Database List → | Classification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko → | 検索結果 |
No. | 詳細 | CallMark | Heading | TitleAuthor |
1 | I-4-A-138 | Толстов, С. П., под. ред. | Очерки общей этнографии : азиатская часть СССР / под. редакцией С.П. Толстова, М.Г. Левина и Н. Н. Чебоксарова. | |
2 | II-1-B-6 | Gaeta, F. & Lockhart, L. ed. | I viaggi di Pietro della Valle : Lettere dalla Persia / a cura di F. Gaeta e L. Lockhart. | |
3 | II-1-B-6 | Lockhart, L. &c., ed. | I viaggi in Persia degli ambasciatori veneti Barbaro e Contarini / a cura di L. Lockhart, R. Morozzo della Rocca e M. F. Tiepolo. | |
4 | II-1-B-9 | Friedrich, Michael. | Handschriften der Yao / in Verbindung mit Michael Friedrich ; herausgegeben von Thomas Höllmann ; mit Beiträgen von Lucia Obi, Shing Müller, Xaver Götzfried. | |
5 | II-1-B-10 | La naissance du monde : Égypte ancienne, Sumer, Akkad, Hourrites et Hittites, Canaan, Israel, Islam, Turcs et Mongols Iran préislamique, Inde, Siam, Laos, Tibet, Chine. | ||
6 | II-1-B-12 | Semitistik / mit beiträgen von Carl Brockelmann ... [et al.]. | ||
7 | II-1-B-13 | Ptolemaios. | Geographie 6, 9-21 : Ostiran und Zentralasien. | |
8 | II-2-A-1 | Asia. Syria and Palestine.--Tartary, Thibet, and China.--Philippine Islands. | ||
9 | 貴 II-2-A-2 | Coles, L. A. | The home of man. Pt. 4. Asia. | |
10 | 貴 II-2-A-3 | Carpenter, Frank George. | Asia. | |
11 | 貴 II-2-A-4 | Redway, Jacques Wardlaw. | All around Asia. | |
12 | 貴 II-2-A-5 | Chamberlain, James Franklin & Arthur Henry. | Asia. A supplementary geography. | |
13 | II-2-A-6 | Allen, Nellie Burnham. | Asia. | |
14 | II-2-A-7 | Huntington, Ellsworth. | Asia. A geography reader. With an introd. to the ser. by Richard Ellwood Dodge. | |
15 | 貴 II-2-A-8 | Reynolds, J. B. | Asia. | |
16 | II-2-A-9 | Heaton, Ellis W. | Asia. | |
17 | II-2-A-10 | Frobenius, Leo. | Asien und die Asiaten. | |
18 | II-2-A-11 | Harms, Heinrich. | Asien. 2. Aufl. | |
19 | 貴 II-2-A-12 | Mabie, Henry Clay. | In brightest Asia. 3. ed. | |
20 | 貴 II-2-A-13 | Barnard, Howard Clive. | Asia in pictures. | |
21 | 貴 II-2-A-14 | Круберъ, А. А., сост. | Азія : иллюстрированный географическій сборникъ / составленный преподавителями географіи А. Круберомъ, С. Григорьевымъ, А. Барковымъ и С. Чефрановымъ. | |
22 | 貴 II-2-A-15 | Arbanère, Etienne Gabriel. | Analyse de l'histoire asiatique et de l'histoire grecque. | |
23 | 貴 II-2-A-16 | Lanier, Lucien. | L'Asie. Choix de lectures de géographie, accompagnées de résumés, d'analyses, de notices historiques, de notes explicatives et bibliographiques, et ornés de 53 vignettes de 9 cartes tirées en couleur et de 41 cartes intercalées dans le texte. 9. éd., rev. & corr. | |
24 | 貴 II-2-A-17 | Miller, Olive Thorne. | Little people of Asia. | |
25 | 貴 II-2-A-18 | Géographie générale. Déscription physique, politique, administrative, géographie historique, topographie des lieux célèbres, histoire naturelle, caractères physiques des peuples, mœrs, coutumes, religions. Asie. | ||
26 | II-2-A-19 | Keane, Augustus Henry. | Asia. 2. ed. | |
27 | 貴 II-2-A-20 | [Chastenay, Mme. Victorie de.] | De l'Asie; ou, Considérations religieuses, philosophiques et littéraires sur l'Asie. Ouvrage composé et dédié à M. le baron Sylvestre de Sacy, par Mme V. de C. | |
28 | 貴 II-2-A-21 | Ritter, Carl. | Die Erdkunde im Verhaeltniss zur Natur und zur Geschichte des Menschen, oder allgemeine, vergleichende Geographie, als sichere Grundlage des Studiums und Unterrichts in physikalischen und historischen Wissenschaften. Thl. 3. Bd. 3. | |
