Database List → | Classification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko → | 検索結果 |
No. | 詳細 | CallMark | Heading | TitleAuthor |
1 | I-10-C-99 | Altheim, Franz & Rehork, Joachim, ed. | Der Hellenismus in Mittelasien. | |
2 | II-1-B-12 | Bronkhorst, Johannes. | Greater Magadha : studies in the culture of early India / by Johannes Bronkhorst. | |
3 | II-1-B-15 | Njammasch, Marlene. | Untersuchung zur Genesis des Feudalismus in Indien. | |
4 | III-7-F-o-31 | Liu Xinru. | Ancient India and ancient China. Trade and religious exchanges, AD 1-600. | |
5 | VIII-6-A-117 | Kumar, Baldev. | The early Kuṣāṇas : a history of the rise and progres of the Kuṣāṇa power under the early Kuṣāṇa rules from Kujula Kadphises to Vāsudeva / Baldev Kumar. | |
6 | VIII-6-A-150 | Bagchi, Prabodh Chandra. | India and Central Asia / Prabodh Chandra Bagchi. | |
7 | Lb-123 | Göbl, Robert. | System und Chronologie der Münzprägung des Kus・--0101---nreiches. | |
8 | XII-7-B-1 | Lassen, Christian. | Indische Alterthumskunde. 4 Bände mit Anhang zum 3. und 4. Bande. 1.-2. Aufl. | |
9 | XII-7-B-2 | Vincent, William. | Voyage de Néarque, des bouches de l'Indus, jusqu'a l'Euphrate, ou Journal de l'expedition de la Flotte d'Alexandre, ...Tr. de l'Anglais de William Vincent, par J.B.L.J. Billecocq. | |
10 | XII-7-B-3 | Gauranga Nath Bane〓jee. | Hellenism in ancient India. 2. ed. | |
11 | XII-7-B-4 | La Vallee Poussin, Louis de. | Indo-européens et Indo-iraniens. L'Inde jusque vers 300 av.J.-C. Nouvelle ed. | |
12 | XII-7-B-5 | Martin, Montgomery. | The history, antiquities, topography, and statistics of Eastern India. ... | |
13 | XII-7-B-6 | Bohlen, P. von. | Das alte Indien, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf Aegypten. Königsberg. 1830. | |
14 | XII-7-B-7 | Weber, Albrecht. | Die neuern Forschungen über das alte Indien. Ein Vortrag, im Berliner wissenschaftlichen vrein am 4. märz 1854 gehalten. | |
15 | XII-7-B-8 | Fick, Richard. | Die sociale Gliederung im nordöstlichen Indien zu Buddha's Zeit. | |
16 | XII-7-B-9 | Rapson, E. J., ed. | Ancient India. | |
17 | XII-7-B-10 | McCrindle, John W., ed. | The invasion of India by Alexander the Great as described by Arrian, Q. Curtius, Diodoros Plutarch and Justin. Being tr. of such portions of the works of these & other classical authors as describe Alexander's campaigns in Afghanistan the Panjb, Sindh, Gedrosia & Karmania. With an introduction containing a life of Alexander copious notes, illustrat., maps & indices. New ed. | |
18 | XII-7-B-11 | McCrindle, John W., ed. | Ancient India as described by Megasthenês and Arrian; being a tr. of the fragments of the Indika of Megasthenês collected by Dr. Schwanbeck, & of the first part of the Indika of Arrian. With introduc., notes, & map of ancient India. | |
19 | XII-7-B-12 | Stein, Otto. | Megasthenes und Kauṭilya. | |
20 | XII-7-B-13 | Kṛṣṇaswami AiyaÆ嬌ār, Śākkttai. | Ancient India. | |
21 | XII-7-B-14 | Rapson, E. J. | Ancient India from the earliest times to the first century A.D. | |
22 | XII-7-B-15 | Smith, Vincent A. | The History of India, from 600 B.C. to the Muhammadan conquest including the invasion of Alexander the Great. 3. ed., rev. & enl. | |
