No. |
詳細 |
CallMark |
Heading |
TitleAuthor |
1 |
II-1-B-12 |
Gonda, J. |
Vedic ritual : the non-solemn rites / by J. Gonda. |
2 |
貴 P-XII-a-120 |
The Rig-veda: Review based upon: - Rig-veda-sanhita. The sacred hymns of the Brafmans, tr. & expel. by Prof. F. Max Müller. Vol. 1. London, 1869. |
3 |
貴 P-XII-a-121 |
Indian Missions: Review based upon: - 1. Statement exhibiting the moral & material progress & condition of India during the year 1871-2. London, 1873. - 2. Indian missions, by Sir Bartle Frere. London, 1873. - 3. Lecture on Missions. by Max Müller. London, 1873. - 4. Report of the General Missionary Confernce held at Allahabad, 1872-3. London, 1873. - 5. Statistical tables of Protestant Missions in India, Ceylon & Burma for 1871. Calcutta, 1873. |
4 |
貴 P-XII-a-122 |
The Progress and prospects of Church Missions: Review based upon: - 1. Classified digest of the records of the Society for the propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts. 1701-1892. - 2. Report of the centenary conference on the Protestant Missions of the world held in Exeter Hall (Jun. 9-19, 1888), ed. by Rev. James Johnson. London, 1888. 2v. - 3. Conquests of the Cross, ed. by Edwin Hodder. 3v. - 4: Buddhism in its connexion with Brahmanism & Hinduism & in its contrast with Christianity, by Sir Monier Monier Williams. London, 1889. - 5. Religious thought & life in India. Pt. 1. 1883. - 6. Non-Christian religiou systems. (1) Hinduism, by Sir Monier Williams. (2) Buddhism, by T. W. Rhys Davids. (3) Christianity & Buddhism, by T. Sterling Berry. (4) Buddhism in China, by Rev. S. Beal. London, 1890. &c. - 7. Henry Martyn, Saint & Scholar, First Modern Missionary to the Mahommedans. 1781-1812, by George Smith. London, 1892. - 8. Under his Banner, by Rev. H. W. Tucker. London, 1886. - 9. Among the Mongols, by Rev. James Gilmour. London. - 10. The story of John G. Paton told for young folks, by Rev. James Paton. - 11. The story of the life of Mackay of Uganda, told for boys by his sister. 2. ed. London, 1892. - 12. Indian gems for the Master's Crown, by Miss. Droese. London, 1892. - 13. The conversion of India, by George smith. London, 1893. - 14. Premi: the story of a Hindu girl, by Miss fallon. London, 1892. - 15. Once hindu : now Christian. Ed. by J. Murray Mitchell. London, 1890. - 16. Periodical & occasional papers & reports of the various Church Societies for Foreign Missions. |
5 |
XII-10-B-b-1 |
Oldenberg, Hermann. |
Die Religion des Veda. 2. Aufl. |
6 |
XII-10-B-b-2 |
Oldenberg, Hermann. |
La religion du Véda. |
7 |
XII-10-B-b-3 |
Müller, Friedrich Max, ed. |
Rig-Veda-Sanhita, the sacred hymns of the Brahmans; together with the commentary of Sayanacharya. [With an index.] |
8 |
XII-10-B-b-4 |
Müller, [Friedrich Max, ed.] |
The hymns of the Rig-Veda in the Samhita and Pada texts. Reprinted from the edition princeps. 2. ed. |
9 |
XII-10-B-b-5 |
Kātyayāna. |
K.'s Sarvānukramauī of the Rigveda, with extracts from Shadgurusishya's commentary, entitled Vedārthadīpikā. Ed. with critical notes & apps. by A. A. Macdonell. |
