Database List → | Classification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko → | 検索結果 |
No. | 詳細 | CallMark | Heading | TitleAuthor |
1 | II-1-B-5 | Hofinger, M. | Le congrès du lac Anavatapta, (vies du saints bouddhiques) : extrait du Vinaya des Mūlasarvāstivādin Bhaiṣajyavastu / par Marcel Hofinger. | |
2 | II-1-B-12 | Bronkhorst, Johannes. | Buddhism in the Shadow of Brahmanism / by Johannes Bronkhorst. | |
3 | II-1-C-c-91 | Cousins, L., &c., ed. | Buddhist studies in honour of I. B. Horner / edited by L. Cousins, A. Kunst, and K. R. Norman. | |
4 | II-1-C-c-128 | Lancaster, Lewis & Gómez, Luis O., ed. | Prajñāpāramitā and related systems : studies in honor of Edward Conze. | |
5 | II-1-C-c-134 | Buddhist studies in honour of Walpola Rahula. | ||
6 | VII-5-A-137 | The royal song of Saraha. A study in the history of Buddhist thought. | ||
7 | VIII-5-B4-a-38 | Saha, Kshanika. | Buddhism and Buddhist literature in Central Asia / Kshanika Saha. | |
8 | 貴 O-12-C-11 | Ozeray, Michel Jean François. | Recherches sur Buddou ou Bouddou : instituteur religieux de l'Asie orientale : précédées de considérations générales sur les premiers hommages rendus au Créateur : sur la corruption de la religion, l'établissement des cultes du soleil, de la lune, des planètes, du ciel, de la terre, des montagnes, des eaux, des forêts, des hommes et des animaux / par Michel-Jean-François Ozeray. | |
9 | 貴 P-XII-b-2 | Levi, Sylvain. | Notes chinoises sur l'Inde. | |
10 | 貴 P-XII-b-29 | Buddhist Shrine Restoration Society. | Minutes of a meeting held in the hall of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta, on the 23rd january, 1909. Also various other papers relating to the society & to the Budh-gaya temple. | |
11 | XII-1-B-14 | Schuyler, Montgomery. | Index verborum of the fragments of the Avesta. | |
12 | XII-20-H-75 | Ray, Himanshu P. | The winds of change : Buddhism and the maritime links of early south Asia / Himanshu P. Ray. | |
13 | XII-2-B-b-171 | Olschak, Blanche C. | Ancient Bhutan. A study on early Buddhism in the Himâlayas. | |
14 | XII-2-B-f-50 | Rahula, Walpola. | History of Buddhism in Ceylon. The Anurādhapura period 3rd century BC - 10th century AC. | |
15 | XII-10-B-a-93 | Mookerjee, Ajit & Khanna, Madhu. | The tantric way. Art, science, ritual. | |
16 | XII-10-C-a-1 | Held, Hans Ludwig. | Deutsche Bibliographie des Buddhismus; Eine Uebersicht über dertschsprachliche buddhistische und buddhologische Buchwerke, Abhandlungen, Vorträge, Aufsätse Erwähnungen, Hinweise und Rezensionen mit ausschliesslicher Berücksichtigung des Buddhismus als Religionswissenschft. | |
17 | 貴 XII-10-C-a-2 | Hardy, R. Spence. | Eastern monachism: An account of the origin, laws, discipline, sacred writings, mysterious rites, religious ceremonies, and present circumstances of the order of mendicants founded by Gotama Budha. With comparative notices of the usages and institutions of the Western ascetics and a review of the monastic system. | |
18 | XII-10-C-a-3 | Hardy, R. Spence, tr. | A manual of Buddhism, in its modern development; translated from Singhalese Mss. 2. ed. | |
