No. |
詳細 |
CallMark |
Heading |
TitleAuthor |
1 |
II-3-H-1 |
Castrillo, Gaudencio. |
El comercio en el Extremo Oriente. |
2 |
貴 II-3-H-2 |
Macdonald, Allan John. |
Trade, politics and Christianity in Africa and the East. |
3 |
II-3-H-3 |
Neubaur, Paul. |
Die deutschen Reichspostdampferlinien nach Ostasien und Australien in zwanzigjährigem Betriebe. |
4 |
II-3-H-4 |
A survey of the markets of the Far East for American trade. |
5 |
II-3-H-5 |
Spravochnaya kniga po rybopromyshlennosti Dal'nyago Vostoka. |
6 |
II-3-H-6 |
Busley, C. |
Der Kampf um den ostasiatischen Handel. 3. Aufl. |
7 |
II-3-H-7 |
Sanger, J. W. |
Advertising methods in Japan, China, and the Philippines. |
8 |
II-3-H-8 |
Eldridge, Frank Reed. |
Trading with Asia. |
9 |
II-3-H-9 |
Eldridge, Frank Reed. |
Oriental trade methods. |
10 |
II-3-H-10 |
Spalding, William F. |
Eastern exchange, currency and finance. |
11 |
II-3-H-11 |
Spalding, William F. |
Eastern exchange, currency and finance. 2. ed. |
12 |
II-3-H-12 |
Bouleau, Marcel. |
Practical guide to Far Eastern exchanges. |
13 |
II-3-H-13 |
Arnold, Julean Herbert. |
Far Eastern markets for American hardware. Prep. under the supervision of J. A. |
14 |
II-3-H-14 |
Rhea, Frank. |
Far Eastern markets for railway materials, equipment and supplies. |
15 |
貴 II-3-H-15 |
[Russia.] |
Ministère des Affaires Etrangères. Recueil de traités et documents diplomatiques concernant l'Extrême-Orient, 1895-1905. |
16 |
II-3-H-16 |
Bain, Harry Foster. |
Ores and industry in the Far East. The influence of key mineral resources on the development of Oriental civilization. With a chapter on petroleum by W.B. Heroy. |
17 |
II-3-H-17 |
Hans, J. |
Geld und Gold in Asien. |
18 |
II-3-H-18 |
Utley, Freda. |
Lancashire and the Far East. |
19 |
II-3-H-19 |
United States. Buruau of Foreign & Domestic Commerce. |
Commercial traveler's guide to the Far East. |
20 |
II-3-H-20 |
Irvine, William I. |
Automotive markets in China, British Malaya, and Chosen. |
21 |
II-3-H-21 |
Bouleau, Marcel. |
Etude pratique des opérations de change en Extrême-Orient. |
22 |
II-3-H-22 |
Gary, Elbert Henry. |
Address by the President E. H. G., at semi-annual meeting of American Iron and Steel Institute, St. Louis, Oct. 27, 1916. |
23 |
II-3-H-23 |
Auermaa, Kalle K. |
Itä-Aasian markkinamaat ja maidän mahdollisuutemme siellä. |
24 |
II-3-H-24 |
United States. Buruau of Foreign & Domestic Commerce. |
Employment of Americans in the Far East. |
25 |
II-3-H-26 |
Наркомпрод : Упрабление Дальрыбохоты. |
Рыбные и пушные : богатства Дальнего Востока. |
26 |
II-3-H-27 |
Pogrebetskii, A. I. |
Denejnoe obrashchenie i denejnye znaki Dal'nego Vostoka za period Voiny i revoliutsii (1914-1924). (Monetary circulation and currency in the Far East during the War and revolution (1914-1924).) |
27 |
II-3-H-28 |
Great Britain. Department of Overseas Trade. |
Report of the British economic mission to the Far East, 1930-31. |
28 |
II-3-H-29 |
Moser, Charles Kroth. |
The cotton textile industry of Far Eastern countries. |
29 |
II-3-H-30 |
Foster, Sir William. |
England's quest of Eastern trade. |
30 |
II-3-H-31 |
Bain, Harry Foster. |
Ores and industry in the Far East. The influence of key mineral resources on the development of Oriental civilization. With a chapter on petroleum by W.B. Heroy. Rev. & enl. ed. |
31 |
II-3-H-32 |
Far Eastern Concession Committee. |
Forest concessions. Comp. by the Far Eastern Managing-Office of the Representative of the People's Commissariat of Agriculture. Tr. fr. the Russ. by Mrs. Devine. |
32 |
II-3-H-33 |
Far Eastern Concession Committee. |
