Database List → | Classification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko → | 検索結果 |
No. | 詳細 | CallMark | Heading | TitleAuthor |
1 | II-1-B-5 | Lamotte, Étienne. | Opera indologica : Notes sur la Bhagavadgītā (1929) avec une préface de Louis de La Vallée Poussin, Bouddhisme et Upaniṣad (1932) par Jean Przyluski avec la collaboration d'É. Lamotte / Etienne Lamotte ; avec une nouvelle préface de Minoru Hara. | |
2 | II-1-B-7 | Gnoli, Raniero. | Il commento di Abhinavagupta alla Parātriṃśikā. | |
3 | II-1-B-7 | Utpala. | The Īšvarapratyabhijñākārikā of Utpaladeva with the author's vṛtti : critical edition and annotated translation / Raffaele Torella. | |
4 | II-1-B-12 | Gupta, Sanjukta. | Hindu tantrism / by Sanjukta Gupta, Dirk Jan Hoens, Teun Goudriaan. | |
5 | XII-1-B-101 | Bhāskarakaṇṭha. | Bhāskarakaṇṭhas Cittānubodhaśāstra : kritische Edition der ersten drei Kapitel nebst Erstedition des Autokommentars / von Stanislav Jager. | |
6 | XII-12-A-1 | Rāmakṛṣṇa Gopal Bhandarkar, Sir. | Vaiṣṇavism, Śaivism and minor religious systems. | |
7 | XII-13-F-98 | Berger, Hermann, ed. | Mündliche Überlieferungen in Südasien. Fünf Beiträge. | |
8 | XII-14-E-57 | Sagar, Sunder Lal. | Hindu culture and caste system in India / Sunder Lal Sagar. | |
9 | XII-14-E-58 | Das, Veena. | Structure and cognition : aspects of Hindu caste and ritual / Veena Das. | |
10 | XII-10-B-a-1 | Williams, Sir Monier Monier-. | Hinduism. 13. thous. | |
11 | XII-10-B-a-2 | Harendranath Maitra. | Hinduism: The world-ideal. | |
12 | XII-10-B-a-3 | Stephen, D. J. | Studies in early Indian thought. | |
13 | XII-10-B-a-4 | Rückert, Fr. | Die Weisheit des Brahmanen. Ein Lehrgedicht. 12. Aufl. | |
14 | XII-10-B-a-5 | Premānānd Bhārati, Swami Bābā. | Sree Krishna. The lord of love. | |
15 | XII-10-B-a-6 | Speyer, J. S. | Die indische Theosophie. Aus den Quellen dargestellt. | |
16 | XII-10-B-a-7 | Schomerus, H. W. | Der Çaiva-Siddhānta, eine Mystik Indiens. Nach den tamulischen Quellen bearbeitet und dargestellt. | |
17 | XII-10-B-a-8 | Sellon, Edward. | Annotations on the sacred writings of the Hindüs. Being an epitome of some of the most remarkable and leading tenets in the faith of that people. Illustrating their priapic rites and phallic principles. New ed. | |
18 | XII-10-B-a-9 | Otto, Rudolf, tr. | Dīpīka des Nivāsa. Eine indische Heilslehre aus dem Sanskrit. | |
19 | XII-10-B-a-10 | Otto, Rudolf, tr. | Visun-Nārāyana. Texte zur indischen Gottesmystik. 1. | |
20 | XII-10-B-a-11 | Otto, Rudolf, tr. | Siddhānta des Rāmānuja. Texte zur indischen Gottesmystik II. | |
21 | XII-10-B-a-12 | Kṛṣṇasvāmī AiyaÆ嬌ar, Śākktt i. | Early history of Vaishnavism in South India. | |
22 | XII-10-B-a-13 | Schlagintweit, Emil. | Die Gottesurtheile der Indier. Rede gehalten in der öffentlichen Sitzung der königl. Akademie Der Wissenschaften am 28. März 1866. zur Erinnerung ihres einhundert und siebenten Stiftungstages. | |
23 | XII-10-B-a-14 | Hardy, Edmund. | Die Vedisch-brahmanische Periode der Religion des alten Indien. | |
24 | XII-10-B-a-15 | Kleen, Tyra de. | Mudras. The ritual handposes of the Buddha priests and the Shiva priests of Bali. With an introd. by A. J. D. Campbell. With 60 fullpage drawings by the author. | |
25 | XII-10-B-a-16 | [Dundas, Lawrence John Lumley.] | Earl of Ronaldshay. The heart of B靡yāvarta. A study of the psychology of Indian unrest. By the Earl of Ronaldshay. | |