29 | II-2-A-21 | Ritter, Carl. | Die Erdkunde im Verhaeltniss zur Natur und zur Geschichte des Menschen, oder allgemeine, vergleichende Geographie, als sichere Grundlage des Studiums und Unterrichts in physikalischen und historischen Wissenschaften. | |
30 | 貴 II-2-A-22 | Perkins, Charlton B. | Travels from the grandeurs of the West to mysteries of the East; or, From Occident to Orient and around the world. | |
31 | II-2-A-23 | Gutiérrez Sobral, José. | Asia. Conferencia dada en el centro del ejército y armada. | |
32 | 貴 II-2-A-24 | Tenney, Charles Daniel. | Geography of Asia. | |
33 | II-2-A-25 | Franklin, Thomas & Shearmur, Ernest R. | Practical geography notebooks, based upon the atlas geographies. Asia. | |
34 | 貴 II-2-A-26 | Moncrieff, Robert Hope. | The world of today. Vol. 1. | |
35 | II-2-A-27 | De aardbol. Azie. | ||
36 | II-2-A-28 | Berghaus, Heinrich Karl Wilhelm. | Asia. Sammlung von Denkschriften in Beziehung auf die Geo- und Hydrographie dieses Erdtheils; zur Erklärung und Erlaüterung seines Karten-Atlas zusammengetragen. Lfg. 1-4. | |
37 | II-2-A-29 | Dubois, Marcel. | Afrique, Asie, Océanie. Avec la collaboration de C. Martin & H. Schirmer. 2. éd. | |
38 | II-2-A-30 | The geography of Asia and more particularly of India and Indo-China. | ||
39 | II-2-A-31 | Platz, Bonif. | Die Völker der Erde. Asien. Populäre Schilderungen der Länder und der Lebensweise, Sitten und Gebräuche der eingeborenen Bevölkerung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Entdeckungs- und Forschungsreisen von Al. v. Humboldt, M. A. Castren, etc., etc. Neubearb. u. herausg. von Gustav A. Ritter. | |
40 | 貴 II-2-A-32 | Bell, James. | System of geography, popular and scientific; or, A physical, political and statistical account of the world and its various divisions. [Asia.] | |
41 | 貴 II-2-A-33 | Far off. Pt. 1. Asia described.--Pt. 2. Oceania, Africa and America described. With anecdotes and ... ills. By the author of 'The peep of day' etc., etc. 36.-51. thousand. | ||
42 | II-2-A-34 | Grosvenor, Gilbert Hovey, ed. | Scenes from every land. Ser. 3. | |
43 | II-2-A-35 | Benedetti, Albino. | Usos y costumbres de los pueblos de Asia, ・--0153---frica y Oceana. | |
44 | II-2-A-36 | Harrison, Marguerite. | Asia reborn. | |
45 | II-2-A-37 | Jefferson, Charles Edward. | Five world problems. | |
46 | II-2-A-38 | Stamp, Laurence Dudley. | Asia. An economic and regional geography. | |
47 | II-2-A-39 | Far off; or, Asia and Australia described By the author of "The peep of day," &c., &c. 7. thousand. | ||
48 | 貴 II-2-A-40 | Риттеръ, Карлъ. | Землевѣдѣніе Азіи / Карлъ Риттеръ ; перевелъ и дополнилъ дѣйств. чл. императорскаго русск. геогр. общества П. Семеновъ ; изданіе императорскаго русскаго географическаго общества на иждивеніи члена-соревнованеля П. В. Голубокова. | |
49 | II-2-A-40 | Риттеръ, Карлъ. | Землевѣдѣніе Азіи / Карлъ Риттеръ. | |
50 | II-2-A-41 | Franck, Adolphe. | Etudes orientales. | |
51 | 貴 II-2-A-42 | Keane, Augustus Henry. | Asia. | |
52 | II-2-A-44 | Bartol'd, Vasilii Vladimirovich. | Die geographische und historische Erforschung des Orients mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der russischen Arbeiten. Aus dem Russ. übers. von E. Ramberg-Filgulla. | |
53 | II-2-A-45 | Cohen-Portheim, Paul. | Asien als Erzieher. | |
54 | II-2-A-46 | Roerich, Georges. | L'essor de l'orientalisme. | |