23 | XII-7-B-16 | Smith, Vincent A. | The History of India, from 600 B.C. to the Muhammadan conquest including the invasion of Alexander the Great. 4. ed., revised by S.M. Edwardes. | |
24 | XII-7-B-17 | Vardhamāna Upadhyāya. | Daṇdaviveka of V. Critically ed. ... by Mahāmahopādhyāya Kamala Kṛṣṇa Smṛtitīrtha. | |
25 | XII-7-B-17 | Rājendralāla, Mitra. | Indo-Aryans. Contributions towards the elucidation of their ancient and mediaeval history. | |
26 | XII-7-B-18 | Manning, Mrs. | Ancient and mediæ aeval India. | |
27 | XII-7-B-19 | Lassen, Christian. | Zur Geshichte der Griechischen und Indo-skythischen Könige in Baktrien, Kabul und Indien durch Entzifferung der Altkabulischen Legenden auf ihren Münzen. | |
28 | XII-7-B-20 | Venkateswara, S. V. | Proto-Indian culture. | |
29 | XII-7-B-20 | Rawlinson, H. G. | Intercourse between India and the western world from the earliest times to the fall of Rome. | |
30 | XII-7-B-20 | Rawlinson, H. G. | Intercourse between India and the Western world. From the earliest time to the fall of Rome. | |
31 | XII-7-B-21 | Fleet, J. F. | The dynasties of the Kanarese Districts of the Bombay Presidency from the earliest historical times to the Muhammedan conquest of A.D. 1318. (Written for the Bombay Gazetteere). | |
32 | XII-7-B-21 | Fleet, John Faithfull. | The dynasties of the Kanarese districts of the Bombay Presidency from the earliest historical times to the Musalman conquest of A.D. 1318 / John Faithfull Fleet. | |
33 | 貴 XII-7-B-22 | McCrindle, John W., ed. | Ancient India; as described in classical literature; being a collection of Greek and Latin texte relating to India, extracted from Herodotus, Strabo etc., etc. | |
34 | XII-7-B-23 | Vimalā-Caraṇa Lahā. | Some Kṣatriya tribes of ancient India. | |
35 | XII-7-B-24 | Barnett, Lionel D. | Antiquities of India. An account of the history and culture of ancient Hindustan. | |
36 | XII-7-B-25 | Vimalā-Caraṇa Lahā. | Some Kṣatriya tribes of ancient India. | |
37 | XII-7-B-26 | Vimalā-Caraṇa Lahā. | Ancient Indian tribes. | |
38 | XII-7-B-27 | Jäger. | Bemerkungen zer Geschichte Alexanders des Grossen. | |
39 | XII-7-B-28 | Kinzel, Karl. | Zwei Recensionen der Vita Alexandri Magni interprete Leone archipresbytero Neapolitano. | |
40 | XII-7-B-29 | Geier, Robert. | Ueber Erziehung und Unterricht Alexanders des Grossen. Thl. 1. | |
41 | XII-7-B-30 | Goettling, C. | De veneno stygis quod Aristoteles fertur misisse Alexandro. | |
42 | XII-7-B-31 | Schuffert. | Alexanders des Grossen indischer Feldzug. | |
43 | XII-7-B-32 | Julien, Paul. | Zur Verwaltung der Satrapien unter Alexander dem Grossen. Inaugural-Dissertation ... | |
44 | XII-7-B-33 | Makowaky, Julius. | De collatione Alexandri Magni et Dindimi. Dissertatio inauguralis philologica... | |
45 | XII-7-B-34 | Anspach, Aug. Ed. | De Alexandri Magni expeditione Indica. Fasc. 1. | |
46 | XII-7-B-35 | Bauer, Adolf. | Der Todestag Alexanders des Grossen. | |
47 | XII-7-B-36 | Adler, Maximilian. | De Alexandri Magni epistularum commercio. Dissertatio inauguralis ... | |
48 | XII-7-B-37 | Meissner, Bruno. | Alexander und Gilgamos. Habilitationsschrift ... | |
49 | XII-7-B-38 | Landgraf, Gustav, ed. | Die Vita Alexandri Magni des Archipresbyters Leo (Historia de preliis). Tl. 1. Die Nektanebussage I. 1-14. | |