10 |
XII-10-B-b-6 |
[Sāyaṇācārya.] |
The first two lectures of the Sanhita of the Rig Veda, with the commentary of Mādhavāchāryā, and an English translation of the text. By E. Roer. |
11 |
XII-10-B-b-7 |
Delbrück, Berthold. |
Vedische Christomathie mit Anmerkungen und Glossar. |
12 |
XII-10-B-b-8 |
Hillebrandt, Alfred. |
Vedachrestomathie. Für den Ersten Gebrauch bei Vedavolesungen. Herausgegeben und mit einem Glossar versehen. |
13 |
XII-10-B-b-9 |
Bergaigne, Abel. |
La religion védique d'après les hymnes du Rig-Veda. Index par M. Bloomfield. |
14 |
XII-10-B-b-10 |
Griswold, H. D. |
The religion of the igveda. |
15 |
XII-10-B-b-11 |
Oldenberg, Hermann. |
Rigveda. Textkritische und exegetische Noten. |
16 |
XII-10-B-b-12 |
Hillebrandt, Alfred, tr. |
Lieder des gveda. ("Quellen der Religions-Geschichte", Bd. 5). |
17 |
XII-10-B-b-13 |
Weber, Albrecht Friedrich. |
Vedische Beiträge. |
18 |
XII-10-B-b-14 |
Weber, Albrecht Friedrich. |
Zwei vedische Texte über Omina und Portenta. 1. Das Adbhutabrāhmaṇa des Sāmaveda. 2. Der Adbhutādhyāya des Kauçikasūtra. |
19 |
XII-10-B-b-15 |
Weber, Albrecht Friedrich. |
Über den Vedakalender, Namens Jyotisham. |
20 |
XII-10-B-b-16 |
Bourquin, A. |
Considérations sur le calendrier Védique et sur quelques points de l'astronomie, de l'astrologie et du rituel des Indous. |
21 |
XII-10-B-b-17 |
Ludwig, Alfred. |
Die philosophischen und religiösen Anschauungen des Veda in ihrer Entwicklung. Gratulationsschrift zur Eröffnungsfeier der K. K. Universität in Czernowitz. |
22 |
XII-10-B-b-18 |
Benfey, Theodor. |
Vedica und Verwandtes. |
23 |
XII-10-B-b-19 |
Johansson, Karl Ferdinand. |
Bidrag till Rigvedas Tolkning. |
24 |
XII-10-B-b-20 |
Johansson, Karl Ferdinand. |
Beiträge zur interepretation des Rigveda. pp. 13-17. |
25 |
XII-10-B-b-21 |
Perry, Edward Delavan. |
Indra in the Rig-Veda. Presented to the Society October 28th, 1880. |
26 |
XII-10-B-b-22 |
Siecke, Ernst. |
Indra's Drachenkampf (nach dem Rig-Veda.) |
27 |
XII-10-B-b-23 |
Siecke, Ernst. |
Pūshan. Studien zur Idee des Hirtengottes im Anschluss an die Studien über "Hermes den Mondgott." Pūshan im Rig-Veda. |
28 |
XII-10-B-b-24 |
Rückert, Friedrich, tr. |
Atharwaweda. Aus dem ungedruckten Nachlasse des Dichters zum ersten Male herausgegeben von Herman Kreyenborg. Kleine Ausgabe. |
29 |
XII-10-B-b-25 |
Grassmann, Hermann, tr. |
Rig-Veda. Übers. u. mit kritischen u. erläuternden Anmerkungen versehen von H.G. |
30 |
XII-10-B-b-26 |
Grassmann, Hermann. |
Wörterbuch zum Rig-Veda. |
31 |
XII-10-B-b-27 |
Banerjea, Rev. K. M. |
Rig-Veda sanhita, the first and second adhyayas of the first ashtaka. With notes & explanations, & an introd. essay on the study of the vedas. |
32 |
XII-10-B-b-28 |
Siecke, Ernst. |
Der Gott Rudra im Rig-Veda. |
33 |
XII-10-B-b-29 |
Roer, E. &c., eds. |
The Sanhitá of the black yajur veda. With the commentary of Mádhava ・--0153---chárya. Ed. by E. R., E. B. Cowell, Ráma Náráyana Vidyáratna, Maheśachandra Náyaratna. Fasc. 1-12, 14-16, 18-23. |
