Database List → | Classification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko → | 検索結果 |
No. | 詳細 | CallMark | Heading | TitleAuthor |
1 | II-1-B-7 | Gnoli, Raniero. | Udbhata's commentary on the Kavyalaṃkāra of Bhāmaha. With an appendix by Margherita Taticchi including some fragments of Kālidāsa's Raghuvaṃśa. | |
2 | II-1-B-9 | Vallabhadeva. | Vallabhadeva's Kommentar (Śāradā-Version) zum Kumārasambhava des Kālidāsa / herausgegeben von M. S. Narayana Murti, unter der Mitarbeit von Klaus L. Janert. | |
3 | II-1-B-12 | Brockington, John. | The Sanskrit epics / by John Brockington. | |
4 | II-1-B-12 | Cahill, Timothy C. | An annotated bibliography of the Alaṃkāraśāstra / by Timothy C. Cahill. | |
5 | II-1-B-14 | Ruben, Walter. | Der Sinn des Dramas "Das Siegel und Rākshasa" (Mudrārākshasa). | |
6 | 貴 P-XII-a-147 | Sanscrit poetry: Review based upon: - 1. Bhagavat gita, ed. Augustus Gulielmus a Schlegel. Bonn. 1823. - 2. Ueber die unter den Namen Bhagabat-Gīta bekannte Episode des Mahābhārata von Wilhelm von humbold. Berlin, 1826. - 3. Nalus, Carmen Sanscriticum e Mahābhāratā. ed. Franciscus Bopp. 1819. - 4. Nala, von Joh. Gottfr. Ludw. Kosegarten. Jena. 1820. - 5. Yadnadattabada, par A. L. Chezy. Paris, 1826. - 6. Diluvium cum tribus aliis Maha-Bharati paestantissimis Episodiis. Prim. ed. Franciscus Bopp. Berolini, 1829. - 7. Die Sündflut, aus d. Ursprache übers. von Franz Bopp. Berlin, 1829. - 8. Ardschuna's Reise zu Indra's Himmel, von Franz Bopp. Berlin, 1824. - 9. Nalodaya, ed. Ferdinandus Benary. Berolini,1830. - 10. Brafma-Vaivarta-Purani Specimen, ed. Adolphus Fredericus Stenzler. Berlin, 1829. - 11. Select specimens of the theatre of the Hindus, tr. fr. the original skt. by Horace Hayman Wilson. Calcutta, 1827. 3v. - 12. Indische Bibliothek. Eine Zeitschrift von August Wilhelm von Schlegal. 2v. - 13. Rigveda specimen, ed. Fredericus Rosen. London, 1830. | ||
7 | 貴 P-XII-a-150 | The Ramayuna of Valmeeki: Review based upon: - The Ramayuna of Valmeeki, tr. fr. the original Sungskrit, by William Carey & Jhoshua Marshman. vol. 1. | ||
8 | 貴 P-XII-a-151 | Taylor's translation of an ancient Hindu drama: Review based upon: - Prabodh Chandroya; or, The rise of the moon of intellect, an allegorical drama; & Atma bodh; or, The knowledge of spirit, tr. fr. the skt. & Pracrit, by J. Taylor. London, 1812. | ||
9 | 貴 P-XII-a-152 | The Hindu drama: Review based upon: - Sakoontala, or the lost ring ; an Indian drama, tr. into Engl. prose & verse fr. the Skt. & Kalidasa. By Monier Williams. 1855. | ||
10 | XII-1-B-51 | Lienhard, Siegfried. | Kleine Schriften / Siegfried Lienhard ; herausgegeben von Oskar von Hinüber. | |
11 | XII-1-B-101 | Leclère, Basile. | Le théâtre de l'Inde médiévale entre tradition et innovation : le Moharājaparājaya de Yaśaḥpāla / par Basile Leclère. | |
12 | XII-10-E-24 | Halayudha Miśra. | Sekasubhodaya of Halayudha-Miśra. Ed. with notes, introduction and translated into English by Sukumar Sen. | |
13 | XII-11-B-111 | Upadhyaya, Narmada Prasad. | Geet Govinda : paintings in Kanheri style / Narmada Prasad Upadhyaya. | |
14 | XII-12-B-f-89 | Oberlies, Thomas. | A grammar of epic Sanskrit / Thomas Oberlies. | |
15 | XII-13-D-a-1 | Lüders, Heinrich. | Ueber die Grantharecension des Mahābhārata. | |
16 | XII-13-D-a-2 | Oldenberg, Hermann. | Das Mahābhārata. Sine Entstehung, sein Inhalt, seine Form. | |
17 | XII-13-D-a-3 | Venkatachellam Iyer, V. | Notes of a study of the preliminary chapters of the Mahabharata. Being an attempt to separate genuine from spurious matter. | |