26 | XII-10-B-a-17 | Glasenapp, Helmuth v. | Der Hinduismus. Religion und Gesellschaft im heutigen Indien. | |
27 | XII-10-B-a-18 | Castonnet des Fosses, H. | Le Brahmanisme. | |
28 | XII-10-B-a-19 | B麩anda Kentish Coomaraswamy. | What has India contributed to human welfare? | |
29 | XII-10-B-a-20 | Rādhākṛṣṇan, Sir Sarvepalli. | The Hindu view of life. Upton lectures delivered at Manchester College, Ox., 1926. | |
30 | XII-10-B-a-21 | Keith, Arthur Berriedale. | The religion and philosophy of the Veda and Upanishads. | |
31 | XII-10-B-a-22 | Yevti, Paul. | Karma and reincarnation in Hindu religion and philosophy. Thesis... | |
32 | XII-10-B-a-23 | Slater, T. E. | Transmigration and karma. | |
33 | XII-10-B-a-24 | Stevenson, Mrs. Sinclair. | The rites of the twice-born. With foreword by A. A. Macdonell. | |
34 | XII-10-B-a-25 | Mohini Mohan Chatterji. | Indian spirituality. The travels and teachings of Sivanarayan. [Rev. & enl. by Herbert E. Palmer.] | |
35 | XII-10-B-a-26 | Siva bhakti: with an examination of the siddhanta philosophy. An appeal to educated Hindus. | ||
36 | XII-10-B-a-27 | Ravīndranātha Ṭhākura. | Māṇusera dharmma. | |
37 | XII-10-B-a-28 | Payne, Ernest A. | The Śāktas. An introductory and comparative study. | |
38 | XII-10-B-a-29 | Shivapadasundaram, S. | The Śaiva school of Hinduism. | |
39 | XII-10-B-a-30 | Rādhākṛṣṇan, Sir Sarvepalli. | L'hindouisme et la vie. Tr. par P. Masson-Oursel. Nouv. éd. | |
40 | XII-10-B-a-31 | Kirfel, Willibald. | Der Hinduismus. | |
41 | XII-10-B-a-32 | Fenicio, Jacobo. | The livro da seita dos Indios Orientais (Brit. Mus. Ms. Saloane 1820) of Father J. F., S. J. Ed. with an introd. & notes, by Jarl Charpentier. | |
42 | XII-10-B-a-33 | Manubhai C. Pandya. | Intelligent man's guide to Indian philosophy. | |
43 | XII-10-B-a-34 | Hauer, J. W. | Eine indo-arische Metaphysik des Kampfes und der Tat. Die Bhagavadgītā in neuer Sicht mit Übersetzungen. | |
44 | XII-10-B-a-35 | Colebrooke, Henry Thomas. | Essays on the religion and philosophy of the Hindus. A new ed. | |
45 | XII-10-B-a-36 | Panikkar, Kavalam Madava. | Hinduism & the modern world. | |
46 | XII-10-B-a-37 | Sharpe, Elizabeth. | The great cremation ground (Mahāśmaśāna). A critical dissertation on Indian philosophy. | |
47 | XII-10-B-a-38 | Rodriguez, Etienne Alexander. | The religion of Vishnoo. The history of the most remarkable events of the ten avatars or incarnations of Vishnoo, the preserving power of India. With commentaries, reflections and suppositions... | |
48 | XII-10-B-a-39 | Farquhar, J. N. | The crown of Hinduism. | |
49 | XII-10-B-a-40 | Klerk, Cornelis Johannes Maria de. | Cultus en ritueel van het orthodoxe Hindoeisme in Suriname. | |
50 | XII-10-B-a-41 | Deleury, G. A. | The cult of Vithoba. | |
51 | XII-10-B-a-42 | Yatiswarananda, Swami. | Universal prayers. Select. & tr. fr. Skt. religious literature. | |
52 | XII-10-B-a-43 | Noble, Margaret E. | Cradle tales of Hinduism. By Sister Nivedita. | |
53 | XII-10-B-a-44 | Nirvedananda, Swami. | Hinduism at a glance. | |
54 | XII-10-B-a-45 | Lokesh Chandra, ed. | Sanskrit texts from Kashmir. | |
55 | XII-10-B-a-46 | Daniélou, Alain. | Le polythéisme hindou. | |
56 | XII-10-B-a-47 | Viśva Bandhu Śāstrī. | Vaidika-padānukrama-koṣa. A Vedic word-concordance. | |
