No. |
詳細 |
CallMark |
Heading |
TitleAuthor |
1 |
II-1-B-9 |
Janert, Klaus L. & Poti, N. Narasimhan, ed. |
Yākka Sālēre Kathe : Tuḷu texts of Dravidian folk poetry from the South of India. |
2 |
II-1-B-13 |
Inayat-ur-Rahman, tr. |
Folk tales of Swāt. |
3 |
VII-7-69 |
Nāgārjuna. |
The Tibetan corpse stories / by Ācārya Nāgārjuna and King Gautamiputra ; translated by Ryoshun Kajihama. |
4 |
貴 P-XII-a-136 |
Bühler, Johann Georg. |
Ueber das Zeitalter des kasmīreschen Dicters, Somadeva. |
5 |
貴 P-XII-a-139 |
Bühler, Johann Georg. |
On the Hindu god, Parjanya. |
6 |
貴 P-XII-a-146 |
[Review based upon] Vedische Mythologie, von Alfred Hillebrandt. Erseter Ban. Soma und verwandte Götter Brelau, 1891. |
7 |
XII-13-F-1 |
Hillebrandt, Alfred. |
Vedische Mythologie. |
8 |
XII-13-F-2 |
Macdonell, Arthur Anthony. |
Vedic mythology / A. A. Macdonell. |
9 |
XII-13-F-2 |
Macdonell, Arthur Anthony. |
Vedic Mythology. |
10 |
XII-13-F-3 |
Ehni, J. |
Der vedische Mythus des Yama. Verglichen mit den analogen Typen der persischen, griechischen und germanischen Mythologie. |
11 |
XII-13-F-4 |
Ehni, J. |
Die ursprüngliche Gottheit des vedischen Yama. |
12 |
XII-13-F-5 |
Johanson, Karl Ferdinand. |
Über die altindische Göttin Dhiṣáṇā und verwandtes. Beiträge zum Fruchtbarkeitskultus in Indien. |
13 |
XII-13-F-6 |
Weber, Albrecht. |
Üeber die Kṛishṇajanmāshṭamī (Kṛishn's Geburtsfest.) |
14 |
XII-13-F-7 |
Hopkins, Edward Washburn. |
Epic mythology. |
15 |
XII-13-F-8 |
Kennedy, Lt. Col. Vans. |
Reseraches into the nature and affinity of ancient and Hindu mythology. |
16 |
XII-13-F-9 |
Martin, Rev. E. Osborn. |
The gods of India. A brief description of their history, character & worship. |
17 |
XII-13-F-10 |
Mackenzie, Donald A. |
Indian myth and legend. |
18 |
XII-13-F-11 |
Niveditā, psued, (Margaret E. Noble) & B麩anda Kentiṣ Coomaraswamy. |
Myths of the Hindus & Buddhists. |
19 |
XII-13-F-12 |
Niveditā, psued, (Margaret E. Noble) & B麩anda Kentiṣ Coomaraswamy. |
Myths of the Hindus & Buddhists. |
20 |
XII-13-F-13 |
Wilkins, W. J. |
Hindu mythology Vedic and Purānic. 3. Impr. |
21 |
XII-13-F-14 |
Dubois, J.-A. Abbé. |
Le Pantchatantra. ou Les cing ruses. Fables du Brahme Vichnou-Sarma; aventures de Paramarta, et autres contes, le tout traduit pour la première fois sur les originaux indiens. |
22 |
XII-13-F-15 |
Lancereau, Édouard, tr. |
Pantchatantra; ou, Les cinq livres, recuil d'apologues et de contes. |
23 |
XII-13-F-16 |
Schmidt, Richard. |
Das Pancatantraṃ (Textus ornatior). Eine Altindische Märchensammlung zum Ersten Male übersetzt. |
24 |
XII-13-F-17 |
Hertel, Johannes, tr. |
Das Pancatanatra, seine Geschichte und seine Verbreitung. |
25 |
XII-13-F-18 |
Upendra Nath Vidyabhuṣana, Paṇit, ed. |
Saratnapancatantram; or, Panchatantra for beginners. 5. ed. |
26 |
XII-13-F-19 |
Lakṣami Nārāyan Nyālankār, ed. |
The Hitopadesha: A collection of fables and tales in Sanskrit by Vishnusarmá. |
27 |
XII-13-F-20 |
Wilkins, Charles, tr. |
Fables and proverbs from the Sanskrit, being the Hitopadesa. With an introd. by Henry Morley. |
28 |
XII-13-F-21 |
Hertel, Johannes, tr. |
Hitopadesa. Die freundliche Belehrung. Eine Sammlung indischer Erzählungen und Sprüche in der Rezension des Nārājana. Ins Deutsche übersetzt, mit sachlichen und sprachlichen Anmerkungen sowie einem erläuternden Register versehen von J. H. |
