No. |
詳細 |
CallMark |
Heading |
TitleAuthor |
1 |
II-1-B-11 |
Muhammad Iqbal. |
Il poema celeste. A cura di Alessandro Bausani. |
2 |
XII-13-E-a-1 |
Goldschmidt, Siegried, ed. & tr. |
Rāvaṇavaha oder Stubandha. |
3 |
XII-13-E-a-2 |
B麩anda B鹹ārya. |
The book of the cave. Caurisan-Karguhā. |
4 |
XII-13-E-a-3 |
Gover, Charles E. |
The folk-songs of southern India. |
5 |
XII-13-E-a-4 |
Hope, Laurence, ed. |
India's love lyrics including the garden of Kama. |
6 |
XII-13-E-a-5 |
Sarojini Naidu. |
The bird of time songs of life, death & the spring. With an introduction by Edmund Gosse and portrait of the author. |
7 |
XII-13-E-a-6 |
Ravīndranātha Ṭhākura. |
Der Gärtner. Übertr. von Hans Effenberger. 7. Aufl. |
8 |
XII-13-E-a-7 |
Thākura, Ravīndranātha. |
Gitanjali (Song offerings). A collection of prose translations made by the author from the original Bengali. With an introduction by W. B. Yeats. |
9 |
XII-13-E-a-7 |
Ravīndranātha Ṭhākura. |
Gitanjali (Sangesopfer). Übertr. von Marie Luise Gothein. 2. Aufl. |
10 |
XII-13-E-a-8 |
Ravīndranātha Ṭhākura. |
Der Zunehmende Mond. |
11 |
XII-13-E-a-9 |
ThaṚßura, Ravīndranātha. |
Chitra. A play in one act. |
12 |
XII-13-E-a-9 |
Ravīndranātha Ṭhākura. |
Chitra. Ein Spiel in einem Aufzug. Übertr. von Elisabeth Wolff-Merck. 4. unver. Aufl. |
13 |
XII-13-E-a-10 |
Ravīndranātha Ṭhākura. |
Das Postamt. Ein Bühnenspiel. Übertr. von Hedwig Lachmann & Gustav Landauer. 2. Aufl. |
14 |
XII-13-E-a-11 |
Vinson, Julien. |
Littérature tamoule ancienne. |
15 |
XII-13-E-a-12 |
Guha Thakurta, P. |
The Bengali drama. Its origin and development. |
16 |
XII-13-E-a-13 |
Ravīndranātha Ṭhākura. |
Chansons de Rabindranath Tagore. Vingt-six chants transcrits par Arnold A. Bake. Précédés d'une préface de Arnold A. Bake et Philippe Stern avec traduction littérale de la poésie bengalie et traduction libre de Rabindranath Tagore. |
17 |
XII-13-E-a-14 |
Dīkṣitar, V. R. Rāmacandra, tr. |
The Śilappadikāram. Tr. with an introd. and notes. |
18 |
XII-13-E-a-15 |
Raja-Śekhara. |
Rāja-Çekhara's Karpūra-manjarī, a drama by the Indian poet Rājaçekhara (about 900 A.D.). Critically ed. in the original Prākrit, with a glossarial index, and an essay on the life and writings of the poet by Sten Konow. Tr. into Eng. with notes by Cahrles Rockwell Lanman. |
19 |
XII-13-E-a-16 |
Dīneṣa Candra Sena, comp. & ed. |
Eastern Bengal Ballads (Mymensing). Vol. 1, pt. 1; vol. 2, pt. 1; vol. 3, pt. 1. |
20 |
XII-13-E-a-17 |
Sītā-Rāma [Śāstri], comp. |
Selections from Hindi Literature. Book 5. Ars poetica. |
21 |
XII-13-E-a-18 |
Jayanārāyana Sena. |
Harilīlā. |
22 |
XII-13-E-a-19 |
Govindadāsa. |
Govinda Dāsera Karachā. (Nava saṃskaraṇa.) Dīneśachandra Sena evam Vanojarilala Gosvami sampadita. |
23 |
XII-13-E-a-20 |
Viśveśvara Bhaṭṭācārya, &c., eds. |
Gopīcandrera gāna. UttaravaÆ嬌e saṃgṛhīta. |
24 |
XII-13-E-a-21 |
Dīneṣa Candra Sena, &c., eds. |
KavikaÆ嫐aṇa-Caṇī. |
25 |
XII-13-E-a-22 |
Dīneṣa Candra Sena. |
PūrvavaÆ嬌a-gītikā. |
26 |
XII-13-E-a-23 |
Dīneṣa Candra Sena. |