19 | XII-10-C-a-4 | Williams, Sir Monier Monier-. | Buddhism, in its connexion with Brahmanism and Hinduism, and in its contrast with Christianity. | |
20 | XII-10-C-a-5 | Lakṣmi Narasu, P. | The essence of Buddhism. with an introduction by Anagarika H. Dharmapala. | |
21 | XII-10-C-a-6 | Lakṣmi Narasu, P. | The essence of Buddhism. with an introduction by Anagarika H. Dharmapala, with illustrations of Buddhist art. 2. ed. rev. and enl. | |
22 | XII-10-C-a-7 | Dahlke, Paul. | Buddhismus als Religion und Moral. | |
23 | XII-10-C-a-8 | Dahlke, Paul. | Buddhist essays. Translated from the German by the Bhikkhu Sīlācāra. | |
24 | XII-10-C-a-9 | Minaev, I. P. | Recherches sur le Bouddhisme. Tr. du russe par R. H. Assir de Pompignan. | |
25 | XII-10-C-a-10 | B麩anda Kentish Coomaraswamy. | Buddha and the gospel of Buddhism. | |
26 | XII-10-C-a-11 | B麩anda Kentish Coomaraswamy. | Buddha and the gospel of Buddhism. | |
27 | XII-10-C-a-12 | Albrecht, Ludwig. | Der Buddhismus. | |
28 | XII-10-C-a-13 | Tāranāth. | Tāranāthae de doctrinae buddhicae in India propagatione narratio. Contextum Tibeticum e condicibus Petropolitanis. Edidit Antonius Schiefner. | |
29 | XII-10-C-a-14 | Grousset, René. | Sur les traces du Bouddha. | |
30 | XII-10-C-a-15 | Oldenberg, Hermann. | Die Lehre der Upanishaden und die Anfänge des Buddhismus. | |
31 | XII-10-C-a-16 | Vasil'ev, V. P. | Der Buddismus, seine Dogmen, Geschichte und Literatur. Aus dem Russischen übersetz [von A. Schiefner.] | |
32 | XII-10-C-a-17 | Burnouf, Eugène. | Introduction a l'histoire du Buddhisme indien. 2. éd. | |
33 | XII-10-C-a-18 | Copleston, R. S. | Buddhism. Primitive and present in Magadha and in Ceylon. 2. ed. | |
34 | XII-10-C-a-19 | Hackmann, Henrich Friedrich. | Buddhism as a religion: its historical development and its present conditions. | |
35 | XII-10-C-a-20 | Hardy, Edmund. | Der Buddhismus nach älteren Pāli-Werken. Neue Ausgabe besorgt von Richard Schmidt. | |
36 | XII-10-C-a-21 | Подгорбунскій, И. А. | Буддизмъ : его исторія и основныя положенія его ученія / И. А. Подгорбунскій. | |
37 | XII-10-C-a-22 | Heiler, Friedrich. | Die Buddhistische Versenkung. Eine Religionsgeschitliche Untersuchung. 2. Aufl. | |
38 | XII-10-C-a-23 | Mazeliere, A. R. de la, Marq. | Moines et ascètes indiens. Essai sur les caves d'Ajaṇṭ et les couvents Bouddhistes des Indes. | |
39 | XII-10-C-a-24 | Gordon, Mrs. Elizabeth A. | "Symbols of 'The way'-Far East and West". Fully illustrated. | |
40 | XII-10-C-a-25 | Lehmann, Edv. | Der Budhismus als indische Sekte als Weltreligion. | |
41 | XII-10-C-a-26 | Lillie, Arthur. | Buddhism in Christendom or Jesus, the Essene. | |
42 | XII-10-C-a-27 | Milloué, L. De. | Le Bouddhisme dans le monde. Origine-dogmes-histoire. | |
43 | XII-10-C-a-28 | Günter, Heinrich. | Buddha in der abendländischen Lengende? | |
44 | XII-10-C-a-29 | Lüttge, Lic. Willy. | Christentum und Buddhismus. Eine Studie zur Geisteskultur des Ostens und Westens. | |
45 | XII-10-C-a-30 | Dahlke, Paul. | Buddism & science. Translated from the German by the Bhikkhu Sīlācāra. | |
46 | XII-10-C-a-31 | Davids, Thomas William Rhys. | Buddhist India. [5th imp.] | |