Mining concessions. After the records of the Far Eastern Mining Board. Tr. by A.A. Schwarz-Storm. |
33 |
貴 II-3-H-34 |
King, Franklin Hiram. |
Farmers of forty centuries; or, Permanent agriculture in China, Korea and Japan. |
34 |
II-3-H-35 |
Catellani, Enrico. |
La penetrazione straniera nell'Estremo Oriente sue forme giuridiche ed economiche. |
35 |
貴 II-3-H-36 |
Powell, Francis E. |
With Eastern merchandise. A landsman's log of life on board a cargo boat to Malaya, China, Japan, etc. |
36 |
貴 II-3-H-37 |
The commercial annual for China, Japan, the Philippines and the Far East generally. A compendium of useful information, commercial documents, treaties, regulations, tariffs, tables of tides, moneys, weights and measures, etc., etc. |
37 |
II-3-H-38 |
Hyndman, Henry Mayers. |
Der Aufstieg des Morgenlandes. (The awakening of Asia.) Übers. von Werner-Otto von Hentig. |
38 |
II-3-H-39 |
Dingle, Edwin John & Pratt, F. L., eds. |
Far Eastern products manual. Comp. fr. orig. & authoritative data by the expert staff & correspondents of "Finance and commerce" (Shanghai). |
39 |
貴 II-3-H-40 |
Coen, Gustavo. |
La supposta decadenza della Gran Bretagna, e il risveglio dell'Oriente asiatico. |
40 |
II-3-H-41 |
Torgasheff, Boris P. |
The mineral industry of the Far East. Economic and geographical report on the mineral industries of the Far Eastern countries... |
41 |
II-3-H-42 |
Federation of British Industries. |
Report of mission to the Far East, August-November 1934. |
42 |
II-3-H-43 |
Pelzer, Karl Josef. |
Die Arbeiterwanderungen in Südostasien. Eine wirtschafts- und bevölkerungsgeographische Untersuchung. |
43 |
貴 II-3-H-44 |
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation y los srís. Jurado y Compania, ambos de Manila. Dictamenes emitidos ... y documentos relacionados con este asunto. |
44 |
貴 II-3-H-45 |
Hitchcock, Frank Harris. |
Our trade with Japan, China, and Hongkong, 1889-1899. |
45 |
II-3-H-46 |
Pacher, Paul. |
Die ostasiatische Expedition, im Auftrage des Vereins der österreichischen Industriellen. |
46 |
II-3-H-47 |
Renker, Armin. |
Papier und Druck im Fernen Osten. |
47 |
II-3-H-48 |
Parkinson, C. Northcote. |
Trade in the Eastern seas, 1793-1813. |
48 |
II-3-H-49 |
Condliffe, John Bell. |
Industrial development in the Far East. |
49 |
II-3-H-50 |
Hinton, Wilfred John. |
A statement on the effects of the industrial development of the Orient on European industries. |
50 |
II-3-H-51 |
Greene, Jerome Davis. |
The role of banker in international relations. |
51 |
II-3-H-52 |
United States. Buruau of Foreign & Domestic Commerce. |
The plantation rubber industry in the Middle East. By David M. Figart. |
52 |
II-3-H-53 |
Austin, Oskar Phelps. |
Trading with the Far East. |
53 |
貴 II-3-H-54 |
Great Britain. Parliament. |
East Indies and China. Third report from the Select Committee appointed to consider of the means of improving & maintaining the foreign trade of the country. |
54 |
貴 II-3-H-55 |
Great Britain. Parliament. |
An act for the better government of Her Majesty's subjects resorting to China. (22nd August 1843.) |
55 |
貴 II-3-H-55 |
Great Britain. Parliament. |
[An act to remove doubts as to the exercise of power and jurisdiction by Her Majesty within divers countries and places out of Her Majesty's dominions and to render the same more effectual. (24th August 1843.)] |
56 |
貴 II-3-H-55 |
Great Britain. Parliament. |
An act to regulate the trade to China and India. (28th August 1933.) |
57 |
貴 II-3-H-56 |
Great Britain. Parliament. |