29 |
XII-13-F-22 |
Hmavijaya. |
Kathāratnākara. Das Märchenmeer. Eine Sammlung indischer Erzählungen von Hmavijaya. Deutsch von Johannes Hertel. |
30 |
XII-13-F-23 |
Soma-Deva, Son of Rama. |
Somadewas Kathāsaritsāgara; oder, Ozean der Märchenströme. Erste vollständige deutsche Ausg. in sechs Bden. von Albert Weselski. Bd. 1. |
31 |
XII-13-F-24 |
Hertel, Johannes, tr. |
Pantschākhyāna-Wārttika. Eine Sammlung volkstümlicher Märchen und Schwänke. Vollständig verdeutscht von J. H. |
32 |
XII-13-F-25 |
Schacht, Hans, tr. |
Indische Erzählungen. Aus dem Sanskrit zum erstenmal ins Deutsche übertragen. |
33 |
XII-13-F-26 |
Wilson, Richard. |
The Indian story book, containing tales from the Rāmāyana, the Mahābhārata, and other early sources. |
34 |
XII-13-F-27 |
Essigmann, Alois. |
Sagen und Märchen Altindiens. Neue Reihe. |
35 |
XII-13-F-28 |
Essigmann, Alois. |
Sagen und Märchen Altindiens. Neue Reihe. |
36 |
XII-13-F-29 |
Dwijendra Nath Neogi. |
Sacred tales of India. |
37 |
XII-13-F-30 |
Dwijendra Nath Neogi. |
Sacred tales of India. |
38 |
XII-13-F-31 |
Rajendra Singh Thakur. |
The barbarians of Ancient India and the story of their extermination. |
39 |
XII-13-F-32 |
Sorabji, Cornelia. |
Indian tales of the great ones among men, women, and bird-people. |
40 |
XII-13-F-33 |
Forbes, Duncan, ed. |
The Baitāl-Pachīsī: or, The twenty-five tales of a demon. A new and corrected ed. with a vocabulary of all the words occuring in the text. |
41 |
XII-13-F-34 |
Watanabe, Kaigyoku. |
The story of Kalmāṣapāda and its evolution in Indian literature. |
42 |
XII-13-F-35 |
Weber, Albrecht. |
Pancadaṇachattraprabandha. Ein Märchen von König Vikramāditya. |
43 |
XII-13-F-36 |
Uhle, Heinrich. |
Die Vetālapancaviṃśatikā des Śivadāsa nach einer Handschrift von 1487 (Saṃv. 1544.) I. |
44 |
XII-13-F-37 |
Niveditā, psued, (Margaret E. Noble) |
Cradle tales of Hinduism. New impr. |
45 |
XII-13-F-38 |
Temple, Sir. Richard Carnac. |
The legends of the Panjāb. |
46 |
XII-13-F-39 |
Parker, H. |
Village folk-tales of Ceylon. |
47 |
XII-13-F-40 |
Frank, Othmar. |
Ueber ein Denkmal der indischen Mythologie, nach einer indischen Zeichnung. |
48 |
貴 XII-13-F-41 |
Schlegel, Gustavus. |
Alt-indische Fabeln in germanischem und chinesischem Gewande. |
49 |
XII-13-F-42 |
Ashby, Philip. |
The mad Rani and other sketches of Indian life and thought. |
50 |
XII-13-F-43 |
Hertel, Johannes, ed. |
The Pantachantra. A collection of ancient Hindu tales, in its oldest recension, the Kashmirian, entitled Tantrakhyayika. The original Sanskrit text, editio minor, repr. fr. the critical editio major ... |
51 |
XII-13-F-44 |
Budge, Sir E. A. Wallis, ed. & tr. |
Baralâm and Yĕwâsĕf, being the Ethiopic version of a Christianized recension of the Buddhist legend of the Buddha and the Bodhisattva. Repr. |
52 |
XII-13-F-45 |
Macfie, J. M. |
Myths and legends of India. An introduction to the study of Hinduism. |
53 |
XII-13-F-46 |
Soma-Deva, Son of Rama. |
The ocean of story. Being C. H. Tawney's translation of Somadeva's Kathā sarit sāgara (or ocean of streams of story). Now ed. with introd., fresh explanatory notes & terminal essay by N. M. Penzer. In ten volumes. |
54 |
XII-13-F-47 |
Mackenzie, Donald A. |