47 | XII-10-C-a-32 | Davids, Thomas William Rhys. | Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by some points in the history of Indian Buddhism. 4. ed. | |
48 | XII-10-C-a-33 | Staat und Kirche. Eine Studie für Angewandten Buddhismus. | ||
49 | XII-10-C-a-34 | Conze, Edward. | Buddhist thought in India. Three phases of Buddhist philosophy. with corrections. | |
50 | XII-10-C-a-35 | Dutt, Sukumar. | Early Buddhist monachism, 600 B.C.-100 B.C. | |
51 | XII-10-C-a-36 | Saunders, Kenneth James. | Epochs in Buddhist history. The Haskell lectures, 1921. | |
52 | XII-10-C-a-37 | Nariman, G. K. | Literary history of Sanskrit Buddhism. (From Winternitz, Sylvain Lévi, Huber.) 2. impression. | |
53 | XII-10-C-a-38 | Rosenberg, Otto. | Die Probleme der buddhistischen Philosophie. Aus dem Russischen übersetzt von Frau E. Rosenberg. | |
54 | XII-10-C-a-39 | Olcotts, H. S. | Buddhistischer Katechismus. Neu bearbeitet und stark erweitert nebst Appendices, Erläuterungen und Glossar von Karl Seidenstücker. Revid. deutsche Ausgabe. | |
55 | XII-10-C-a-40 | Przyluski, Jean. | Le concile de Rājagṛha. Introduction á l'histoire des canons et des sectes bouddhiques. [Pt. 1-3.] | |
56 | 貴 XII-10-C-a-41 | Simpson, William. | The Buddhist praying wheel. A collection of material bearing upon the symbolism of the wheel and circular movements in custom and religious ritual. | |
57 | 貴 XII-10-C-a-42 | Hackmann, Henrich Friedrich. | Der Buddhismus. | |
58 | 貴 XII-10-C-a-43 | Lillie, Arthur. | The influence of Buddhism on primitive Christianity. | |
59 | 貴 XII-10-C-a-44 | Carus, Paul. | Buddhism and its Christian critics. | |
60 | 貴 XII-10-C-a-45 | Saunders, Kenneth James. | The story of Buddhism. | |
61 | 貴 XII-10-C-a-46 | Eitel, Rev. Ernest John. | Buddhism; its historical, theoritical and popular aspects. 3. ed. Rev. with additions. | |
62 | 貴 XII-10-C-a-47 | Vajiranāna. Prince. | The Buddhist attitude towards national defence and administration. A special allocution. Translated into English by one of his disciples. | |
63 | 貴 XII-10-C-a-48 | Baynes, Herbert. | The way of the Buddha. | |
64 | 貴 XII-10-C-a-49 | Lillie, Arthur. | Buddha and Buddhism. | |
65 | XII-10-C-a-50 | Baehler, Lois A. | Der Buddhismus. Eine Skizze. Deutsche Bearb. von Carl Dietz. | |
66 | XII-10-C-a-51 | Carus, Paul. | Buddha-Dharma. Eine Auslegung des Buddhismus zur Einführung in die Religion der Erleuchtung. Einzige autorisierte deutsche Uebers. nach der 5. Aufl. des eng. Originals bearb. nebst Anhang von Karl Seidenstücker. | |
67 | XII-10-C-a-52 | Bohn, Wolfgang. | Buddhismus, die Religion der Erlösung. | |
68 | XII-10-C-a-53 | Markgraf, Walter. | Kleiner Buddhistischer Katechismus. Zum Gebrauch für Eltern und Lehrer. 3. Aufl. | |
69 | XII-10-C-a-54 | Dahlke, Paul. | Die Bedeutung des Buddhismus für unsere Zeit. | |
70 | XII-10-C-a-55 | Vāseṭṭho. | Buddhismus als Reformgedanke für unsere Zeit. | |
71 | XII-10-C-a-56 | Sīlācāra, Bhikkhu. | Laienbuddhismus u. a. | |
72 | XII-10-C-a-57 | Nagao Skesaburo. | Der Weg zu Buddha. Berechtigte deutsche Ausg. von Karl B. Seidenstücker. | |
73 | XII-10-C-a-58 | B麩anda Metteyya, Bhikkhu. | Die drei Merkmale. Alte und neue Kritik des Buddhismus. Übers. von Hedda Wagner. | |