Maimanasimha-gītikā. |
27 |
XII-13-E-a-24 |
Chārucandra Bandyopādhyāya, ed. |
KavikaÆ嫐ana-Chaṇī. ChaṇīmaÆ嬌ala-bodhinī. |
28 |
XII-13-E-a-25 |
Rājaśekhara. |
Rāja-şẽekhara's Karpūra-mañjarī. A drama by the Indian poet Rajaçekhara (about 900 A.D.). Critically ed. in the original Prākrit, with a glossarial index, & an essay on the life & writing of the poet, by Sten Konow. Tr. into English with notes by Charles Rockwell Lanman. |
29 |
XII-13-E-a-26 |
Soupramania Bâradi, poète du pays tamoul. Pages choisies. |
30 |
XII-13-E-a-27 |
Thākura, Ravīndranātha. |
The gardener. Tr. by the author from the original Bengali. |
31 |
XII-13-E-a-28 |
Thākura, Ravīndranātha. |
The crescent moon. Tr. fr. the original Bengali by the author. |
32 |
XII-13-E-a-29 |
Thākura, Ravīndranātha. |
Gitanjali and Fruit-gathering. With illustrations by Nandalal Bose, Surendranath Kar, Abanindranath Tagore, and Nobendranath Tagore. |
33 |
XII-13-E-a-30 |
Thākura, Ravīndranātha. |
Fruit-gathering. |
34 |
XII-13-E-a-31 |
Thākura, Ravīndranātha. |
Sacrifice and other plays. |
35 |
XII-13-E-a-32 |
Kabīr. |
One hundred poems of Kabir. Tr. by Rabindranath Tagore, assisted by Evelyn Underhill. |
36 |
XII-13-E-a-33 |
Hāla, Sātavāhana King, comp. |
The Prākrit Gāthā-saptaśatī. Edited with introduction and translation in English by Radhagovinda Basak. |
37 |
XII-13-E-a-34 |
Viṣṇu Pāla. |
Manasā-maṅgala. Edited by Sukumar Sen. |
38 |
XII-13-E-a-35 |
Russell, Ralph & Khurshidul Islam. |
Three Mughal poets. Mir Sauda, Mir Hasan. |
39 |
XII-13-E-a-36 |
Hein, Norvin. |
The miracle plays of Mathurā. |
40 |
XII-13-E-a-37 |
Malik Muḥammad Jaisī. |
The Padumāvati of Malik Muhammad Jaisi. Edited with an etymological word-index by Surya Kanta Shastri. With a foreword bu the Hon'ble Mr. Justice Tek Chand. V. 1. Text and word-index. Cantos 1-25. |
41 |
XII-13-E-a-38 |
Matthews, D. J. & Shackle, C. |
An anthology of classical Urdu love lyrics. Text and translation. |
42 |
XII-13-E-a-39 |
Vijayrāmota Kaviyā Karaṇīdāna. |
Sūrajaprakās, or Rājasthanī ballads relating to Mahārāja Śrī Abhaisiṅghajī. Edited by Paṇḍita Rāmakaraṇa Vidyāratna. |
43 |
XII-13-E-a-40 |
Malik Muḥammad Jaisī. |
Padmāvatī of Malik Muhammad Jaisi. Translated by A. G. Shirreff. |
44 |
XII-13-E-a-41 |
Laber, Julius. |
Vajjālaggam. A Prakrit anthology with Sanskrit version. Fasc. 3. |
45 |
XII-13-E-a-42 |
Jyotirīśvara Kaviśekharācārya. |
Varṇa-Ratnâkara of Jyotirīśvara Kaviśekharâcārya. Edited with English and Maithili introductions and index verborum by Suniti Kumar Chatterji and Babua Misra. |
46 |
XII-13-E-a-43 |
Prithvichandra of Pakur, Raja. |
Gaurī-Maṅgala by Raja Prithvichandra of Pakur. Edited by Bimanbehari Majumdar. With a brief history of the Pakur Raj by Dr. Kalikinkar Dutta. |
47 |
XII-13-E-a-44 |
Jayānanda. |
Caitanya-Maṅgala. Edited by Bimanbehari Majumdar and Sukhamay Mukhopadhyay. |
48 |
XII-13-E-a-45 |
Divākara Prakāśa Bhaṭṭa. |
The Kāshmīrī Rāmāyaṇa. Comprising the Śrīrāmāvatāracarita and the Lavakuśa yuddhacarita of Divākara Prakāśa Bhaṭṭa. Edited with an introduction and summary of the poem in English by Sir George A. Grierson. |