Indian fairy stories. |
55 |
XII-13-F-48 |
Hertel, Johannes, ed. |
The Panchatantra. A collection of ancient Hindu tales in the recension, called Panchakhyanaka, and dated 1199 A.D., of the Jaina monk, Purnabhadra. Critic. ed. in the original Skt. by Johannes Hertel. |
56 |
XII-13-F-49 |
Zimmer, Heinrich. |
Myths and symbols in Indian art and civilization. Ed. by Joseph Campbell. |
57 |
XII-13-F-50 |
Elwin, Verrier. |
When the world was young. Folk-tales from India's hills and forests. |
58 |
XII-13-F-51 |
Crooke, William. |
Religion & folklore of Northern India. |
59 |
XII-13-F-52 |
Schierlitz, Ernst. |
Die bildlichen Darstellungen der indischen Göttertrinität in der älteren ethnographischen Literatur. |
60 |
XII-13-F-53 |
Aspinwall, Marguerite. |
Jātaka tales out of old India. Retold by M. A. |
61 |
XII-13-F-54 |
Johnson, Francis, tr. |
Hitopadeśa. The book of wholesome counsel. A tr. fr. the original Skt. Rev. and in part rewritten with an introd. by Lionel D. Barnett. |
62 |
XII-13-F-55 |
Kuhn, Ernst. |
Barlaam und Joasaph. Eine bibliographisch-literargeschichtliche Studie. |
63 |
XII-13-F-56 |
Lüders, Heinrich. |
Die Sage von ṣyaśṛÆ嬌a. |
64 |
XII-13-F-57 |
Johnson, Francis, [ed.] |
Hitopadeśa. The sanskrit text, with a grammatical analysis, alphabetically arrange. |
65 |
XII-13-F-58 |
Hillebrandt, Alfred. |
Vedische Mythologie. Kleine Ausgabe. |
66 |
XII-13-F-59 |
Siecke, Ernst. |
Pūshan. Studien zur Idee des Hirtengottes im Anschluss an die Studien über "Hermes den Mondgott". |
67 |
XII-13-F-60 |
Vogel, J. Ph. |
Indian serpent-lore; or, The Nāgas in Hindu legend and art. |
68 |
XII-13-F-61 |
Scherman, Lucian. |
Materialien zur Geschichte der indischen Visionslitteratur. |
69 |
XII-13-F-62 |
Oldham, C. F. |
The sun and the serpent. A contribution to the history of serpent-worship. |
70 |
XII-13-F-63 |
Edgerton, Franklin, ed. & tr. |
The Panchatantra reconstructed. An attempt to establish the lost original Sanskrit text of the most famous of Indian story-collections on the basis of the principal extant versions. Text, critical apparatus, introd., tr. |
71 |
XII-13-F-64 |
Ryder, Arthur W., tr. |
The Panchatantra. [4. impression.] |
72 |
XII-13-F-65 |
HIllebrandt, Alfred. |
Vedische Mythologie. 2. veränderte Aufl. |
73 |
XII-13-F-66 |
B麩anda Kentiṣ Coomaraswamy. |
The darker side of Dawn. |
74 |
XII-13-F-67 |
Charpentier, Jarl. |
Paccekabuddhageschichten. |
75 |
XII-13-F-68 |
Poerbatjaraka (Lesya). |
Agastya in den archipel. Academisch proefschrift ter verkrijging van den graad van doctor in de letteren en wijsbegeerte, aan de Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden.... |
76 |
XII-13-F-70 |
Gausbøll, Viggo. |
Indian mythology, according to the Mahābhārata, in outline. |
77 |
XII-13-F-71 |
Williams, Alfred, tr. |
Tales from the Panchatantra. Tr. fr. the Skt. |
78 |
XII-13-F-72 |
Бузург Ибн Шахрияр. |
Чудеса Индии / Бузург Ибн Шахрияр ; перевод с арабского Р. Л. Эрлих. |
79 |
XII-13-F-73 |
Soma-Deva, Son of Rama. |
The kathāsaritsāgra of Somadeva bhatta. Ed. by Paṇit urgāprasād & Kāsīnātha Pāṇurang Parab. 2. ed. |
80 |
XII-13-F-73 |
Somadevabhaṭṭa. |
The Kathāsaritsāgara of Somadevabhaṭṭa. Ed. by Pandit Durga Prasad & Kasinath Pandurang Parab. |
81 |
XII-13-F-74 |
Viennot, Odette. |