74 | XII-10-C-a-59 | Buulltjens, A. E. | Warum ich Buddhist wurde. | |
75 | XII-10-C-a-60 | Schayer, Stanislav. | Vorarbeiten zur Geschichte der mahāyānistischen Erlösungslehren. | |
76 | XII-10-C-a-61 | Dahlke, Paul. | Buddhismus als Religion und Moral. 2. Aufl. | |
77 | XII-10-C-a-62 | Hardy, Edmund. | Der Buddhismus nach älteren Pāli-Werken. Dargestellt von E. H. 3. Ausg. besorgt von Richard Schmidt. | |
78 | XII-10-C-a-63 | Hari Singh Gour, Sir. | The spirit of Buddhism. Being an examination-analytical-explanatory and critical of the life of the founder of Buddhism: his religion and philosophy, its influence upon other religions, philosophies and on the ancient and modern social and ethical systems, social upheavals and revolutionary movements. | |
79 | XII-10-C-a-64 | Rokotoff, Natalie. | Foundations of Buddhism. | |
80 | XII-10-C-a-65 | Kern, Jan Hendrick Kasper. | Der Buddhismus und seine Geschichte in Indien. Eine Darstellung der Lehren und Geschichte der buddhistischen Kirche. Vom Verfasser autorisirte Uebers. von Hermann Jacobi. Bd. 1. | |
81 | XII-10-C-a-66 | Müller, Friedrich Max. | Ueber den Buddhistischen Nihilismus. Vortrag. ...Als Ms. gedruckt u. für die Mitglieder der XXVII. Philol.-Versamml. gratis zu haben ... | |
82 | XII-10-C-a-67 | Seydel, Rudolf. | Die Buddha-Legende und das Leben Jesu nach den Evangelien. Erneute Prüfung ihres gegenseitigen Verhältnisses. | |
83 | XII-10-C-a-68 | Wurm, Paul. | Der Buddhismus, order der vorchristliche Versuch einer erlösenden Universalreligion. | |
84 | XII-10-C-a-69 | Pratt, James Bissett. | The pilgrimage of Buddhism and a Buddhist pilgrimage. | |
85 | XII-10-C-a-70 | Geiger, Wilhelm. | Dīpavaṃsa und Mahāvaṃsa und die geschichtliche Überlieferung in Ceylon. | |
86 | XII-10-C-a-71 | Koeppen, Carl Friedrich. | Die Religion des Buddha und ihre Entstehung. 2. Aufl. | |
87 | XII-10-C-a-72 | La Vallée Poussin, Louis de & Thomas, Frederick William. | Le Bouddhisme d'après les sources brahmaniques. 1. SarvadarçanasaÆ喩raha (L. de L. V. P.). 2. Sarvasiddhāntasamgraha (F. W. T. et L. de L. V. P.). | |
88 | XII-10-C-a-73 | Lanman, Charles Rockwell. | Pāli book-titles and their brief designations. | |
89 | XII-10-C-a-74 | Vimāla Caraṇa Lāhā. | The life and work of Buddhaghosa. By Bimala Charn Law. | |
90 | XII-10-C-a-75 | Bibliographie bouddhique. Tom. 1-8. | ||
91 | XII-10-C-a-75 | Bibliographie bouddhique. | ||
92 | XII-10-C-a-76 | Shwe Zan Aung & Walleser, Max. | Dogmatik des modernen südlichen Buddhismus. | |
93 | XII-10-C-a-76 | Walleser, Max. | Das Edikt von Bhabra. Zur Kritik und Geschichte. | |
94 | XII-10-C-a-76 | Walleser, Max. | Sprache und Heimat des Pāli-Kanons. | |
95 | XII-10-C-a-76 | Sarat Candra Das. | Die Weltanschauung des modernen Buddhismus im fernen Osten. Aus dem Russischen übersetzt von Dr. Ph. Schaeffer. Mit einer biographischen Skizze von Prof. Th. Stcherbatsky. | |
96 | XII-10-C-a-76 | Walleser, Max. | Materialien zur Kunde des Buddhismus. Hft. 1-13. | |
97 | XII-10-C-a-76 | Rosenberg, Otto. | Die Probleme der buddhistischen Philosophie. Aus dem Russischen übersetzt von Frau E. Rosenberg. | |
