Database List → | Classification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko → | 検索結果 |
No. | 詳細 | CallMark | Heading | TitleAuthor |
1 | I-2-E-a-43 | Gerritsz, Dirck. | Dirck Gerritsz. Pomp, alias Dirck Gerritsz. China. De eerste Nederlander die China en Japan bezocht, 1544-1604. Zijn reis naar en verblijf in Zuid-Amerika. Grootendeels naar Spaansche bescheiden bewerkt door J.W. Ijzerman. | |
2 | II-1-B-5 | Callataÿ, Godefroid de. | Annus Platonicus : a study of world cycles in Greek, Latin and Arabic sources / Godefroid de Callataÿ. | |
3 | II-1-B-5 | Ptolemy, 2nd cent. | Πτολεμαίου πρόχειροι κανόνες. | |
4 | II-1-B-5 | Stephanus, of Alexandria. | Le commentaire astronomique aux Tables faciles de Ptolémée attribué à Stéphanos d'Alexandrie / [edité, traduit et analysé par] Jean Lempire. | |
5 | II-1-B-12 | Fürer-Haimendorf, C. von. | Tribal populations and cultures of the Indian subcontinent / by C. von Fürer-Haimendorf. | |
6 | 貴 II-3-B-1 | Pont-Jest, René de. | La jeunesse d'un gentilhomme. Souvenirs de quatre années aux Indes et en Chine. | |
7 | 貴 II-3-B-2 | Hervey, Mrs. Eleanora Louisa. | The adventures of a lady in Tartary, Thibet, China & Kashmir; through portions of territory never before visited by European. With an account of the journey from the Punjab to Bombay overland, via the famous caves of Ajunta and Ellora. Also an account of the Mahableshwur and Neilgherry mountains, the sanataria of the Bombay and Madras presidencies. 2. ed. | |
8 | 貴 II-3-B-3 | Dalton, William. | Phaulcon the adventurer; or, The Europeans in the East. A romantic biography. | |
9 | 貴 II-3-B-4 | Hodnett, P. | Tales of adventure on land and sea in the Far East. | |
10 | 貴 II-3-B-5 | Tiffany, Francis. | This goodly frame the earth. Stray impressions of scenes, incidents and persons in a journey touching Japan, China, Egypt, Palestine and Greece. | |
11 | 貴 II-3-B-6 | Stewart's tourists' guide to the Far East. A complete handbook with notes on Burmah and the Malay states and detailed information and description of the voyage from Southampton to Tokio. | ||
12 | 貴 II-3-B-7 | Hatch, Ernest Frederic George. | Far Eastern impressions: Japan, Korea, China. | |
13 | 貴 II-3-B-8 | Windt, Harry de. | My restless life. | |
14 | 貴 II-3-B-9 | Colquhoun, Ethel. | Two on their travels. | |
15 | II-3-B-10 | Werther, C. Waldemar. | Æォstliche Streiflichter. Kritische Beobachtungen und Reiseskizzen. | |
16 | 貴 II-3-B-11 | Asselin, Henry. | Paysages d'Asie. Sibérie-Chine-Ceylan. | |
17 | II-3-B-12 | Mocquet, Jean. | Voyages en Afrique, Asie, Indes orientales et occidentales, faits par J. M. Divisés en six livres. | |
18 | 貴 II-3-B-13 | Lambuth, Walter Russell. | Side lights on the Orient. | |
19 | 貴 II-3-B-14 | Matignon, Jean Jacques. | L'Orient lointain. Chine, Corée, Mongolie, Japon. Impressions et souvenirs de séjour et de tourisme. | |
20 | 貴 II-3-B-15 | Davidson, G.F. | Trade and travel in the Far East; or, Recollections of twenty-one years passed in Java, Singapore, Australia and China. | |
21 | 貴 II-3-B-16 | Marsay, de, comte. | Une croisière en Extrême-Orient. | |
22 | 貴 II-3-B-17 | Orléans, Henri Eugène Philippe Louis d', duc d'Aumale. | L'me du voyageur. | |
23 | II-3-B-18 | Malcom, Howard. | Travels in southeastern Asia: embracing Hindustan, Malaya, Siam and China... 10. Amer. ed. | |
24 | 貴 II-3-B-19 | Candler, Edmund. | A vagabond in Asia. | |
25 | II-3-B-20 | Jeffries, W. Carey. | Two undergraduates in the East. | |