Russia. No. 1 (1907). Convention signed on August 31, 1907, between Great Britain and Russia, containing arrangements on the subject of Persia, Afghanistan, and Tibet. |
58 |
貴 II-3-H-57 |
Great Britain. Parliament. |
Report relative to the trade with the East Indies and China, from the Select Committee of the House of Lords, appointed to inquire into the means of extending and securing the foreign trade of the country... |
59 |
II-3-H-58 |
Dietrich, Ethel B. |
Far Eastern trade of the United States. |
60 |
II-3-H-59 |
Wakefield, C[harles] C[heers]. |
Future trade in the Far East. |
61 |
II-3-H-60 |
Macmillan, Allister, ed. |
Seaports of the Far East. Historical and descriptive, commercial and industrial facts and figures, & resources. 3. ed. |
62 |
II-3-H-61 |
Belshaw, Horace. |
Agricultural reconstruction in the Far East. |
63 |
II-3-H-62 |
Wright, Philip G. |
Trade and tariffs of certain Pacific countries. |
64 |
II-3-H-63 |
Glamann, Kristof. |
Dutch-Asiatic trade, 1620-1740. |
65 |
II-3-H-63 |
Glamann, Kristof. |
Dutch-Asiatic trade, 1620-1740. 2nd ed. |
66 |
II-3-H-64 |
Hubbard, G. E. |
Eastern industrialization and its effect on the West. |
67 |
II-3-H-67 |
Mackenzie, Compton. |
Realms of silver. One hundred years of banking in the East. |
68 |
II-3-H-69 |
Ajia Keizai Kenkysho (Institute of Asian Economic Affairs). |
Long-term economic projections for the developing Asian countries, 1961-1970. (Abridged ed. in English.) |
69 |
II-3-H-70 |
Cowan, C. D., ed. |
The economic deveropment of China and Japan. Studies in economic history and political economy. |
70 |
II-3-H-71 |
Institute of Asian Economic Affairs. |
Intra-regional cooperation and aid in Asian countries. |
71 |
II-3-H-72 |
Shibuya Yukio & Yamashita Shichi. |
Foreign aid and economic growth of developing Asian countries. |
72 |
II-3-H-73 |
Shiba Shji. |
A cross-national comparison of labor management with reference to technology transfer. |
73 |
II-3-H-74 |
Chen, Peter S. J. |
Development complexity. East and Southeast Asia. |
74 |
II-3-H-75 |
Huang Po-wen, Jr. |
The Asian Development Bank. Diplomacy and development in Asia. |
75 |
II-3-H-76 |
Marchant, L. R. & Liu Y. W. |
The Western Pacific Community. |
76 |
II-3-H-77 |
Watson, James L., ed. |
Asian and African systems of slavery. |
77 |
II-3-H-78 |
Institute of Developing Economies. Economic Growth Department, ed. |
New directions of Asia's development strategies. Proceedings and papers of a symposium held at the Institute of Developing Economies on March 13-16, 1979. |
78 |
II-3-H-80 |
Coward, E. Walter, Jr., ed. |
Irrigation and agricultural development in Asia. Perspectives from the social sciences. |
79 |
II-3-H-81 |
Yoingco, Angel Q. & Trinidad, Ruben F. |
Fiscal systems and practices in Asian countries. |
80 |
II-3-H-82 |
Jackson, Karl D. & Soesastro, M. Hadi, ed. |
ASEAN security and economic development. |
81 |
II-3-H-84 |
Furukawa Shunichi. |
International input-output analysis. Compilation and case studies of interaction between ASEAN, Korea, Japan, and the United States, 1975. |
82 |
II-3-H-85 |
Scalapino, Robert A., &c., ed. |
Asian economic development. Present and future. Edited by Robert A. Scalapino, Seizaburo Sato, and Jusuf Wanandi. |
83 |
II-3-H-89 |
Rothermund, Dietmar. |
Asian trade and European expansion in the age of mercantilism. |
84 |
II-3-H-90 |
Ptak, Roderich & Rothermund, Dietmar, ed. |
Emporia, commodities and entrepreneurs in Asian maritime trade, c. 1400-1750. |
85 |
II-3-H-91 |
Sano Takao & Tamamura Chiharu, ed. |