50 | XII-7-B-39 | Crämer, Hermann. | Beiträge zur Geschichte Alexanders des Grossen. Inaugural-Dissertation ... | |
51 | XII-7-B-40 | Kluge, Carl. | De itinerario Alexandri Magni. Dissertatio ... Vratislaviae. | |
52 | XII-7-B-41 | Reicke, Aemilius. | De rebus post Alexandri Magni mortem Babylone gestis quaestionum. Particula 1. Dissertatio inauguralis historica... | |
53 | XII-7-B-42 | Dittberner, Walter. | Issos. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte Alexanders des Grossen. (Kapitel 4. Das Schlachtfeld und die Schlacht am Pinaros.) Inaugural-Dissertation ... | |
54 | XII-7-B-43 | Geiger, Wilhelm. | Alexanders Feldzüge in Sogdiana. | |
55 | XII-7-B-44 | Hackmann, Friedrich. | Die Schlacht bei Gaugamela. Eine Untersuchung zur Geschichte Alexanders d. Gr. und ihren Quellen; nebst einer Beitlage. Inaugural-Dissertation ... | |
56 | XII-7-B-45 | Rössler, C. G. F. Eduard. | De Duride Diodori Hieronymo Duridis. In rebus a successoribus Alexandri Magni gestis auctore. Dissertatio inauguralis... | |
57 | XII-7-B-46 | Muir, J., ed. & tr. | Original Sanskrit texts on the origin and history of the people of India, their religion and institutions. Coll., tr. into Eng., & ill. by remarks ... (Pt. 1 entitled Original Sanskrit texts on the origin and progress of the religion and institutions of India ...) | |
58 | XII-7-B-47 | Sykes, Lt.-Col. William Henry. | Notes on the religions, moral, and political state of India, before the Mahomedan invasion. Chiefly founded on the travels of the Chinese Buddhist priest Fai han in India, A.D. 399, and on the commentaries of Messrs. Remusat, Klaproth, Burnonf, and Landresse. | |
59 | XII-7-B-48 | Courtiller, Gaston. | Les anciennes civilisation de l'Inde. | |
60 | XII-7-B-49 | Rāmakṛṣṇa Gopal Bhandarkar, Sir. | A peep into the early history of India. From the foundation of the Maurya Dynasty to the downfall of the Imperial Gupta Dynasty. (322 B.C.-circa 500 A.C.)[2. ed.] | |
61 | XII-7-B-50 | La Vallee Poussin, Louis de. | L'Inde aux temps des Mauryas et des Barbares, Grecs, Scythes, Parthes et Yue-tchi. | |
62 | XII-7-B-51 | Oldenberg, Hermann. | Geschichtschreibung im alten Indien. | |
63 | XII-7-B-52 | Breloer, Bernhard. | Alexanders Kampf gegen Poros. Ein Beitrag zur indischen Geschichte. | |
64 | XII-7-B-53 | Masson-Oursel, P., &c. | L'Inde antique et la civilisation indienne. Par P. M.-O., H. de Willman-Grabowska, Philippe Stern. [7. mille.] | |
65 | XII-7-B-54 | Kāsī-Prasāda Jāyaswāl. | History of India. 150 A.D. to 350 A.D. | |
66 | XII-7-B-55 | Masson-Oursel, P., &c. | Ancient India and Indian civilization. By P. M.-O., Helena de Willman-Grabowska, Philippe Stern. [Tr. fr. the Fr. by M. R. Dobie.] | |
67 | XII-7-B-56 | Shantilal Shah. | The traditional chronology of the Jainas. An outline of the political development of India, from 543 B.C. to 78 A.D. | |
68 | XII-7-B-57 | Rameśa-candra Datta. | A history of civilization in ancient India, based on sanscrit literature. By Romesh Chunder Dutt. | |
69 | XII-7-B-58 | La Vallee Poussin, Louis de. | Dynasties et histoire de l'Inde depuis Kanishka jusqu'aux invasions musulmanes. | |