18 | XII-13-D-a-4 | Holtzmann, Adolf. | Agni nach den vorstellungen des Mahābhārata. | |
19 | XII-13-D-a-5 | Foucaux, Philippe Édouard, tr. | Striparva, épisode extrait du Mahābhārata. Tr. du Skt. | |
20 | XII-13-D-a-6 | Kellner, Hermann Camillo, tr. | Sāvitrī, oder der Triumph ehelicher Treue. Eine brahmanische Legende aus dem Mahābhārata. Übersetzt, eigeleitet und mit Anmerkungen versehen von H. C. K. | |
21 | XII-13-D-a-7 | Легенда объ охотникѣ и парѣ голубей : Извлеченіе изъ Маһабараты, съ присовокупленіемъ русской трансскрипціи, латинскаго перевода и санскрито-русскаго глоссарія. | ||
22 | XII-13-D-a-8 | Biresvar Cakravarti, tr. | Kai Bahadur Biresvar Chakravarti's translation of the Bhagavad Gītā in English rhyme. Ed. with introd. and notes by J. S. Chakravarti. | |
23 | XII-13-D-a-9 | Caleb, C. C., tr. | The song Divine; or, The Bhagavad-Gītā. A metrical rendering (with annotations). | |
24 | 貴 XII-13-D-a-10 | Besant, Annie, tr. | The Bhagavad-Gītā; or, Lord's song. 4. & newly rev. ed. London and Benares. 1904. Repr. | |
25 | XII-13-D-a-11 | Judge, William Q., tr. | The Bhagavad-Gīta. The book of devotion. Dialogue between Krishna, Lord of devotion, and Arjuna, Prince of India. 9. ed. | |
26 | XII-13-D-a-12 | Garbe, Richard, tr. | Die Bhagavadgītā. Aus dem Sanskrit übersetzt. Mit einer Einleitung über ihre ursprüngliche Gestalt, ihre Lehren und ihr Alter. | |
27 | XII-13-D-a-13 | Schroeder, Leapold von, tr. | Bhagavadgītā. Das Erhabenen Sang. | |
28 | XII-13-D-a-14 | Colinet, Ph. | La théodicée de la Bhagavadgītā. Étudée en elle-même et dans ses origines. | |
29 | XII-13-D-a-15 | Subba Row, T. | Discourses on the Bhagavat Gīta. To help students in studying its philosophy. | |
30 | XII-13-D-a-16 | Vālmīki. | Ramayana id est carmen epicum de ramae rebus gestis poetae antiquissimi valmicis opus. Vol. 1. pars, 1-2, vol. 2. pars. 1. | |
31 | XII-13-D-a-17 | Weber, Albrecht. | Über das Rāmāyana. | |
32 | XII-13-D-a-18 | Kālidāsa. | The Meghadūta of Kālidāsa. With the commentary (sanjīvinī) of Mallinātha. Ed. with various readings by Wāsudev Laxmaṇ Shāstrī Paṇasīkar. | |
33 | XII-13-D-a-19 | Kālidāsa. | K.'s Meghaduta. Edited from Manuscripts with the commentary of Vallabhadeva and provided with a complete Sanskrit-English vocabulary. | |
34 | XII-13-D-a-20 | Kālidāsa. | Méghadouta. (Le nuage messager) de Kàlidàsa. [Tr. by] Marcelle Lalou. | |
35 | XII-13-D-a-21 | Kālidāsa. | Nalodaya. Sanscritum carmen calidaso adscriptum una cum pradschnacari mithilensis scholiis edidit latina interpretatione atque annotationibus critis, instruxit Ferdinandus Bernary. | |
36 | XII-13-D-a-22 | Kālidāsa. | Der Kreis der Jahreszeiten. (tusaṃhāra). Nach der metrischen Übersetzung P. von Bohlens neu herausgegeben, mit Anmerkungen und einem Nachwort versehen von Herman Kreyenborg. Insel-Bücherei Nr. 282. | |
37 | XII-13-D-a-23 | Māgha. | Bālamāgha. Māgha's Śiśupālavadha im Auszuge. Bearbeitet von Carl Cappeller. | |
38 | XII-13-D-a-24 | Mayura. | The Sanskrit poems of M. Ed. with a tr. & notes & an introd. together with the text & tr. of Bāna's Caṇīśataka by George Payn Quackenbos. | |
39 | XII-13-D-a-25 | Schiefner, Anton, ed. | Carminis Indici "Vimalapraçnottararatnamāla" Versio Tibetica ab Antonio Schiefner edita. | |
40 | XII-13-D-a-26 | Langlois, A., tr. | Chefs-d'oeuvre du théatre indien, traduits de l'original sanscrit en anglais, par M. H. H. Wilson, et de l'anglais en fraçais. | |
41 | XII-13-D-a-27 | Lévi, Sylvain. | Le théatre Indien. | |
42 | 貴 XII-13-D-a-28 | Lüders, Heinrich, ed. | Bruchstücke Buddhistischer Dramen. | |