International industrial linkages and economic interdependency in Asia-Pacific region. International input-output analysis. Papers and proceedings of a symposium held at the Institute of Developing Economies on January 20-21, 1993. |
86 |
II-3-H-92 |
Northeast Asia economic zone's perspective on the new pacific community proposal : the 5th international symposium / edited by Jeong-ha Woo. |
87 |
II-3-H-93 |
Kagami, Mitsuhiro. |
The voice of East Asia : development implications for Latin America / by Mitsuhiro Kagami. |
88 |
II-3-H-94 |
APEC: Cooperation from Diversity : papers and proceedings of a symposium at the Institute of Developing Economies on September 20-21, 1995 in Tokyo / edited by Ippei Yamazawa, Akira Hirata. |
89 |
II-3-H-95 |
International communications in North-East Asia / edited by Hyeon-dew Kang. |
90 |
II-3-H-96 |
Maritime Asia : profit maximisation, ethics and trade structure c. 1300-1800 / edited by Karl Anton Sprengard and Roderich Ptak. |
91 |
II-3-H-97 |
De VOC in Azië / M. A. P. Meilink-Roelofsz, e.a. |
92 |
II-3-H-98 |
APEC: cooperation for sustainable development : papers and proceedings of the symposium held at Keio Plaza Inter-Continental on June 18-19, 1997 in Tokyo / edited by Shigeru Itoga. |
93 |
II-3-H-99 |
Vogel, Ezra F. |
The four little dragons : the spread of industrialization in East Asia / Ezra F. Vogel. |
94 |
II-3-H-100 |
Strengthening cooperation among Asian economies in crisis : papers and proceedings of the International Symposium on the Asian Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Trade and Investment held on November 6, 1998 in Tokyo / edited by Ippei Yamazawa. |
95 |
II-3-H-102 |
Idema, Wilt Lukas, ed. |
Books in numbers : seventy-fifth anniversary of the Harvard-Yenching Library : conference papers / essays by Lucille Chia ... [et al.] ; edited by Wilt L. Idema. |
96 |
II-3-H-103 |
Institute of Developing Economies. |
Asian international input-output table. |
97 |
II-3-H-104 |
Urata, Shūjirō. |
The changing patterns of international trade in East Asia / Shujiro Urata. |
98 |
II-3-H-105 |
Васеневъ, А. |
Труды русскихъ торговыхъ людей въ Монголiи и Китаѣ. (Карта верхнихъ притоковъ Орхона). |
99 |
III-11-D-132 |
Woodward, C. S. |
Oriental ceramics at the Cape of Good Hope 1652-1795. An account of the porcelain trade of the Dutch East India Company with particular reference to ceramics with the V.O.C. Monogram, the Cape market, and South African collections. |
100 |
貴 P-II-a-94 |
Maillard, Pierre. |
Le Congrès des Travailleurs d'Extrême-Orient. |
101 |
貴 P-II-a-95 |
Renard, Ed. |
Les varechs : leur emploi en Europe et dans l'Extrême-Orient, dans l'industrie, en agriculture, etc. |
102 |
貴 P-II-a-96 |
Sadoine, E. |
Chine, Japon, Amérique. Exploration industrielle autour du monde. |
103 |
貴 P-II-a-97 |
United States. Bureau of Foreign & Domestic Commerce. |
Far Eastern trade and economic notes. |
104 |
貴 P-II-a-98 |
Why trade goes west in the East. Little points that must be considered by the would-be exporter. |
105 |
貴 P-II-a-99 |
United States. Bureau of Foreign & Domestic Commerce. |
Far Eastern markets for paints and varnishes. |
106 |
貴 P-II-a-100 |
United States. Bureau of Foreign & Domestic Commerce. |
Motor vehicle trade in the Far East. |
107 |
貴 P-II-a-101 |
Ward, Francis Kingdon, Capt. |
Trading prospects in the Far East and along the north-east frontier of India. |
108 |
貴 P-II-a-102 |
United States. Bureau of Foreign & Domestic Commerce. |
Review of Far Eastern commercial press. |
109 |
貴 P-II-a-103 |
Remedying trade-mark piracy in the Orient. |
110 |
貴 P-II-a-104 |
United States. Bureau of Foreign & Domestic Commerce. |
