Database ListClassification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko → 検索結果            

Classification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko
A search found 6 entries.
No. 詳細 CallMark Heading TitleAuthor
貴 XI-3-D-1 Bradley, D. B., comp. Bangkok Calender for the Year of Our Lord 1862, Corresponding to the Siamese Civil Era 1223-4, and Nearly So to the Chinese Cycle Era 4499, Being the 59th Year of the 75th Chinese Cycle of 60. The Chinese New Year Commences on the Thirtieth of January, the Siamese New Year on the Thirty-first of March.
貴 XI-3-D-1 Bradley, D. B., comp. Bangkok Calender for the Year of Our Lord 1866.
貴 XI-3-D-1 Bradley, D. B., comp. Bangkok Calender for the Year of Our Lord 1863.
XI-3-D-2 Siam, Royal Survey Dept. Map Showing Rain Fall in Siam, Years 1905-06, 1906-07.
XI-3-D-3 Craib, W. G. Florae Siamensis enumeratio : a List of the Plants Known from Siam with Records of Their Occurrence.
XI-3-D-4 Kawaguchi Keizaburo & Kyuma Kazutake. Lowland Rice Soils in Thailand.

Database ListClassification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko → 検索結果