98 | XII-10-C-a-76 | Walleser, Max. | Zur Aussprache des Sanskrit und Tibetischen. | |
99 | XII-10-C-a-76 | Walleser, Max. | Nochmals das Edikt von Bhabra. Eine Erwiderung. | |
100 | XII-10-C-a-76 | Schäffer, Phil, tr. | Yukti-sasṭikâ. Die 60 Sätze des Negativismus. Nach der chinesischen Version. | |
101 | XII-10-C-a-76 | Walleser, Max, ed. | Ga las hjigs med. Die tibetische Version von Nâgârjuna's Kommentar Akutobhayâ zur Madhyamaka-kârikâ. Nach der Pekinger Ausgabe des Tanjur. | |
102 | XII-10-C-a-77 | Aufhauser, Johnnes Baptista. | Christentum und Buddhismus im Ringen um Fernasien. | |
103 | XII-10-C-a-78 | Gallaud, Marie. | Ceylon. Buddhisme. | |
104 | XII-10-C-a-79 | Grousset, Réné. | In the footsteps of the Buddha. [Tr. fr. the Fr. by Mariette Leon.] | |
105 | XII-10-C-a-80 | Fick, Richard. | The social organisation in North-East India in Buddha's time. Tr. by Shishi-Kumar Maitra. | |
106 | XII-10-C-a-81 | Grimm, Georg. | Buddha und Christus. | |
107 | XII-10-C-a-82 | Vimāla Caraṇa Lāhā. | A history of Pāli literature. | |
108 | XII-10-C-a-84 | Davids, Caroline Augusta Foly Rhys. | Outlines of Buddhism. A historical sketch. | |
109 | XII-10-C-a-85 | Ward, C. H. S. | Outline of Buddhism. | |
110 | XII-10-C-a-86 | Tomomatsu Entai. | Le bouddhisme. Tr. par Kuni Matsuo. | |
111 | XII-10-C-a-87 | Nagao Skesaburo. | Der Weg zu Buddha. Berechtigte deutsche Ausg. von Karl B. Seidenstücker. | |
112 | XII-10-C-a-88 | Weber, Albrecht Friedrich. | Die neusten Forschungen auf dem Gebiete des Buddhismus. Besprochen. | |
113 | XII-10-C-a-89 | [Tāranāth.] | dPal-gyi ḥByu-gNas Dam-paḥi Chos-Rin-po-Che ḥPhags-paḥi Yul-du Ji-Ltar Dar-baḥi Tshul-gSal-bar Stonpa dGos-ḥDod Kun-hByuÆ・Shes-Bya-Ba bShugs-So. | |
114 | XII-10-C-a-90 | Lillie, Arthur. | India in primitive Christianity. | |
115 | XII-10-C-a-91 | Kern, Jan Hendrick Kasper. | Histoire du Bouddhisme dans l'Inde. Tr. du néerlandais par Gédéon Huet. | |
116 | XII-10-C-a-92 | Dahlke, Paul. | Buddhism and its place in the mental life of mankind. | |
117 | XII-10-C-a-93 | March, Arthur C., comp. | A Buddhist bibliography. | |
118 | XII-10-C-a-94 | A brief glossary of Buddhist terms. 2. & rev. ed. | ||
119 | XII-10-C-a-95 | Hardy, R. Spence. | The legends and theories of the Buddhists, compared with history and science. With introductory notices of the life and system of Gotama Buddha. | |
120 | XII-10-C-a-96 | Feer, Henri Leon. | Introduction du buddhisme dans le Kashmir. | |
121 | 貴 XII-10-C-a-99 | Sarat Candra Das. | Indian pandits in the land of snow. Ed. by Nobin Chandra Das. | |
122 | XII-10-C-a-100 | Bareau, André. | Les premiers conciles bouddhiques. | |
123 | XII-10-C-a-101 | Snellgrove, D. L. | Buddhist Himālaya. Travels and studies in quest of the origins and nature of Tibetan religion. | |
124 | XII-10-C-a-102 | [Noble, Margaret E.]. | Siva & Buddha. By Sister Nivedita. | |
125 | XII-10-C-a-103 | Conze, Edward. | Buddhism. Its essence and development. | |
126 | XII-10-C-a-103 | Conze, Edward. | Buddhism : its essence and development / by Edward Conze ; with a preface by Arthur Waley. | |
127 | XII-10-C-a-104 | Lamotte, Étienne. | Histoire du Bouddhisme indien. Des origines à l'ère Śaka. | |