Les divinités fluviales Gaṅgā et Yamunā aux portes des sanctuaires de l'Inde. |
82 |
XII-13-F-75 |
Cox, Sir George W. |
The mythology of the Aryan nations. |
83 |
XII-13-F-77 |
Singer, Milton, ed. |
Krishna : Myths, rites, and sttitudes. |
84 |
XII-13-F-80 |
Burton, Capt. Sir Richard F. |
Vikram and the vampire; or, Tales of Hindu devilry. Ed. by Isabel Burton. Memorial ed. |
85 |
XII-13-F-81 |
Maity, Pradyot Kumar. |
Historical studies in the cult of the Goddess Manasā. A socio-cultural study. |
86 |
XII-13-F-82 |
Penzer, N. M. |
Poison-damsels and other essays in folklore and anthropology. |
87 |
XII-13-F-83 |
Geib, Ruprecht. |
Zur Frage nach der Urfassung des Pañcatantra. |
88 |
XII-13-F-84 |
Maten, E. P. |
Buddhasvāmin's Bṛhatkathāślokasaṃgraha. A literary study of an ancient Indian narrative. |
89 |
XII-13-F-85 |
Kāle, M. R., ed. & tr. |
Pañcatantra of Viṣṇuśarman. Edited with a short Sanskrit commentary, a literal English translation of almost all the ślokas occuring in it, and of difficult prose passages, and critical and explanatory notes in English. Repr. |
90 |
XII-13-F-86 |
Kāle, M. R., ed. & tr. |
The Hitopadeśa of Nārāyaṇa. Edited with a Sanskrit commentary "Marma Prakashika" and notes in English. Repr. |
91 |
XII-13-F-87 |
O'Flaherty, Wendy Doniger. |
Ascetcism and eroticism in the mythology of Śiva. |
92 |
XII-13-F-88 |
Bhattacharji, Sukumari. |
The Indian theogony. A comparative study of Indian mythology from the Vedas to the Purāṇas. |
93 |
XII-13-F-89 |
Gupta, Shakti M. |
From Daityas to Davatas in Hindu mythology. |
94 |
XII-13-F-90 |
Majumdar, Bimanbehari. |
Kṛṣṇa in history and legend. |
95 |
XII-13-F-90 |
Majumdar, Bimanbehari: Kṛṣṇa in history and legend. |
96 |
XII-13-F-91 |
Böhtlingk, Otto. |
Bemerkungen zu Benfey's Übersetzung des PanŪÛatantra. |
97 |
XII-13-F-92 |
Roy Chaudhury, P. C., ed. |
Folk tales of India series. |
98 |
XII-13-F-93 |
Rao, Shanta Rameshwar. |
Tales of ancient India. |
99 |
XII-13-F-94 |
Lancereau, Édouard, tr. & annot. |
Pañcatantra. Traduit du Sanskrit et annoté par Édouard Lancereau. |
100 |
XII-13-F-95 |
Chatterji, Tapanmohan. |
Sous les manguiers. Légendes du Bengale. Traduction d'Andrée Karpelès. |
101 |
XII-13-F-96 |
Tripathi, Gaya Charan. |
Der Ursprung und die Entwicklung der Vamana-Legende in der indischen Literatur. |
102 |
XII-13-F-97 |
Geib, Ruprecht. |
Indradyumna-Legende. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Jagannātha-Kultes. |
103 |
XII-13-F-98 |
Berger, Hermann, ed. |
Mündliche Überlieferungen in Südasien. Fünf Beiträge. |
104 |
XII-13-F-99 |
Hertel, Johannes. |
Ein altindisches Narrenbuch. 1. |
105 |
XII-13-F-100 |
Hertel, Johannes, ed. |
Das südliche Pañcatantra. Sanskrittext der Rezension ß mit den Lesarten der besten Mss. der Rezension. |
106 |
XII-13-F-101 |
Bhattacharyya, Asutosh. |
The sun and the sepent lore of Bengal. |
107 |
XII-13-F-102 |
Falk, Harry. |
Quellen des Pañcatantra. |
108 |
XII-13-F-103 |
Thiel-Horstmann, Monika. |
Sadani-Lieder. Studien zu einer nordindischen Volksliedliteratur. Mit einem Anhang "Musiktranskriptionen" von Rosina Schlenker-Sonnenschmidt. |
109 |
XII-13-F-104 |
O'Flaherty, Wendy Doniger. |
The origins of evil in Hindu mythology. |
110 |
XII-13-F-105 |
Chopra, Tilak Raj. |
The Kuśa-jātaka. A critical and comparative study. |
