No. |
詳細 |
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TitleAuthor |
1 |
II-1-B-5 |
Smets, Sandra. |
La question de la non-dualité dans la Jaiminīyasaṃhitā du Brahmāṇḍapurāṇa : le Janakapraśna : édité, traduit et commenté / Sandra Smets. |
2 |
XII-9-A-b-1 |
Bādarāyana. |
Die Sūtra's des Vedānta; oder, die Çāriraka-MīmāÆ孕a des Bādarāyaṇa nebst dem Vollständigen Commentare des Çānkara. Aus dem Sanskrit übersetzt, von Paul Deussen. 1887. |
3 |
XII-9-A-b-2 |
Deussen, Paul. |
Das System des Vedānta nach den Brahma-Sūtra's des Bādarāyaṇa und dem Kommentare des Çakara über Dieselben Als ein kompendium der Dogmatik des Brahmanismus vom Standpunkte des Çakara aus dargestellt. 2. Aufl. |
4 |
XII-9-A-b-3 |
Deussen, Paul. |
Das System des Vedānta nach den Brahma-Sūtra's des Bādarāyaṇa und dem Kommentare des Çankara über Dieselben Als ein kompendium der Dogmatik des Brahmanismus vom Standpunkte des Çakara aus dargestellt. 3. Aufl. |
5 |
XII-9-A-b-4 |
Deussen, Paul. |
The system of the Vedānta. According to Bādarāyaṇa's Brahmasūtras & Çakara's commentary thereon set forth as a compendium of the dogmaties of Brahmanism fr. the standpoint of Çakara. Authorized translation by Ch. Johnston. |
6 |
XII-9-A-b-5 |
Ghate, V. S. |
Le Vedānta. Étude sur les Brahma-Sūtras et leurs cinq commentaires. |
7 |
XII-9-A-b-6 |
[Sadānanda Yogīndra.] |
A manual of Hindu pantheism. The Vedāntasāra. Tr. with copious annotations by Major G. A. Jacob. |
8 |
XII-9-A-b-7 |
Vasudeva Jagannath Kirtikar. |
Studies in Vedanta. Ed. by Mukund R. Jayakar. |
9 |
XII-9-A-b-8 |
Mahendranath Sircar. |
Comparative studies in Vedāntism. |
10 |
XII-9-A-b-9 |
Radhakṛṣṇan, Sir Sarvepall. |
The Vedānta according to ŚaÆ嗅ara and Rāmānuja. |
11 |
XII-9-A-b-10 |
Murdoch, John, compl. |
Vedantism examined. |
12 |
XII-9-A-b-11 |
Kokileśvar Śāstṛ, Vidyāratna. |
The Sreegopal Basu Mallick Fellowship lectures for 1930-31. A realistic interpretation of Sankara-Vedanta. |
13 |
XII-9-A-b-12 |
Urquhart, W. S. |
The Vedānta and modern thought. |
14 |
XII-9-A-b-13 |
Abhayakumār Guha. |
Jivatman in the Brahma-sutras. A comparative study. |
15 |
XII-9-A-b-14 |
Barnet, L. D. |
Brahma-knowledge. An outline of the philosophy of the Vedānta as set, forth by the Upanishads and by Śankara. |
16 |
XII-9-A-b-15 |
Lacombe, Oliver. |
L'absolu selon le Vedanta. Les notions de Brahman et d'atman dans les systemes de Çankara et Rmnoudja. |
17 |
XII-9-A-b-16 |
Kokileśvar Śāstṛ, Vidyāratna. |
Adwaita-vada; or, On the Vedantic conception of God, individual self, world and religion. Enl. 2. ed. |
18 |
XII-9-A-b-17 |
Siddheswarānanda, Swāmi. |
Quelgues aspects de la philosophie védntigue. Causeries faites à l'Univ. de Toulouse. |
19 |
XII-9-A-b-18 |
Glasenapp, Helmuth von. |
Vedānta und Buddhismus. |
20 |