57 | XII-10-B-a-48 | Zaehner, R. C. | Hinduism. | |
58 | XII-10-B-a-49 | MacFie, J. M. | The Ramayan of Tulsidas ; or, The Bible of northern India. | |
59 | XII-10-B-a-50 | Unbescheid, Günter. | Kānphaṭā. Untersuchungen zu Kult, Mythologie und Geschichte śivaitsscher Tantriker in Nepal. | |
60 | XII-10-B-a-51 | Maity, Pradyot Kumar. | Historical studies in the cult of the goddess Manasa. A socio-cultural study. | |
61 | XII-10-B-a-52 | Moor, Edward. | The Hindu pantheon. With additional plates, condensed and annotated by the Rev. W. O. Simpson. | |
62 | XII-10-B-a-53 | Viśva-Bandhu Śāstrī. | Vaidika-padānukramakoṣa, or, a Vedic-word-concordance. | |
63 | XII-10-B-a-54 | Gonda, J.(Jan) | Viṣṇuism and Śivaism : a comparison / by J. Gonda. | |
64 | XII-10-B-a-55 | Lorenzen, David N. | The Kāpālikas and Kālāmukhas. Two lost Śaivite sects. | |
65 | XII-10-B-a-56 | Brude, George. | The stranglers. The cult of Thuggee and its overthrow in British India. | |
66 | XII-10-B-a-57 | Shankarāchārya. | Six hymns by Shankarāchārya. Translated from the Sanskrit by "Rājuka" (T. C. H. Raper). | |
67 | XII-10-B-a-58 | Esnoul, Anne-Marie, ed. | L'hindouisme. Préface de Oliver Lacombe. Textes recueillis et présentés par A.-M. Esnoul avec le concours de spécialistes du Collège de France, des Facultés, de l'E.P.H.E. et du C.N.R.S. | |
68 | XII-10-B-a-59 | Marshall, P. J., ed. | The British discovery of Hinduism in the eighteenth century / edited by P. J. Marshall. | |
69 | XII-10-B-a-59 | M'Kechnie, J. F. | Buddhismus als Wissenschaft. 2. Aufl. | |
70 | XII-10-B-a-60 | O'Malley, L. S. S. | Popular Hinduism. The religion of the masses. | |
71 | XII-10-B-a-61 | Pandey, Raj Bali. | Hindu saṁskāras. Socio-religious study of the Hindu sacraments. | |
72 | XII-10-B-a-62 | Gonda, J. | Aspects of early Viṣṇuism. | |
73 | XII-10-B-a-63 | Sinha, Jadunath. | Schools of Śaivism / Jadunath Sinha. | |
74 | XII-10-B-a-64 | Gupta, Sanjukta. | Lakṣmī Tantra. A Pāñcarātra text. Translation and notes. | |
75 | XII-10-B-a-65 | Plott, John C. | A philosophy of devotion. A comparative study of Bhakti and Prapatti in Viśiṣṭādvaita and St. Bonaventura and Gabriel Marcel. | |
76 | XII-10-B-a-66 | Sivaraman, K. | Śaivism in philosophical perspective. A study of the formative concepts, problems and methods of Śaiva Siddhānta. | |
77 | XII-10-B-a-67 | Kumar, Pushpendra. | Śakti cult in ancient India. With special reference to the Purāṇic literature. | |
78 | XII-10-B-a-68 | Mishra, K. C. | The cult of Jagannātha. | |
79 | XII-10-B-a-69 | Murthy, H. V. Sreenivasa. | Vaiṣṇavism of Śaṁkaradeva and Rāmānuja. A comparative study. | |
80 | XII-10-B-a-70 | De, Sushil Kumar. | The early history of the Vaishnava faith and movement in Bengal. | |
81 | XII-10-B-a-71 | Sharma, L. N. | Kashmir Śaivism. | |
82 | XII-10-B-a-72 | Briggs, George Weston. | Gorakhnath and the Kanphata Yogis. | |
83 | XII-10-B-a-73 | Banerjea, J. N. | Purāṇic and Tāntric religion. Early phases. | |
84 | XII-10-B-a-74 | Rao, K. L. Seshagiri. | The concept of Śraddhā in the Brāhmaṇas, Upaniṣads and the Gītā. | |
85 | XII-10-B-a-75 | Rūpa Gosvāmin, Śri. | Bhakti-Rasāmṛta-Sindhuh. Sanskṛta text with Devanāgarī script with transliteration in English and English translation with comments. Translated by Tridaṇḍī Swāmī Bhakti Hṛdaya Bon Mahārāj. | |