43 | XII-13-D-a-29 | Bhavabhūti. | Malatimadhavae fabulae bhavabhutis actus primus. Ex. recensione Christiani Lasseni. | |
44 | XII-13-D-a-30 | Bhavabhūti. | Malati und Madhava. Ein indisches Drama. Zum ersten Male und metrisch aus dem Original ins Deutsche übersetzt von Ludwig Fritze. | |
45 | XII-13-D-a-31 | Kālidāsa. | Raghuvamscha oder Raghus Stamm. Ein Kunstepos Kālidāsas zum Ersten Male vollständig aus dem Sanskrit in das Deutsche übertragen von Otto Walter. | |
46 | XII-13-D-a-32 | Kālidāsa. | La reconnaissance de Sacountala, drame Sanscrit et Pracrit de Calidasa. Publié pour la première fois, en original, sur un manuscrit unique de la bibliothèque du roi, accompagné d'une traduction française, de notes philologiques, critiques et littéraires, et suivi d'un appendice, par A. L. Chézy. | |
47 | XII-13-D-a-33 | Kālidāsa. | Çakuntalā. Indisch Tooneelspel. Uit het Sanskriet vertaald, met inleiding en aanteekeningen door H. Kern. | |
48 | XII-13-D-a-34 | Kālidāsa. | Sakuntala. Drama in sieben Akten von Kalidasa. Deutsch von Hermann Camillo Kellner. | |
49 | XII-13-D-a-34 | Kālidāsa. | Malavika und Agnimitra. Ein indisches Schauspiel. Metrisch übersetzt von Ludwig Fritze. | |
50 | XII-13-D-a-35 | Kālidāsa. | Sakuntala. Drama in sieben Akten von Kalidasa. Deutsch von Hermann Camillo Kellner. | |
51 | XII-13-D-a-36 | Kālidāsa. | Malavika und Agnimitra. Ein indisches Schauspiel. Metrisch übersetzt von Ludwig Fritze. | |
52 | XII-13-D-a-37 | Kālidāsa. | Urvasi. Ein indisches Schauspiel. Metrisch übersetzt von Ludwig Fritze. | |
53 | XII-13-D-a-38 | Viṣākhadatta. | Mudrarakschasa. Indisches Drama. | |
54 | XII-13-D-a-39 | Vāṇa Bhaṭṭa. | Vāmanabhaṭṭabāṇa's Pārvatīparīṇayanāṭakam. Kritisch herausgeg. u. mit ammerk. versehen von Richard Schmidt. | |
55 | XII-13-D-a-40 | Langlois, A., tr. | Harivanśa, ou; Historie de la famille de Hari. Ouvrage formant un appendice du Mahābhārata. | |
56 | XII-13-D-a-41 | Morgenstierne, Georg. | Über das Verhältnis zwischen Cārudatta und Mṛcchakaṭikā. | |
57 | XII-13-D-a-42 | Oman, John Campbell. | The great Indian epics. The stories of the Rāmayāna and the Mahābhārata. | |
58 | XII-13-D-a-43 | Kālidāsa. | Śakuntalā. A Sanskṛit drama, in seven acts. The Deva-nāgari recension of the text, ed. with literal Eng. trs. of all the metrical passages, schemes of metres, & notes, critical & explanatory, by Monier Williams. 2. ed. | |
59 | XII-13-D-a-44 | Bhāsa. | Vāsavadattā. Being a translation of an anonymous Sanskrit drama Svapanavāsavādatta attributed to Bhāsa. By V. S. Sukthankar. | |
60 | XII-13-D-a-45 | Vālmīki. | Le Rāmāyana de Vālmīki. Tr. en fr. par Alfred Roussel. | |
61 | XII-13-D-a-46 | Winternitz, Moriz, ed. | Indische Sagen. Übers. von Adolf Holtzmann, neuherausg. von M. W. | |
62 | XII-13-D-a-47 | Māgha. | Bālamāgha. M.'s Śiśupālavadha. Nach den Kommentaren des Vallabhadva und des Mallināthasūri, ins Deutsche übertragen von E. Hultzsch. | |
63 | XII-13-D-a-48 | Vālmīki. | Le Rāmāyana. Tr. du sanscrit par Franz Toussaint. | |
64 | XII-13-D-a-49 | [Daṇī.] | Daśakumāracharita of Daṇin. Pt. 2. Ed. with critical & explanatory notes by Peter Peterson. | |
65 | XII-13-D-a-50 | Kālidāsa. | Śakuntalā; or, Śakuntalā recognized by the ring. A Skt. drama, in seven acts. The Devanāgari recension of the text, now for the first time ed. in England, with literal Eng.trs. of all the metrical passages, schemes of the metres, & notes, critical & explanatory. By Monier Williams. | |
66 | XII-13-D-a-51 | Kālidāsa. | The megha-dūta (cloud-messenger). Tr. fr. the Skt. into English verse, with notes & illustrations, by the late H. H. Wilson. The vocabulary by Francis Johnson. 3. ed. | |