49 |
XII-13-E-a-45 |
Divākara Prakāśa Bhaṭṭa. |
The Kāshmīrī Rāmâyaṇa : comprising the Śrīrāmāvatāracarita and the Lavakuśayuddhacarita of Divākara Prakāśa Bhaṭṭa ; edited with an introduction and summary of the poem in English by Sir George A Grierson. |
50 |
XII-13-E-a-46 |
Malik Muḥammad Jaisī. |
The Padumāwati of Malik Muḥammad Jaisī. Edited, with a commentary, translation, and critical notes, by G. A. Grierson and Mahāmahopādhyāya Sudhākara Dvivedi. |
51 |
XII-13-E-a-46 |
JaisĪ, Malik Muḥammad |
The Padumawāti of Malik Muḥammad Jaisī / edited, with a commentary translation, and critical notes, by G. A. Grierson, and Mahāmopādhyāya Sudhākara Dvivedi. |
52 |
XII-13-E-a-47 |
Bowen, John Charles Edward, tr. |
The golden pomegranate. A selection from the poetry of the Mogul Empire in India 1526-1858. Redered into English verse by J. C. E. Bowen. Illustrations by Phyllis Mackenzie. |
53 |
XII-13-E-a-48 |
Ghalib. |
Ghalib. Selected poems. Translated with an introduction by Ahmed Ali. |
54 |
XII-13-E-a-49 |
Амӣр Хусрау Дихлавӣ. |
Маджнӯн и лайлӣ / Амӣр [Х]усрау Дихлавӣ ; составление текста и предисловие Тахира Ахмэд-оглы Магеррамова. |
55 |
XII-13-E-a-50 |
Cone, Margaret & Gombrich, Richard F., tr. |
The perfect generosity of Prince Vessantara. A Buddhist epic. |
56 |
XII-13-E-a-51 |
Амӣр Хусрау Дихлавӣ. |
[А]ʾӣна-йи Искандарӣ / Амӣр [Х]усрау Дихлавӣ ; составление текста и предисловие Джамала Мирсаидова. |
57 |
XII-13-E-a-52 |
Faīz Ahmed Faīz. |
Poèmes. Choix, traduction de l'ourdou et introduction par Laiq Babree. |
58 |
XII-13-E-a-53 |
Bandyopadhyay, Pranab, ed. |
Women poets of India, An anthology of Indian poetry. |
59 |
XII-13-E-a-54 |
Baumann, George. |
Drei Jaina-Gedichte in Alt-Gujarātī. Edition, Übersetzung, Grammatik und Glossar. |
60 |
XII-13-E-a-55 |
Амӣр Хусрау Дихлавӣ. |
Шӣрӣн и [Х]усрау / Амӣр [Х]усрау Дихлавӣ ; составление текста и предисловие Г. Ю. Алиева. |
61 |
XII-13-E-a-56 |
Сенкевич, Александр Николаевич. |
Хариванш Рай Баччан / А. Н. Сенкевич. |
62 |
XII-13-E-a-57 |
Мукундорам Чокроборти Кобиконкон. |
Песнь о благодарении Чанди (Чондимонгол) : сказание об охотнике (Акхети Упакхан) / Мукундорам Чокроборти Кобиконкон ; перевод с бенгальского вступительная статья, комментарий и указатели И. А. Товстых. |
63 |
XII-13-E-a-58 |
Стеблева, И. В. |
Семантика газелей Бабура / И. В. Стеблева. |
64 |
XII-13-E-a-59 |
Абул Файз Файзи. |
Наль и Даман : поема / Абул Файз Файзи ; Перевод с персидского Германа Плисецкого. |
65 |
XII-13-E-a-60 |
Buddenberg, Doris. |
Hir. Zur strukturalen Deutung des Panjabi-Epos von Waris Shah. |
66 |
XII-13-E-a-61 |
Суворова, Анна Ароновна. |
У истоков новоиндийской драмы / А. А. Суворова. |
67 |
XII-13-E-a-62 |
Анкрава, Сигма Яновна. |
Сароджини Найду / С. Я. Анкрава. |
68 |
XII-13-E-a-63 |
Мирсаидов, Джамол. |
Принципы составления критического текста произведений Амира Хосрова Дехлеви / Д. Мирсаидов ; ответственные редакторы, Ш. М. Шамухамедов, Ю. Ю. Авалиани. |