86 | XII-10-B-a-76 | Wilson, F., ed. & tr. | The Bilvamaṅgalastava. Edited and translated with an introduction by F. Wilson. | |
87 | XII-10-B-a-77 | Wilkins, W. J. | Modern Hinduism. An account of the religion and life of the Hindus in northern India. | |
88 | XII-10-B-a-78 | Ashby, Philip H. | Modern trends in Hinduism. | |
89 | XII-10-B-a-79 | Sen, Kshiti Mohan. | Hinduism. | |
90 | XII-10-B-a-80 | Sarkar, Benoy Kumar. | The folk-element in Hindu culture. A contribution to socio-religious studies in Hindu folk-institutions. Assisted by Hemendra K. Rakshit. | |
91 | XII-10-B-a-81 | Moeller, Volker. | Symbolik des Hinduismus und des Jainismus. Tafelband. | |
92 | XII-10-B-a-82 | Wilhelm, Friedrich. | Prüfung und Initiation im Buche Pauṣya und in der Biographie des Nāropa. | |
93 | XII-10-B-a-83 | Renou, Louis. | Littérature sanskrite. Avec en appendice une table de concordance du Rigveda. | |
94 | XII-10-B-a-84 | Guénon, René. | Introduction générale à l'étude des doctrines hindoues. | |
95 | XII-10-B-a-85 | Thomas, P. | Hindu religion, customs and manners. Describing the customs and manners, religious, social and domestic life, arts and sciences of the Hindus. | |
96 | XII-10-B-a-86 | Herbert, Jean. | Spiritualité hindoue / Jean Herbert. | |
97 | XII-10-B-a-87 | Kulke, Hermann. | Cidambaramāhātmya. Ein Untersuchung der religions-geschichtlichen und historischen Hintergründe für die Entstehung der Tradition einer südindischen Tempelstadt. | |
98 | XII-10-B-a-88 | Thursby, G. R. | Hindu-Muslim relations in British India. A study of controversy, conflict, and communal movements in northern India 1923-1928. | |
99 | XII-10-B-a-89 | Filliozat, Jean. | Un texte tamoul de dévotion vishnouite. Le Tiruppāvai d'Ānṭāl. | |
100 | XII-10-B-a-90 | Smith, Bardwell L., ed. | Hinduism. New essays in the history of religions. | |
101 | XII-10-B-a-91 | Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. | Hinduism and Buddhism. | |
102 | XII-10-B-a-92 | Stutley, Margaret & Stutley, James. | A dictionary of Hinduism. Its mythology, folklore and development 1500 B.C. - A.D. 1500. | |
103 | XII-10-B-a-93 | Mookerjee, Ajit & Khanna, Madhu. | The tantric way. Art, science, ritual. | |
104 | XII-10-B-a-94 | Gupta, Shakti M. | Surya, the sun god. | |
105 | XII-10-B-a-95 | Babb, Lawrence A. | The divine hierarchy : popular Hinduism in central India / Lawrence A. Babb. | |
106 | XII-10-B-a-96 | Silburn, Lilian, tr. | Étude sur le Śivaiマsme du Kaśmīr, La bhakti. Le Stavacintāmaṇi de Bhaṭṭanārāyaṇa. Texte traduit et commenté par Lilian Silburn. revue, comportant une liste de corrections et d'additions. | |
107 | XII-10-B-a-97 | Padoux, André. | Recherches sur la symbolique et l'énergie de la parole dans certains textes tantriques. | |
108 | XII-10-B-a-98 | Silburn, Lilian, tr. | La Mahārthamañjarī de Maheśvarānanda, avec des extraits du Parimala. | |
109 | XII-10-B-a-99 | Silburn, Lilian, tr. | Hymnes aux Kālī. La roue des énergies divines. Traduction et introduction par Lilian Silburn. | |
110 | XII-10-B-a-100 | Schomerus, Hilko Wiardo, tr. | Aruṇantis Śivajñānasiddhiyār. Die Erlangung des Wissens um Śiva oder um die Erlösung. Hrsg. von Hermann Berger, Ayyadurai Dhamotharan und Dieter B. Kapp. | |
111 | XII-10-B-a-101 | Jong, J. W. de. | Buddhist studies. Edited by Gregory Schopen. | |
