Database ListClassification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko → 検索結果            

Classification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko
A search found 108 entries.
No. 詳細 CallMark Heading TitleAuthor
貴 O-12-C-22 A collection of treaties and engagements with the native princes and states of Asia concluded on behalf of the East India company, by the British governments in India, viz. : by the government of Bengal from the year 1757 to 1809, by the government of Fort St. George from the year 1759 to 1809, by the government of Bombay from the year 1739 to 1808 : also copies of sunnuds, or grants, of certain privileges and immunities to the East-India Company, by the mogul, and other native princes of Hindustan : with an index.
貴 O-12-C-39 Onpartydich discours opte handelinghe vande Indien.
貴 P-XII-a-188 Papers respecting the E. J. Campany's charter: Review based upon: - Papers respecting the negociation for a renewal of the East India Company's exclusive privileges. 1812.
貴 P-XII-a-189 Macpherson's European commerce with India: review based upon: - The history of the European commerce with India, by David Macpherson. London, 1812.
貴 P-XII-a-191 Wrongs and claims of Indian commerce: Review based upon: - 1. Essay on productive resources of India, by J. F. Royle. London, 1840. 8vo. - 2. Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords. 1840. Fol. - 3. Report from the Select Committee on East India Produce. 1840. Fol. - 4. A view of the evidence given before a Select Committee of the House of Commons on a petition from the East India Company. London, 1840. 8vo.
貴 P-XII-a-200 Holcombe, Chester. India and the opium trade in the status of the Far East.
貴 P-XII-a-203 Suttor, J. B. Report on the trade of India and Rurma, 1908.
貴 P-XII-a-209 Colebrook's Remarks on Bengal: Review based upon: - Remarks on the husbandry and internal commerce of Bengal. 1806. 8vo.
貴 P-XII-a-211 Revenue and commerce of India: Review based upon: - 1. A review of the financial situation of the East India Company in 1824, by Henry St. George Tucker. London, 1825. - 2. Tables with respect to the revenue, expenditure, debts, assets, trade, &c. of the East India Company, by Caesar Moreau. London, 1825. - 3. East India annual revenue accounts. 1826.
貴 P-XII-a-223 India stamp Act: Review based upon: - 1. An appeal to England against the New Indian stamp Act. London, 1828. 8vo. - 2. A view of the present state & colonization of India. London, 1828. 8vo.
MF-B-35 Adam Matthew Publications. East India Company factory records : sources from the British Library, London. Part 5, Calcutta, 1690-1708.
MF-B-35 Adam Matthew Publications. East India Company factory records : sources from the British Library, London. Part 5, Calcutta, 1690-1708.
MF-B-35 Adam Matthew Publications. East India Company factory records : sources from the British Library, London. Part 5, Calcutta, 1690-1708.
MF-B-35 Adam Matthew Publications. East India Company factory records : sources from the British Library, London. Part 5, Calcutta, 1690-1708.
MF-B-35 Adam Matthew Publications. East India Company factory records : sources from the British Library, London. Part 5, Calcutta, 1690-1708.
MF-B-35 Adam Matthew Publications. East India Company factory records : sources from the British Library, London. Part 5, Calcutta, 1690-1708.
MF-B-35 Adam Matthew Publications. East India Company factory records : sources from the British Library, London. Part 5, Calcutta, 1690-1708.
MF-B-35 Adam Matthew Publications. East India Company factory records : sources from the British Library, London. Part 5, Calcutta, 1690-1708.
MF-B-35 Adam Matthew Publications. East India Company factory records : sources from the British Library, London. Part 5, Calcutta, 1690-1708.
MS-39 [Kurtze historische Nachricht von den Danischen Ost-Indischen, nachherigen Asiatischen Compagnie-Handel].
貴 MS-39 Kurtze historische Nachricht von den Danischen Ost-Indischen, nachherigen Asiatischen Compagnie-Handel.
XI-4-J-25 Wagner, Norbert. Faktorproportionen, internationale Arbeitsteilung und Aussenhandelspolitik : eine theoretische und empirische Analyse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Singapur, Westmalaysia und Pakistan / Norbert Wagner.
XII-6-D-100 Jha, Amal Kumar, ed. Coinage, trade and economy : January 8th-11th, 1991, 3rd international colloquium / editor, Amal Kumar Jha.