67 | XII-13-D-a-52 | Hill, W. Douglas P., tr. | The Bhagavadgītā. Tr. from the Sanskrit with an introd., an argument and a comnt. | |
68 | XII-13-D-a-53 | Bhāsa. | The Svapnavāsavadatta of Bhāsa. With comnt. by Paṇit T. Gaṇapati Sāstrī. | |
69 | XII-13-D-a-54 | Kālidāsa. | Abhijnāna-śakuntala. | |
70 | XII-13-D-a-55 | Kālidāsa. | K.'s Śakuntala. A metrical version (act 1 & act 2 with an introd.) by Harinath De. | |
71 | XII-13-D-a-56 | Speyer, J. S. | Some notes on the text of Saundarananda, the poem of Açvaghoṣa, edited by Prof. Haraprasād. | |
72 | XII-13-D-a-57 | Pratap Candra Roy, tr. | The Mahābhārata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa. original Skt. text. New ed. | |
73 | XII-13-D-a-58 | Sörensen, S. | An index to the names in the Mahābhārata. With short explanations and a concordance to the Bombay and Calcutta ed. and P. C. Roy's translation. | |
74 | XII-13-D-a-59 | Keith, Arthur Berriedale. | The Sanskrit drama in its origin, development theory & practice. | |
75 | XII-13-D-a-60 | Bhagavad Gītā. | Des Erhabenen Sang. | |
76 | XII-13-D-a-61 | Meyer, Johann Jakob, tr. | Kāvyasaṃgraha, Erotische und esoterische Lieder. Metrische Übersetzungen aus indischen und anderen Sprachen. | |
77 | XII-13-D-a-62 | Weller, Hermann, tr. | Eine indische Tragödie? Durjodhanas Ende. Ein Bhasa Zugeschriebener Einakter. Verdeutscht von H. W. | |
78 | XII-13-D-a-63 | Kālidāsa. | Śakoontalá; or, The lost ring; an Indian drama, Translated into English prose and verse, from the Sanskṛit of Kálidása by Monier Williams. | |
79 | XII-13-D-a-64 | Kṛṣṇācārya, T. R. & Vyāsācarya, T. R., ed. | Śriman Mahābhārataṃ. A new ed. mainly based on the South Indian texts, with foot-notes & readings. | |
80 | XII-13-D-a-65 | Thadani, N. V. | The mystery of the Mahābhārata. Vol. 1, 2. | |
81 | XII-13-D-a-66 | Otto, Rudolf. | Die Urgestalt der Bhagavad-Gītā. | |
82 | XII-13-D-a-67 | Arnold, Sir Edwin, tr. | The song celestial; or, Bhagavad-Gītā (from the Mahābhārata). Being a discourse between Arjuna, prince of India, and the supreme being under the form of Krishna. Tr. fr. the Skt. Ill. by Willy Pogany. | |
83 | XII-13-D-a-68 | Pelet, Louis. | La pensée religieuse de la Bhagavad-Gītā (le chant du bienheureux). | |
84 | XII-13-D-a-69 | Viṣākhadatta. | Mudrārākṣasa, by Viśākhadatta. Ed. fr. MSS. & provided with an index of all Prākrit words, by Alfred Hillebrandt. | |
85 | XII-13-D-a-70 | Purohit Swāmi, tr. | The Geetā. The Gospel of the Lord Shri Krishna. | |
86 | XII-13-D-a-71 | Ruben, Walter. | Studien zur Textgeschichte des Rāmāyaṇa. | |
87 | XII-13-D-a-72 | Schrader, F. Otto. | The Kashmir recension of the Bhagavadgītā. | |
88 | XII-13-D-a-73 | Kirfel, W[illibald], comp. | Verse index to the Bhagavadgītā. Pāda-index. | |
89 | XII-13-D-a-74 | [Hartmann, Franz, tr.] | Die Bhagavad Gītā. Das hohe Lied enthaltend die Lehre der Unsterblichkeit. 4. Aufl. | |
90 | XII-13-D-a-75 | Kālidāsa. | Sakuntala; or, The fatal ring: a drama. To which is added Meghaduta; or, The cloud messenger, the Bhagavad-gīta; or, Sacred song. | |
91 | XII-13-D-a-76 | Mohini M[ohun] Chatterji, tr. | The Bhagavad gitā; or, The lord's lay. With commentary & notes, as well as references to the Christian scripters. Tr. fr. the Sanscrit. | |
92 | XII-13-D-a-77 | Kālidāsa. | K.'s Śakuntalā (kürzere Textform). Mit kritischen und erklärenden Anmerkungen. Herausg. von Carl Cappeller. | |
93 | XII-13-D-a-78 | Hutch, Georg. | Die Zeit des Kālidāsa. Mit einem Anhang: Zur Chronologie der Werke des Kālidāsa. Inaugural-Dissertation. | |