111 |
XII-13-F-106 |
Mayeda, Noriko & Brown, W. Norman. |
Tawi tales. Folktales from Jammu. |
112 |
XII-13-F-107 |
Gupta, Sankar Sen, ed. |
Folklore research in India. Official proceedings & speeches at the All-India Folklore Conference, Calcutta. |
113 |
XII-13-F-108 |
Khan, Noor Inayat. |
Twenty Jātaka tales. Retold by Noor Inayat Khan. Repr. |
114 |
XII-13-F-109 |
Feer, Léon. |
Avadâna-çataka. Cent légendes bouddhiques. La centaine d'Avadânas, commençant par Pûrṇa (Pûrṇamukha-Avadâna-Çataka). Traduite du sanskrit, avec une introduction analytique, notes linguistiques et explicatives et trois index. Repr. |
115 |
XII-13-F-110 |
Steermann-Imre, Gabriella. |
Untersuchung des Königswahlmotive in der indischen Märchenliteratur, Pañcadivyādhivāsa. |
116 |
XII-13-F-111 |
Sen, Sukumar. |
Origin and development of the Rāma legend. |
117 |
XII-13-F-112 |
Hofstetter, Erich. |
Der Herr der Tiere im alten Indien. |
118 |
XII-13-F-113 |
Klein-Terrada, Rosa. |
Der Diebstahl der Lotusfasern. |
119 |
XII-13-F-114 |
Shulman, David Dean. |
Tamil temple mythe. Sacrifice and divine marriage in the South Indian Śaiva tradition. |
120 |
XII-13-F-115 |
Темкин, Э. Н. |
Мифы древней Индии / Э. Н. Темкин, В. Г. Эрман. |
121 |
XII-13-F-116 |
O'Flaherty, Wendy Doniger. |
Women, androgynes, and other mythical beasts. |
122 |
XII-13-F-117 |
König, Ditte. |
Das Tor zur Unterwelt. Mythologie und Kult des Termitenhügels in der schriftlichen und mündlichen Tradition Indiens. |
123 |
XII-13-F-119 |
Кёйпер, Ф. Б. Я. |
Труды по ведийской мифологии / Ф. Б. Я. Кёйпер. |
124 |
XII-13-F-120 |
Kuiper, Franciscus Bernardus Jacobus. |
Ancient Indian cosmogony / F. B. J. Kuiper ; essays selected and introduced by John Irwin. |
125 |
XII-13-F-121 |
ḥātim, of Panzil. |
[Hatim's tales : Kashmiri stories and songs / recorded by Sir Aurel Stein ; and edited with translation by Sir George A. Grierson]. |
126 |
XII-13-F-122 |
Shulman, David Dean. |
The king and the clown in South Indian myth and poetry / David Dean Shulman. |
127 |
XII-13-F-123 |
Huyilagola, Varadaraja. |
The Pañcatantra of Vasubhāga : a critical study / Varadraj Huilgol. |
128 |
XII-13-F-124 |
Smith, W. L. |
The one-eyed goddess : a study of the Manasā Maṅgal / W. L. Smith. |
129 |
XII-13-F-125 |
Hahn, Michael. |
Haribhaṭṭa and Gopadatta : two authors in the succession of Āryaśūra on the rediscovery of parts of their Jātakamālās / Michael Hahn. |
130 |
XII-13-F-126 |
Frere, Mary Eliza Isabella. |
Old Deccan days, or, Hindoo fairy legends current in Southern India / collected from oral tradition [by] Mary Frere ; with an introduction and notes [by] Bartle Frere. |
131 |
XII-13-F-126 |
Frere, Mary. |
Old Deccan days, or, Hindoo fairy legends current in southern India / collected from oral tradition, Mary Frere ; with an introduction and notes, Bartle Frere. |
132 |
XII-13-F-127 |
Corcoran, Maura. |
Vṛndāvana in Vaiṣṇava literature : history, mythology, symbolism / by Maura Corcoran. |
133 |
XII-13-F-128 |
Mertens, Annemarie. |
Der Dakṣamythus in der episch-purāṇischen Literatur : Beobachtungen zur religionsgeschichtlichen Entwicklung des Gottes Rudra-Śiva im Hinduismus / Annemarie Mertens. |
134 |
XII-13-F-129 |
Schimmel, Annemarie. |
Pearls from the Indus : studies in Sindhi culture / Annemarie Schimmel. |
