Database ListClassification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko → 検索結果            

Classification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko
A search found 122 entries.
No. 詳細 CallMark Heading TitleAuthor
II-1-B-12 Littauer, M. A. Wheeled vehicles and ridden animals in the ancient Near East / by M. A. Littauer and J. H. Crouwel ; drawings by J. Morel.
II-1-B-12 Spycket, Agnès. La statuaire du Proche-Orient ancien / par Agnès Spycket.
II-3-A-1 Japan. Imperial Japanese Government Railways. An official guide to eastern Asia. Trans-continental connections between Europe and Asia. Vol. 1-5.
貴 II-3-A-1 Japan. Imperial Japanese Government Railways. An official guide to eastern Asia. Trans-continental connections between Europe and Asia. Vol. 1-3.
II-3-A-2 Schroeder, F., ed. From "Eastern world" back numbers, 1892-1907. A selection of original articles, sketches, lively notes, and thoughts, grave and gay, in prose and poetry, selected from the columns of the "Eastern world."
貴 II-3-A-3 Bastian, Adolf. Die Voelker des oestlichen Asien. Studien und Reisen.
II-3-A-3 Bastian, Adolf. Die Voelker des oestlichen Asien. Studien und Reisen.
II-3-A-4 Little, Archibald John. The Far East.
II-3-A-5 Norman, Sir Henry. The peoples and politics of the Far East. Travels and studies in the British, French, Spanish and Portuguese colonies, Siberia, China, Japan, Korea, Siam and Malaya.
貴 II-3-A-6 Diósy, Arthur. The new Far East.
II-3-A-7 Diósy, Arthur. The Far East. With ill. fr. special designs by Kubota Beisen, of Tokio. 5. ed.
II-3-A-8 Dundas, Lawrence John Lumley, Earl of Ronaldshay. An Eastern miscellany.
貴 II-3-A-9 Ireland, Alleyne. The Far-Eastern tropics. Studies in the administration of tropical dependencies, Honkong, British North Borneo, Sarawak, Burma, the Federated Malay States, the Straits Settlements, French Indo-China, Java, the Philippine Islands.
貴 II-3-A-10 Bamford, Alfred J. Turbans and tails; or, Sketches in the unromantic East.
貴 II-3-A-11 Hackmann, Heinrich Friedrich. Welt des Ostens.
貴 II-3-A-12 Ehlers, Otto E. Im Osten Asiens. Mit zahlreichen illustrationen und zwei Karten. 5. Aufl.
貴 II-3-A-13 Eastern & Australian Steamship Co., Ltd. Tourist guide to China, Japan, islands and ports en route, Australia and Tasmania.
貴 II-3-A-14 Thomson, J. T. Some glimpses into life in the Far East. 2. ed.
II-3-A-14 Thomson, J. T. Sequel to Some glimpses into life in the Far East.
貴 II-3-A-15 Gerini, Col. G. E. Researches on Ptolemy's Geography of eastern Asia (Further India and Indo-Malay Peninsular).
貴 II-3-A-16 Cooper, Clayton Sedgwick. The modernizing of the Orient.
貴 II-3-A-17 Fitch, George Hamlin. The critic in the Orient.
貴 II-3-A-18 Gould, Edith M. E. Baring-. In the year one in the Far East.
貴 II-3-A-19 Smith, F. Dumont. Blue waters and green and the Far East today.
貴 II-3-A-20 Fulton, Henry. Travelling sketches in various countries.
貴 II-3-A-21 Serrurier, Lindor. Catalogue der ethnographische afdeeling van de Internationale Koloniale en Uitvoerhandel Tentoonstelling (van 1 Mei tot ulto. Oct. 1883) te Amsterdam.
II-3-A-22 Miln, Louise Jordan. When we were strolling players in the East.
貴 II-3-A-23 European settlements in the Far East. China, Japan, Corea, Indo-China, Straits Settlements, Malay States, Siam, Netherlands India, Borneo, the Philippines, etc.