26 | 貴 II-3-B-21 | Michel, Ernest. | Le tour du monde en 240 jours. Canada, Etats Unis, Japon, Chine, Hindoustan. | |
27 | 貴 II-3-B-22 | Freeman, John H. | An Oriental land of the free; or, Life and mission work among the Laos of Siam, Burma, China and Indo-China. | |
28 | 貴 II-3-B-23 | Muter, Mrs. Douglas. | Travels and adventures of an officer's wife in India, China, and New Zealand. | |
29 | 貴 II-3-B-24 | Dartige du Fournet, Louis. | Journal d'un commandant de la Comète, Chine-Siam-Japon (1892-1893). | |
30 | 貴 II-3-B-25 | Barzini, Luigi. | Nell'Estremo Oriente. | |
31 | 貴 II-3-B-26 | Fraser, John Foster, &c. | Round the world on a wheel. Being the narrative of a bicycle ride of 19237 miles through seventeen countries and across three continents by J. F. F., S. Edward Lunn and F. H. Lowe. 2. ed. | |
32 | 貴 II-3-B-27 | Cobb, Henry N. | Far hence. A budget of letters from our mission fields in Asia. | |
33 | II-3-B-28 | Schweinitz, Hans Hermann von, Graf. | Orientalistche Wanderungen, in Turkestan und im nordöstlichen Persien. | |
34 | 貴 II-3-B-29 | Halkin, Joseph. | En Extrême-Orient. 1900-1901. Récit et notes de voyage. Ceylon, Java, Siam, Indo-Chine, l'ile de Hai-nan, Chine, Japon, Corée, Sibérie. | |
35 | 貴 II-3-B-30 | Cassel, Hjalmar. | Det nya Ostasien. | |
36 | 貴 II-3-B-31 | Grew, Joseph Clark. | Sport and travel in the Far East. | |
37 | II-3-B-32 | Russell, William Howard. | A diary in the East during the tour of the Prince and Princess of Wales. | |
38 | II-3-B-33 | Mitford, Algernon Bertram Freemen-, Baron Redesdale. | Memoirs. 6. ed. | |
39 | II-3-B-34 | Rupprecht, Prinz von Bayern. | Reise-Erinnerungen aus Ost-Asien. | |
40 | 貴 II-3-B-35 | Schanz, Moritz. | Ein Zug nach Osten. Reisebilder aus Indien, Birma, Ceylon, Straits Settlements, Java, Siam, China, Korea, Ostsibirien, Japan, Alaska und Canada. | |
41 | 貴 II-3-B-36 | Austin, Maj. Herbert Henry. | A scamper through the Far East. Including a visit to Manchurian battlefields. | |
42 | 貴 II-3-B-37 | Angier, A. Gorton. | The Far East revisited. Essays on political, commercial, social and general conditions in Malaya, China, Korea and Japan. | |
43 | 貴 II-3-B-38 | Vereshchagin, Vasilii Vasilievich. | Vassili Verestchagin, painter, soldier traveller. Autobiographical sketches. Tr. fr. the Germ. & the Fr. by F. H. Peters. | |
44 | 貴 II-3-B-39 | Young, Walter H. | A merry banker in the Far East (and South America). | |
45 | II-3-B-40 | Hochberg, Fritz von, Graf. | An Eastern voyage. A journal of the travels of Count F. H. through the British Empire in the East and Japan. | |
46 | II-3-B-41 | Humphreys, Rachel. | Travels east of Suez. | |
47 | 貴 II-3-B-42 | Penfield, Frederic Courtland. | Wanderings east of Suez, in Ceylon, India, China and Japan. | |
48 | 貴 II-3-B-43 | Beauvoir, Ludovic de, marquis. | Voyage autour du monde. Austraie, Java, Siam, Canton, Pekin, Yeddo, San Francisco. | |
49 | 貴 II-3-B-44 | Knox, Thomas Wallace. | Overland through Asia: pictures of Siberian, Chinese and Tartar life. Travels and adventures in Kamchatka, Siberia, China, Mongolia, Chinese Tartary and European Russia with full accounts of the Siberian exiles, their treatment, condition and mode of life, a description of the Amoor River and the Siberlian shores of the frozen ocean. | |
50 | II-3-B-45 | Pumpelly Raphael. | Across America and Asia. Notes of a five years' journey around the world and of residence in Arizona, Japan and China. | |