70 | XII-7-B-59 | Kāsī-Prasāda Jāyaswāl, ed. | An imperial history of India in a Sanskrit text [c. 700 B. c.-c. 770 A. D.], with a special commentary on later Gupta period. With the Skt. text, rev. by Ven. Rāhula Sāṅkr̥ityāyana. | |
71 | XII-7-B-60 | Reinaud, [Joseph Toussaint.] | Mémoire géographique, historique et scientifique sur l'Inde. Antériurement au milieu du XIe siècle de l'ère chrétienne, d'apres les ecrivains arabes, persans et chinos. | |
72 | XII-7-B-61 | Leeuw, J. E. van Lohuizen-de. | The "Scythian" period. An approach to the history, art, epigraphy & palaeography of North India from the 1st century B.C. to the 3rd century A.D. | |
73 | XII-7-B-62 | Majumdar, R. C. | Ancient India. | |
74 | XII-7-B-63 | Tarn, W. W. | The Greeks in Bactria & India. 2nd ed. | |
75 | XII-7-B-64 | Basham, A. L. | The wonder that was India. A survey of the culture of the Indian subcontinent before the coming of the Muslims. | |
76 | XII-7-B-64 | Basham, A. L. | The wonder that was India. A survey of the history and culture of the Indian sub-continent before the coming of the Muslims. 3rd rev. ed. | |
77 | XII-7-B-64 | Basham, A. L.(Arthur Llewellyn) | The wonder that was India : a survey of the history and culture of the Indian sub-continent before the coming of the Muslims / A. L. Basham. | |
78 | XII-7-B-65 | Narain, A. K. | The Indo-Greeks. | |
79 | XII-7-B-66 | Altheim, Franz. | Alexander und Asien. Geschichte eines geistigen Erbes. | |
80 | XII-7-B-67 | Eggermont, Pierre Herman Leonard. | The chronology of the reign of Asoka Moriya. A comparison of the data of the Asoka inscriptions and the date of the tradition. | |
81 | XII-7-B-68 | Nilakanta, K. A.(Kallidaikurichi Aiyah) | A history of South India : from prehistoric times to the fall of Vijayanagar / K. A. A. Nilakanta Sastri. | |
82 | XII-7-B-69 | Sharma, Ram Sharan. | Śūdras in ancient Inida : a survey of the position of the lower orders down to circa A.D. 500 / Ram Sharan Sharma. | |
83 | XII-7-B-70 | Mookerji, Radhakumud. | Hindu civilization / by Radha Kumud Mookerji. | |
84 | XII-7-B-71 | Rau, Wilhelm. | Staat und Gesellschaft im alten Indien, nach den Brāhmaṇa-Texten dargestellt. | |
85 | XII-7-B-72 | Filliozat, Jean. | Les relations extérieures de l'Inde / par Jean Filliozat. | |
86 | XII-7-B-73 | Thapar, Romila. | Aśoka and the decline of the Mauryas. | |
87 | XII-7-B-73 | Thapar, Romila. | Aśoka and the decline of the Mauryas. | |
88 | XII-7-B-74 | Banerjee, Gauranga Nath. | Hellenism in ancient India / by Gauranga Nath Banerjee. | |
89 | XII-7-B-75 | Осипов, А. | Краткий очерк истории Индии до X века / А. Осипов. | |
90 | XII-7-B-76 | Mookerji, Radhakumud. | Harsha / Radha Kumud Mookerji. | |
91 | XII-7-B-77 | Niyogi, Roma. | The history of the Gāhaḍavāla dynasty / Roma Niyogi ; with a foreword by R. C. Majumdar. | |
92 | XII-7-B-78 | Panchānana Rāya. | A historical review of Hindu India (300 B.C. to 1200 A.D.) | |
93 | XII-7-B-79 | Puri, Baij Nath. | India in the time of Patanjali / by Baij Nath Puri. | |
94 | XII-7-B-80 | Sinha, B. P. | The decline of the Kingdom of Magadha : cir. 455-1000 A.D. / by B. P. Sinha ; with a foreword by L. D. Barnett. | |
95 | XII-7-B-81 | Majumdar, R. C. | The classical accounts of India. Being a compilation of the English translations of the accounts left by Herodotus, megasthenes, Arrian... | |