55 | II-2-A-47 | Whyte, Sir Alexander Frederick. | Asia in the twentieth century. | |
56 | II-2-A-48 | Fallex, M. & Hentgen, A. | L'Asie au début du XXe siècle. | |
57 | II-2-A-49 | Kern, Maximilian, ed. | Das Licht des Ostens. Die Weltanschauungen des mittleren und fernen Asiens, Indien-China-Japan und ihr Einfluss auf das religiöse und sittliche Leben, auf Kunst und Wissenschaft dieser Länder. Unter Mitwirkung von O. Fischer, K. Florenz, A. Forke, &c. | |
58 | II-2-A-50 | Dennery, Etienne. | Foules d'Asie. Surpopulation japonaise, expansion chinoise, émigration indienne. | |
59 | II-2-A-51 | Ward, Capt. Francis Kingdon-. | The loom of the East. | |
60 | II-2-A-52 | Datta, S. K. | Asiatic Asia. | |
61 | II-2-A-53 | Lyde, Lionel William. | The continent of Asia. | |
62 | II-2-A-54 | Harms, Heinrich. | Asien. 5. Aufl. Bearb. von Kurt Brüning. | |
63 | II-2-A-55 | Bergsmark, Daniel R. | Economic geography of Asia. | |
64 | II-2-A-56 | Durant, William James. | Our Oriental heritage. Being a history of civilization in Egypt and the Near East, to the death of Alexander, and in India, China and Japan... | |
65 | II-2-A-57 | Schott, Gerhard. | Geographie des indischen und stillen Ozeans. Im Auftrage der deutschen Seewarte verfasst von G. S. Mit einem Beitrag von Ernst Hentschel u. Wolfgang Schott. | |
66 | II-2-A-58 | Stamp, Laurence Dudley. | Asia. A regional and economic geography. 3. ed., enl. & partly rewritten. | |
67 | II-2-A-59 | Pelliot, Paul. | La haute Asie. | |
68 | II-2-A-60 | Brooks, Leonard. | A regional geography of Asia and Australasia. New impression. | |
69 | II-2-A-61 | Craig, Austin. | South and eastern Asia from the earliest times to the present day. | |
70 | II-2-A-62 | Sharaf al-Zamān Ṭāhir Marvazī. | On China, the Jurks and India. Arabic text (circa A.D. 1120) with an Eng. tr. & comnt. by V. Minorsky. | |
71 | II-2-A-63 | K[avalam] M[adava] Panikkar. | The future of South-East Asia. An Indian view. | |
72 | II-2-A-65 | Wallis, Helen, ed. | Carteret's Voyage round the World, 1766-1769. | |
73 | II-2-A-66 | Tate, D. J. M. | The making of modern South-East Asia. Volume 1. The European conquest. | |
74 | II-2-A-68 | Legg, Stuart. | The Heartland. | |
75 | II-2-A-69 | Wheeler, Mortimer, ed. | Splendours of the East. Temples, tombs, palaces and fortresses of Asia. | |
76 | II-2-A-70 | Ujfalvi de Mezökövesd, Karoly Eugenius. | Cours complémentaire de géographie et d'histoire de l'Asie orientale et septentrionale à l'École spéciale des langues orientales vivantes. L'ethnographie de l'Asie. Leçon d'ouverture. | |
77 | II-2-A-71 | Stamp, L. Dudley. | A regional geography for advanced and scholarship courses. pt. 4. Asia. 11th ed. | |
78 | II-2-A-72 | Who's who in Australasia and the Far East. 2nd ed. General editor: Ernest Kay. | ||
79 | II-2-A-74 | Hürlimann, Martin. | Die Wunder asiens : ein Bilderwerk vom grössten Erdteil / von Martin Hürlimann. | |
80 | II-2-A-76 | Brunn, Stanley D. | The Routledge atlas of Central Eurasian affairs / Stanley D. Brunn, Stanley W. Toops, and Richard Gilbreath. | |
81 | II-2-A-82 | Summary report : Asian Symposium on Transcultural Research in the Social Sciences with Special Referene to Concepts and Methods, April 25-28, 1983, Tokyo / the Organizing Committee, Institute of Oriental Culture, the University of Tokyo. | ||
82 | II-2-A-83 | Khoury, Rana Y. | Conversion tables Hijri - Anno Domini and perpetual calendars / prepared by Rana Y. Khoury ; editors, Yusuf H. Ibish, Kosugi Yasushi, Yusuf K. Khoury. | |
