 |
Eliade, Mircea. |
Yoga : immortality and freedom / Mircea Eliade ; translated from the French by Willard R. Trask. |
30 |
XII-9-A-d-30 |
Grönbold, Günter. |
The yoga of six limbs : an introduction to the history of Ṣaḍaṅgayoga / Günter Grönbold ; translated from the German by Robert L. Hütwohl. |
31 |
XII-9-A-d-31 |
Feuga, Pierre. |
Le yoga / Pierre Feuga, Tara Michaël. |
32 |
XII-9-A-d-32 |
Chenet, François. |
Psychogenèse et cosmogonie selon le Yoga-Vāsiṣṭha : "Le monde est dans l'âme" / par François Chenet. |
33 |
XII-9-A-d-33 |
Vasudeva, S. D. |
The Śaiva Yogas and their relation to other systems of Yoga / S.D. Vasudeva. |
34 |
XII-9-A-d-34 |
Maas, Philipp André. |
Samādhipāda : das erste Kapitel des Pātañjalayogaśāstra zum ersten Mal kritisch ediert = Samādhipāda : the first chapter of the Pātañjalayogaśāstra for the first time criticallly edited / Philipp André Maas. |
35 |
XII-9-A-d-35 |
Schmithausen, Lambert. |
Ālayavijñāna : on the origin and the early development of a central concept of Yogācāra philosophy / Lambert Schmithausen. |
36 |
XII-9-A-d-29 |
Patañjali. |
Классическая йога : "Йога-сутры" Патанджали и "Вьяса-бхашья" / Перевод с санскрита, введение, комментарий и реконструкция системы Е. П. Островской и В. И. Рудого. |