135 |
XII-13-F-130 |
Folk tales from Sindh / translated by Shereen Khan. |
136 |
XII-13-F-131 |
Swynnerton, Charles. |
Romantic tales from the Punjab, with Indian nights entertainment / collected and edited from original sources by Charles Swynnerton. |
137 |
XII-13-F-132 |
Azarnouche, Samra, ed. |
Yama/Yima : variations indo-iraniennes sur la geste mythique = Variations on the Indo-Iranian myth of Yama/Yima / ouvrage édité par Samra Azarnouche et Céline Redard. |
138 |
XII-13-F-135 |
Skyhawk, Hugh van. |
Burushaski-Texte aus Hispar : Materialien zum Verständnis einer archaischen Bergkultur in Nordpakistan / Hugh van Skyhawk. |
139 |
XII-13-F-136 |
Bibliography of folk literature. |
140 |
XII-13-F-137 |
Knowles, J. Hinton. |
Kashmiri folk tales / by J. Hinton Knowles. |
141 |
XII-13-F-138 |
Mahmud, Sayyid Fayyaz. |
There was once a king : folk-tales of Pakistan / retold by Sayyid Fayyaz Mahmud. |
142 |
XII-13-F-139 |
Songs of the Toda : text, translation & sound files / edited by Tsuyoshi Nara, Peri Bhaskararao. |
143 |
XII-13-F-140 |
The Wandering voice : three ballads from palm-leaf manuscripts : with translation in English verse / [editor, R. Nirmala Devi ; translator, V. Murugan]. |
144 |
XII-13-F-141 |
The Dateless muse : the story of Veṅkalarājaṉ : with translation in English verse / General editor, G. John Samuel ; associate editor, V. Murugan. |
145 |
XII-13-F-142 |
Swennen, Philippe. |
D'Indra à Tištrya : portrait et évolution du cheval sacré dans les mythes indo-iraniens anciens / par Philippe Swennen. |
146 |
XII-13-F-143 |
The Divine pilgrimage : the story of Perumāḷ cuvāmi (a folk-ballad from palm-leaf manuscripts) / general editors, Shu Hikosaka, G. John Samuel ; editor, M.Shanmukham Pillai ; rendered into English, J. Parthasarathi. |
147 |
XII-13-F-144 |
Elder brothers story : an oral epic of Tamil / general editors, Shu Hikosaka, G. John Samuel ; collected and translated by Brenda E. F. Beck. |
148 |
XII-13-F-145 |
The Unsung melodies : the story of Pakavēcañ Cērvaikkāraṉ : with translation in English vers / general editor, G. John Samuel ; associate editor and trasnlator, V. Murgan. |
149 |
XII-13-F-146 |
Sen, Benoychandra. |
Studies in the Buddhist Jātakas : tradition and polity / by Benoychandra Sen. |
150 |
XII-13-F-147 |
Sharma, Umesh Chandra. |
The Viśvāmitras and the Vasiṣṭhas : an exhaustive historical study (Vedic and post-Vedic) / by Umesh Chandra Sharma. |
151 |
XII-13-F-148 |
Hahn, Michael, ed. |
Haribhaṭṭa in Nepal : ten legends from his Jātakamālā and the anonymous Śākyasiṃhajātaka / edited by Michael Hahn. |
152 |
XII-2-B-b-123 |
Lall, Kesar. |
Lore and legend of Nepal. 3rd ed. |
153 |
XII-13-F-118 |
Пятигорский, А. М., пер. |
Повесть о заколдованных шакалах : Древние тамильские легенды / Перевод, предисловие и примечания А. М. Пятигорского. |
154 |
XII-13-F-76 |
Ходза, Н. |
Волшебная чаша : По мотивам индийских сказок / Рассказал для детей Н. Ходза ; рисунки Н. Кочергина. |
155 |
XII-13-F-78 |
Минаев, Иван Павлович. |
Индийские сказки и легенды, собранные в Камаоне в 1875 году И. П. Минаевым / Подготовка к изданию и редакция Е. М. Медведева. |
156 |
XII-13-F-79 |
Сыркин, А. Я., пер. |
Панчатантра / Перевод с санскрита и примечания А. Я. Сыркина ; статья В. В. Иванова. |