51 | II-3-B-46 | Pumpelly Raphael. | Across America and Asia. Notes of a five years' journey around the world and of residence in Arizona, Japan and China. 5. ed., rev. | |
52 | II-3-B-47 | Pumpelly Raphael. | Travels and adventures of R. P., mining engineer, geologist, archaeologist and explorer. Fr. the author's My reminscences, ed. by O. S. Rice. | |
53 | 貴 II-3-B-48 | [Chambry, G] | Notes de voyage aux Indes, en Chine et au Japon. Par un officier en congé. | |
54 | 貴 II-3-B-49 | Deken, Constant de. | A travers l'Asie. Ouvrage enrichi de gravures d'après les photographies du prince Henri d'Orléans. | |
55 | 貴 II-3-B-50 | Colquhoun, Archibald Ross. | Dan to Beersheba. Work and travel in four continents. | |
56 | 貴 II-3-B-51 | Hume, E. Douglas. | The globular jottings of Griselda. | |
57 | II-3-B-52 | Asendorf, Werner. | Ferner Osten jung erlebt. Zwei Fahrten, 1935-1939. | |
58 | II-3-B-53 | Pfeiffer, Moritz. | Die Welt des fernen Ostens. Erlebnisse eines Deutschen in den asiatischen Ländern des stillen Ozeans. Bearb. und herausg. von Rudolf Glaser. | |
59 | 貴 II-3-B-54 | Holliday, Hubert. | To the golden East. Being a résumé of the author's experiences in India, China, Japan, &c. | |
60 | 貴 II-3-B-55 | Hackmann, Heinrich Friedrich. | A German scholar in the East. Travel scenes and reflections. Tr. by Daisie Rommel. | |
61 | 貴 II-3-B-56 | Laurie, Peter G. | Rambles in India, China, etc. A journal in three parts. 1. A voyage of India.--2. The city of palaces.--3. China and the Chinese. To which is added selections from "My sketch-book". | |
62 | 貴 II-3-B-57 | Hoskiæ aer, V. | Rejse i China, Japan og Indien. | |
63 | 貴 II-3-B-58 | Ingham, Ernest Graham. | From Japan to Jerusalem. | |
64 | 貴 II-3-B-59 | Weale, Putnam, pseud. | The re-shaping of the Far East. | |
65 | II-3-B-60 | Reese, Albert Moore. | Wanderings in the Orient. | |
66 | 貴 II-3-B-61 | Fontpertuis, Ad. F. de. | Chine, Japan, Siam. | |
67 | II-3-B-62 | Walsh James Anthony. | Observations in the Orient. The account of a journey to Catholic mission fields in Japan, Korea, Manchuria, China, Indo-China, and the Philippines. | |
68 | 貴 II-3-B-63 | Taylor, Mrs. Geraldine. | In the Far East. Letters from Geraldine Guinness, from the Mediterranean to the Po-yang Lake, China, 1888-1889 and most recent experiences. 3. ed. | |
69 | II-3-B-64 | Hackmann, Heinrich Friedrich. | Welt des Ostens. | |
70 | II-3-B-66 | Norton, Morilla Maria. | Outposts of Asia. | |
71 | 貴 II-3-B-67 | Die Preussische Expedition nach Ost-Asien. Nach amtliche Quellen. | ||
72 | II-3-B-68 | Kreyher, J. | Die preussische Expedition nach Ostasien in den Jahren 1859-1862. Reisebilder aus Japan, China und Siam. Aus dem Tagebuch von J.K. | |
73 | 貴 II-3-B-69 | Werner, Kapit. Reinhold. | Die preussische Expedition nach China, Japan und Siam in den Jahren 1860, 1861 und 1862. Reisebriefe. 2. Aufl. | |
74 | 貴 II-3-B-70 | Eulenburg, Fritz zu, Graf. | Ost-Asien, 1860-1862 in Briefen des Grafen Fritz zu Eulenburg, königlich preussischen Gesandten, betraut mit ausserordentlicher Mission nach China, Japan und Siam. Herausg. von Graf Philipp zu Eulenburg. | |
75 | 貴 II-3-B-71 | Scherzer, Karl von, ed. | Fachmännische Berichte über die österreichischungarische Expedition nach Siam, China, und Japan. 1868-1871. | |
76 | 貴 II-3-B-72 | Heine, Wilhelm. | Die Expedition in die Seen von China, Japan und Ochotsk unter Commando von Commodore Colin Ringgold und Commodore John Rodgers, im Auftrage der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten unternommen in den Jahren 1853 bis 1856, unter Zuziehung der offisiellen Autoritäten und Quellen. Deutsche Orig.-Ausg. Bd. 1, 2. | |