China, Dutch East Indies, Japan, Straits Settlements, Argentina. |
111 |
貴 P-II-a-105 |
Stand und Aufgabe der deutschen Industrie in Ostasien. Ein Weck- und Mahnruf an dieselbe. Mit einem Vorw. von M. von Brandt. |
112 |
貴 P-II-a-106 |
Instructionen für die fachmännischen Begleiter der K.K. Mission nach Ostasien und Südamerika. |
113 |
貴 P-II-a-107 |
Palmer, Aaron Haight. |
Letter to the Hon. John M. Clayton, Secretary of State, enclosing a paper, geographical political and commercial, of the independent Oriental nations... |
114 |
貴 P-II-a-113 |
United States. Bureau of Foreign & Domestic Commerce. |
Cable service from the Far East. |
115 |
貴 P-II-a-156 |
Gaiffier, E. de. |
Chine et Japon. Les gisements houilliers et le marché du charbon. |
116 |
貴 P-II-a-173 |
Clavery, Edouard. |
Relations économiques entre l'Angleterre et l'Extrême-Orient. Notes résumées. |
117 |
貴 P-II-a-180 |
Suttor, J. B. |
Report on the commerce and population of the Orient for 1907. |
118 |
貴 P-II-a-181 |
Jernigan, Thomas R., &c. |
Highways of commerce. China, Japan, Korea, Cochin China. |
119 |
貴 P-II-a-189 |
Whitehead, Thomas Henderson. |
The critical position of British trade with Oriental countries. A paper read before the Royal Colonial Institute, Feb. 12, 1895. |
120 |
貴 P-II-a-190 |
East India & China Association. |
Report of the Committee of the London E.I. and C.A. presented to the general meeting, held at the Jerusalem Coffee-House, January 1, 1839. 3. rept. |
121 |
貴 P-II-a-199 |
Fischer, Emil S[igmund]. |
The expansion of American banking in the Far East. |
122 |
貴 P-II-b-42 |
Kaneko, Kentaro, Count. |
America's economic future in the Far East. |
123 |
貴 P-II-b-43 |
Moore, John Bassett. |
The contest with commercial restrictions. |
124 |
貴 P-II-b-44 |
Hallett, Holt Samuel. |
Western nations and Eastern markets. |
125 |
貴 P-II-b-45 |
Tables of consular fees to be taken in China, Japan and Korea. |
126 |
貴 P-II-b-46 |
Official documents [relating to the Far East]. Being supplement to the American journal of international law, vol. 4, no. 4. |
127 |
貴 P-II-b-59 |
Fischer, Emil Sigmund. |
Aus meinen zehnjährigen Aufenthalte in überseeischen Ländern. Reminiscenzen aus dem Handelsleben in Süd- und Nord- amerika und in dem Fernen Osten Asiens. Vortrag gehalten... am 16 Jänner, 1899. |
128 |
貴 P-II-b-68 |
Bordeaux, Albert. |
Chine et Corée. |
129 |
貴 P-II-b-69 |
Street, Arthur I. |
Seeking trade across the Pacific. |
130 |
II-3-H-25 |
Дербер, П. Я. |
Очерки хозяйственной жизни Дальнего Востока / П. Дербер & М. Шер. |
131 |
II-3-H-65 |
Ганковский, Ю. В., отв. ред. |
Экономическое и культурное сотрудничество / [ответственный редактор, Ю. В. Ганковский]. |
132 |
II-3-H-66 |
Аварин, В. Я., отв. ред. |
Проблемы индустриализации суверенных слаборазвитых стран Азии : Индия, Индонезия, Бирма / [ответственные редакторы В. Я. Аварин и А. А. Поляк]. |
133 |
II-3-H-68 |
Марголин, Адольф Борисвич. |
Проблемы народного хозяйства Дальнего Востока / А. Б. Марголин. |
134 |
II-3-H-79 |
Чуфрин, Г. И., отв. ред. |
Сверхмонополии в юго-восточной Азии / [ответственные редакторы Г. И. Чуфрин, Г. С. Шабалина]. |
135 |
II-3-H-83 |
Панарин, Сергей Алексеевич. |
Страны Востока : проблема обнищания крестьянства и попытки ее решения / С. А. Панарин. |
136 |
II-3-H-86 |
Аграрные реформы в странах Востока. |
137 |
II-3-H-87 |
Аграрные отношения в странах Востока. |
138 |
II-3-H-88 |
Клинген, Иван Николаевич. |
Среди патриархов земледелия народов Ближнего и Дальнего Востока : Египет, Индия, Цейлон, Китай / И. Н. Клинген. . |