96 | XII-7-B-82 | Verma, Bhagwati Sharan. | Socio-religious, economic and literary condition of Bihar, from. ca. 319 A.D. to 1000 A.D. / Bhagwati Sharan Verma. | |
97 | XII-7-B-83 | Majumdar, M. R., ed. | Historical and cultural chronology of Gujarat. From eraliest times to end of the Rāṣṭrakūṭa-Pratihāra period: i.e. upto 942 A.D. | |
98 | XII-7-B-84 | Рубен, В. ред. | История и культура древней Индий : К XXVI Международному конгрессу востоковедов / редакционная коллегия, В. Рубен, В. В. Струве, Г. М. Бонгард-Левин. | |
99 | XII-7-B-85 | Singhal, Jwala Prasad. | The sphinx speaks, or, The story of the prehistoric nations / by Jwala Prasad Singhal. | |
100 | XII-7-B-86 | Spellman, John W. | Political theory of ancient India. A study of Kingship from the earliest times to circa A.D. 300. | |
101 | XII-7-B-87 | Pathak, Vishuddhanand. | History of Kośala up to the rise of the Mauryas / Vishuddhanand Pathak. | |
102 | XII-7-B-88 | Mazumdar, A. Kumar. | Early Hindu India. A dynastic study. Repr. | |
103 | XII-7-B-88 | Majumdar, R. C. & Pusalker, A. D., ed. | The Vedic age. | |
104 | XII-7-B-90 | Woodcock, George. | The Greeks in India. | |
105 | XII-7-B-91 | Ghoshal, U. N. | A history of Indian public life. V. 2. The pre-Maurya and the Maurya periods. | |
106 | XII-7-B-92 | Puri, Baij Nath. | India under the Kushāṇas. | |
107 | XII-7-B-93 | Jain, Jyoti Prasad. | The Jaina sources of the history of ancient India (100 B.C. - A.D. 900). | |
108 | XII-7-B-94 | Mookerji, Radha Kumud. | Chandragupta Maurya and his times. | |
109 | XII-7-B-95 | Nilakanta Sastri, K. A., ed. | Age of the Nandas and Mauryas. | |
110 | XII-7-B-96 | Basham, A. L., ed. | Papers on the date of Kaniska. Submitted to the Conference on the Date of Kaniṣka, London, 20-22 April, 1960. | |
111 | XII-7-B-97 | Yazdani, G., ed. | The early history of the Deccan. | |
112 | XII-7-B-97 | Yazdani, Ghulam, ed. | The early history of the Deccan / edited by G. Yazdani. | |
113 | XII-7-B-98 | McCrindle, John Watson, ed. | The commerce and navigation of the Erythraean Sea : being translations of the "Periplus Maris Erythraei" by anonymous writer and partly from Arrian's account of the voyage of Nearkhos ; followed by Ancient India as described by Ktesias the Knidian : being the translation of the abridgement of his "Indika" by Photios and of the fragments of that work preserved in other writers / edited, with historical introductions, commentary, critical notes, and indexes [by] John Watson McCrindle. | |
114 | XII-7-B-99 | Sharma, Ram Sharan. | Light on early Indian society and economy / Ram Sharan Sharma. | |
115 | XII-7-B-101 | Sircar, D. C., ed. | Land system and feudalism in ancient India. | |
116 | XII-7-B-102 | Sharma, Ram Sharan. | Indian feudalism, c. 300-1200 / Ram Sharan Sharma. | |
117 | XII-7-B-103 | Pereira, Francisco Maria Esteves. | Viagem nos mares da ŪḪndia no século 5. Estudo liter rio e histórico. | |
118 | XII-7-B-104 | Puri, Baij Nath. | India in the time of Patañjali. 2nd ed. | |
119 | XII-7-B-105 | Mookerji, Radha Kumud. | The Gupta Empire. 5th ed. | |
120 | XII-7-B-106 | Smith, R. Morton. | Dates and dynasties in earliest India. Translation and justification of a critical text of the Purāṇa dynasties. Edited by J. L. Shastri. | |