128 | XII-10-C-a-105 | Dutt, Nalinaksha. | Early monastic Buddhism / by Nalinaksha Dutt. | |
129 | XII-10-C-a-106 | Rahula, Walpola. | History of Buddhism in Ceylon : the Anuradhapura period, 3rd century B.C. - 10th century A.D. / Walpola Rahula. | |
130 | XII-10-C-a-107 | Yuyama Akira. | Indic manuscripts and Chinese blockprints (non-Chinese texts) of the Oriental collection of the Australian National University Library, Canbera. | |
131 | XII-10-C-a-108 | Meuwese, Catherine. | L'Inde du Bouddha. Vur par des pèlerins chinois sous la dynastie Tang (7e siècle). Presentation de Etiemble. | |
132 | XII-10-C-a-109 | Tāranātha. | Tāranātha's history of Buddhism in India. Translated from the Tibetan by Lama Chimpa Alaka Chattopadhyaya, edited by Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya. | |
133 | XII-10-C-a-110 | Donath, Dorothy C. | Buddhism for the West. Theravāda, Mahāyāna and Vajrayāna. A comprehensive review of Buddhist history, philosophy, and teachings from the time of the Buddha to the present day. | |
134 | XII-10-C-a-111 | Glasenapp, Helmuth von. | Buddhism. A non-theistic religion. With a selection from Buddhist scriptures edited by Heinz Bechert. Translated from the German by Irmgard Schloegl. | |
135 | XII-10-C-a-112 | Humphreys, Christmas. | Sixty years of Buddhism in England (1907-1967). A history and a survey. | |
136 | XII-10-C-a-113 | Ling, Trevor. | Buddha, Marx, and God. Some aspects of religion in the modern world. | |
137 | XII-10-C-a-114 | Warder, A. K. | Indian Buddhism. | |
138 | XII-10-C-a-115 | Thomas, Edward J. | The history of Buddhist thought. | |
139 | XII-10-C-a-116 | Pande, Govind Chandra. | Studies in the origins of Buddhism. | |
140 | XII-10-C-a-117 | Piyadassi Thera. | Buddhism. A living message. | |
141 | XII-10-C-a-118 | Narada Thera. | Buddhism in a nutshell. | |
142 | XII-10-C-a-119 | Legge, James, tr. & annot. | A record of Buddhistic kingdoms. Being an account by the Chinese monk Fâ-Hien of his travels in India and Ceylon (A.D. 399-414) in search of the Buddhist books of discipline. Tr. & annot. with a Corean recension of the Chinese text by J. Legge. | |
143 | XII-10-C-a-120 | Ampitiye Rahula Thera. | The Buddhist layman's code of discipline. | |
144 | XII-10-C-a-121 | Ceylon. The land Buddhism. | ||
145 | XII-10-C-a-122 | Central conception of Buddhism. The four noble truths. | ||
146 | XII-10-C-a-123 | Buddhist Information Centre. | Our work and scope. | |
147 | XII-10-C-a-124 | Ольденбург, С. Ф. | Первая буддийская выставка в Петербурге / очерк С. Ф. Ольденбурга. | |
148 | XII-10-C-a-125 | Davids, T. W. Rhys. | The history and literature of Buddhism. | |
149 | XII-10-C-a-126 | Cranmer-Byng, L. & Kapadia, S. A., ed. | Legends of Indian Buddhism. | |
150 | XII-10-C-a-127 | Humphreys, Christmas. | Buddhism. | |
151 | XII-10-C-a-128 | [Amṛtānanda, Vajrācārya]. | [Dharmakośa-saṅgraha]. | |
152 | XII-10-C-a-129 | Hofinger, M. | Étude sur le concile de Vaiśālī. | |
153 | XII-10-C-a-130 | Masson, Joseph. | La religion populaire dans le Canon bouddhique pâli. | |