34 |
XII-10-B-b-30 |
Neisser, Walter. |
Zum Wörterbuch des gveda. Heft 1. (a-auśāna). |
35 |
XII-10-B-b-31 |
Bloomfield, Maurice & Edgerton, Franklin. |
Vedic variants. A study of the variant readings in the repeated Mantras of the Veda. |
36 |
XII-10-B-b-32 |
Willson, Horace. Hayman., tr. |
ig-Veda sanhitā. A collection of ancient Hindu hymns, constituting the second ashÆaka, or book, of the ig-Veda; The oldest authority for the religious and social institutions of the Hindus. |
37 |
XII-10-B-b-33 |
[Sāyaṇācārya.], comnt. |
gveda-Samhita with the comnt. of S. Vol. 1, Mandal 1. Vol. 2, Mandalas 2-5. |
38 |
XII-10-B-b-34 |
Müller, [Friedrich Max, ed.] |
Die Hymnen des Rig-Veda im Samhita- und Pada-Text. Das erste Mandara zum Gebrauch für Vorlesungen. |
39 |
XII-10-B-b-35 |
Stevenson, Rev. J., tr. |
The translation of the sanhitá of the Sáma Veda. |
40 |
XII-10-B-b-36 |
Śṛkṛṣṇa Bhawe. |
Die Yajus' des Aśvamedha. Versuch einer Rekonstruktion dieses Abschnittes des Yajurveda auf Grund der Üverlieferung seiner fünf Schulen. |
41 |
XII-10-B-b-37 |
Macdonell, Arthur Anthony. |
A Vedic grammar for students / by Arthur Anthony Macdonell. |
42 |
XII-10-B-b-37 |
Macdonell, Arthur. |
A Vedic grammar for students. Including a chapter on syntax and three appendixes: list of verbs, metre, accent. |
43 |
XII-10-B-b-38 |
Grassmann, Hermann. |
Wörterbuch zum Rig-Veda. Neudruck. |
44 |
XII-10-B-b-39 |
Geldner, Karl Friedrich. |
Der Rigveda in Auswahl. |
45 |
XII-10-B-b-40 |
Regnaud, Paul. |
Études védiques et post-védiques. |
46 |
XII-10-B-b-41 |
Macdonell, Arthur. |
Anthony. Vedic grammar. |
47 |
XII-10-B-b-42 |
Griffith, Ralph T. H. |
The texts of the white Yajurveda, translated with a popular commentary. 2. ed. |
48 |
XII-10-B-b-43 |
Ludwig, Alfred. |
Die Nachrichten des Rig und Atharvaveda über Geographie, Geschichte, Verfaszung des Alten Indien. |
49 |
XII-10-B-b-44 |
Nikhilānanda, Swāmi. |
Comment discriminer le spectateur du spectacle? Dṛg-dṛçya-viveka. Tr. par Marcel Sauton, selon la version anglaise du Swāmi Nikhilānanda. |
50 |
XII-10-B-b-45 |
Ronnow, Kasten. |
Trita B麪tya, eine vedische Gottheit, 1. Inauguraldissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde. |
51 |
XII-10-B-b-46 |
Arbman, Ernst. |
Rudra. Untersuchungen zum altindischen Glauben und Kultus. Inauguraldissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde. |
52 |
XII-10-B-b-47 |
Renou, Louis. |
Les écoles védiques et la formation du Veda. |
53 |
XII-10-B-b-48 |
Renou, Louis. |
Les maitres de la philologie védique. |
54 |
XII-10-B-b-49 |
Geldner, Karl Friedrich, tr. |
Der Rig-veda aus dem Sanskrit ins deutsche übersetzt und mit einem laufenden Kommentar versehen. |
55 |
XII-10-B-b-50 |
Anukramaṇikā. |
56 |
XII-10-B-b-51 |
Hariyappa, H. L. |
Rgvedic legends through the ages. |
57 |
XII-10-B-b-52 |
Geldner, Karl Friedrich, tr. |
Der Rig-veda aus dem Sanskrit ins deutsche übersetzt und mit einem laufenden Kommentar versehen. |
58 |
XII-10-B-b-53 |
