No. |
詳細 |
CallMark |
Heading |
TitleAuthor |
1 |
貴 P-XII-a-114 |
Carus, Paul, tr. |
Three Buddhist stanzas. Done into English verse & set to music. |
2 |
貴 P-XII-a-114 |
Dharmapāla's Mission in India, and his lecture in Albert Hall, Calcutta. |
3 |
貴 P-XII-a-116 |
Ronaldshay. |
Ethics, then and now. Buddhism and its background. |
4 |
貴 P-XII-a-123 |
Buddhism: Review based upon: - 1. Buddhism, in its connexion with Brahmanism & Hinduism, & in its contrast with Christianity, by Sir Monier Monier-Williams. London, 1889. - 2. Buddha : his life, his doctrine, his order, by Dr. Hermann Oldenberg, tr. fr. the German by William Hoey. London, 1882. |
5 |
貴 P-XII-b-13 |
Simmons, Edith M. |
The story of the Buddha and some of the facts regarding Buddhism. |
6 |
XII-10-C-b-1 |
Rockhill, William Woodville, tr. |
The life of the Buddha and the early history of his order : derived from Tibetan works in the Bkah-hgyur and Bstan-hgyur : followed by notices on the early history of Tibet and Khoten / translated by W. Woodville Rockhill. |
7 |
XII-10-C-b-2 |
Bigandet, Rt. Rev. P. |
The life or legend of Gaudama. The Buddha of the Burmese. 4. ed. |
8 |
XII-10-C-b-3 |
Bigandet, Rt. Rev. P. |
The life or legend of Gaudama. The Buddha of the Burmese. Popl. ed. |
9 |
XII-10-C-b-4 |
Held, Hans Ludwig. |
Buddha, sein Evangelium und seine Auslegung. Band, 1. Das Evangelium. |
10 |
XII-10-C-b-5 |
Oldenberg, Herman. |
Buddha. Sein Leben, seine Lehre, seine Gemeinde. 8. u. 9. Aufl. |
11 |
XII-10-C-b-6 |
Oldenberg, Herman. |
Le Bouddha. Sa vie, sa doctrine, sa communauté. Tr. de l'allemand par A. Foucher. 2. ed. |
12 |
XII-10-C-b-7 |
Oldenberg, Herman, tr. & ed. |
Reden des Buddha. Lehre, Verse, Erzählungen. |
13 |
XII-10-C-b-8 |
Grim, Georg. |
Die Lehre des Buddha, Die Religion der Vernunft. 4. Aufl. |
14 |
XII-10-C-b-9 |
Grim, Georg. |
Die Lehre des Buddha, Die Religion der Vernunft. 6.- 8. Aufl. |
15 |
XII-10-C-b-10 |
Arnold, Sir Edwin. |
The light of Asia. |
16 |
XII-10-C-b-11 |
Arnold, Sir Edwin. |
The light of Asia; or, The great renunciation (Mahābhinishkramana). Being the life and teaching of Gautama, Prince of India and Founder of Buddhism, as told in verse by an Indian Buddhist. |
17 |
貴 XII-10-C-b-12 |
Arnold, Sir Edwin. |
The light of Asia; or, The great renunciation (Mahābhinishkramana). Being the life and teaching of Gautama, Prince of India and Founder of Buddhism, as told in verse by an Indian Buddhist. |
18 |
XII-10-C-b-13 |
Arnold, Sir Edwin. |
The light of Asia; or, The great renunciation (Mahābhinishkramana). Being the life and teaching of Gautama, Prince of India and Founder of Buddhism, as told in verse by an Indian Buddhist. |
19 |
XII-10-C-b-14 |
Davids, Thomas William Rhys. |
Buddhism: Being a sketch of the life and teaching of Gautama, the Buddha. 8. thousand. |
20 |
XII-10-C-b-15 |
Davids, Thomas William Rhys. |
Buddhism: Being a sketch of the life and teaching of Gautama, the Buddha. 25. thousand. Repr. of rev. ed. with map & plate. |