69 |
XII-13-E-a-64 |
Пригарина, Наталья Ильинична. |
Мирза Галиб / Н. И. Пригарина. |
70 |
XII-13-E-a-65 |
Dasgupta, Subhoranjan. |
Dialectics and dream : an evaluation of Bishnu Dey's poetry in the light of neo-Marxian aesthetics / by Subhoranjan Dasgupta. |
71 |
XII-13-E-a-69 |
Callewaert, Winand M. |
The Hindī songs of Nāmdev / by Winand M. Callewaert and Mukund Lath. |
72 |
XII-13-E-a-70 |
Dādū. |
Lieder / Dādū ; eingeleitet und übersetzt von Monika Thiel-Horstmann. |
73 |
XII-13-E-a-71 |
Кабир. |
Грантхавали : собрание / Кабир ; перевод с Браджа и комментарий Н. Б. Гафуровой ; введение Н. Б. Гафуровой и Н. М. Сазановой. |
74 |
XII-13-E-a-73 |
Narapati Nālha. |
The Vīsaḷadevarāsa : a restoration of the text / John D. Smith. |
75 |
XII-13-E-a-74 |
Smith, John D. |
The epic of Pābūjī : a study, transcription and translation / John D. Smith ; epic narration [by] Parbū Bhopo ; illustrations [by] Śrīlāl Jośī. |
76 |
XII-13-E-a-75 |
Sadarangani, H. I. |
Persian poets of Sind / by H. I. Sadarangani. |
77 |
XII-13-E-a-76 |
The poetry of Shah Abd al-Latif / Durreshahwar Sayed. |
78 |
XII-13-E-a-77 |
Abdul Latif, Shah. |
Risalo of Shah Abdul Latif (selections) / translated in verse by Elsa Kazi ; with an introduction by A. K. Brohi ; and an appendix by Allamah I. I. Kazi. |
79 |
XII-13-E-a-78 |
Soomro, Ali Akbar. |
Illustrated verses of Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai / designed, illustrated & published by Ali Akbar Soomro. |
80 |
XII-13-E-a-79 |
Bulleh Shah. |
The mystic muse / Sain Bulleh Shah ; transcreated by Kartar Singh Duggal. |
81 |
XII-13-E-a-80 |
Pick of Mir / selected and translated by Rajinder Singh Verma. |
82 |
XII-13-E-a-81 |
Manwani, Akshay. |
Music, masti, modernity : the cinema of Nasir Husain / Akshay Manwani. |
83 |
XII-13-E-a-82 |
Ramanujan, A. K. |
Speaking of Śiva / translated with an introduction by A.K. Ramanujan. |
84 |
XII-13-E-a-83 |
Johari, Prema. |
Renderings from Ghalib / by Prema Johari. |
85 |
XII-13-E-a-84 |
Urdu ghazals of Ghalib / translated by Yusuf Husain. |
86 |
XII-13-E-a-85 |
Selected poems of Faiz Ahmad 'Faiz' : with original Urdu text, Roman and Hindi transliteration and poetical translation into English / English translation by Khwaja Tariq Mahmood ; compiled by Amar Varma. |
87 |
XII-13-E-a-86 |
Poetry of Allama Iqbal : with original Urdu text, Roman and Hindi transliteration and poetical translation into English / English translation by Khwaja Tariq Mahmood. |
88 |
XII-13-E-a-87 |
Selected poems of Shakeel Badauni : with original Urdu text, Roman and Hindi transliteration and poetical translation into English / English translation by Khwaja Tariq Mahmood ; compiled by Amar Varma. |
89 |
XII-13-E-a-88 |
Selected poems of Sahir Ludhianvi : with original Urdu text, Roman and Hindi transliteration and poetical translation into English / English translation by Khwaja Tariq Mahmood. |
90 |
XII-13-E-a-89 |