貴 II-3-A-24 Mayers, William Frederick, &c. The treaty ports of China and Japan. A complete guide to the open ports of those countries, together with Peking, Yedo, Hongkong and Macao. Forming a guide book & vade mecum for travellers, merchants, and residents in general. By W. F. M., N. B. Dennys & Chas. King.
貴 II-3-A-25 Lawton, Lancelot. Empires of the Far East. A study of Japan and of her colonial possessions, of China and Manchuria and of the political questions of eastern Asia and the Pacific.
貴 II-3-A-26 Elliot, Com. Robert. Views in the East; comprising India, Canton, and the shores of the Red Sea.
II-3-A-27 Browne, George Waldo & Dole, Nathan Haskell, eds. The new America and the Far East. With a gen. introd. by Edward S. Ellis.
貴 II-3-A-28 Ott, A. L'Inde et la Chine.
貴 II-3-A-29 Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes. An essay on the civilisations of India, China and Japan.
II-3-A-30 Vaughan, J., comp. True course and distance tables. China, Japan and Java seas. Containing list of charts required on the various voyages.
貴 II-3-A-31 Inde, Chine et Japon; ou, Nouveau tableau anecdotique de la religion, des mœrs, usages et coutumes des peuples de ces contées lointaines.
II-3-A-32 Herbertson, Andrew John & Howarth, Osbert John Radcliffe, eds. Asia, including the Indian Empire and dependencies, Ceylon, British Malaya & Far Eastern possessions.
貴 II-3-A-33 Sachot, Octave. Pays d'Extrême Orient. Siam, Indo-Chine centrale, Corée. Voyages, histoire, geographie, mœrs, ressources naturelles.
貴 II-3-A-34 Elias, Frank. The Far East; China, Korea & Japan. Containing thirty-two fullpage illustrations in colour by various artists.
貴 II-3-A-35 Dubois de Jancigny, Adolphe Philibert. Japon, Indo-Chine, Empire Birman (ou Ava), Siam, Annam (ou Cochinchine), Péninsule Malaise, etc. Ceylan.
貴 II-3-A-36 Klaproth, Julius Heinrich, tr. [San kokf tsou ran to sets ou aperçu général des trois royaumes.] Plates and maps to accompany the San kokf tsou ran to sets ou aperçu général de trois royaumes. Tr. de l'original japonais-chinois.
貴 II-3-A-36 Klaproth, Julius Heinrich, tr. San kokf tsou ran to sets ou aperçu général des trois royaumes. Tr. de l'original japonais-chinois par J.K.
貴 II-3-A-37 Seaports of the Far East illustrated. Historical and descriptive, commercial and industrial facts, figures and resources.
貴 II-3-A-38 Clark, James Hyde. Story of China and Japan, embracing their geographical positions, enormous resources, wealth, emperors and courts, governments and people, manners and customs, how the people of these grat nations live and die and maintain in Oriental splendor, the China and Japan of to-day...
II-3-A-39 Palmer, Frederick. Look to the East.
II-3-A-40 Bunker, Frank Forest. China and Japan.
II-3-A-41 Lowell, Percival. The soul of the Far East.
II-3-A-42 Whyte, Sir Alexander Frederick. Asia in the twentieth century.
貴 II-3-A-43 Lamarre, Clovis & Fontpertuis, Ad. F. de. La Chine et le Japon, et l'exposition de 1878.
II-3-A-44 Randall, James A. Guidebook to the ports of Asia with notes on shopping. (Navy handbook for the Asiatic station.) China, Japan, the East Indies, the Philippines, French Indo-China, and the Malay States.
貴 II-3-A-45 The traveller's guide to India, Australia, China and the Far East. Comp. by Messrs. Henry S. King & Co.
貴 II-3-A-46 Sears, Robert, ed. Pictorial history of China and India ; comprising a description of those countries and their inhabitants, embracing the historical events, government, religion, education, language, literature, arts, manufactures, productions, commerce, and manners and customs of the people, from the earliest period of authentic record, to the present time.
貴 II-3-A-47 Р., В., сост. Очерки о Японіи, Кореѣ и Маньчжуріи, съ иллюстраціями и 3-мя картами театра военныхъ дѣйствій / составилъ В. Р.
