Database ListClassification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko → 検索結果            

Classification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko
A search found 52 entries.
No. 詳細 CallMark Heading TitleAuthor
貴 III-24-A-1 Bell, Mark S. China. Being a military report on the North-Eastern portions of the provinces of Chih-li and Shan-tung ; Nanking and its approaches ; Canton and its approaches ; &c., &c., together with an account of the Chinese Civil, Naval and Military Administrations, &c., &c...
貴 III-24-A-2 Picard, Jules. Etat général des forces militaires et maritimes de la Chine, solde, armes, équipements, etc. Précédé d'une étude sur les rapports commerciaux à établir avec cet empire. Ouvrage composé d'après les textes officiels chinois, recueillis par T.-F. Wade, et sur d'autres documents récents.
貴 III-24-A-3 Hsu, Che-chiang. Notes on evidence for use in Chinese courts-martial. Published by Authority of the Minister of the Navy.
貴 III-24-A-4 The Book of War. The military classic of the Far East. Tr. from the Chinese.
貴 III-24-A-5 Norie, E. W. M. Military report on the province of Chi-li. Compiled in the Intelligence Department, War Office, in 1902.
貴 III-24-A-6 Brooke, N. P. A vocabulary of military terms. English-Chinese and Chinese-English. With a Glossary of naval terms by Lieut. J. W. Seigne.
貴 III-24-A-7 Шаренбергъ-Шорлемеръ, В. Н. фонъ. Опытъ краткаго словаря военныхъ и морскихъ терминовъ и выраженій вошедшихъ въ современный китайскій языкъ = 華俄陸海各軍成語輯要 / сост. В. Н. фонъ Шаренбергъ-Шорлемеръ.
貴 III-24-A-8 Sun Tzu on the art of war *1. The oldest military treatise in the world. Translated from the Chinese with introduction and critical notes by Lionel Giles.
貴 III-24-A-9 Military plan of the country around Shanghai. From surveys made in 1862-63-64-65, by Lit.-Col. Gordon, Major Edwardes, Lieuts. Sanford Lyster & Maud, Royal Engineers : Lieuts. Danyell and Bateman, H. M. 31st Regiment, Assistant Engineers.
貴 III-24-A-10 Палладій, Иероманахъ. Извлеченія изъ Китайской книги : Шенъ-ву-цзи / Иероманахъ Палладій.
貴 III-24-A-11 Nairne, W. P. Yarns on heroes of China. A book for workers among Boys. With notes and suggestions by F. Deaville Walker, and outline for adresses by Stanley Nairne.
III-24-A-12 Chinese and English modern military dictionary. 5.500 army, navy, air, technical terms *1.
III-24-A-13 Giquel, Prosper. L'arsenal de Fout-cheou, ses résultats.
III-24-A-14 Ting, Li. Militia of communist China.
III-24-A-15 Rhoads, Edward J. M. The Chinese Red Army, 1927-1963. An annotated bibliography *1.
III-24-A-16 Kuhn, Philip A. Rebellion and its enemies in late Imperial China. Militarization and social structure, 1796-1864.
III-24-A-17 Lim Joo-Jock. Geo-strategy and the South China Sea Basin. Regional balance, maritime issues, future patterns.
III-24-A-18 Weggel, Oskar. Miliz und paramilitärische Verbände in der VR China.
III-24-A-19 Marwah, Onkar & Pollack, Jonathan D., ed. Military power and policy in Asian states : China, India, Japan.
III-24-A-20 Whitson, William W., ed. The military and political power in China in the 1970s.
III-24-A-21 Needham, Joseph. Gunpowder as the fourth power, East and West. First East Asian History of Science Foundation lecture presented at the University of Hong Kong 20 October 1983.
III-24-A-22 Johnston, Alastair Iain. Cultural realism : strategic culture and grand strategy in Chinese history / Alastair Iain Johnston.
III-24-A-23 Warfare in Chinese history / edited by Hans van de Ven.
III-24-A-24 Dittmer, Lowell, ed. Routledge handbook of Chinese security / edited by Lowell Dittmer and Maochun Yu.
III-24-A-25 Filipiak, Kai, ed. Civil-military relations in Chinese history : from ancient China to the Communist takeover / edited by Kai Filipiak.