Viśva Bandhu, ed. |
Ṛgveda-vaiyākaraṇapadasūcī. A grammatical word index to Ṛgveda. |
59 |
XII-10-B-b-53 |
Renou, Louis. |
Études sur le vocabulaire du Rgveda. |
60 |
XII-10-B-b-54 |
Gonda, J. |
Four studies in the language of the Veda. |
61 |
XII-10-B-b-55 |
Renou, Louis. |
Études vediques et pāṇinéennes. |
62 |
XII-10-B-b-55 |
Renou, Louis. |
Études vediques et paninéennes. |
63 |
XII-10-B-b-56 |
Gonda, J. |
Some observations on the religions between "gods" and "powers" in the Veda. A propos of the phrase sūnuḥ sahasaḥ. |
64 |
XII-10-B-b-57 |
Gonda, J. |
Enkele opmerkingen over syntaxis en versbouw voornamelijk in het Vedisch. |
65 |
XII-10-B-b-58 |
Vishvabandhu, ed. |
Caturveda-vaiyākaraṇa-padasucī = A grammatical word-index to the four vedas / edited by Vishva Bandhu. |
66 |
XII-10-B-b-59 |
MacDonell, Arthur Anthony & Keith, Arthur Berriedale. |
Vedic index of names and subjects. |
67 |
XII-10-B-b-60 |
Dandekar, R. N. |
Vedic bibliography / by R. N. Dandekar. |
68 |
XII-10-B-b-60 |
Dandekar, R. N. |
Vedic bibliography |
69 |
XII-10-B-b-60 |
Dandekar, R. N. |
Vedic bibliography.182384 |
70 |
XII-10-B-b-60 |
Dandekar, R. N. |
Vedic bibliography. |
71 |
XII-10-B-b-60 |
Dandekar, R. N. |
Vedic bibliography. An up-to-date, comprehensive, and analytically arranged register of all important work done since 1930 in the field of the Veda and allied antiquities including Indus Valley civilisation. |
72 |
XII-10-B-b-61 |
Viśva Bandhu, ed. |
Atharvavedaḥ (Śauakīyaḥ) sa ca Padapāthena ca Sāyanācārya kṛta bhāṣyeṇa... |
73 |
XII-10-B-b-62 |
Viśva Bandhu, ed. |
Ṛgvedaḥ sa ca Padapāthena ca yathopalmbhaṃ Skandasvāmyudgīthīye Bhasye, Venkaṭamādhavīya Vyākhyā, Sāyaṇabhāṣyānusāriṇī Mudgalīyā Vṛttir... |
74 |
XII-10-B-b-63 |
Viśva Bandhu, ed. |
Vaidika-padānukrama-kośa (A Vedic word-concordance). |
75 |
XII-10-B-b-64 |
Viśva Bandhu, ed. |
Atharvaveda-vaiyākaraṇa-padasūcī. A grammatical word index to Atharvaveda. |
76 |
XII-10-B-b-65 |
Viśva Bandhu, ed. |
Ṛgveda-vaiyākaraṇapadasūcī. A grammatical word index to Ṛgveda. |
77 |
XII-10-B-b-66 |
Viśva Bandhu, ed. |
Caturveda-vaiyākaraṇa-padasūcī. A grammatical word index to the four Vedas. |
78 |
XII-10-B-b-67 |
Viśva Bandhu, ed. |
Taittirīya-saṁhitā-vaiyākaraṇa-padasūcī. A grammatical word index to Taittirīya saṁhitā. |
79 |
XII-10-B-b-68 |
Griffith, Ralph T. H. |
The hymns of the Ṛgveda. Tr. with a popular commentary. |
80 |
XII-10-B-b-69 |
Dikshit, A. M. Ramanatha, ed. |
Sāmatantram : a Prātiśākhya of the Sāmaveda / edited by A. M. Ramanatha Dikshit. |
81 |
XII-10-B-b-70 |
Gonda, J. |
The vision of the Vedic poets. |
82 |
XII-10-B-b-71 |
Simon, Richard. |
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der vedischen Schulen. |
83 |
XII-10-B-b-72 |
Varma, Siddheshwar. |
The etymologies of Yāska. |
84 |
XII-10-B-b-73 |
Sternbach, Ludwik, comp. |
Gaṇikā-vṛtta-saṁgraha; or, Texts on courtezans in classical Sanskrit. |
85 |
XII-10-B-b-74 |
Thieme, P. |
Untersuchungen zur Wortkunde und Auslegung des Rigveda. |
86 |