貴 II-3-A-48 Гольмстремъ, Владиміръ. сост. Дальневосточное обозрѣніе / Составлено на основаніи отзывовъ всесвѣтной прессы, подъ редакціей Владиміра Гольмстремъ.
II-3-A-49 Karlgren, Bernhard. Æォstasien under nittonde rhundradet.
II-3-A-50 Kawata Tomoyuki. Glimpses of the East. 8th annual issue, 1925-26.
貴 II-3-A-51 Reclus, Jean Jacques Elisée. Nouvelle géographie universelle. La terre et les hommes. 7. L'Asie orientale.
貴 II-3-A-52 Bonnetain, Paul. L'Extrême Orient. (L'Indo-Chine, l'Empire Chinois, le Japon.) Ouvrage illustré de nombreux dessins d'après nature.
貴 II-3-A-53 Baelz, Erwin von. Die Ostasiaten. Ein Vortrag.
II-3-A-54 Eliot, Charles William. Some roads towards peace. A report to the trustees of the endowment on observations made in China and Japan in 1912.
II-3-A-55 McMahon, Thomas J. The Orient I found.
II-3-A-56 Wunderlich, E., ed. Ostasien in der Krise.
貴 II-3-A-57 S., A. Histoire religieuse et descriptive du Thibet, de la Mantchourie, du pays des Kalmoucks, de la Corée, du Japon, etc. Extrait de l'Histoire des voyages, par A. S.
II-3-A-58 Nawrath, [Ernst] Alfred. India and China, a photographic study.
II-3-A-59 Schlag nach über China, Japan und Mandschukuo.
II-3-A-60 Schmitthenner, Heinrich. Süd-und Ostasien. 2. Aufl.
II-3-A-61 Elisseeff, Serge. The Chinese-Japanese Library of the Harvard-Yenching Institute at Harvard University.
II-3-A-62 Bichurin, N[ikita] Ya[kovlevich] (Iakinf). Sobranie svedenii po istoricheskoi geografii Vostochnoi i Sredinnoi Azii. Sostaviteli: L. N. Gumilev, M. F. Khvan.
II-3-A-63 University of Chicago Library, the Far Eastern Library, comp. The University of Chicago doctoral dissertations and master's theses on Asia, 1894-1962.
II-3-A-64 Enoki Kazuo, ed. Recent trends of East Asian studies in Japan, with bibliography.
II-3-A-65 Nakamura Hiroshi. East Asia in old maps.
II-3-A-67 Case, Margaret H. South Asian history 1750-1950. A guide to periodicals, dissertations and newspapers.
II-3-A-68 Association for Asian Studies, Committee on East Asian Libraries. Library resources on East Asia. Reports and working papers for the tenth annual meeting of the Committee on American Library Resources on the Far East, Association for Asian Studies, Inc., at the Palmer House, Chicago, March 21, 1967.
II-3-A-69 Boxer, C. R. Einige Aspekte der westlichen Geschichtsschreibung über den fernen Osten, 1500-1800.
II-3-A-70 Asian-Pacific Cultural Center, APPU, comp. Member countries of Asian Pacific Parliamentarians' Union. 1990.
II-3-A-71 Asia maritima : images et réalité, 1200-1800 / édité par Denys Lombard, Roderich Ptak = Asia maritima : Bilder und Wirklichkeit, 1200-1800 / herausgegeben von Denys Lombard, Roderich Ptak.
II-3-A-73 Kawata, Tomoyuki, ed. Glimpses of the East : Nippon Yusen Kaisya's official guide. 17th annual issue, 1934-1935 / T. Kawata, editor & director.
II-3-A-75 Japan Council for East Asian Studies. Annual report / Japan Council for East Asian Studies.
II-3-A-76 East Asia and the United States : an encyclopedia of relations since 1784 / edited by James I. Matray.
II-3-A-77 Treasures of the Yenching : seventy-fifth anniversary of the Harvard-Yenching Library : exhibition catalogue / essays by Mikael S. Adolphson ... [et al.] ; edited by Patrick Hanan.