154 | XII-10-C-a-131 | Zürcher, E. | Buddhism. Its origin and spread in words, maps and pictures. | |
155 | XII-10-C-a-132 | Conze, Edward. | Further Buddhist studies. Selected essays. | |
156 | XII-10-C-a-132 | Conze, Edward. | Thirty years of Buddhist studies. Selected essays. | |
157 | XII-10-C-a-133 | Kotański, Wiesław. | Buddyzm. | |
158 | XII-10-C-a-134 | Kajiyama, Yuichi. | Studies in Buddhist philosophy : selected papers / Y. Kajiyama ; edited on the occasion of his retirement from Kyoto University, by Katsumi Mimaki ... [et al.]. | |
159 | XII-10-C-a-135 | Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire, J. | Hiouen-Thsang in India. Translated from the French by Laura Ensor. | |
160 | XII-10-C-a-136 | Mitra, Rajendralala. | The Sanskrit Buddhist literature of Nepal. | |
161 | XII-10-C-a-137 | Joshi, Lal Muni. | Studies in the Buddhistic culture of India. During the 7th and 8th centuries A.D. | |
162 | XII-10-C-a-138 | Nakamura, Hajime. | Indian Buddhism. A survey with bibliographical notes. | |
163 | XII-10-C-a-139 | Lokesh Chandra, ed. | Quadrilingual Mahāvyutpatti. Sanskrit-Tibetan-Chinese-Mongolian lexicon of Buddhist terms. | |
164 | XII-10-C-a-140 | Ling, Trevor. | Buddhist revival in India. Aspects of the sociology of Buddhism. | |
165 | XII-10-C-a-141 | Denwood, Philip & Piatigorsky, Alexander, ed. | Buddhist studies. Ancient and modern. | |
166 | XII-10-C-a-142 | Conze, Edward. | Buddhist scriptures : a bibliography / Edward Conze ; edited and revised by Lewis Lancaster. | |
167 | XII-10-C-a-143 | Snellgrove, David L. | Indo-Tibetan Buddhism : Indian Buddhists and their Tibetan successors / David L. Snellgrove. | |
168 | XII-10-C-a-145 | Buddhism and nature : proceedings of an International Symposium on the occasion of EXPO 1990 = *1. | ||
169 | XII-10-C-a-146 | Schmithausen, Lambert. | Buddhism and nature : the lecture delivered on the occasion of the EXPO 1990 : an enlarged version with notes / Lambert Schmithausen. | |
170 | XII-10-C-a-147 | Schmithausen, Lambert. | The problem of the sentience of plants in earliest Buddhism / Lambert Schmithausen. | |
171 | XII-10-C-a-148 | Narada, Maha Thera. | A manual of Buddhism / by Narada Thera. | |
172 | XII-10-C-a-149 | Pemaratana, P., comp. | Way to the Buddha / compiled by The Ven. Pandit P. Pemaratana Thero. | |
173 | XII-10-C-a-150 | Twelve principles of Buddhism. | ||
174 | XII-10-C-a-151 | Gethin, R. M. L. | The Buddhist path to awakening : a study of the Bodhi-Pakkhiyā Dhammā / by R. M. L. Gethin. | |
175 | XII-10-C-a-152 | Light of liberation : a history of Buddhism in India. | ||
176 | XII-10-C-a-153 | Nagao, Gadjin M., ed. | An index to Asaṅga's Mahāyānasaṃgraha / edited by Gadjin M. Nagao. | |
177 | XII-10-C-a-153 | An index to Asaṅga's Mahāyānasaṃgraha / edited by Gadjin M. Nagao. | ||
178 | XII-10-C-a-154 | Brown, Brian Edward. | The Buddha nature : a study of the Tathāgatagarbha and Ālayavijñāna / Brian Edward Brown. | |
179 | XII-10-C-a-154 | Brown, Brian Edward. | The Buddha nature : a study of the Tathāgatagarbha and Ālayavijñāna / Brian Edward Brown. | |
180 | XII-10-C-a-155 | Lopez, Donald S. | A study of Svātantrika / Donald S. Lopez, Jr. | |