XII-20-H-1 Watt, Sir. George. The commercial products of India. Being an abridgment of "The dictionary of the economic products of India."
XII-20-H-2 Baker, Henry D. British India with notes on Ceylon, Afghanistan, and Tibet. By Henry D. Baker and other Consular Officers.
XII-20-H-3 Cotton, C. W. E. Handbook of commercial information for India. 2. impr.
貴 XII-20-H-4 Copling, John, ed. The spirit of the Press and of the Proprietors of India Stock, shewn in extracts from the heading newspapers and magazines and the debates at the India House, relative to the compensations to be granted to the East India Company's Maritime Service, together with Testimonials from the President of the Company's Factory in China, to which is prefixed The Dissent of John Forbes, a member of the Court of Directors.
貴 XII-20-H-4 A Reply to the strictures contained in a pamphlet entitled "The East India Company and the Maritime Service" to which are added a few brief remarks on the address of a proprietor and a testimonial written by Viscount Strathallan.
貴 XII-20-H-5 Coates, W. H. The Old "country trade" of the East Indies.
XII-20-H-6 Chadwick, D. T. & Black, G. W. Report on Indo-Russian trade.
XII-20-H-7 Thomas, P. J. Mercantilism and the East India trade. An early phase of the protection v. free trade controversy.
貴 XII-20-H-8 Robinson, F. P. The trade of the East India Company from 1709 to 1813. The Le Bas prize essay 1911.
XII-20-H-9 Great Britain. Government of Bengal.Select Committee on the affairs of the East India Company. Report from the Select Committee on the affairs of the East India Company. China Trade. 2 v.
XII-20-H-10 Wolf, Julius. Tatsachen und Aussichten der Ostindischen Konkurrenz im Weizenhandel.
XII-20-H-11 Anstey, V. The trade of the Indian Ocean.
XII-20-H-12 Warmington, Eric Herbert. The commerce between the Roman Empire and India.
XII-20-H-13 Paul, J.D.S. The East India Company. A study of its early trading organization. and commerce.
XII-20-H-14 Parimal Ray. India's foreign trade since 1870.
XII-20-H-15 Indian records, with a commercial view of relations between the British Government and the Nawabs Nazim of Bengal, Behar and Orissa.
XII-20-H-15 Indian records, with a commercial view of the relations between the British government & the Nawabs Nazim of Bengal, Behar, and Orissa.
XII-20-H-15 Indian records, with a commercial view of the relations between the British Government and the Nawabs Nazim of Bengal, Behar and Orissa.
XII-20-H-16 Куценков, Анатолий Акимович. Индия : Экономика и внешняя торговля / А. А. Куценков.
貴 XII-20-H-17 Great Britain. Parliament. East India (Eastern Turkestan.) Copies of a note on Sestán by the Officiating under Secretary at Fort William, dated the 20th Dec. 1867: and, of despatches and memoranda, or extracts from despatches or memoranda, which have been sent to the Government of India sicne 1866 by Mr. Forsyth or other officers...
貴 XII-20-H-17 Great Britain, Parliament. Kashgar Treaty : copy of the treaty of commerce lately concluded with the amir of Kashgar / Parliament Great Britain.
貴 XII-20-H-17 Great Britain. Parliament. East India (Ladakh). Copy of correspondence between the Secretary of State for India and the Governor General in Council, relating to the appointment of a commercial agent in Ladakh and to his proceedings there.
貴 XII-20-H-18 Great Britain. Government of Bengal. The trade of Bengal with Nepal, Tibet, Sikkim and Bhutan for the official years ending March 31, 1905, 1909, 1910, 1911 and 1912. Compiled in the Office of the Director-General of Commercial Intelligence.
貴 XII-20-H-19 Great Britain. Parliament. Select committee on the Affairs of the East India Company. Report. with appendices.
XII-20-H-20 Koiso, Manabu, ed. Trade and values of carnelian ornaments in South Asia : study on change in "tradition" and social system / edited by Manabu Koiso and Hitoshi Endo.
貴 XII-20-H-21 Great Britain. Parliament. Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords appointed to inquire into the present state of the affairs of the East India Company and into the trade between Great Britain, the East Indies and China; with the minutes of evidence taken before the Committee.
貴 XII-20-H-22 Great Britain. Select Committee on the Affairs of the East India Company. Report, 1810-12. with suppl. & glossary.
XII-20-H-22 Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Select Committee on the Affairs of the East India Company. [Report].