121 | XII-7-B-107 | Sircar, D. C. | Studies in the society and administration of ancient and medieval India. V. 1. Society. | |
122 | XII-7-B-108 | Pandey, Deena Bandhu. | The Shahis of Afghanistan and the Punjab / Deena Bandhu Pandey ; foreword by S. K. Saraswati. | |
123 | XII-7-B-109 | Ojha, Kailash Chandra. | The history of foreign rule in ancient India. | |
124 | XII-7-B-110 | Wagle, Narendra. | Society at the time of the Buddha. | |
125 | XII-7-B-111 | Mishra, Yogendra. | An early history of Vaiśālī. From the earliest times to the fall of the Vajjian republic, circa 484 B.C. | |
126 | XII-7-B-112 | Majumdar, R. C. | Corporate life in ancient India. 3rd ed. | |
127 | XII-7-B-113 | Kunte, M. M. | The vicissitudes of Aryan civilization in India. The history of the Vedic and Buddhistic polities. Their oirigin, prosperity and decline. Repr. | |
128 | XII-7-B-114 | Hopkins, Edward W. | Social and military position of the ruling caste in ancient India, as represented by the Sanskrit epic. With an appendix on the status of woman. Repr. | |
129 | XII-7-B-115 | Kher, Narendra Nath. | Agrarian and fiscal economy in the Mauryasn and post-Mauryan age. cir. 324 B.C. - 320 A.D. | |
130 | XII-7-B-116 | Jain Purushottam Chandra. | Labour in ancient India. From the Vedic age upto the Gupta period. Foreword by Buddha Prakash. | |
131 | XII-7-B-117 | Gopal, Lallanji. | The economic life of Northern India c. A.D. 700-1200. | |
132 | XII-7-B-118 | Sircar, D. C. | Studies in the political and administrative system in ancient and medieval India. | |
133 | XII-7-B-119 | Sircar, D. C. | Some problems of Kuṣāṇa and Rājput history. | |
134 | XII-7-B-120 | Altekar, A. S. | State and government in ancient India. | |
135 | XII-7-B-121 | Basak. Radha Govinda. | The history of North-Eastern India. Extending from the foundation of the Gupta Empire to the rise of the Pāla Dynasty of Bengal, c.A.D. 320-760. Rev. & enl. ed. | |
136 | XII-7-B-122 | Chatterji, Suniti Kumar. | India and Ethiopia from the seventh century B.C. | |
137 | XII-7-B-123 | Pargiter, F. E. | Ancient Indian historical tradition. Repr. | |
138 | XII-7-B-124 | Ghoshal, U. N. | Contributions to the history of the Hindu revenue system. 2nd ed. | |
139 | XII-7-B-125 | Ghoshal, U. N. | The agrarian system in ancient India. 2nd ed. | |
140 | XII-7-B-126 | Chatterjee, Hiralal. | International law and interstate relations in ancient India. Foreword by Prof. K. A. Nilakanta Sastri. | |
141 | XII-7-B-127 | Dutt, Nripendra Kumar. | The aryanisation of India. 2nd rev. & enl. ed. | |
142 | XII-7-B-128 | Chattopadhyaya, Sudhakar. | The Achaemenids and India. 2nd rev. ed. | |
143 | XII-7-B-129 | Chattopadhyaya, Sudhakar. | Some early dynasties of South India. | |
144 | XII-7-B-130 | Dasgupta, Kalyan Kumar. | A tribal history of ancient India. A numismatic approach. | |
145 | XII-7-B-131 | Bongard-Levin, G. M. | Studies in ancient India and Central Asia / G. M. Bongard-Levin. | |
146 | XII-7-B-132 | Biswas, Atreyi. | The political history of the Hunas in India. With a foreword by A. L. Basham. | |
147 | XII-7-B-133 | Niyogi, Puspa. | Brahmanic settlements in different subdivisions of ancient Bengal. With a foreword by Dr. Benoy Chandra Sen. | |