21 |
XII-10-C-b-16 |
Saint-Hilaire, J. Barthélemy. |
Le Bouddha et sa religion. 3 éd., revue et corrigée. |
22 |
XII-10-C-b-17 |
Saint-Hilaire, J. Barthélemy. |
Le Bouddha et sa religion. Nouv. éd. |
23 |
XII-10-C-b-18 |
Dahlmann, Joseph. |
Buddha. Ein Culturbild des Ostens. |
24 |
貴 XII-10-C-b-19 |
Reiner, Julius. |
Buddha und der Buddhismus. 4., neu durchgesehene Auf. |
25 |
XII-10-C-b-20 |
Subhadra Bhiksu. |
De Leer van Boeddha, naar de Heilige Boeken van het Zuidelijk Boeddhisme voor Europeanen bewerkt en met Anteekeningen voorzien. Uit het Duitsch vertaald door en met voorwoord van S. van Houten. 2e veel vermeerderede uitgaaf. |
26 |
XII-10-C-b-21 |
Schmidt, Kurt. |
Der Buddha und seine Lehre. |
27 |
XII-10-C-b-22 |
Schmidt, Kurt, tr. |
Buddha. Die Erlösung vom Leiden. Ausgewählte Reden des Buddha. Aus den ältesten Urkunden, dem Pāli-Kanon, übersetzt und geordnet von Kurt Schmidt. |
28 |
XII-10-C-b-23 |
Beckh, Hermann. |
Buddhismus (Buddha und seine Lehre). (Sammlung Göschen) 1.-2. Aufl. |
29 |
XII-10-C-b-24 |
Pischel, Richard. |
Leben und Lehre des Buddha. 3. Auflage von H. Lüders. (Aus Natur und Geisteswelt, 109). |
30 |
XII-10-C-b-25 |
Brown, Brian, ed. |
The story of Buddha and Buddhism, his life and sayings. |
31 |
XII-10-C-b-26 |
Winternitz, Moriz. |
Der ältere Buddhismus nach Texten des Tipiṭaka. |
32 |
XII-10-C-b-27 |
Davids, Caroline Augusta Foly Rhys. |
Gotama, the man. |
33 |
XII-10-C-b-28 |
Herold, A. Ferdinand. |
The life of Buddha. According to the legends of Ancient India by A. F. H. Tr. fr. the Fr. Paul C. Blum. |
34 |
XII-10-C-b-29 |
Hoffmann, Paul Th, ed. |
Buddhas Reden. Sein Leben und seine Lehre. Eingeleitet und ausgewäht von P.T.H. |
35 |
XII-10-C-b-30 |
Жизнеописаніе Будды : изданіе Пекинской духовной миссіи. |
36 |
XII-10-C-b-31 |
Nārada Thero, tr. |
The life of Buddha. (In his own words.) Tr. fr. the Pāli. |
37 |
XII-10-C-b-32 |
Oldenberg, Herman. |
Buddha. Sein Leben, seine Lehre, seine Gemeinde. |
38 |
XII-10-C-b-33 |
What is Buddhism? An answer from the Western point of view. Comp. by the Buddhist Lodge, London. |
39 |
XII-10-C-b-34 |
Ольденбергъ, Германъ. |
Будда : Его жизнь, ученіе и община / Германъ Ольденбергъ ; переводъ со второго исправленнаго изданія П. Николаева. |
40 |
XII-10-C-b-35 |
Oldenberg, Herman. |
Le Bouddha. Sa vie, sa doctrine, sa communauté. Tr. de l'allemand par A. Foucher. 4. éd. franc, rev. d'après la dernière éd. allemande. |
41 |
XII-10-C-b-36 |
Iqbal Singh. |
Gautama Buddha. |
42 |
XII-10-C-b-37 |
Egoroff, Sophia. |
Buddha-Sakya-Muni. A historical personage, who lived towards B.C. 390-320, the divine socialist. His life and preachings, his salutary influence on the civilization of the whole world. |
43 |
XII-10-C-b-38 |
Arnold, Sir Edwin. |
The light of Asia; or, The great renunciation (Mahâbhinishkramana). Being the life and teaching of Gautama, prince of India and founder of Buddhism, (as told in verse by an Indian Buddhist). |
44 |
XII-10-C-b-39 |
Lakmi Narasu, P. |