XII-10-B-b-75 |
Mehendale, Madhukar Anant, ed. |
Veda manuscripts. |
87 |
XII-10-B-b-76 |
Tarkālankāra, Chandrakanta. |
Karmapradīpa, or, Chandoga-pariśiṣṭa : with the commentary called Parisista-prakasa of Mahāmahopadhyaya Narayanopadhyaya / edited by Mahahopadhyaya Chandrakanta Tarkālankāra. |
88 |
XII-10-B-b-76 |
Karmapradīpa; or, Chandogapariśiṣṭa. With the commentary called Parisista-prakasa of Mahāmahopadyaya Narayanopadhyaya. |
89 |
XII-10-B-b-77 |
Renou, Louis. |
Études védiques. |
90 |
XII-10-B-b-78 |
Schmidt, Hanns-Peter. |
Bṛhaspati und Indra. Untersuchungen zur vedischen Mythologie und Kulturgeschichte. |
91 |
XII-10-B-b-79 |
Horsch, Paul. |
Die vedische Gāthā- und Śloka-Literatur. |
92 |
XII-10-B-b-80 |
Buddha Prakash. |
Rgveda and the Indus valley civilization. |
93 |
XII-10-B-b-81 |
Vishva Bandhu, ed. |
Vaitāna-śrauta-sūtra. With the commentary called Ākṣepanuvidhi by Somāditya. Edited critically and annotated with text-comparative data from original manuscripts and other available materials. In collaboration with Bhim Dev & Pitambar Datt. |
94 |
XII-10-B-b-81 |
Somāditya. |
Vaitāna-śrauta-sūtra : with the commentary called Ākṣepanuvidhi by Somāditya / edited critically, and annotated with text-comparative data from original manuscripts and other available materials by Vishva Bandhu ; in collaboration with Bhim Dev & Pitambar Datt. |
95 |
XII-10-B-b-82 |
Ṛgveda-Saṁhitā. With the commentary of Sāyaṇācārya. Published by Tilaka Mahārāṣṭra Vidyāpīṭha, Vaidika Saṁśodhana Maṇḍala (Vedic Research Institute). |
96 |
XII-10-B-b-83 |
Whitney, William Dwight, tr. & comm. |
Atharva-veda-saṁhitā. Translated into English with a critical and exegetical commentary by W. D. Whitney. |
97 |
XII-10-B-b-84 |
Wasson, Robert Gordon. |
Soma : divine mushroom of immortality / by R. Gordon Wasson. |
98 |
XII-10-B-b-85 |
Ogibenin, B. L. |
Structure d'un mythe védique. Le mythe cosmogonique dans le Ṛgveda. |
99 |
XII-10-B-b-86 |
Kwella, Peter. |
Flussüberschreitung im Rigveda. RV 3, 33 und Verwändtes. |
100 |
XII-10-B-b-87 |
Gonda, J. |
Epithets in the Ṛgveda. |
101 |
XII-10-B-b-88 |
Schneider, Ulrich. |
Der Somaraub des Manu. Mythus und Ritual. |
102 |
XII-10-B-b-89 |
Gonda, J. |
The Savajñas. Kauśikasūtra 60-68. Translation, introduction, commentary. |
103 |
XII-10-B-b-90 |
Gonda, J. |
The dual deities in the religion of the Veda. |
104 |
XII-10-B-b-91 |
Lüders, Heinrich. |
Varuṇa / Heinrich Lüders ; aus dem Nachtrag herausgegeben von Ludwig Alsdorf. |
105 |
XII-10-B-b-92 |
Schroeder, Leopold von. |
Mysterium und Mimus im Rigveda. Eine kritische Untersuchung und literar-historische Darstellung der dialogoschen und dramatischen Lieder, Saṃvâdas, im Rigveda. |
106 |
XII-10-B-b-93 |
Gonda, J. |
Triads in the Veda. |
107 |
XII-10-B-b-94 |
Joshi, J. R. |
Some minor divinities in Vedic mythology and ritual. |
108 |
XII-10-B-b-95 |
Hertel, Johannes. |
Das indogermanische Neujahrsopfer im Veda. |
109 |
XII-10-B-b-96 |
Goetz, Georg. |
Beiträge zur Geschichte der lateinischen Studien im Mittelalter. |