112 | XII-10-B-a-102 | Oberhammer, Gerhard, ed. | Überlieferungsstruktur und Offenbarung : Aufriss einer Reflexion des Phänomens im Hinduismus mit theologischen Anmerkungen / edited by Gerhard Oberhammer, Hans Waldenfels. | |
113 | XII-10-B-a-103 | Silburn, Lilian, tr. | Śivasūtra et Vimarśinī de Kṣemarāja. | |
114 | XII-10-B-a-104 | Krick, Hertha. | Das Rituel der Feuergründung. Agnyadheya. Hrsg. von Gerhard Oberhammer. | |
115 | XII-10-B-a-105 | Williams, Raymond Brady. | A new face of Hinduism: the Swaminarayan religion. | |
116 | XII-10-B-a-106 | Morinis, E. Alan. | Pilgrimage in the Hindu tradition. A case study of West Bengal. | |
117 | XII-10-B-a-107 | Hawley, John Stratton & Wulff, Donna Marie, ed. | The divine consort. Rādhā and the goddesses of India. | |
118 | XII-10-B-a-108 | Hardy, Friedhelm. | Viraha-bhakti. The early history of Kṛṣṇa devotion in South India. | |
119 | XII-10-B-a-109 | Steinmann, Ralph Marc. | Guru-śiṣya-sambandha : das Meister-Schüler-Verhaltnis im traditionellen und modernen Hinduismus / von Ralph Marc Steinmann. | |
120 | XII-10-B-a-110 | Mukherjee, Prabhat. | History of the Chaitanya faith in Orissa / Prabhat Mukherjee. | |
121 | XII-10-B-a-111 | Dāmodara. | Yantracintāmaṇiḥ of Dāmodara / critically edited by Hans-Georg Türstig. | |
122 | XII-10-B-a-112 | Young, Richard Fox. | Resistant Hinduism : sanskrit sources on anti-Christian apologetics in early nineteenth-century India / by Richard Fox Young. | |
123 | XII-10-B-a-113 | Olivelle, Patrick. | Renunciation in Hinduism : a medieval debate / Patrick Olivelle : English translation with an introduction and notes, [by] Chander Shekhar & Shama Mitra Chenoy . | |
124 | XII-10-B-a-114 | Bühnemann, Gudrun. | Pūjā : a study in smārta ritual / Gudrun Bühnemann. | |
125 | XII-10-B-a-115 | Schoterman, J. A., ed. & tr. | The Ṣaṭsāhasra saṃhitā : chapters 1-5 / edited, translated and annotated by J. A. Schoterman. | |
126 | XII-10-B-a-116 | Mukherji, S, C. | A study of Vaisnavism in ancient and medieval Bengal : upto the advent of Caitanya : based on archaeological & literary data / by S. C. Mukherji. | |
127 | XII-10-B-a-117 | Skyhawk, Hugh Van. | Bhakti und Bhakta : religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zum Heilsbegriff und zur religiösen Unwelt des Śrī Sant Ekanāth / von Hugh van Skyhawk. | |
128 | XII-10-B-a-118 | Silburn, Lilian, tr. | Spandakārikā, stances sur la vibration de Vasugupta et gloses de Bhatta Kallata, Ksemaraja, Utpalacarya Sivadrsti (chapitre 1) de Somananda / introduction et translation par Lilian Silburn. | |
129 | XII-10-B-a-119 | Bühnemann, Gudrun, comp. | The Hindu deities illusrated according to the Pratiṣṭhālakṣaṇasārasamuccaya / compiled by Gudrun Bühnemann and Musashi Tachikawa. | |
130 | XII-10-B-a-120 | Bhattacharyya, Narendra Nath, ed. | Medieval bhakti movements in India : Śrī Caitanya quincentenary commemoration volume / edited by N. N. Bhattacharyya. | |
131 | XII-10-B-a-121 | Sharma, Krishna. | Bhakti and the bhakti movement : a new perspective : a study in the history of ideas / Krishna Sharma. | |
132 | XII-10-B-a-122 | González Reimann, Luis. | Tiempo cíclico y eras del mundo en la India / Luis González Reimann. | |
133 | XII-10-B-a-123 | Gonda, J.(Jan) | Prayer and blessing : ancient Indian ritual terminology / by J. Gonda. | |