Budao. Komarita kun angla originalo de Okamoto-Joicugu Esperantigis. Takeui-Tookii, lau Japana traduko. |
45 |
XII-10-C-b-40 |
Foucher, A. |
La vie du Bouddha. D'après les textes et les monuments de l'Inde. |
46 |
XII-10-C-b-41 |
Government of India. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. |
The way of the Buddha. Publ. on the occasion of the 2500th Ann. of the Mahaparinirvana of Buddha. |
47 |
XII-10-C-b-42 |
Suddhasatwananda, Swami, comp. |
Thus spake, the Buddha. |
48 |
XII-10-C-b-43 |
Bahm, A. J. |
Philosophy of the Buddha. |
49 |
XII-10-C-b-44 |
Saint-Hilaire, J. Barthélemy. |
The Buddha and his religion. Translated by Laura Ensor. |
50 |
XII-10-C-b-45 |
Thomas, Edward J. |
The life of Buddha. As legend and history. |
51 |
XII-10-C-b-46 |
Lillie, Arthur. |
The life of Buddha. Containing an answer to the Hibbert lectures of 1881. |
52 |
XII-10-C-b-47 |
Kshemendra. |
Avadána Kalpalatá. A collection of legendary stories about the Bodhisattvas. With its Tibetan version called Rtogs brjod dpag bsam hkhri S'in. Edited by Sarat Chandra Dás & Paṇḍit Hari Mohan Vidyábhúshaṇa. |
53 |
XII-10-C-b-47 |
Avadána Kalpalatá. A collection of legendary stories about the Bodhisattvas. With its Tibetan version called Rtogs brjod dpag bsam hkhri S'in. Edited by Sarat Chandra Dás & Paṇḍit Hari Mohan Vidyábhúshaṇa |
Avadána Kalpalatá. A collection of legendary stories about the Bodhisattvas. With its Tibetan version called Rtogs brjod dpag bsam hkhri S'in. Edited by Sarat Chandra Dás & Paṇḍit Hari Mohan Vidyábhúshaṇa |
54 |
XII-10-C-b-47 |
Kshemendra. |
Avadána Kalpalatá. A collection of legendary stories about the Bodhisattvas. With its Tibetan version called Rtogs brjod dpag bsam hkhri S'in. Edited by Sarat Chandra Dás & Paṇḍit Hari Mohan Vidyábhúshaṇa. |
55 |
XII-10-C-b-48 |
Piyadassi Thera. |
The Buddha, as a master mind. |
56 |
XII-10-C-b-49 |
Waldschmidt, Ernst. |
Die Überlieferung vom Lebensende des Buddha : eine vergleichende Analyse des Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra und seiner Textentsprechungen / von Ernst Waldschmidt. |
57 |
XII-10-C-b-50 |
Vekerdi, József, ed. & tr. |
Buddha beszédei / válogatta, páliból fordította, a jegyzeteket és az utószót írta Vekerdi Jósef. |
58 |
XII-10-C-b-51 |
Sīlācāra, Bhikkhu. |
A young people's life of the Buddha / by the Bhikkhu Sīlācāra. |
59 |
XII-10-C-b-52 |
Glasenapp, Helmuth von. |
Die Weisheit des Buddha / Helmuth von Glasenapp. |
60 |
XII-10-C-b-53 |
Grönbold, Günter. |
The date of the Buddha according to Tantric texts / by Günter Grönbold. |
61 |
XII-10-C-b-54 |
The Buddha and his teachings. |
62 |
XII-10-C-b-55 |
Silk, Jonathan A. |
Body language : Indic śarīra and Chinese shèlì in the Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra and Saddharmapuṇḍarīka / Jonathan A. Silk. |
63 |
XII-10-C-b-56 |
Hidas, Gergely. |
Mahāpratisarā-Mahāvidyārājñī = the great amulet, great queen of spells : introduction, critical editions and annotated translation / Gergely Hidas. |