110 |
XII-10-B-b-96 |
Bohtlingk, O. |
Vedisches. 10-11. |
111 |
XII-10-B-b-97 |
Panikkar, Raimundo, ed. & tr. |
The Vedic experience, mantramañjarī. An anthology of the Vedas for modern man and contemporary celebration. |
112 |
XII-10-B-b-98 |
Chattopadhyaya, Kshetresh Chandra. |
Studies in Vedic and Indo-Iranian religion and literature. Edited by Vidya Niwas Misra. |
113 |
XII-10-B-b-99 |
Malamoud, Charles. |
Le Svādhyāya, récitation personnelle du Veda. Taittirīya-Āraṇyaka. Livre 2. Texte traduit et commenté par Charles Malamoud. |
114 |
XII-10-B-b-100 |
Raghu Vira. |
Vedic studies. A collection of the research papers of. |
115 |
XII-10-B-b-101 |
Dumézil, Georges. |
Déesses latines et mythes védiques. |
116 |
XII-10-B-b-102 |
Lokesh Chandra. |
Kātyāyana-śrauta-sūtra and other Vedic texts / [reproduced by] Lokesh Chandra. |
117 |
XII-10-B-b-103 |
Lokesh Chandra. |
Drāhyāyana-śrauta-sūtra, with the commentary of Dhanvin / [reproduced by] Lokesh Chandra. |
118 |
XII-10-B-b-104 |
Shastri, Radhe Shyam. |
Mādhava's commentary on the Uttarārcika of Sāmaveda. |
119 |
XII-10-B-b-105 |
Vishvabandhu. |
A vedic word-concordance : being a universal vocabulary register of about 500 Vedic works, with complete textual reference and critical commentary bearing on phonology, accent, etymo-morphology, grammar, metre, text-criticism, and ur-Aryan philology / by Vishva Bandhu ; in collaboration with Bhim Dev, Ramanand, Amar Nath. |
120 |
XII-10-B-b-106 |
Varenne, Jean. |
Cosmogonies védiques. |
121 |
XII-10-B-b-107 |
Костюченко, Владислав Сергеевич. |
Классическая веданта и неоведантизм / В. С. Костюченко. |
122 |
XII-10-B-b-108 |
Staal, Frits, ed. |
Agni. The Vedic ritual of the fire altar. With 2 cassettes (Chants and recitations of the Agnicayana). |
123 |
XII-10-B-b-109 |
Sparreboom, M. |
Chariots in the Veda / by M. Sparreboom. |
124 |
XII-10-B-b-110 |
Lokesh Chandra, ed. |
Vedic texts. |
125 |
XII-10-B-b-111 |
Maurer, Walter Harding, tr. |
Pinnacles of India's past : selections from the Ṛgveda / translated and annotated, by Walter H. Maurer. |
126 |
XII-10-B-b-112 |
Gonda, J.(Jan) |
The medium in the Ṛgveda / by J. Gonda. |
127 |
XII-10-B-b-113 |
Gonda, J.(Jan) |
The Vedic morning litany : Prātaranuvāka / J. Gonda. |
128 |
XII-10-B-b-114 |
Zeller, Gabriele. |
Die vedischen Zwillingsgötter : Untersuchungen zur Genese ihres Kultes / Gabriele Zeller. |
129 |
XII-10-B-b-115 |
Staal, Frits. |
Jouer avec le feu : pratique et théorie du rituel védique / Frits Staal. |
130 |
XII-10-B-b-116 |
Gonda, J.(Jan) |
The functions and significance of gold in the Veda / by J. Gonda. |
131 |
XII-10-B-b-117 |
Gonda, J.(Jan) |
The Indra hymns of the Ṛgveda / by J. Gonda. |
132 |
XII-10-B-b-118 |
Gonda, J.(Jan) |
Rice and barley offerings in the Veda / by J. Gonda. |
133 |
XII-10-B-b-119 |
Oberlies, Thomas. |
Die Religion des Rgveda / von Thomas Oberlies. |
134 |
XII-10-B-b-120 |
Vājasaneyi mādhyandina śukla yajurveda saṁhitā : with English translation / by Svami Satya Prakash Sarasvati and Udaya Vir Viraj. |