Selections from Diwan-e-Ghalib : selected poetry of Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib : Urdu-English, Roman-Hindi / compiled and translated by Khwaja Tariq Mahmood. |
91 |
XII-13-E-a-90 |
Persian ghazals of Ghalib / translated into English by Yusuf Husain ; with an introduction by Nazir Ahmad. |
92 |
XII-13-E-a-91 |
Iqbal, Muhammad. |
The complaint and the answer : being Allama Sir Muhammad Iqbal's Shikwa & Jawab-e-Shikwa done into English verse by / Altaf Hussain ; addition of Urdu & Roman script by Maqbool Ahmad. |
93 |
XII-13-E-a-92 |
Lupke, Gerd. |
The book of Shah Abdul Latif (Shah-jo-risalo) / by Gerd Lupke ; translated from German by Tariq Mahmud. |
94 |
XII-13-E-a-93 |
Bhatti, Rasheed. |
Birth of a great poet (Kalhora period, 1700-1784) / by Rasheed Bhatti. |
95 |
XII-13-E-a-94 |
KabĪr. |
The millennium KabĪr VānĪ : a collection of pad-s / [edited by] Winand M. Callewaert in collaboration with Swapna Sharma, Dieter Taillieu. |
96 |
XII-13-E-a-95 |
Sharma, Sunil. |
Persian poetry at the Indian frontier : Mas‘ûd Sa‘d Salmân of Lahore / Sunil Sharma. |
97 |
XII-13-E-a-96 |
Iqbal, Allamah Muhammad. |
Facsimile reproduction of R. A. Nicholson's translation of Asrár-i Khudi' by Allamah Muhammad Iqbal : the secrets of the self : bearing extensive amendments, critical evaluations and explanatory notes in Iqbal's own hand / edited and analysed by Saeed A. Durrani. |
98 |
XII-13-E-a-97 |
Malhotra, Sharan. |
Lord Kabir / Sharan Malhotra . |
99 |
XII-13-E-a-98 |
Tahir, M. Athar. |
Qadir Yar : a critical introduction / M. Athar Tahir. |
100 |
XII-13-E-a-99 |
Zvelebil, Kamil V. |
Literary conventions in Akam poetry / Kamil V. Zvelebil. |
101 |
XII-13-E-a-100 |
Samuel, G. John. |
The harp and the veena : a comparative study of P. B. Shelley and C. Subramania Bharati / G. John Samuel. |
102 |
XII-13-E-a-101 |
Gilani, Arifshah C. Sayyid. |
Ghalib : his life and Persian poetry / by Arifshah C. Sayyid Gilani. |
103 |
XII-13-E-a-102 |
Hussain, Fahmida, ed. |
Social content in Shah-jo-risalo / translated by Anwer Pirzado ; edited by Fahmida Hussain. |
104 |
XII-13-E-a-103 |
Hussain, Fahmida. |
Image of 'woman' in the poetry of Shah Abdul Latif / written by Fahmida Hussain ; translated by Amjad Siraj Memon. |
105 |
XII-13-E-a-104 |
Institut de civilisation indienne. |
Hommage de la France a Rabindranath Tagore, pour le centenaire de sa naissance 1961. |
106 |
XII-13-E-a-105 |
Qureshi, Mahmud Shah, tr. |
Poèmes mystiques bengalis : chants bâuls / traduction, introduction et commentaires de Mahmud Shah Qureshi. |
107 |
XII-13-E-a-106 |
Faiz, Faiz Ahmed. |
Poèmes / Faiz Ahmed Faiz ; choix, traduction de l'ourdou et introduction par Laiq Babree. |
108 |
XII-13-E-a-107 |
Singh, Devendra. |
Tulsidas / Devendra Singh. |
109 |
XII-13-E-a-108 |
Vir Singh, Bhai. |
Bhai Vir Singh : poet of the Sikhs / translated from the Punjabi with introductions by Gurbachan Singh Talib and Harbans Singh, with Yann Lovelock. |
110 |
XII-13-E-a-109 |
Ghalib, Mirza Asadullah Khan. |