77 | II-3-B-73 | Heine, Wilhelm. | Die Expedition in die Seen von China, Iapan und Ochotsk unter Commando von Commodore Collin Ringgold und Commodore John Rodgers, im Auftrage der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten unternommen in den Jahren 1853 bis 1856, unter Zuziehung der officiellen Autoritäten und Quellen. Deutsche Orig.-Ausg. Bd. 1, 2. | |
78 | II-3-B-73 | Heine, Wilhelm. | Die Expedition in die Seen von China, Japan und Ochotsk unter Commando von Commodore Colin Ringgold und Commodore John Rodgers, im Auftrage der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten unternommen in dern Jahren 1853 bis 1856, unter Zuziehung der offisiellen Autoritäten und Quellen. Deutsche Orig.-Ausg. Bd. 1, 2. | |
79 | II-3-B-74 | Heine, Wilhelm. | Die Expedition in die Seen von China, Japan und Ochotsk unter Commando von Commodore Colin Ringgold und Commodore John Rodgers, im Auftrage der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten unternommen in dern Jahren 1853 bis 1856, unter Zuziehung der offisiellen Autoritäten und Quellen. Deutsche Orig.-Ausg. Bd. 2, 3. | |
80 | 貴 II-3-B-75 | Kreitner, Gustav von. | Im Fernen Osten. Reisen des Grafen Bela-Szechenyi in Indien, Japan, China, Tibet und Birma in den Jahren 1877-1880. | |
81 | 貴 II-3-B-76 | Klein, Friedrich. | Nordamerika und Ostasien. Reisserinnerungen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der österreichischen Interessen. | |
82 | 貴 II-3-B-77 | Hesse-Wartegg, Ernst von. | China und Japan. Erlebnisse, Studien, Beobachtungen. 2. verm. u. verb. Aufl. | |
83 | 貴 II-3-B-78 | Oliphant, Laurence. | Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's mission to China and Japan in the years 1857, '58, '59. | |
84 | 貴 II-3-B-79 | Oliphant, Laurence. | Reis door China en Japan. Bijdragen tot de kennis van den aard, de zeden, gewoonten en gebruiken dezer landen. Beschreven door L. O. Vertaald door Mr. J. van der Leeuw. | |
85 | 貴 II-3-B-80 | Elgin, James Bruce, Earl of. | Letters and journals of James, eighth Earl of Elgin, Governor of Jamaica, Governor-General of Canada, Envoy to China, Viceroy of India. Ed. by Theodore Walrond. | |
86 | II-3-B-81 | Blakeney, William. | On the coasts of Cathay and Cipango forty years ago. A record of surveying service in the China Yellow and Japan Seas and on the seabord of Korea and Manchuria. | |
87 | 貴 II-3-B-82 | Bæ aeckstoröm, Anton. | Ett besök i Japan och Kina jemte bilder frn vägen dit öfver Goda-Hoppsudden, Bourbon, Nya Kaledonien, Manilla och Koninkina. Anteckningar och minnen frn en trerig tjenstgöring i franska flottan. | |
88 | 貴 II-3-B-83 | Lawrence, James B. | China and Japan, and a voyage thither: an account of a cruise in the waters of the East Indies, China, and Japan. | |
89 | 貴 II-3-B-84 | Maron, Hermann. | Japan und China. Reiseskizzen entworfen während der preussischen Expedition nach Ost-Asien von dem Mitgliede derselben Dr. H. M. | |
90 | 貴 II-3-B-85 | Wiley, Isaac William. | China and Japan : a record of observations made during a residence of several years in China and a tour of official visitation to the missions of both countries in 1877-78. | |
91 | 貴 II-3-B-86 | Lindau, Rudolf. | Aus China und Japan. Reise-Erinnerungen. | |
92 | 貴 II-3-B-87 | Clotten, M. | China und Japan. [Reisebilder.] | |