134 | XII-10-B-a-124 | Sawai, Yoshitsugu. | The faith of ascetics and lay smārtas : a study of the Śaṅkaran tradition of Śṛṅgeri / by Yoshitsugu Sawai. | |
135 | XII-10-B-a-124 | Sawai, Yoshitsugu. | The faith of ascetics and lay smārtas : a study of the Śaṅkaran tradition of Śṛṅgeri / by Yoshitsugu Sawai. | |
136 | XII-10-B-a-125 | Presler, Franklin A. | Religion under bureaucracy : policy and administration for Hindu temples in South India / Franklin A. Presler. | |
137 | XII-10-B-a-126 | Callewaert, Winand M. | The Sarvāṅgī of the Dādūpanthī Rajab / Winand M. Callewaert. | |
138 | XII-10-B-a-126 | Callewaert, Winand M. | The Sarvāṅgī of the Dādūpanthī Rajab / Winand M. Callewaert. | |
139 | XII-10-B-a-127 | Schneider, Ulrich. | Viṣṇus Aufstieg / Ulrich Schneider ; aus dem Nachlass herausgegeben von Konrad Meisig. | |
140 | XII-10-B-a-127 | Schneider, Ulrich. | Viṣṇus Aufstieg / Ulrich Schneider ; aus dem Nachlass herausgegeben von Konrad Meisig. | |
141 | XII-10-B-a-128 | Oberhammer, Gerhard. | Offenbarungsgeschichte als Text : Religionshermeneutische Bemerkungen zum Phänomen in hinduistischer Tradition / Gerhard Oberhammer. | |
142 | XII-10-B-a-128 | Oberhammer, Gerhard. | Offenbarungsgeschichte als Text : Religionshermeneutische Bemerkungen zum Phänomen in hinduistischer Tradition / Gerhard Oberhammer. | |
143 | XII-10-B-a-129 | Le Coeur du la Yoginī = Yoginīhṛdaya : avec le commentaire Dīpikā d'Amṛtānanda / texte sanskrit traduit et annoté par André Padoux. | ||
144 | XII-10-B-a-129 | Padoux, André, tr. | Le Cœur de la Yoginī (Yojinīhṛdaya) avec le commentaire Dīpikā d'Amṛtānanda / texte sanskrit traduit et annoté par André Padoux. | |
145 | XII-10-B-a-130 | Oberhammer, Gerhard. | La délivrance, dès cette vie (jīvanmukti) / par Gerhard Oberhammer. | |
146 | XII-10-B-a-130 | Oberhammer, Gerhard. | La délivrance, dés cette vie (jīvanmukti) / par Gerhard Oberhammer. | |
147 | XII-10-B-a-131 | Coleman, Charles. | The mythology of the Hindus, with notices of various mountain and island tribes, inhabiting the two peninsulas of India and the neighbouring islands, and an appendix, ... / Charles Coleman. | |
148 | XII-10-B-a-131 | Coleman, Charles. | The mythology of the Hindus, with notices of various mountain and island tribes, inhabiting the two peninsulas of India and the neighbouring islands, and an appendix, ... / Charles Coleman. | |
149 | XII-10-B-a-132 | Banāras (Vārāṇasī) : cosmic order, sacred city, Hindu traditions : festschrift to Prof. R. L. Singh / editor, Rana P. B. Singh ; contributors, Hans Bakker ... [et al.] | ||
150 | XII-10-B-a-133 | Abhinavagupta. | La Lumière sur les Tantras : chapitres 1 à 5 du Tantrāloka / Abhinavagupta ; traduits et commentés par Lilian Silburn et André Padoux. | |
151 | XII-10-B-a-134 | Geldner, K. F. | Vedismus und Brahmanismus / von K. F. Geldner. | |
152 | XII-10-B-a-135 | Powell, Barbara. | Windows into the infinite : a guide to the Hindu scriptures / by Barbara Powell. | |
153 | XII-10-B-a-136 | Chakravarty, Minoti. | Religious life in the Kalachuri empire / by Minoti Chakravarty. | |
154 | XII-10-B-a-137 | Rawson, Philip. | Tantra : the Indian cult of ecstasy / Philip Rawson. | |
155 | XII-10-B-a-138 | Hindu scriptures : hymns from the Rigveda, five Upanishads, the Bhagavadgita / edited by Nicol Macnicol. | ||