II-3-A-78 Басханов, Михаил Казбекович. Русские военные востоковеды до 1917 года : биобиблиографический словарь / авт.-сост. М. К. Басханов.
II-3-A-79 Kawata, Tomoyuki, ed. Glimpses of the East : Nippon Yûsen Kaisya official guide. 24th annual issue, 1941-42 edition / T. Kawata, editor & director.
II-1-C-c-285 Lerberghe, Karel van. The ancient Near East, a life! : festschrift Karel Van Lerberghe / edited by Tom Boiy ... [et al.].
III-2-A-1 Lóczy, Lajos. A Khinai birodalom természeti viszonyainak és országainak leirása.
貴 III-2-A-1 Lóczy, Lajos. A Khinai birodalom természeti viszonyainak és országainak leirása.
E-1-B-56 De Wit, Frederick. Magnæ Tartariæ : Magni Mogolis Imperii, Iaponiæ et Chinæ, nova descriptio / gedr. ... by F. d. W.
E-1-B-57 De Wit, Frederick. Magnæ Tartariæ : Magni Mogolis Imperii, Iaponiæ et Chinæ, nova descriptio / gedr. ... by F. d. W.
E-1-B-75 Delisle, Guillaume. Carte des Indes et de la Chine ... / Guillaume Delisle.
E-1-B-80 Senex, John. A new map of india & China ... / J. Senex.
E-1-B-88 Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles. Indostan, Presqu'isles de l'Inde, Chine, Tartarie independante / Robert de Vaugondy.
E-1-B-108 Corea and Japan ; drawn & engr. for Thomson's new general atlas ... 1815.
E-1-B-117 Vivien de Saint-Martin, Louis, ed. Archipel asiatique / Vivien de Saint-Martin & Fr. Schrader, eds.
E-1-B-118 Vivien de Saint-Martin, Louis, ed. Japon, Corée, Mandjourie / Vivien de Saint-Martin & Fr. Schrader, eds.
E-1-B-120 Langhans, Paul. Politisch-militärische Karte von Ost-Asien zur Veranschaulichung der Kämpfe in China, Korea und Japan / Paul Langhans.
E-1-B-121 Langhans, Paul. Neueste Tageskarte von Ost-Asien auf Grundlage der Karten aus Stielers Handatlas ... / Paul Langhans.
E-1-B-122 Mandchourie, Corée, Japon et côtes orientales de la Chine d'après les documents russes, japonais et allemends.
E-1-B-123 [Russian map of the Far East.]
E-1-B-124 [Map of the Far East.]
E-1-B-195 [France.] Service Géographique de l'Armée. Moukden, Vladivostok, [Séoul, Kang-neung] / Service Géographique de l'Armée.
E-1-B-364 Japan und Korea.
貴 E-1-B-427 Rossi, Giovanni Giacomo de. Il regno della China detto presentemente Catay, e Mangin, diuiso sopra le Carte più esatte nelle sue Principali Prouincie, da Giacomo Cantelli da Vignola, con l'aggionta di nuoui Regni, e Prouincie ne Confini della Medesima China, conforme le relationi più recenti de più illustri Viaggiatori del nostro secolo, e particolarmente Delli Pri Gio. Grueber, Benedetto Goes, Martino Martini, e Monsieur Tauernier, et altri / data in luce da Gio. Giacomo Rossi ; Giorgio Widman, sculp.
E-1-B-444 Карта дальняго востока : Карта театра военныхъ дѣйствій.
貴 O-2-A-15 Renaudot, Eusèbe, tr. Anciennes relations des Indes et de la Chine, de deux voyageurs mahométans, qui y allerent dans le neuviéme siecle : traduites d'arabe: avec des remarques sur les principaux endroits de ces relations.
貴 O-2-A-15 [Renaudot, abbé Eusèbe, tr.] Anciennes relations des Indes et de la Chine, de deux voyageurs Mahométans, qui y allèrent dans le neuvième siècle; traduites d'Arabe: avec des remarques sur les principaux endroits de ces relations.