135 |
XII-10-B-b-121 |
Atharva-veda saṁhitā : with English translation / by Svami Satya Prakash Sarasvati and Udaya Vir Viraj. |
136 |
XII-10-B-b-121 |
Atharva-veda saṁhitā : with English translation / by Svami Satya Prakash Sarasvati, Udaya Vir Viraj Vedalankar, Dr. Vimalesh. |
137 |
XII-10-B-b-122 |
Sāmaveda samhitā ; with English translation / by Svami Satya Prakash Sarasvati ; assisted by Satyakam Vidyalankar. |
138 |
XII-10-B-b-123 |
Ṛgveda samhitā : with English translation / by Svami Satya Prakash Sarasvati and Satyakam Vidyalankar. |
139 |
XII-10-B-b-124 |
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. |
Perception of the Vedas / Ananda K. Coomaraswamy ; edited by Vidya Nivas Misra. |
140 |
XII-10-B-b-125 |
Parpola, Asko. |
The Nâsatyas and Proto-Aryan religion / Asko Parpola. |
141 |
XII-10-B-b-126 |
Sen, Chitrabhanu. |
A dictionary of the Vedic rituals : based on the Śrauta and Gṛhya sūtras / Chitrabhanu Sen. |
142 |
XII-10-B-b-127 |
Wilson, H. H. |
Ṛg-veda saṁhitā : text in Nagari, English translation, notes and appendices etc. = ऋग्वेद-संहिता / H. H. Wilson ; enlarged & arranged by Nag Sharan Singh. |
143 |
XII-10-B-b-128 |
Vannucci, Marta. |
Ecological readings in the Veda : matter, energy, life / M. Vannucci. |
144 |
XII-10-B-b-129 |
Das, Abinas Chandra. |
Ṛgvedic India / Abinas Chandra Das. |
145 |
XII-10-B-b-130 |
Dey, Sitanath. |
Indian life in the Śukla-Yajurveda / Sitanath Dey. |
146 |
XII-10-B-b-131 |
Aguilar i Matas, Enric. |
Ṛgvedic society / by Enric Aguilar i Matas. |
147 |
XII-10-B-b-132 |
Jamison, Stephanie. |
The Rig Veda between two worlds = Le ṛgveda entre deux mondes : quatre conférences au Collège de France en mai 2004 / par Stephanie Jamison. |
148 |
XII-10-B-b-133 |
Raghu Vira, ed. |
Paippalāda-saṁhitā of the Atharva-veda : books 1-20 / edited by Raghuvira with a, 1. Conspectus of Śaunaka and Paippalāda and 2. Paippalāda verse-index. |
149 |
XII-10-B-b-134 |
Aghoraśivācārya. |
पञ्चावरणस्तवः : the Pañcāvaraṇastava of Aghoraśivā : a twelfth-century South Indian prescription for the visualisation of Sadāśiva and his retinue / an annotated critical edition by Dominic Goodall ... [et al.] |
150 |
XII-10-B-b-135 |
International Vedic Workshop (3rd : 2002 : Leiden). |
The Vedas : texts, language & ritual : proceedings of the Third International Vedic Workshop, Leiden 2002 / edited by Arlo Griffiths & Jan E. M. Houben. |
151 |
XII-10-B-b-136 |
Griffiths, Arlo, ed. |
The Atharvaveda and its Paippalādaśākhā : historical and philological papers on a Vedic tradition / edited by Arlo Griffiths and Annette Schmiedchen. |
152 |
XII-10-B-b-137 |
Елизаренковой, Т. Я., пер. |
Атхарваведа (Шаунака) : в 3-х томах / перевод с ведийского языка, вступительная статья, комментарий и приложения Т. Я. Елизаренковой. |
153 |
XII-10-B-b-138 |
Galewicz, Cezary. |
A commentator in service of the empire : Sāyaṇa and the royal project of commenting on the whole of the Veda / Cezary Galewicz. |