III-24-A-26 Kierman, Frank Algerton, ed. 中國歷代戰爭史料 = Chinese ways in warfare / edited by Frank A. Kierman, Jr. ; with contributions by Edward L. Dreyer ... [et al.].
III-24-A-27 Siegmund, Felix. Theorie und Praxis militärischen Wissens zwischen China und Korea im langen 17. Jahrhundert : Qi Jiguangs militärische Schriften und die nordöstliche Grenzregion / Felix Siegmund.
III-20-H-c-69 Goldstein, Lyle J. Meeting China halfway : how to defuse the emerging US-China rivalry / Lyle J. Goldstein.
E-1-B-5025 Irish Academic Press. Peninsula of Kowloon, shewing proposed site for barrack to accomodate [sic] 1,000 men and general military hospital for 250 patients.
貴 O-3-E-16 Saint-Maurice de Saint-Leu, de. Etat actuel de l'art et de la science militaire a la Chine : tiré des livres militaires des chinois : avec diverses observations sur l'étendue & les bornes des connoissances militaires chez les Européens.
貴 O-3-E-44 Amiot, Joseph Marie. Art militaire des Chinois, ou, Recueil d'anciens traités sur la guerre, composés avant l'ere chrétienne, par différents généraux Chinois : ouvrages sur lesquels les aspirants aux grades militaires sont obligés de subir des examens : on y a joint dix préceptes adressés aux troupes par l'Empereur Yong-tcheng, pere de l'Empereur régnant, et des planches gravées pour l'intelligence des exercices, des evolutions, des habillements, des armes & des instruments militaires des Chinois / traduit en François, par le P. Amiot ... ; revu & publié par M. Deguignes.
貴 P-III-a-2218 Seaman, Maj. Louis Livingston. Observations in China and the tropics on the army ration and the post exchange or canteen.
貴 P-III-a-2221 Giacomo, Perlo. Le forze militari della cina.
貴 P-III-a-2224 Calthrop, Capt. E. F., tr. Sonshi (*1): the Chinese military classic.
貴 P-III-a-2225 The Chinese arsenals and armaments.
貴 P-III-a-2226 Cordeiro, Luciano José. O exercito Chinez. Estudo de historia e d'organisaçãomilitar.
貴 P-III-a-2229 Navarra, Bruno, tr. Das Buch vom Kriege. Der Militär-Klassiker der Chinesen.
貴 P-III-a-2230 Situation de l'Armée chinoise au Ier mars, 1910.
貴 P-III-a-2231 The situation of the Chinese army on the 1st of March 1910. Tr. by the General Staff fr. la Revue militaire des armées étrangères, May 1910.
貴 P-III-a-2232 Giquel, Prosper. L'arsenal de Fou-tcheou: ses résultats.
貴 P-III-a-2233 Giquel, Prosper. The Foochow arsenal, and its results. From the commencement in 1867, to the end of the foreign directorate, on the 16th Feburary, 1874. Tr. fr. the Fr. by H. Lang.
貴 P-III-a-2234 Bruce, Clarence Dalrymple. The growth of a military spirit in China.
貴 P-III-a-2235 Harlez, C. de. Luh-Ying-Tchi-le. Les Réglements militaires de l'Empereur Kia-King.
貴 P-III-a-2324 Mac-Ready. Réflexions sur la Chine, son état d'âme, son armée, son avenir.
貴 P-III-a-2900 Cornish, N. E. The Manufacture of Guns in China. The Shanghai Society of Engineers and Architects.
貴 P-III-a-3004 Seaman, Maj. Louis Livingston. A portable ration for soldiers in battle and on the March.
貴 P-III-a-3336 Réglement relatif au recrutement, al'organisation et a l'administration des régiments de tirailleurs tonkinois rattachés au département de la marine. Protectorat de l'Annam et de Fonkin.
貴 P-III-b-441 d'Ollone, Capit. Conférence de M. le Capitaine d'Ollone.
貴 P-III-b-442 Wingate, A. S. The Far East. With Special Reference to China as a Future Military Power.
貴 P-III-b-443 Morris, Fritz. The antipodes of military discipline.
貴 P-III-b-469 Contenson, Baron G. de. L'art militaire et la diplomatie des Chinois, d'apres leurs Auteurs Classiques.
貴 P-III-b-734 Millard, Thomas F. The war correspondent and his future.

Database ListClassification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko → 検索結果