156 | XII-10-B-a-139 | Losty, Jeremiah P. | Krishna : a Hindu vision of God : scenes from the life of Krishna illustrated in Orissan and other eastern Indian manuscripts in the British Library / Jeremiah P. Losty. | |
157 | XII-10-B-a-140 | Tanaka, Masakazu. | Patrons, devotees and goddesses : ritual and power among the Tamil fishermen of Sri Lanka / Masakazu Tanaka. | |
158 | XII-10-B-a-141 | Bock-Raming, Andreas. | Untersuchungen zur Gottesvorstellung in der älteren Anonymliteratur des Pāñcarātra / Andreas Bock-Raming. | |
159 | XII-10-B-a-142 | Jagannath revisited : studying society, religion, and the state in Orissa / edited by Hermann Kulke, Burkhard Schnepel. | ||
160 | XII-10-B-a-143 | Pathy, Dinanath. | Art, regional traditions, the Temple of Jagannātha : architecture, sculpture, painting, ritual / Dinanath Pathy. | |
161 | XII-10-B-a-144 | Mishra, Baba. | Medieval Orissa and cult of Jagannatha / Baba Mishra. | |
162 | XII-10-B-a-145 | Czerniak-Drożdżowicz, Marzenna. | Pāñcarātra scripture in the process of change : a study of the Paramasaṃhitā / by Marzenna Czerniak-Drożdżowicz. | |
163 | XII-10-B-a-146 | Tāḷḷapāka Cina Tirumalācārya. | The tunes of divinity : Sankīrtana Lakṣaṇamu : a treatise on hymnody in Telugu / by Tāḷḷapāka Cina Tirumalācārya ; general editors, Shu Hikosaka, G. John Samuel ; translation and commentary, Salva Krishnamurthy. | |
164 | XII-10-B-a-147 | Zvelebil, Kamil V. | Ānanda-tāṇḍava of Śiva-Sadānṛttamūrti : the development of the concept of Āṭavallāṉ-Kūttaperumāṉaṭikaḷ in the South Indian textual and iconographic tradition / Kamil V. Zvelebil. | |
165 | XII-10-B-a-148 | Veeramani, K. | Kanchi Sankarachariar, saint or sectarian? / K. Veeramani. | |
166 | XII-10-B-a-149 | Erndl, Kathleen M. | Victory to the Mother : the Hindu goddess of northwest India in myth, ritual, and symbol / Kathleen M. Erndl. | |
167 | XII-10-B-a-150 | Zelliot, Eleanor, ed. | The experience of Hinduism : essays on religion in Maharashtra / Eleanor Zelliot and Maxine Berntsen, editors. | |
168 | XII-10-B-a-151 | Lorenzen, David N., ed. | Bhakti religion in North India : community identity and political action / edited by David N. Lorenzen. | |
169 | XII-10-B-a-152 | Jaiswal, Suvira. | The origin and development of Vaiṣṇavism : Vaiṣṇavism from 200 B.C. to A.D. 500 / Suvira Jaiswal. | |
170 | XII-10-B-a-153 | Goswami, Bhagabat Kumar. | The Bhakti cult in ancient India / by Mahamahopadhyaya (Bhagabat Kumar Goswami). | |
171 | XII-10-B-a-154 | Jash, Pranabananda. | History of Śaivism / Pranabananda Jash. | |
172 | XII-10-B-a-155 | Sircar, D. C., ed. | The Bhakti cult and ancient Indian geography / edited by D. C. Sircar. | |
173 | XII-10-B-a-156 | Chattopadhyaya, Sudhakar. | Evolution of Hindu sects : up to the time of Śaṃkaracārya / by Sudhakar Chattopadhyaya. | |
174 | XII-10-B-a-157 | Babb, Lawrence A. | The divine hierarchy : popular Hinduism in central India / Lawrence A. Babb. | |
175 | XII-10-B-a-158 | Smith, David. | The dance of Śiva : religion, art and poetry in South India / David Smith. | |
176 | XII-10-B-a-159 | Narayana Ayyar, C. V. | Origin and early history of Śaivism in South India / by C. V. Narayana Ayyar. | |
177 | XII-10-B-a-160 | Basham, Arthur Llewellyn. | The origins and development of classical Hinduism / A. L. Basham ; edited and annotated by Kenneth G. Zysk. | |