93 | 貴 II-3-B-88 | Trawick, Mrs. Emma Penton Kendrick. | China and Japan. | |
94 | 貴 II-3-B-89 | Hobirk, F. | Schilderungen aus der Natur und dem Volksleben von China und Japan. | |
95 | 貴 II-3-B-90 | Richthofen, Ferdinand Paul Wilhelm von, Frhr. | Chrysanthemum und Drache. Vor und während der Kriegszeit in Ostasien. Skizzen aus Tagebüchern. | |
96 | 貴 II-3-B-91 | Fortune, Robert. | Yedo and Peking. A narrative of a journey to the capitals of Japan and China. With notices of the natural productions, agriculture, horticulture, and trade of those countries, and other things met with by the way. | |
97 | II-3-B-92 | Wade, Mary Hazelton. | Twin travellers in China and Japan. | |
98 | 貴 II-3-B-93 | Sombreuil, Prieur de. | Voyages en Chine et au Japon ou détails intéressants sur les productions naturelles et industrielles, les monuments, les curiosités, les mœrs et usages des habitants de ces contrées. | |
99 | 貴 II-3-B-94 | Brown, Arthur Judson. | Report on a second visit to China, Japan and Korea, 1909, with a discussion of some problems of mission work. | |
100 | 貴 II-3-B-95 | Greaves, M. B. | Vignettes of Japan, China and America. | |
101 | 貴 II-3-B-96 | Besso, Salvatore. | Siam e China. L'incoronazione del Re del Siam. I giorni della rivoluzione chinese. | |
102 | II-3-B-97 | Martin, L. | Meine letzte Ostasienfahrt. Ein Vademecum für die beneidenswerten Reisenden zum "Fernen Osten" mit Schiff und Bahn den Jungen zur Belehrung den Alten zur Erinnerung. | |
103 | 貴 II-3-B-98 | Lane, M. A. L., ed. | Toward the rising sun. Sketches of life in Eastern lands. | |
104 | II-3-B-99 | Japan, China, the Philippines, South Sea Islands and Australasia. | ||
105 | 貴 II-3-B-100 | Fischer, Emil Sigmund. | Description of a trip from the Far East to Europe and the United States of America. With pictures & maps. | |
106 | 貴 II-3-B-101 | Montgelas, Pauline Gräfin. | Ostasiatische Skizzen. Mit einer Ansicht des Himmels-Tempels zu Peking. | |
107 | II-3-B-102 | Oppert, Ernst. | Ostasiatische Wanderungen. Skizzen und Erinnerungen aus Indien, China, Japan und Korea. | |
108 | 貴 II-3-B-103 | Gower, Lord Ronald. | Notes of a tour from Brindisi to Yokohama, 1883-1884. | |
109 | II-3-B-104 | Garca Sagastume, Baldomero. | En el Extremo Oriente, de Toko a Pekn. | |
110 | II-3-B-105 | Muller, Hendrik P. N. | Aziëgespiegeld. Malakka en China. StudiÆエn en ervaringen. | |
111 | II-3-B-106 | The Prince of Wales' Eastern book. A pictorial record of the voyages of H. M. S. "Renown" 1921-1922. | ||
112 | II-3-B-107 | Thoms, Hermann & Luise. | Weltwanderung zweier Deutscher. | |
113 | II-3-B-108 | Russell, Sir Herbert. | With the prince in the East. A record of the royal visit to India and Japan. | |
114 | 貴 II-3-B-109 | Morant, George C. | Odds and ends of foreign travel. | |
115 | II-3-B-110 | Collins, Gilbert. | Far Eastern jaunts. | |
116 | 貴 II-3-B-111 | Mylès, Henry. | Instantanés d'Extrême-Asie. | |
117 | II-3-B-112 | Stidger, William Leroy. | Flash-lights from the seven seas. | |
118 | II-3-B-113 | Marison, Fiscar. | O'er oceans and continents with the setting sun. Ser. 1. | |
119 | 貴 II-3-B-114 | Furth, Camille de. | Un Parisien en Asie. Voyage en Chine, au Japon, dans la Mantchourie russe et sur les bords de l'Amour. | |
120 | 貴 II-3-B-115 | Leclercq, Jules. | Chez les jaunes. Japon, Chine, Mandchourie. 2. éd. | |
121 | II-3-B-116 | Kurz, K. F. | Vom Nil zum Fujiyama. | |
122 | 貴 II-3-B-117 | Féré, Octave. | Les régions inconnues. Chasses, pêches, aventures et découvertes dans l'Extrême-Orient. | |