148 | XII-7-B-134 | Mukherjee, B. N. | Studies in Kushāṇa genealogy and chronology. V. 1. The Kushāṇa genealogy. | |
149 | XII-7-B-135 | Thakur, Upendra. | Some aspects of ancient Indian history and culture / Upendra Thakur. | |
150 | XII-7-B-136 | Singh, Madan Mohan. | Life in North-Eastern India in pre-Mauryan times : with special reference to c. 600 B.C.-325 B.C. / Madan Mohan Singh. | |
151 | XII-7-B-137 | Saxena, Krishna Swaroop. | Political history of Kashmir. B.C. 300 - A.D. 1200. With a foreword by Dr. Karan Singh. | |
152 | XII-7-B-138 | Sircar, D. C. | Landlordism and tenancy in ancient and medieval India as revealed by epigraphical records. | |
153 | XII-7-B-139 | Mittal, Amar Chand. | An early history of Orissa. From earliest times upto first century B.C. With a foreword by the Hon'ble Dr. H. K. Mahtab. | |
154 | XII-7-B-140 | Mitra, Priti. | Life and society in the Vedic age. | |
155 | XII-7-B-141 | Misra, Sudama. | Janapada state in ancient India. | |
156 | XII-7-B-142 | Majumdar, Ramesh Chandra, ed. | The Vākāṭaka-Gupta age : circa 200-550 A.D. / edited by Ramesh Chandra Majumdar, Anant Sadashiv Altekar. | |
157 | XII-7-B-143 | Bose, Atindra Nath. | Social and rural economy of Northern India. cir. 600 B.C. - 200 A.D. 2nd & 3rd ed. | |
158 | XII-7-B-144 | Basu, Jogiraj. | India of the age of the Brāhmaṇas. Ancient Indian culture and civilisation as revealed in the Brāhmaṇas. | |
159 | XII-7-B-145 | Awasthi, A. B. L. | Rājapūta polity. Political system of the early medieval India. | |
160 | XII-7-B-146 | Shastri, Ajay Mitra. | India as seen in the Bṛhatsaṁhitā of Varāhamihira. | |
161 | XII-7-B-147 | Gokhale, B. G. | Ancient India. History and culture. 4th ed. | |
162 | XII-7-B-148 | Eggermont, P. H. L. | Alexander's campaigns in Sind and Baluchistan and the siege of the Brahmin town of Harmatelia. | |
163 | XII-7-B-149 | Jha, Hit Narayan. | The Licchavis of Vaiśālī. | |
164 | XII-7-B-151 | Sinha, Binod Chandra. | History of the Śuṅga dynasty. | |
165 | XII-7-B-152 | Asthana, Shashi Prabha. | History and archaeology of India's contacts with other countries from earliest times to 300 B.C. | |
166 | XII-7-B-153 | Sircar, D. C. | Ancient Malwa and the Vikramāditya tradition. | |
167 | XII-7-B-154 | Sinha, Bindeshwari Prasad. | Dynastic history of Magadha, cir. 450-1200 A.D. | |
168 | XII-7-B-155 | Mohan, Vishwa Mitra. | The Śakas in India and their impact on Indian life and culture. | |
169 | XII-7-B-156 | Roy, S. B. | Date of Mahabharata battle. | |
170 | XII-7-B-157 | Mitra, Sisir Kumar. | The early rulers of Khajurāho. 2nd rev. ed. | |
171 | XII-7-B-158 | Nikam, N. A. & Mckeon, Richard, ed. & tr. | The edicts of Asoka. | |
172 | XII-7-B-159 | Самозванцев, Андрей Михайлович. | Теория собственности в древней Индии / А. М. Самозванцев. | |
173 | XII-7-B-160 | Nilakanta, K. A.(Kallidaikurichi Aiyah) | Aryans and Dravidians / K. A. Nilakanta Sastri. | |
174 | XII-7-B-161 | Possehl, Gregory L., ed. | Ancient cities of the Indus. | |
175 | XII-7-B-162 | Mukherjee, B. N. | The disintegration of the Kushāṇa Empire. | |
176 | XII-7-B-163 | Thapar, Romila. | From lineage to state. Social formations in the mid-first millenium B.C. in the Ganga valley. | |
177 | XII-7-B-164 | Puri, Baij Nath. | Kuṣāṇa bibliography / Baij Nath Puri. | |