94 | XII-13-D-a-79 | Kālidāsa. | Meghadūta, der Wolkenbote. Gedicht von K., mit kritischen Anmerkungen u. Wörterbuch, herausg. von Adolf Friedrich Stenzler. | |
95 | XII-13-D-a-80 | Held, G. J. | The Mahābhārata; an ethonological study. | |
96 | XII-13-D-a-81 | Garbe, Richard. | Bhagavad-gītā. | |
97 | XII-13-D-a-81 | Hopkins, Edward Washburn. | Modifications of the karma doctrine. | |
98 | XII-13-D-a-81 | Hardy, Edmund. | Eine buddhistische Bearbeitung der Kṛṣṇa-Sage. | |
99 | XII-13-D-a-81 | Hillebrandt. | Brahman. | |
100 | XII-13-D-a-81 | Jacobi, Hermann. | Ueber das Verhältnis der buddhistischen Philosophie zu SāÆ嫐hyayoga und die Bedeutung der Nidānas. | |
101 | XII-13-D-a-81 | Garbe, R. | Guṇa. | |
102 | XII-13-D-a-81 | Filippi, Ferdinando Belloni. | Ueber Bhagavadgītā II, 46. | |
103 | XII-13-D-a-81 | Hopkins, Edward Washburn. | Mahābhārata. | |
104 | XII-13-D-a-81 | Articles on the Mahābhārata. | ||
105 | XII-13-D-a-81 | Garbe, Richard. | Sāṇkhya. | |
106 | XII-13-D-a-81 | Jacobi, Hermann. | Bemerkungen zu vorstehendem Aufsatz. | |
107 | XII-13-D-a-81 | Lüders, Heinrich. | Die Jātakas und die Epik. | |
108 | XII-13-D-a-81 | Schrader, F. Otto. | Das aṣṭitantra. | |
109 | XII-13-D-a-82 | Bühler, G. & Kirste, J. | Contributions to the history of the Mahābhārata. | |
110 | XII-13-D-a-83 | Roussel, A. | Les idées religieuses et sociales du Mahābhārata. | |
111 | XII-13-D-a-84 | Ludwig, A. | Über das Rāmāhayana und die Beziehungen desselben zum Mahābhārata. | |
112 | XII-13-D-a-84 | Hopkins, Edward Washburn. | Lexicographical notes from the Mahābhārata. | |
113 | XII-13-D-a-84 | Hopkins, Edward Washburn. | Parallel features in the two Sanskrit epics. | |
114 | XII-13-D-a-84 | Ludwig, A. | Der apolog vom bock und dem meszer Mh. Bh. II. 2193. | |
115 | XII-13-D-a-84 | Hopkins, Edward Washburn. | Proverbs and tales common to the two Sanskrit epics. | |
116 | XII-13-D-a-84 | Articles on the Mahābhārata. | ||
117 | XII-13-D-a-84 | Hopkins, Edward Washburn. | The Bhārata and the great Bhārata. | |
118 | XII-13-D-a-84 | Ludwig, A. | Die geschichte von YayatÆカ Nahyśya, analyse und rolle derselben im Mahābhārata. | |
119 | XII-13-D-a-84 | Leumann, Ernst. | Die Bharata-Sage. Erster Theil. | |
120 | XII-13-D-a-84 | Ludwig, A. | Das Mahābhārata als Epos und als Rechtsbuch, ein Problem ausz Altindiens Cultur- und Litteraturgeschichte von Joseph Dahlmann S.J. | |
121 | XII-13-D-a-84 | Ludwig, A. | Der doppelte stammbaum des Somavança im Mahābhāratam. | |
122 | XII-13-D-a-84 | Ludwig, A. | Über den anfang des Mahābhārata Adiparva 1-108. | |
123 | XII-13-D-a-84 | Ludwig, A. | Über die mythische grundlage des Mahābhārata. | |
124 | XII-13-D-a-85 | Radhakṛṣṇan, S. | The Bhagavadgītā. With an introd. essay Skt. text, Eng. tr. & notes, by S. Radhakrishnan. | |
125 | XII-13-D-a-85 | Radhakṛṣṇan, S. | The Bhagavadgītā. With an introd. essay Skt. text, Engl. tr. & notes, by S. Radhakrishnan. 2. impr. | |
126 | XII-13-D-a-85 | Radhakrishnan, S. | The Bhagavadgītā. With an introductory essay, Sanskrit text, English translation and notes by S. Radhakrishnan. 2nd ed. repr. | |
127 | XII-13-D-a-86 | Vreese, K. de. | Nala. Episch verhaal uit het Mahābhārata, uit het Sanskrit vertaald. | |
128 | XII-13-D-a-87 | Swāmī Nikhilananda. | The Bhagavadgītā. Tr. fr. the Skt., with notes, comments, & introd. | |
129 | XII-13-D-a-87 | Nikhilananda, Swāmī. | The Bhagavadgītā. Tr. fr. the Skt., with notes, comments & introd. | |