123 | 貴 II-3-B-118 | Métin, Albert. | L'Extrême-Orient. Chine-Japon-Russie. | |
124 | 貴 II-3-B-119 | Brockway, Alice Pickford. | A trip to the Orient. Leaves from the note-book of A. P. B. | |
125 | 貴 II-3-B-120 | Halloran, Alfred Laurence. | Wae Yàng Jin. Eight months' journal kept on board one of Her Majesty's sloops of war during visits to Loochoo, Japan, and Pootoo. | |
126 | 貴 II-3-B-121 | Kjellén, Rudolf. | Den stora Orienten. Resestudier i österväg. | |
127 | 貴 II-3-B-122 | Pimodan, comdt. de. | Promenades en Extrême-Orient (1895-1898). De Marseille à Yokohama, Japan, Formose, Iles Pescadores, Tonkin, Yéso, Sibérie, Corée, Chine. | |
128 | 貴 II-3-B-123 | Dubard, Maurice. | La vie en Chine et au Japon. Précédée d'une expédition au Tonquin. | |
129 | II-3-B-124 | Cotteau, Edmond. | Un touriste dans l'Extrême Orient. Japon, Chine, Indo-Chine et Tonkin (4 aot 1881-24 janvier 1882). | |
130 | II-3-B-125 | Neander, Herman. | Bland krigsfngar i Ryssland, Sibirien och Japan. | |
131 | 貴 II-3-B-126 | Лигинъ, Юрий. | На Дальнемъ Востокѣ / Юр. Лигинъ. | |
132 | 貴 II-3-B-127 | Сѣрошевскій, Вацлавъ. | Дальній Востокъ : очерки / Вацлавъ Сѣрошевскій. | |
133 | 貴 II-3-B-129 | Rijke, Johs. de. | Zomerreis van Oost-Aziënaar Nederland, met den Trans-Siberischen spoorweg. | |
134 | 貴 II-3-B-130 | Ball, Benjamin Lincoln. | Rambles in eastern Asia, including China and Manilla, during several years' residence. With notes of the voyage to China, excursions in Manilla, Hong-kong, Canton, Shanghai, Ningpoo, Amoy, Foochow and Macao. | |
135 | 貴 II-3-B-131 | Percival, William Spencer. | Twenty years in the Far East. | |
136 | 貴 II-3-B-132 | Ross, John Dill. | Sixty years : life and adventure in the Far East. | |
137 | 貴 II-3-B-133 | Dundas, Lawrence John Lumley, Earl of Ronaldshay. | A wandering student in the Far East. | |
138 | 貴 II-3-B-134 | St. John, Sir Spenser. | Life in the forests of the Far East. | |
139 | 貴 II-3-B-135 | Carter, James. | In the wake of the setting sun. | |
140 | 貴 II-3-B-136 | Konow, Henri. | I Asiens Farvande ombord i en fransk Orlogsmand, ved Middelhavets, Indiens, Bagindiens, Kinas, Japans og Koreas Kyster. | |
141 | II-3-B-137 | Foster, Harry La Tourette. | A beachcomber in the Orient. | |
142 | 貴 II-3-B-138 | Allen, George Hoyt. | A Yankee in the Far East. With ill. by H. S. Weller. | |
143 | 貴 II-3-B-139 | Whitney, Caspar. | Jungle trails and jungle people. Travel, adventure and observation in the Far East. | |
144 | II-3-B-140 | Buxton, L. H. Dudley. | The Eastern road. | |
145 | II-3-B-141 | Berger, A. | Aus einem verschlossenen Paradiese. 2., durchgesehene u. erweit. Aufl. von Eine Welt- und Jagdreise. | |
146 | 貴 II-3-B-142 | Dunottar Castle, ship. | Cruise to the Far East, visiting India, China and Japan on the R. M. S. "Dunottar Castle" | |
147 | 貴 II-3-B-143 | Sabine, chanoine de. | Les nouveau voyageurs en Chine et au Japon. Beautés et merveilles de ces délicieuses contrées par le chanoine de Sabine. Ouvrage rev., corr. et augm. par Victor Doublet. Nouv. éd. | |
148 | 貴 II-3-B-144 | Beylie, gén. Léon Marie Eugène de. | Journal de voyage en Orient et en Extrême-Orient. | |
149 | 貴 II-3-B-145 | Hofmann, Amerigo. | Aus den Waldungen des Fernen Ostens. Forstliche Reisen und Studien in Japan, Formosa, Korea und den angrenzenden Gebieten Ostasiens. | |
150 | 貴 II-3-B-146 | Witte, H. | Die Wunderwelt des Ostens. Reisebriefe aus China und Japan. | |