181 | XII-10-C-a-155 | Lopez, Donald S., Jr. | A study of Svātantrika / Donald S. Lopez, Jr. | |
182 | XII-10-C-a-156 | Cook, Elizabeth, ed. | 550 books on Buddhism : translations, studies, and general readings / [edited by Elizabeth Cook, Ruth Fellhauer]. | |
183 | XII-10-C-a-156 | 550 [= Five hundred and fifty] books on Buddhism : translations, studies, and general readings / [edited by Elizabeth Cook and Ruth Fellhauer]. | ||
184 | XII-10-C-a-157 | Ruegg, David Seyfort. | Buddha-nature, mind and the problem of gradualism in a comparative perspective : on the transmission and reception of Buddhism in India and Tibet / by David Seyfort Ruegg. | |
185 | XII-10-C-a-157 | Ruegg, David, Seyfort. | Buddha-nature, mind and the problem of gradualism in a comparative perspective : on the transmission and reception of Buddhism in India and Tibet / by David Seyfort Ruegg. | |
186 | XII-10-C-a-158 | Bunce, Fredrick William. | An encyclopaedia of Buddhist deities, demigods, godlings, saints and demons : with special focus on iconographic attributes / by Fredrick W. Bunce ; illustrations by G. X. Capdi. | |
187 | XII-10-C-a-159 | Holy places of the Buddha. | ||
188 | XII-10-C-a-159 | Holy places of the Buddha. | ||
189 | XII-10-C-a-160 | Cox, Collett. | Disputed Dharmas : early Buddhist theories on existence ; an annotated translation of the section on factors dissociated from thought from Saṅghabhadra's Nyāyānusāra / Collett Cox. | |
190 | XII-10-C-a-160 | Cox, Collett. | Disputed Dharmas : early Buddhist theories on existence ; an annotated translation of the section on factors dissociated from thought from Sanghabhadra's Nyāyānusāra / Collett Cox | |
191 | XII-10-C-a-161 | Ruegg, David Seyfort. | Ordre spirituel et ordre temporel dans la pensée bouddhique de l'Inde et du Tibet : quatre conférences au collège de France / par David Seyfort Ruegg. | |
192 | XII-10-C-a-162 | Sueki, Yasuhiro. | Bibliographical sources for Buddhist studies : from the viewpoint of Buddhist philology. Addenda / Yasuhiro Sueki. | |
193 | XII-10-C-a-162 | Sueki, Yasuhiro. | Bibliographical sources for Buddhist studies : from the viewpoint of Buddhist philology / Yasuhiro Sueki. | |
194 | XII-10-C-a-163 | Indo-Tibetan studies : papers in honour and appreciation of Professor David L. Snellgrove's contribution to Indo-Tibetan studies / edited by Tadeusz Skorupski. | ||
195 | XII-10-C-a-164 | Lokesh Chandra. | Iconography of the thousand Buddhas / Lokesh Chandra. | |
196 | XII-10-C-a-165 | Mori, Sodō. | Mahāyāna Buddhism in Sri Lanka : *1 / written and published by Sodō Mori = *2. | |
197 | XII-10-C-a-166 | Prados, Julio. | El budismo / Julio Prados. | |
198 | XII-10-C-a-167 | Japanese-English glossary of Buddhist technical terms. | ||
199 | XII-10-C-a-168 | Choong, Mun-keat. | The fundamental teachings of early Buddhism : a comparative study based on the Sūtrāṅ携a portion of the Pāli Saṃyutta-Nikāya and the Chinese Saṃyuktāgama / Choong Mun-keat(Wei-keat). | |
200 | XII-10-C-a-169 | Островская, Е. П., ред., сост. | Категории буддийской культуры / редактор-составитель Е. П. Островская. |
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