130 | XII-13-D-a-88 | Bharata Muni. | The Nāṭyaśāstra. A treatise on Hindu dramaturgy and historionics. Completely tr. by Manomohan Ghosh. V. 1. Chap. 1-27. | |
131 | XII-13-D-a-89 | Vālmīki. | The Ramayana of V. Tr. by Hari Prasad Shastri. V. 1. Bala kanda, Ayodhya kanda. | |
132 | XII-13-D-a-90 | Bhartṛhari. | Bhartriharis sentinae, et Carmen quod Chauri nomine circumfertur eroticum. Ad codicum mstt. fidem edidit latine vertit et commentarüs istruxit Petrus a Bohlen. | |
133 | XII-13-D-a-91 | Penzer, Norman M. | Nala & Demayanti. | |
134 | XII-13-D-a-92 | Panse, Mrlidhar Gajanan. | Linguistic peculiarities of Jñāneśvarī / by Murlidhar Gajanan Panse. | |
135 | XII-13-D-a-93 | Glasenapp, Helmuth von. | Zwei philosophische Râmâyaṇas. | |
136 | XII-13-D-a-94 | Yatiswarananda, Swami, | The divine life. Its practice and realisation. | |
137 | XII-13-D-a-95 | Prabhavananda, Swami, tr. | Śrīmad Bhāgavatam. 2nd ed. | |
138 | XII-13-D-a-96 | Bhartṛhari. | The Vairāgya-śatakam; or, the hundred verses on renunciation. 4th ed. | |
139 | XII-13-D-a-97 | Swarupananda, Swami, tr. | Shrīmad-Bhagavad-gītā. With text, word for-word tr., Eng. rendering, comm. & index. | |
140 | XII-13-D-a-98 | Madhavananda, Swami. | The last message of Shri Krishna. Text, with Eng. tr. & not. Repr. | |
141 | XII-13-D-a-99 | Baumgartner, Alexander. | Das Râmâyana und die Râma-Literatur der Inder. Eine literaturgeschichtliche Skizze. | |
142 | XII-13-D-a-100 | Bhartṛhari. | Śataka-trayam. Critic. ed. by D. D. Kosambi. Anonym. Skt. comm. ed. by Pt. K. V. Krishnamoorthi Sharma. | |
143 | XII-13-D-a-101 | Raghavan, V.(Venkatarama), ed. | The Ramayana tradition in Asia : papers presented at the International Seminar on the Ramayana tradition in Asia, New Delhi, December 1975 / edited by V. Raghavan. | |
144 | XII-13-D-a-102 | Śrī-Harṣa, son of Hīra Paṇḍita. | Naiṣadhacarita of Śrīharṣa. For the first time tr. into Eng. with critic. notes... by Krishna Kanta Handiqui. | |
145 | XII-13-D-a-103 | Баранников, А. П. | Индийская филология : литературоведение / А. П. Баранников. | |
146 | XII-13-D-a-104 | Sluszkiewicz, Eugeniusz. | Przyczynki do badaŪ' nad dziejami redakcyj Ramayaṇy. | |
147 | XII-13-D-a-105 | Devadhar, Chintaman Ramchandra, tr. | Amaruśatakam, with Sṛṅgāradīpikā of Vemabhūpāla. A centum of ancient love lyrics of Amaruka. Critically ed. | |
148 | XII-13-D-a-106 | Rangacharya, M. | The Hindu philosophy of conduct. Being lectures on the Bhagavadgītā. V. 1. | |
149 | XII-13-D-a-107 | Shastri, Shri Gopalcharandas. | Shri Hari Van Vicharan Kavyam. Pt. 1-2. | |
150 | XII-13-D-a-108 | Shekhar, I. | Sanskrit drama: its origin and decline. | |
151 | XII-13-D-a-109 | Visakhadatta. | Мудраракшаса или Перстень Ракшасы / Вишакхадатта ; Перевод с санскрита В. Г. Ермана. | |
152 | XII-13-D-a-110 | Vālmīki. | The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki. An epic of ancient India. Introduction and translation by Robert P. Goldman | |
153 | XII-13-D-a-111 | Смирнова, Бориса Леонидовича, пер. | Махабхарата / Б. Л. Смирнова перевод. | |
154 | XII-13-D-a-111 | Смирнова, Б. Л., пер. | Махабхарата / перевод Б. Л. Смирнова. | |
155 | XII-13-D-a-112 | Vālmīki. | The Ramayana of Valmiki. Tr. into English verse by Ralph T. H. Griffith, with a memoir by M. N. Venkataswami. Repr. | |
156 | XII-13-D-a-113 | Vālmīki. | The Vālmīki-Rāmāyaṇa. Criticallly edited for the first time. | |
157 | XII-13-D-a-114 | Khan, Benjamin. | The concept of dharma in Valmiki Ramayana / Benjamin Khan. | |
158 | XII-13-D-a-115 | Tulsīdāsa. | The Rāmāyaṇa of Tulsīdās. Rendered into English verse by A. G. Atkins. | |