178 | XII-10-B-a-161 | Bhagowalia, Urmila. | Vaiṣṇavism and society in northern India, 700-1200 / Urmila Bhagowalia. | |
179 | XII-10-B-a-162 | Olivelle, Patrick. | The āśrama system : the history and hermeneutics of a religious institution / Patrick Olivelle. | |
180 | XII-10-B-a-163 | Vasu, Srisa Chandra. | The daily practice of the Hindus : containing the morning and midday duties / by Rai Bahadur Srira [i.e. Srisa] Chandra Vidyarnava. | |
181 | XII-10-B-a-164 | Pande, Rekha. | Religious movements in medieval India : Bhakti creation of alternative spaces / Rekha Pande. | |
182 | XII-10-B-a-165 | Singh, K. V., comp. & ed. | Rites and rituals of Hindus and Muslims / compiled & edited, K. V. Singh. | |
183 | XII-10-B-a-166 | Bühnemann, Gudrun. | The iconography of Hindu Tantric deities / Gudrun Bühnemann. | |
184 | XII-10-B-a-167 | Entwistle, A. W. | Braj : centre of Krishna pilgrimage / A. W. Entwistle. | |
185 | XII-10-B-a-168 | Entwistle, Alan W. | The Rāsa māna ke pada of Kevalarāma : a medieval Hindi text of the Eighth Gaddī of the Vallabha sect / introduced, critically edited and translated by Alan W. Entwistle. | |
186 | XII-10-B-a-169 | Heilijgers-Seelen, Dory. | The system of five cakras in Kubjikāmatatantra 14-16 / Dory Heilijgers-Seelen. | |
187 | XII-10-B-a-170 | Bisschop, Peter Christiaan. | Early Śaivism and the Skandapurāṇa : sects and centres / Peter C. Bisschop. | |
188 | XII-10-B-a-171 | Majupuria, Trilok Chandra. | Erotic themes of Nepal : an analytical study and interpretations of religion-based sex expressions misconstrued as pornography / Trilok Chandra Majupuria & Indra Majupuria. | |
189 | XII-10-B-a-172 | Arya, Samarendra Narayan. | History of pilgrimage in ancient India, AD 300-1200 / Samarendra Narayan Arya. | |
190 | XII-10-B-a-173 | Varadpande, Manohar Laxman. | Gods, goddesses, and demons / M. L. Varadpande. | |
191 | XII-10-B-a-174 | Shakya, Milan Ratna. | Gaṇeśa in medieval Nepal / Milan Ratna Shakya. | |
192 | XII-10-B-a-175 | Rajaguru, Satyanarayan. | Inscriptions of the temples of Purī and origin of Śrī Puruşottama Jagannāth / S.N. Rājaguru. | |
193 | XII-10-B-a-176 | Bühnemann, Gudrun. | Maṇḍalas and Yantras in the Hindu traditions / by Gudrun Bühnemann ; with contributions by H. Brunner ... [et al.]. | |
194 | XII-10-B-a-177 | Nayar, Kamala Elizabeth. | Hayagrīva in South India : complexity and selectivity of a pan-Indian Hindu deity / by Kamala Elizabeth Nayar. | |
195 | XII-10-B-a-178 | Clark Matthew James. | The Daśanāmī-saṃnyāsīs : the integration of ascetic lineages into an order / by Matthew Clark. | |
196 | XII-10-B-a-179 | Ślączka, Anna Aleksandra. | Temple consecration rituals in ancient India : text and archaeology / by Anna A. Ślączka. | |
197 | XII-10-B-a-180 | Schmid, Charlotte. | Le don de voir : premières représentations krishnaïtes de la région de Mathurā / Charlotte Schmid. | |
198 | XII-10-B-a-181 | Dadhe, Kasturi. | Anecdotes in the Vārakarī Kīrtana folk tradition of Mahārāṣṭra / Kasturi Dadhe. | |
199 | XII-10-B-a-182 | Srinivasan, Srinivasa Ayya. | Hinduismus und ökologische Ethik : einige Bemerkungen / Srinivasa Ayya Srinivasan. | |
200 | XII-10-B-a-183 | Okita, Kiyokazu. | Hindu theology in early modern South Asia : the rise of devotionalism and the politics of genealogy / Kiyokazu Okita. |
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