151 | 貴 II-3-B-147 | Andrade, José Ignacio de. | Cartas escriptas da India e da China nos annos de 1815 a 1835 ... a sua mulher D. Maris Gertrudes de Andrade. | |
152 | 貴 II-3-B-148 | Andrade, José Ignacio de. | Cartas escriptas da India e da China nos annos de 1815 a 1835 ... a sua mulher D. Maris Gertrudes de Andrade. 2. ed. | |
153 | 貴 II-3-B-149 | Eliot, Sir Charles Norton Edgcumbe. | Letters from the Far East. | |
154 | 貴 II-3-B-150 | Jones, De Lancey Floyd-. | Letters from the Far East. Being impressions of a tour around the world by way of England, India, China, and Japan during 1885-86. | |
155 | II-3-B-151 | Brockway, Alice Pickford. | Letters from the Far East. | |
156 | 貴 II-3-B-152 | Haffter, E. | Briefe aus dem Fernen Osten. 6. Aufl. | |
157 | 貴 II-3-B-153 | Hay, Adml. Sir John Charles Dalrymple. | Lines from my log books. | |
158 | II-3-B-154 | Mahlmann, John James. | Reminiscences of an ancient mariner. | |
159 | II-3-B-155 | Naufragus, pseud. | The adventures of Naufragus. Written by himself. | |
160 | 貴 II-3-B-156 | Shore, Henry Noel. | The flight of the lapwing. A naval officer's jottings in China, Formosa and Japan. | |
161 | 貴 II-3-B-157 | Plate, A. G. | A cruise through eastern seas, being a travellers' guide to the principal objects of interest in the Far East. | |
162 | II-3-B-158 | Plate, A. G. | Der Ferne Osten. Ein Reisehandbuch mit zahlreichen Abbildungen... | |
163 | 貴 II-3-B-160 | Bachgarten, Hans. | Aus einem Schiffstagebuch. Zwei Jahre in Japan und China. | |
164 | 貴 II-3-B-161 | Svedstrup, Alexander. | De danskes Vej. Indtryk og Billeder fra Krydserkorvetten "Valkyrien" s Togt til ŁTtasien 1899-1900. Algier, Kreta, Ceylon, Saigon, Siam Kina, Japan. | |
165 | 貴 II-3-B-162 | Tronson, John Mortlock. | Personal narrative of a voyage to Japan, Kamtschatka, Siberia, Tartary and various parts of coast of China in H. M. S. Barracouta. | |
166 | 貴 II-3-B-163 | Laird, E. K. | The rambles of a globe trotter in Australasia, Japan, China, Java, India, and Cashmere. | |
167 | 貴 II-3-B-164 | Wingfield, Lewis. | Wanderings of a globe trotter in the Far East. | |
168 | 貴 II-3-B-165 | Bacchante, ship. | The cruise of Her Majesty's Ship "Bacchante," 1879-1882. Compiled from the private journals, letters and note-books of Prince Albert Victor and Prince George of Wales, with additions by John N. Dalton. | |
169 | II-3-B-166 | Arnold, Sir Edwin. | East and West. Being papers reprinted from the "Daily telepraph" and other sources. | |
170 | II-3-B-167 | Bidwell, Daniel D. | As far as the East is from the West. Tales of a traveler who toured the world toward the Rising Sun. 3. ed. | |
171 | II-3-B-168 | Lucas, Edward Verrall. | Roving East and roving West. | |
172 | 貴 II-3-B-169 | Mitford, Maj.-Gen. Reginald Colvil William Reveley. | Orient and Occident: a journey east from Lahore to Liverpool. | |
173 | II-3-B-170 | Boegli, Lina. | Immer vorwärts. | |
174 | 貴 II-3-B-171 | Washburn, Elizabeth. | The colour of the East. | |
175 | 貴 II-3-B-173 | Kreitner, Gustav von. | I Fjerran Æォstern. Reseskildringar frn Indien, Kina, Japan, Tibet och Birma. Svensk bearbetning af Anton Stuxberg. | |
176 | 貴 II-3-B-174 | Taylor, Bayard. | A visit to India, China, and Japan, in the year 1853. Newly rev. & ed., by George Frederick Pardon. | |
177 | II-3-B-175 | Senn, Nicholas. | Around the world via Siberia. | |