159 | XII-13-D-a-116 | Vālmīki. | Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa. Pascimottaraśākhīya. Edited by Rām Labhaya and Viśvabandhu Śāstri. | |
160 | XII-13-D-a-117 | Темкин, Е, Н. | Махабхарата или сказание о великой битве потомков бхараты : Древнеиндийский эпос / литературное изложение Э. Н. Темкина, В. Г. Эрмана. | |
161 | XII-13-D-a-118 | Эрман, Владимир Гансович. | Рамаяна : древнеиндийский эпос / Литературное изложение В. Г. Эрмана, Э. Н. Темкина. | |
162 | XII-13-D-a-119 | Narayan Govind Kalelkar, ed. | Kāvya. Catalogue of Skt. Mss. in the Deccan College Postgraduate & Research Institute. | |
163 | XII-13-D-a-120 | Ānanda Bhaṭṭa. | Vallāla caritaṃ / Ānanda Bhaṭṭa ; [edited by] Mahāmahopādhyāya Haraprasād Shāstrī. | |
164 | XII-13-D-a-120 | Ānanda Bhaṭṭa. | Vallāla caritaṃ. Ed. by Mahāmahopādhyānya Haraprasād Shāstrī. Fasc. 1. | |
165 | XII-13-D-a-121 | Prithvīrāja vijaya. A Sanskrit epic with the commentary of Jonarāja. Ed. by S. K. Belvarkar. Fasc. 1-3. | ||
166 | XII-13-D-a-122 | Chaube, Bihāri Lāl, ed. | Tul'sí sat'saí : with a short commentry / edited by Bihāri Lāl Chaube. | |
167 | XII-13-D-a-122 | Chaube, Bihāri Lāl, ed. | Tulasī satasaī. Vihārikṛtasaṃkṣiptaṭīkā sahita. Fasc. 1-5. | |
168 | XII-13-D-a-123 | Rudradeva. | Śyainika śāstra ; or, A book on Hawking. By Rājā Rudradeva of Kumaon. Ed. with an Eng. tr. by Mahāmahopādhyāya Haraprasāda Shāstri. | |
169 | XII-13-D-a-123 | Rudradeva. | Śyainika śāstra, or, A book on hawking / by Rājā Rudradeva of Kumaon ; edited with an English translation by Mahāmahopādhyāya Haraprasāda Shāstri. | |
170 | XII-13-D-a-124 | Kṛṣṇa Rājānaka (Rāzdān). | Śivapariṇayaḥ. A poem in the Kāshmīrī language. With a Chāyā or gloss in Sanskrit by Mahāmahôpādhyāya Mukundarāma Śāstrī. Ed. by Sir George A. Grierson. Fasc. 1-6. | |
171 | XII-13-D-a-125 | Dīna-Nātha. | Śrī-Kṛṣṇâvatāra-līlā. Composed in Kāshmīrī. Text ed., tr., & transcr. in Roman character by Sir George A. Grierson. | |
172 | XII-13-D-a-126 | Śrīdhara-Dāsa. | Saduktikarṇāmrita. Ed. by Rāmāvatāra Śarmā. Fasc. 1-2. | |
173 | XII-13-D-a-126 | Śrīdhara Dāsa. | Saduktikarnamrita / by Śridhara Dāsa ; edited by Rāmāvatāra Śarmā. | |
174 | XII-13-D-a-127 | Harṣadeva, King of Thanesar. | Priyadarśika. A Sanskrit drama. Tr. into English by G. K. Nariman, A. V. Williams Jackson & Charles J. Ogden. | |
175 | XII-13-D-a-128 | Schokker, Godard Hendrik. | The Pādatāḍitaka of Śyāmilaka. A text-critical edition. | |
176 | XII-13-D-a-129 | Bhartṛhari. | The epigrams attributed to Bhartrhari. Ed. by D. D. Kosambi. | |
177 | XII-13-D-a-130 | Кальянов, В. И., пер. | Махабхарата / перевод с санскрита и комментарии В. И. Кальянова. | |
178 | XII-13-D-a-131 | Wisjâkhadatta. | De zegelring van Râksjasa. Indisch tooneelspel uit Sanskrit en Prâkrit in het Nederlandsch vertaald door J. Ph. Vogel. Met 8 platen en 19 tekstversieringen. | |
179 | XII-13-D-a-132 | Kālidāsa. | K.'s Śakuntalā. An ancient Hindu drama. Critically edited in the original Sanskrit and Prakrit of the Bengali recension, by the late Richard Pischel. | |
180 | XII-13-D-a-133 | Zaehner, R. C. | The Bhagavad-Gītā. With a commentary based on the original sources. | |
181 | XII-13-D-a-134 | Williams, Monier. | Nalop khy nam. Story of Nala, an episode of the Mah -Bh rata: The Sanskrit text, with a copious vocabulary, grammatical analysis, and introduction, by M. W. The metrical translation by the Very Reverend Henry Hart Milman. | |
182 | XII-13-D-a-135 | Yoroi, Kiyoshi. | Gaṇeśagītā. A study translation with notes, and a condensed rendering of the commentary of Nīlakaṇṭha. | |