XII-9-A-b-19 |
Hacker, Paul. |
Untersuchungen über Texte des frühen Advaitavāda. 1. Die Schüler Saṅkaras. |
21 |
XII-9-A-b-20 |
Buitenen, J. A. B. van, ed. & tr. |
Rāmānuja's Vedārthasaṃgraha. Introd., critical ed. & annot. tr. |
22 |
XII-9-A-b-21 |
Dharmarāja Adhvarīndra. |
Vedāntaparibhāṣā. Tr. & annot. by Swami Madhvananda. 2nd ed. |
23 |
XII-9-A-b-22 |
Nikhilānanda, Swāmī. |
Dṛg-dṛśya Viveka. An inquiry into the nature of the 'seer' and the 'seen'. Text, with Eng. tr. & not. |
24 |
XII-9-A-b-23 |
Nikhilānanda, Swāmī, tr. |
Selfknowledge (Ātmabodha). An Eng. tr. of Śankarāchārya's Ātmabodha with notes, comm. & introd. |
25 |
XII-9-A-b-24 |
Nityaswarupananda, Swami. |
Ashtavakra samhita. Text with word-for-word tr., Eng. rend. & comm. 2nd ed. |
26 |
XII-9-A-b-25 |
Sadananda Yogindra. |
Vedantasara; or, The essence of Vedanta of S. Y. by Swami Nikhilananda. 3rd ed. |
27 |
XII-9-A-b-26 |
Śankarācārya. |
Vivekachudamani of Shri Shankaracharya. Text, with Eng. tr., not. & ind. by Swami Madhavananda. 6th ed. |
28 |
XII-9-A-b-27 |
Saṅkarācārya. |
Aparokshânubhuti; or, Self-realization of Sri S. Text, with word-for-word tr., Eng. rend. & comm. by Swami Vimuktananda. |
29 |
XII-9-A-b-28 |
Vivekananda, Swami. |
Is Vedanta the future religion? |
30 |
XII-9-A-b-29 |
Vivekananda, Swami. |
Vedanta philosophy at the Harvard University. A lecture & discussi |
31 |
XII-9-A-b-30 |
Vivekananda, Swami. |
The science and philosophy of religion. A comparative study of Samkhya, Vedanta & other systems of thought. |
32 |
XII-9-A-b-31 |
vivekananda, Swami. |
Practical Vedanta. |
33 |
XII-9-A-b-32 |
Vivekananda, Swami. |
Advaita Vedanta. The scientific religion. |
34 |
XII-9-A-b-33 |
Date, V. H. |
Vedānta explained. Śaṁkara's commentary on the Brahmasūtras. |
35 |
XII-9-A-b-34 |
Veṇkaṭa-Nātha Vedāntāchārya, called Kavi-tarkika-siṃha. |
Çatadūṣaṇi. By Çrīman-Nigamānta-Mahā-Deçika, with the commentary entitled Caṇḍamāmta by Crīman-Mahā-Cārya. Ed. by... P. Anandacharlu Vidyāvinod, Viçārada, Rai Bahadur. |
36 |
XII-9-A-b-35 |
Sinha, Jadunath. |
Problems of post-Saṁkara Advaita Vedānta. |
37 |
XII-9-A-b-36 |
Sinha, Jadunath. |
The philosophy of Rāmānuja. |
38 |
XII-9-A-b-37 |
Buitenen, J. A. B. van. |
Rāmānuja on the Bhagavadgītā. A condensed rendering of his Gītābhāṣya with copious notes and an introduction. Repr. |
39 |
XII-9-A-b-38 |
Nimbārka & Śrīnivāsa. |
Vedānta-Pārijāta-Saurabha of Nimbārka and Vedānta-Kaustubha of Śrīnivāsa. Commentaries on the Brahma-Sūtras. Translated and annotated by Roma Bose. |
40 |
XII-9-A-b-39 |
Rajagopalachari, C. |
Vedanta. The basic culture of India. 4th ed. |
41 |
XII-9-A-b-40 |
Hohenberger, A. |
Rāmānuja. Ein Philosoph indischer Gottesmystik. Seine Lebensanschauung nach den wichtigsten Quellen. |
42 |
XII-9-A-b-41 |