178 | XII-7-B-165 | Roy, S. B. | Mohenjodaro and the Lanka of Ravana : a new hypothesis / by S. B. Roy. | |
179 | XII-7-B-166 | Arrianus, Flavius. | Der Alexanderzug : indische Geschichte : griechisch und deutsch / Arrian ; herausgegeben und übersetzt von Gerhard Wirth und Oskar von Hinüber. | |
180 | XII-7-B-167 | Sharma, G. R. | Reh inscription of Menander and the Indo-Greek invasion of the Gaṅgā Valley / G. R. Sharma. | |
181 | XII-7-B-168 | Vigasin, A. A.(Aleksei Alekseevich) | Society, state and law in ancient India / A. A. Vigasin, A. M. Samozvantsev. | |
182 | XII-7-B-169 | Bongard-Levin, Grigorii Maksimovich. | Mauryan India / G. M. Bongard-Levin. | |
183 | XII-7-B-170 | Vedavyas, E.(Ekkirala) | Astronomical dating of the Mahabharata war / E. Vedavyas. | |
184 | XII-7-B-171 | Deambi, Bhushan Kumar Koul. | History and culture of ancient Gandhara and western Himalayas from Sāradā epigraphic sources / B. K. Koul Deambi. | |
185 | XII-7-B-172 | Mukherjee, Bratindra Nath. | The rise and fall of the Kushāṇa Empire / B. N. Mukherjee. | |
186 | XII-7-B-173 | Bhattacharyya, Narendra Nath. | Ancient Indian history and civilization : trends and perspectives / N. N. Bhattacharyya. | |
187 | XII-7-B-174 | Sarao, K. T. S. | Urban centres and urbanisation as reflected in the Pāli Vinaya and Sutta piṭakas / K. T. S. Sarao. | |
188 | XII-7-B-175 | Srinivasan, Doris, ed. | Mathurā : the cultural heritage / Doris Meth Srinivasan, editor. | |
189 | XII-7-B-176 | Sharma, Ram Sharan. | Perspectives in social and economic history of early India / by Ram Sharan Sharma. | |
190 | XII-7-B-177 | Shrimali, Krishna Mohan. | History of Pañcāla to c. AD 550 / by Krishna Mohan Shrimali ; with foreword by R. S. Sharma. | |
191 | XII-7-B-178 | Ahmad, S. Maqbul, tr. | Arabic classical accounts of India and China / translated from original Arabic with commentaries by S. Maqbul Ahmad. | |
192 | XII-7-B-179 | Bongard-Levin, Grigorii Maksimovich. | A complex study of ancient India : a multi-disciplinary approach / G. M. Bongard-Levin ; foreword by R. N. Dandekar. | |
193 | XII-7-B-180 | Sarmah, Thaneswar. | The Bharadvājas in ancient India / Thaneswar Sarmah. | |
194 | XII-7-B-181 | Bajpai, Ranjana. | Society in India in the seventh century A.D. / by Ranjana Bajpai. | |
195 | XII-7-B-182 | Sagar, Krishna Chandra. | Foreign influence on ancient India / Krishna Chandra Sagar. | |
196 | XII-7-B-182 | Sagar, Krishna Chandra. | Foreign influence on ancient India / Krishna Chandra Sagar. | |
197 | XII-7-B-183 | Anthos, J. M. | The origin and the glorious past of the Andhras : a historical sketch / J. M. Anthos. | |
198 | XII-7-B-184 | Banerjee, Gauranganath. | India as known to the ancient world, or, India's intercourse in ancient times with her neighbours, Egypt, Western Asia, Greece, Rome, Central Asia, China, further India and Indonesia / Gauranganath Banerjee. | |
199 | XII-7-B-185 | Bhandarkar, D. R. | Lectures on the ancient history of India on the period from 650 to 325 B.C. / D. R. Bhandarkar. | |
200 | XII-7-B-186 | Srinivasa Iyengar, P. T. | History of the Tamils from the earliest times to 600 A.D. / P. T. Srinivasa Iyengar. |
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