XII-20-H-23 India, Department of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics. Accounts relating to the seaborne trade and navigation of British India for April, 1938-October, 1939.
XII-20-H-24 India, Department of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics. Annual statement of the seaborne trade of British India with the British Empire and foreign countries for the fiscal year ending 31st March, 1932. V. 1. Imports, exports, & re-exports.
XII-20-H-25 Bombay Millowners' Association. Report of the B. M. A. for the year 1928.
XII-20-H-26 Tripathi, Amales. Trade and finance in the Bengal Presidency, 1793-1833.
XII-20-H-27 Coolhaas, W. Ph., ed. Jan Pietersz. Coen. Bescheiden omtrent zijn bedrijf in Indië. Deel 7.
XII-20-H-28 Shah, K. T. Trade, tariffs and transport in India.
XII-20-H-29 Picard, R., &c. Les Compagnies des Indes. Route de la porcelaine. Ouvrage orné de 112 héliogravures, 16 cartes et croquis. Par R. P., J. P. Kerneis, Y. Bruneau.
XII-20-H-30 Das Gupta, Ashin. Malabar in Asian trade, 1740-1800.
XII-20-H-31 Harnetty, Peter. Imperialism and free trade. Lancashire and India in the mid-nineteenth century.
XII-20-H-32 Nightingale, Pamela. Trade and empire in Western India 1784-1806.
XII-20-H-33 Kumar, J. Indo-Chinese trade, 1793-1833.
XII-20-H-34 Prasad, Prakash Charan. Foreign trade and commerce in ancient India.
XII-20-H-35 Chaudhuri, K. N. The trading world of Asia and the English East India Company, 1660-1760.
XII-20-H-36 Chandra, Moti. Trade and trade routes in ancient India.
XII-20-H-37 Mines, Mattison. The warrior merchants : textiles, trade, and territory in south India / Mattison Mines.
XII-20-H-38 Mookerji, Radhakumud. Indian shipping : a history of the sea-borne trade and martime activity of the Indians from the earliest times / by Radha Kumud Mookerji ; with and introductry notes by Sir Brajendranath Seal.
XII-20-H-39 Tripathi, Dwijendra. Business houses in western India : a study in entrepreneurial response, 1850-1956 / Dwijendra Tripathi, Makrand Mehta.
XII-20-H-40 Dale, Stephen Frederic. Indian merchants and Eurasian trade, 1600-1750 / Stephen Frederic Dale.
XII-20-H-41 Chatterjee, Kumkum. Merchants, politics and society in early modern India : Bihar, 1733-1820 / by Kumkum Chatterjee.
XII-20-H-42 Mariners, merchants and oceans : studies in maritime history / edited by K. S. Mathew.
XII-20-H-43 Mallick, B. S. Money, banking and trade in Mughal India : currency, indigenous fiscal practices and the English trade in 17th century Gujarat and Bengal / B. S. Mallick.
XII-20-H-44 Money and the market in India, 1100-1700 / edited by Sanjay Subrahmanyam.
XII-20-H-45 Raychaudhuri, Tapan. Jan Company in Coromandel, 1605-1690 : a study in the interrelations of European commerce and traditional economics / by Tapan Raychaudhuri.
XII-20-H-46 Arasaratnam, Sinnappah. Maritime India in the seventeenth century / Sinnappah Arasaratnam.
XII-20-H-47 Arasaratnam, S. Maritime trade, society and European influence in Southern Asia, 1600-1800 / S. Arasaratnam.
XII-20-H-48 Prakash, Om. Precious metals and commerce : the Dutch East India Company in the Indian Ocean trade / Om Prakash.
XII-20-H-49 Malik, Anjali. Merchants and merchandise in northern India, AD 600-1000 / Anjali Malik.
XII-20-H-50 Politics and trade in the Indian Ocean world : essays in honour of Ashin Das Gupta / edited by Rudrangshu Mukherjee and Lakshmi Subramanian.
XII-20-H-51 Commerce and culture in the Bay of Bengal, 1500-1800 / edited by Om Prakash, Denys Lombard.
XII-20-H-52 Stephen, S. Jeyaseela. Portuguese in the Tamil coast : historical explorations in commerce and culture, 1507-1749 / S. Jeyaseela Stephen.
XII-20-H-53 Arasaratnam, S. Maritime commerce and English power : Southeast India, 1750-1800 / S. Arasaratnam.
