No. |
詳細 |
CallMark |
Heading |
TitleAuthor |
1 |
II-1-B-12 |
Gonda, J. |
Old Indian / by J. Gonda. |
2 |
XII-12-B-a-1 |
Adelung, Friedrich Von. |
Versuch einer Literatur der Sanskrit-Sprache. |
3 |
XII-12-B-a-2 |
Ascoli, G. J. |
Vorlesungen über die vergleichende Lautlehre des Sanskrit, des Griechischen und des Lateinischen, gehalten an der Mailänder Wiss.-Litt. Akad. |
4 |
XII-12-B-a-3 |
Lüders, Heinrich. |
Eine arische Anschaung über den Vertragsbuch. |
5 |
XII-12-B-a-4 |
Weber, A. |
Über den Pārasīprakāça des Kṛishṇadāsa. |
6 |
XII-12-B-a-5 |
Weber, A. |
Über den Zweiten, Grammatischen, Pārasīprakāça des Kṛishṇadāsa. |
7 |
XII-12-B-a-6 |
Windisch, Ernst. |
Geschichte der Sanskrit-philologie und Indischen Altertumskunde. Erster Teil. |
8 |
XII-12-B-a-7 |
Oertel, Hanns. |
Zur indischen Apologetik. |
9 |
XII-12-B-a-8 |
Klaproth, Julius Heinrich. |
Mots sanscrits, comparés avec ceux des autres idiomes Indo-Germaniques, et avec les langues de l'Asie septentrionale. |
10 |
XII-12-B-a-9 |
Edgerton, Franklin. |
Buddhist hybrid Sanskrit grammar and dictionary. With a reader. |
11 |
XII-12-B-a-10 |
Vrat, Satya. |
The Rāmāyaṇa. A linguistic study. Foreword by Dr. Suniti Kumar Chatterji, introd. by Dr. Siddheshwar Varma. |
12 |
XII-12-B-a-11 |
Harweg, Roland. |
Kompositum und Katalysationstext. Vornehmlich im späten Sanskrit. |
13 |
XII-12-B-a-12 |
Lokesh Chandra. |
Sanskrit manuscripts from Japan. Facsimile edition. |
14 |
XII-12-B-a-13 |
Yuyama, Akira. |
A select bibliography on the Sanskrit language. |
15 |
XII-12-B-a-14 |
Yuyama, Akira. |
A select bibliography on the Sanskrit language for the use of students in Buddhist philology / Akira Yuyama. |
16 |
XII-12-B-a-14 |
Yuyama, Akira. |
A select bibliography on the Sanskrit language for the use of students in Sanskrit. |
17 |
XII-12-B-a-15 |
Wojtilla Gyula. |
A list of words Sanskrit and Hungarian by Alexander Csoma de Körös. |
18 |
XII-12-B-a-17 |
Gerschheimer, Gerdi. |
La théorie de la signification chez Gadādhara : le Sāmānyakāṇḍa du Śaktivādavicāra / par Gerdi Gerschheimer. |
19 |
XII-12-B-a-18 |
Annambhaṭṭa. |
El Tarkasamgraha de Annambhaṭṭa / texto sánscrito con introducción, traducción y notas, Nicolás Altuchow. |
20 |
XII-12-B-a-19 |
Houben, Jan E. M. |
The Saṃbandha-samuddeśa (chapter on relation) and Bhartṛhari's philosophy of language : a study of Bhartṛhari Saṃbandha-samuddeśa in the context of the Vākyapadīya : with a translation of Helārāja's commentary Prakīrṇa-prakāśa / Jan E. M. Houben. |
21 |
XII-12-B-a-20 |
Chaudhuri, Saroj Kumar. |
Sanskrit in China and Japan / Saroj Kumar Chaudhuri. |
22 |
XII-12-B-a-21 |
Truschke, Audrey. |
Culture of encounters : Sanskrit at the Mughal Court / Audrey Truschke. |
23 |
XII-12-B-a-25 |
Makarandadāsa. |
Paramānandīyanāmamālā of Makarandadāsa. Pt. 1. Ed. by Eknath Dattatreya Kulkarni. |
24 |
XII-12-B-a-26 |
Makarandadāsa. |
Paramānandīyanāmamālā of Makarandadāsa. Pt. 2. Ed. by Eknath Dattatreya Kulkarni. |
25 |
XII-12-B-a-27 |
Ghatage, A. M., &c., ed. |
Studies in historical Sanskrit lexicography. |
26 |
XII-12-B-a-28 |
Development of Sanskrit in India. |
27 |
XII-12-B-a-29 |
Алексидзе, Этери Георгиевна. |
Формонеизменяемые слова в древнеиндийском / Э. Г. Алексидзе. |
28 |
XII-12-B-a-30 |
Paulinus a S. Bartholomaeo. |
Dissertation on the Sanskrit language. A reprint of the original Latin text of 1790, together with an introductory article, a complete English translation, and an index of sources, by Ludo Rocher. |
29 |
XII-12-B-a-31 |
Houben, Jan E. M., ed. |
Ideology and status of Sanskrit : contributions to the history of the Sanskrit language / edited by Jan E. M. Houben. |
30 |
XII-12-B-a-16 |
Елизаренкова, Татьяна Яковлевна. |
Ведийский язык / Т. Я. Елизаренкова. |