Hohenberger, A., tr. |
Rāmānuja's Vedāntadīpa. Seine Kurzauslegung der Brahmasūtren des Bādarāyaṇa. |
43 |
XII-9-A-b-42 |
Cammann, Klaus. |
Das System des Advaita nach der Lehre Prakāśātmans. |
44 |
XII-9-A-b-43 |
Bhartṛhari. |
Vākyapadīya Brahmakāṇḍa. Avec la vṛtti de Harivṛṣabha. Traduction, introduction et notes par Madeleine Biardeau. |
45 |
XII-9-A-b-44 |
Bandini, Giovanni. |
Die Erörterung der Wirksamkeit. Bhartṛharis Kriyāsamuddeśa und Helārājas Prakāśa. Zum ersten Male aus dem Sanskrit übersetzt, mit einer Einführung und einem Glossar versehen, von Giovanni Bandini. |
46 |
XII-9-A-b-45 |
Sureśvara. |
La démonstration du nonagir (Naiṣkarmyasiddhi). Introduction et traduction par Guy Maximilien. |
47 |
XII-9-A-b-47 |
Chattopadhyay, Rampada. |
A Vaiṣṇava interpretation of the Brahmasūtras : Vedānta and theism / by Rampada Chattopadhyay ; translated by Kanti Chattopadhyay ; preface by Bimal K. Matilal. |
48 |
XII-9-A-b-48 |
Sharma, B. N. Krishnamurti. |
The Brahmasūtras and their principal commentaries : a critical exposition / by B. N. K. Sharma. |
49 |
XII-9-A-b-49 |
Mesquita, Roque. |
Madhva und seine unbekannten literarischen Quellen : einige Beobachtungen / von Roque Mesquita. |
50 |
XII-9-A-b-50 |
Mesquita, Roque. |
Madhva : Viṣṇutattvanirṇaya : annotierte Übersetzung mit Studie / von Roque Mesquita. |
51 |
XII-9-A-b-51 |
Schmücker, Marcus. |
"Weder als seiend noch als nichtseiend bestimmbar" : Vimuktātmans Lehre von der "Realität" der Welt / von Marcus Schmücker. |
52 |
XII-9-A-b-52 |
Mesquita, Roque. |
Madhvas Zitate aus den Purāṇas und dem Mahābhārata : eine analytische Zusammenstellung nicht identifizierbarer Quellenzitate in Madhvas Werken nebst Übersetzung und Anmerkungen / Roque Mesquita. |
53 |
XII-9-A-b-53 |
Czerniak-Drożdżowicz, Marzenna, ed. |
Tantra and Viśiṣṭādvaitavedānta / edited by Marzenna Czerniak-Drożdżowicz. |
54 |
XII-9-A-b-54 |
Timalsina, Sthaneshwar. |
Seeing and appearance / Sthaneshwar Timalsina. |
55 |
XII-9-A-b-55 |
Бурмистров, С. Л., сост. |
Рукописи школы веданта в собраниях Института восточных рукописей РАН : аннотированный каталог / составление, вступительные статьи, переводы и указатели С.Л. Бурмистрова. |
56 |
XII-9-A-b-56 |
Prakāśātma, Muni. |
Une philosophie de la parole : l'Enquête sur la connaissance verbale (Śābdanirṇaya) de Prakāśātman, maître advaitin du Xe siècle / édition critique, traduction, commentaire, avec une nouvelle édition du commentaire d'Ānandabodha ; Hugo David. |
57 |
XII-10-B-c-39 |
Rangaswami, J. |
Śrīvacanabhūṣaṇam of Piḷḷai Lokācārya : translation and commentary of Maṇavāḷamāmuni, critical evaluation of the theo-philosophy of the Post-Rāmānuja Śrīvaiṣṇavism / J. Rangaswami. |
58 |
XII-9-A-b-46 |
Исаева, Н. В. |
Шанкара и индийская философия / Н. В. Исаева. |