Database ListClassification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko → 検索結果            

Classification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko
A search found 14 entries.
No. 詳細 CallMark Heading TitleAuthor
貴 III-17-E-1 Williams, Edward Thomas, tr. Recent Chinese legislation relating to commercial, railway and mining enterprises.
貴 III-17-E-2 Williams, Edward Thomas, tr. Recent Chinese legislation relating to commercial, railway and mining enterprises.
貴 III-17-E-3 Gumpach, Johannes von. The treaty-rights of the foreign merchant, and the transit-system in China. Considered with special reference to the views and opinions of Her Majesty's Board of Trade, Her Majesty's late & present Representatives in Peking etc. etc. Supported throughout by official documents partly unpublished.
III-17-E-4 Гинсъ, Г. К. Законы о торговлѣ въ Китаѣ : Уставъ Торговый и Положеніе о торговыхъ товариществахъ : Практика высшаго китайскаго суда : Правила гербоваго сбора / Г. К. Гинсъ, Ли Шаогэнъ.
III-17-E-5 Hung, Shih-hao. Commercial law of China.
III-17-E-6 Escarra, Jean, tr. Loi sur les effets de commerce du 30 oct. 1929. Texte chinois et tr. française, introduction et notes. Loi d'application de la loi sur les effets de commerce.
III-17-E-7 Théry, François, tr. Loi sur la faillite. Promulguée le 17 juil. 1935, entre en vigueur le 1 oct. 1935. Texte chinois et tr. française.
III-17-E-8 The Trade union law of the People's Republic of China. Together with other relevant documents.
貴 P-III-a-1715 Chang Nieh-yün.*1 Translation of the Chinese bankruptcy code of 1905. With an Editorial by J. H. Teesdale.
貴 P-III-a-2317 China's corporation regulations. Tr. of mandate promulgated Jan. 1, 1914.
貴 P-III-a-2399 Mounsey, K. W., comp. Guide to the ordinancee law of China companies and the orders in council relative thereto for the use and guidance of secretaries and managers of companies in the treaty ports of China.
貴 P-III-b-430 Commercial Law, the. The commercial law affecting Chinese; with special reference to Partnership registration and bankruptcy laws in Hongkong.
貴 P-III-b-775 Revision of the Treaty of Tientsin. Report of a meeting of the Hongkong chamber of commerce; of a public meeting in Hongkong; and Deputation to H. E. Sir Rutherford Alcock K.C.B. at Hongkong on Jan. 3, 1870; to which is appended an address from the community at Amoy, and his excellency's reply thereto.
貴 P-III-c-15 A bill to amend the factoris and shops acts.

Database ListClassification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko → 検索結果