貴 O-2-A-56 Renaudot, Eusèbe, tr. Antiche relazioni dell' Indie, e della China di due Maomettani che nel secolo nono v'andarono / tradotte dall' araba nella lingua francese, ed illustrate con note, e dissertazioni dal signor Eusebio Renodozio ed insieme con queste aggiunte fatte italiane per un' anonimo.
貴 O-2-A-58 Cordier de Launay [de Valeri, Louis Guillaume René]. Tableau topographique et politique de la Sibérie, de la Chine, de la zone moyenne d'Asie et du nord de l'Amérique.
貴 O-2-A-68 Francisci, Erasmus. Neu-polirter Geschicht- Kunst- und Sitten-Spiegel ausländischer Völcker : fürnemlich Der Sineser, Japaner, Indostaner, Javaner, Malabaren, Peguaner, Siammer, Peruaner, Mexicaner, Brasilianer, Abyssiner, Guineer, Congianer, Asiatischer Tartern, Perser, Armenier, Türcken, Russen, und theils anderer Nationen mehr: welcher, in sechs Büchern, sechserley Gestalten weiset ... / Dem Schau-begierigem Leser dargestellt von Erasmo Francisci.
貴 O-2-A-69 Tavernier, Jean Baptiste. A collection of several relations and treatises singular and curious, of John Baptista Tavernier, Baron of Aubonne : not printed among his first six voyages. Divided into five parts, viz. I. A new and singular relation of the kingdom of Tunquin, with several figures, and a map of the countrey. II. How the Hollanders manage their affairs in Asia. III. A relation of Japon and the cause of the persecution of the Christians in those islands; with a map of the countrey. IV. A relation of what passed in the negotiation of the deputies which were at Persia and the Indies as well on the French King's as the Company's behalf, for the establishment of trade. V. Observations upon the East India trade, and the frauds there subject to be committed.
貴 O-2-A-76 Castilhon, Jean. Anecdotes chinoises, japonaises, siamoises, tonquinoises, &c; dans lesquelles on s'est attaché principalement aux mœurs, usages, coutumes & religions de ces différens peuples de l'Asie.
貴 O-3-A-64 Renaudot, Eusèbe, tr. Ancient accounts of India and China, by two Mohammedan travellers : who went to those parts in the 9th century / translated from the Arabic, by the late learned Eusebius Renaudot, with notes, illustrations and inquiries by the same hand.
貴 P-II-a-31 Lowell, Percival. The soul of the Far East.
貴 P-II-a-32 Borodovskii, Leonid Ivanovich. Karta Dal'nyago Vostoka. Alfavitnyi ukazatel' geograficheskikh imen, pomieshchenykh na kartie. 1904 g. Izd. 2.
貴 P-II-a-33 Pauthier, Jean Pierre Guillaume. Cours complémentaire de géographie, d'histoire et de législation des Etats de l'Extrême Orient à l'Ecole Spéciale des Langues Orientales Vivantes. Discours d'ouverture prononcé le 16 janvier, 1873.
貴 P-II-a-109 From Japan to the Channel Islands. Japan, China, Indo-China, Siam, Straits Settlements, Netherlands-India, Ceylon.
貴 P-II-a-127 Wright, J. Dunbar. A guide to Korea and China.
貴 P-II-a-159 Paul, Dorothy. The rhythm of the East.
貴 P-II-a-168 Shore, Henry Noel, Lieut. Remarks on the character and social industries of the inhabitants of China and Japan.
貴 P-II-a-187 Duchesne de Bellecour, P. La Chine et le Japon à l'exposition universelle.
貴 P-II-b-32 Thomas, Chauncey. Asia and America. (Campfire talks, no. 56.)
貴 P-II-b-49 Bilder aus Ost-Asien. Japan-Mandschurei und Korea-Kiautschou.
貴 P-II-b-60 Seward, George Frederick. China and Japan.
II-3-A-72 Культура народов Зарубежной Азии в коллекциях Омского государственного историко–краеведческого музея / ответственный редактор, Н. А. Томилов.

Database ListClassification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko → 検索結果