Diwân-e-Ghalib : complete translation into English, including all the ghazals, qasidas, masnavis, qitas & quatrains of the published diwan and a selection from the unpublished diwan / translated by Sarvat Rahman. |
111 |
XII-13-E-a-110 |
Rahman, Sarvat. |
An introduction to the poetry of Ghalib / by Sarvat Rahman. |
112 |
XII-13-E-a-111 |
Parthasarathy, Indira. |
Aurangzeb / Indira Parthasarathy ; translated from the Tamil and introduced by T. Sriraman. |
113 |
XII-13-E-a-112 |
Dubianski, Alexander M. |
Ritual and mythological sources of the early Tamil poetry / Alexander M. Dubianski. |
114 |
XII-13-E-a-113 |
Tieken, Herman. |
Kāvya in South India : old Tamil Caṅkam poetry / Herman Tieken. |
115 |
XII-13-E-a-114 |
Мукундорам Чокроборти Кобиконкон. |
Песнь о благодарении Чанди (Чондимонгол) : сказание о Дхонопоти (Дхонопоти упакхан) / Мукундорам Чокроборти Кобиконкон ; перевод с бенгальского, предисловие, комментарий и приложения И. А. Товстых. |
116 |
XII-13-E-a-115 |
Takahashi, Takanobu. |
Poetry and poetics : literary conventions of Tamil love poetry = Poëzie en poëtica : literaire conventies van Tamil liefdespoëzie : met een samenvatting in het Nederlands / door Takanobu Takahashi. |
117 |
XII-13-E-a-116 |
Richman, Paula, comp.
Extraordinary child : poems from a South Indian devotional genre / [compiled by] Paula Richman. |
118 |
XII-13-E-a-117 |
Rosenstein, Ludmila L. |
The devotional poetry of Svāmī Haridās : a study of early Braj Bhāṣā verse / Ludmila L. Rosenstein. |
119 |
XII-13-E-a-118 |
Takanashi, Takanobu. |
Tamil love poetry and poetics / by Takanobu Takahashi. |
120 |
XII-13-E-a-119 |
Tiruvaḷḷuvar. |
The tirukkural = திருக்குறள் / Tiruvalluvar ; a new English version by Gopalkrishna Gandhi. |
121 |
XII-13-E-a-120 |
Krishnadeva Raya, King of Vijayanagar. |
Emperor-poet Śrī Kṛṣṇadēvarāya's Āmuktamālyada (the damsel who wore the garlands herself first and then offered them to the Lord) : an Indian poetic classic in Telugu (Mahāprabamdha) / collocation of verses, English translation and annotation, C.V. Ramachandra Rao. |
122 |
XII-13-E-a-121 |
ʿAbd al-Laṭīf, Shah. |
Risalo / Shah Abdul Latif = عبد اللطيف شاه ; edited and translated by Christopher Shackle. |
123 |
XII-13-E-a-122 |
Akram Qutbī. |
Terah masa = तेरह मासा : the oldest and complete Urdu manuscript of North India / by Akram Qutbi ; edited by Abdul Haq. |
124 |
XII-13-E-a-66 |
Цветков, Юрий Васильевич. |
Тулсидас / Ю. В. Цветков. |
125 |
XII-13-E-a-67 |
Вишневская, Наталья Александровна. |
Чхаявад и проблемы формирования новой литературной системы в поэзии хинди ХХ в. / Н. А. Вишневская. |
126 |
XII-13-E-a-68 |
Сенкевич, Александр Николаевич. |
Общество, культура, поэзия : Поэзия хинди периода независимости / А. Н. Сенкевич. |
127 |
XII-13-E-a-72 |
Биджой Гупто. |
Сказание о Падме : (Подмапуран) / Биджой Гупто ; перевод с бенгальского, предисловие, комментарий и приложения И. А. Товстых. |
128 |
XII-13-E-a-72 |
Биджой Гупто. |
Сказание о Падме : Подмапуран / Биджой Гупто ; Перевод с бенгальского, предис
ловие, комментарий и приложения И. А. Товстых. |