XII-20-H-54 Das Gupta, Ashin. Merchants of maritime India, 1500-1800 / Ashin Das Gupta.
XII-20-H-61 Ancient and medieval commercial activities in the Indian Ocean : testimony of inscriptions and ceramic-sherds : report of the Taisho University Research Project 1997-2000 / edited by Noboru Karashima.
XII-20-H-62 Indian Merchants' Chamber. Annual report of the Indian Merchants' Chamber for the year 1922 : presented to the annual general meeting of the Chamber held on 24th February 1923.
XII-20-H-63 Bombay Chamber of Commerce. Report of the Committee of the Bombay Chamber of Commerce for the year 1939 : presented to the annual general meeting held on 20th March 1940.
XII-20-H-64 Mukund, Kanakalatha. The trading world of the Tamil merchant : evolution of merchant capitalism in the Coromandel / Kanakalatha Mukund.
XII-20-H-65 Das Gupta, Ashin. The world of the Indian Ocean merchant, 1500-1800 : collected essays of Ashin Das Gupta / compiled by Uma Das Gupta ; with an introduction by Sanjay Subrahmanyam.
XII-20-H-66 Markovits, Claude. The global world of Indian merchants, 1750-1947 : traders of Sind from Bukhara to Panama / Claude Markovits.
XII-20-H-67 Maloni, Ruby. European merchant capital and the Indian economy : a historical reconstruction based on Surat Factory Records, 1630-1668 / Ruby Maloni.
XII-20-H-68 Krishna, Brajesh. Foreign trade in early medieval India / Brajesh Krishna.
XII-20-H-69 Ahmad, Afzal. Portuguese trade and socio-economic changes on the western coast of India, 1600-1663 / Afzal Ahmad.
XII-20-H-70 Iyer, S. Krishna. Travancore Dutch relations, 1729-1741 / S. Krishna Iyer.
XII-20-H-71 Kavil, Sreedhar, V. Indian exports : a riddle of regulations / Sreedhar Kavil.
XII-20-H-72 Rudner, David West. Caste and capitalism in colonial India : the Nattukottai Chettiars / David West Rudner.
XII-20-H-73 Mishra, Arun Kumar. Trading communities in ancient India : from earliest times to 300 A.D. / Arun Kumar Mishra.
XII-20-H-74 Srivastava, Balram. Trade and commerce in ancient India : from the earliest times to c. A.D. 300 / by Balram Srivastava.
XII-20-H-75 Ray, Himanshu P. The winds of change : Buddhism and the maritime links of early south Asia / Himanshu P. Ray.
XII-20-H-76 Begley, Vimala, ed. Rome and India : the ancient sea trade / edited by Vimala Begley and Richard Daniel De Puma.
XII-20-H-77 Ray, Himanshu Prabha, ed. Tradition and archaeology : early maritime contacts in the Indian Ocean : proceedings of the international seminar, Techno-archaeological Perspectives of Seafaring in the Indian Ocean, 4th cent. B.C.-15th cent. A.D., New Delhi, February 28-March 4, 1994 / edited by Himanshu Prabha Ray, Jean-François Salles.
XII-20-H-78 Idris, Mohammad. Foreign trade under Mughals / Mohammad Idris.
XII-20-H-79 Chawla, Joginder K. India's overland trade with Central Asia and Persia : during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries / Joginder K. Chawla.
XII-20-H-80 Levi, Scott C., ed. India and Central Asia : commerce and culture, 1500-1800 / edited by Scott C. Levi.
XII-20-H-81 Barendse, R. J. The Arabian Seas : the Indian Ocean world of the seventeenth century / R.J. Barendse.
XII-2-B-b-119 Bajracharya, Manik Lal, comp. & ed. Nepal 1972-73. Trade and information directory.
XII-2-B-e-33 Kusuman, K. K. A history of trade & commerce in Travancore, 1600-1805 / K. K. Kusuman.
XII-7-D-a-137 Santen, H. W. van. VOC-dienaar in India : Geleynssen de Jongh in het land van de Groot-Mogol / H.W. van Santen.
XII-7-D-a-138 Santen, H. W. van. Op bezoek bij de Groot-Mogol : twee hofreizen van de VOC naar de Groot-Mogol in India, 1662 en 1711-1713 / Hans van Santen.

Database ListClassification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko → 検索結果