178 | 貴 II-3-B-176 | Habersham, Lieut. Alexander Wylly. | The north Pacific surveying and exploring expedition; or, My last cruise where we went and what we saw. Being an account of visits to the Malay and Loo-choo Islands, the coasts of China, Formosa, Japan, Kamtschatka, Siberia and the mouth of the Amoor River. | |
179 | II-3-B-177 | Lemoine, abbé Laurent. | De France en Extrême-Orient (marines et croquis). Essai monographique. Nouv. éd.... | |
180 | 貴 II-3-B-178 | Hawks, Francis Lister, comp. | Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China seas and Japan, performed in the years 1852, 1853 and 1854, under the command of Commodore M. C. Perry, United States Navy ... Comp. fr. the orig. notes and journals of Comm. Perry and his officers, at his request, and under his supervision, by Francis L. Hawks. Vol. 1-3 (vol. 3 entitled Observations on the zodiacal light, from April 2, 1853, to April 22, 1855, made chiefly on board the United States steam-frigate Mississippi... with conclusions from the data thus obtained; by Rev. George Jones.) | |
181 | II-3-B-179 | Horsburgh, James. | The India directory; or, Directions for sailing to and from the East Indies, China, Japan, Australia, and the interjacent ports of Africa and South America. Vol. 2. 8. ed. | |
182 | 貴 II-3-B-180 | Zuanelli, Luigi. | Dall'India alla California attraverso i paesi gialli. Impressioni di viaggio illustrate. | |
183 | II-3-B-181 | Veitch, James Herbert. | A traveller's notes; or, Notes of a tour through India, Malaysia, Japan, Corea, the Australian colonies and New Zealand during the years 1891-1893. | |
184 | II-3-B-182 | Le Fèvre, Georges. | Monsieur Paquebot (autour du monde). | |
185 | II-3-B-183 | Taylor, Bayard. | A visit to India, China, and Japan, in the year 1853. | |
186 | II-3-B-184 | Takimoto Jiro. | Guide book to Japan, Manchuria, Korea & China. | |
187 | II-3-B-185 | Johann, A. E. | 40000 Kilometer! Eine Jagd auf Menschen und Dinge rund um Asien. 31.-40. Tausend. | |
188 | II-3-B-186 | Roerich, Nicholas. | Altai-Himalaya. A travel diary. | |
189 | II-3-B-187 | Marbach, Otto. | Chinas Not und Japans Hoffnung. Reiseerinnerungen eines Ostasienfreundes. | |
190 | II-3-B-188 | Greenbie, Sydney. | The romantic East. India, Indo-China and Japan. | |
191 | II-3-B-189 | Katz, Richard. | Funkelnder Ferner Osten! Erlebtes in China-Korea-Japan. | |
192 | II-3-B-191 | Jottrand, Emile & Mme. Emile. | Indo-Chine et Japon. Journal de voyage accompagné de trois cartes. | |
193 | II-3-B-192 | Oliphant, Laurence. | La China e il Giappone. Missione di Lord Elgin negli anni 1857, 1858 e 1859. Raccontata in inglese da Lorenzo Oliphant. | |
194 | II-3-B-193 | Witte, Johannes. | Sommer-Sonnentage in Japan und China. Reise-Erlebnisse in Ostasien im Jahre 1924. | |
195 | 貴 II-3-B-194 | Keating, John Marie. | With General Grant in the East. | |
196 | 貴 II-3-B-195 | Knox, Thomas Wallace. | The boy travellers in the Far East. Pt. 1. Adventures of two youths in a journey to Japan and China. | |
197 | II-3-B-196 | Beniovskii, Morits Avgust, Count. | The memoirs and travels of Mauritius Augustus Count de Benyowsky. In Siberia, Kamchatka, Japan, the Liukiu Islands and Formosa. Fr. the tr. of his orig. manuscript (1741-1771), by William Nicholson, 1790. Ed. by Capt. Pasfield Oliver. | |
198 | 貴 II-3-B-197 | T., L. L. | Letters from the East. | |
199 | 貴 II-3-B-198 | М., С. | По Дальнему Востоку : путевыья замѣтки / С. М. | |
200 | II-3-B-199 | Grew, Joseph Clark. | Sport and travel in the Far East. |
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