183 | XII-13-D-a-136 | Lienhard, Siegfried. | Nevārīgītimañjarī. Religious and secular poetry of the Nevars of the Kathmandu Valley. | |
184 | XII-13-D-a-137 | Анандавардхана. | Дхваньялока : свет дхвани / Анандавардхана ; перевод с санскрита, введение и комментарий, Ю. М. Алихановой. | |
185 | XII-13-D-a-138 | Kerbaker, Michele, tr. | Il Mahābhārata. Tradotto in ottava rima nei suoi principali episodi, a cura di Carlo Formichi e Vittore Pisani. | |
186 | XII-13-D-a-139 | Jayadayal Goyandka. | Śrīmad Bhagavadgītā. With Sanskrit text and English translation. Translated into English by the editorial staff of the Kalyana-Kalpataru. | |
187 | XII-13-D-a-140 | Masson, J. L. & Patwardhan, M. V. | Aesthetic rapture. The Rasādhyāya of the Nāṭyaśāstra. | |
188 | XII-13-D-a-141 | Yogi, Maharishi Mahesh. | On the Bhagavad-Gita. A new translation and commentary with Sanskrit text. Chapters 1 to 6. | |
189 | XII-13-D-a-142 | Vaidya, Parashuram Lakshmana, ed. | The pratīka-index of the Mahābhārata. Being a comprehensive index of verse-quarters occuring in the critical edition of the Mahābhārata. | |
190 | XII-13-D-a-142 | Sukthankar, Vishnu S., &c., ed. | The Mahābhārata. For the first time critically edited by V. S. Sukthankar with the co-operation of Shrimant Balasaheb Pant Pratinidhi &c. and illustrated from ancient models by Shrimant Balasaheb Pant Pratinidhi. | |
191 | XII-13-D-a-143 | Vaidya, Parashuram Lakshman, ed. | The Harivaṁśa. Being the Khila or supplement to the Mahābhārata. For the first time critically edited. | |
192 | XII-13-D-a-144 | Kālidāsa. | Abhijñāna-Śākuntala of Kālidāsa. Edited with an exhaustive introduction, translation and critical and explanatory notes by C. R. Devadhar and N. G. Suru. Repr. | |
193 | XII-13-D-a-145 | Kālidāsa. | The Meghadūta of Kālidāsa. With the commentary (Saṁjīvanī) of Mallinātha. Edited with an exhaustive introduction, English translation, critical notes and useful appendices and a map by M. R. Kale. Repr. | |
194 | XII-13-D-a-146 | Kālidāsa. | Kumārasaṃbhava. Cantos 1-8 (complete). Edited with the commentary of Mallinātha, a literal English translation, notes and introduction by M. R. Kale. Repr. | |
195 | XII-13-D-a-147 | Kālidāsa. | The Abhijñānaśākuntalam of Kālidāsa. With the commentary of Rāghavabhaṭṭa, various readings, introduction, exhaustive notes and appendices. Edited by M. R. Kale. Repr. | |
196 | XII-13-D-a-148 | Bhavabhūti. | Mālatīmādhava. With the commentary of Jagaddhara. Edited with a literal English translation, notes and introduction by M. R. Kale. 2nd rev. ed. Repr. | |
197 | XII-13-D-a-149 | Bhavabhūti. | Uttara Rāmacharita of Bhavabhūti. Text with the commentary of Ghanaśyāma. notes, introduction and English translation by P. V. Kane and C. N. Joshi (translation). Repr. | |
198 | XII-13-D-a-150 | Kālidāsa. | The Raghuvaṁśa of Kālidāsa. With the commentary Sañjīvanī of Mallinātha.Cantos 1-5. Edited with a literal English translation and copious notes by M. R. Kale. Repr. | |
199 | XII-13-D-a-151 | Kālidāsa. | The Vikramorvaśīyam of Kālidāsa. Edited with a new Sanskrit commentary, & arthaprakashika, various readings, introduction, a literal translation, exhaustive notes in English, and appendices by M. R. Kāle. Together with Marathi translation. Rev. ed. Repr. | |
200 | XII-13-D-a-152 | Śūdraka. | The Mrichchhakaṭika of Śūdraka. Edited with the commentary of Pṛithvidhara (enlarged where necessary), various readings, a literal English translation, notes and an exhaustive introduction by M. R. Kale. 2nd ed. Repr. |
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