83 | II-2-A-84 | New Northeast Asia initiatives : cooperation for regional development and security / edited by Masako Ikegami. | ||
84 | II-2-A-85 | Mongols, Turks, and others : Eurasian nomads and the sedentary world / edited by Reuven Amitai and Michal Biran. | ||
85 | II-2-A-86 | Values and life styles in urban Asia : a cross-cultural analysis and sourcebook, based on the AsiaBarometer survey of 2003 / edited by Takashi Inoguchi ... [et al.]. | ||
86 | II-2-A-87 | India International Centre. | Proceedings of the seminar on social administration in developing countries, March 16-21, 1964. | |
87 | II-2-A-88 | Szczepanik, Edward F. | Symposium on economic and social problems of the Far East : proceedings of a meeting held in September 1961 as part of the Golden Jubilee Congress of the University of Hong Kong / edited by E. F. Szczepanik. | |
88 | II-2-A-89 | The international symposium on civilizations related to rice cultivation in Asian countries : Kyoto, Japan, 6-10 June 1983. | ||
89 | II-2-A-90 | Asmah Haji Omar, ed. | National language and communication in multilingual societies : papers presented at the Seventh Conference of the Asian Association on National Languages (ASANAL) / edited by Asmah Haji Omar. | |
90 | II-2-A-91 | Ismael, Jacqueline S., ed. | Social welfare and social development : Asian experiences / edited by Jacqueline S. Ismael and Enid Hil. | |
91 | II-2-A-92 | Ranganathananda, Swami. | A pilgrim looks at the world / Swami Ranganathananda. | |
92 | II-2-A-93 | UNESCO Symposium on Bronze Culture. | Bronze culture in Asia : an archaeological study on bronze in East and Southeast Aisa [sic] : reports and papers submitted at the UNESCO Symposium on Bronze Culture, Bangkok, July 1976. | |
93 | II-2-A-94 | Chan, Kwok Bun, ed. | Explorations in Asian sociology / Chan Kwok Bun, Ho Kong Chong, editors. | |
94 | II-2-A-95 | Nauman, St. Elmo. | Dictionary of Asian philosophies / by St. Elmo Nauman, Jr. | |
95 | II-2-A-96 | Kara, György. | The black master : essays on Central Eurasia in honor of György Kara on his 70th birthday / edited by Stéphane Grivelet ... [et al.]. | |
96 | II-2-A-97 | Fujishiro, Setsu, ed. | Approaches to Eurasian linguistic areas / edited by Fujishiro Setsu. | |
97 | II-2-A-98 | Institute of Developing Economies. | Yearbook of Asian affairs. | |
98 | II-2-A-99 | Mōri, Kazuko. | Designing an East Asian community : challenges to contemporary Asian studies / Mori Kazuko. | |
99 | II-2-A-100 | Ольдерогге, Д. А., ред. | Страны и народы Востока / под общей редакцией Д. А. Ольдерогге. | |
100 | II-1-C-c-78 | Gellert, Johannes F., ed. | Alexander von Humboldt : Vorträge und Aufsätze anlässlich der 100. Wiederkehr seines Todestages am 6. Mai 1959. | |
101 | 貴 III-2-A-1 | Lóczy, Lajos. | A Khinai birodalom természeti viszonyainak és országainak leirása. | |
102 | III-2-A-1 | Lóczy, Lajos. | A Khinai birodalom természeti viszonyainak és országainak leirása. | |
103 | V-B-9-130 | Krueger, John R. | Poetical passages in the Erdeniyin Tobči. A Mongolian chronicle of the year 1662 by Sagang Sečen. | |
104 | V-B-9-178 | Krueger, John R. | The Kalmyk-Mongolian vocabulary in Stralenberg's Geography of 1730. | |
105 | E-1-B-2 | Asiae nova descriptio. | ||
106 | E-1-B-3 | Nouvelle carte de l'Asie, avec des tables alphabétiques pour trouver ... les Etats des principaux princes .... | ||
107 | E-1-B-51 | S[peed], J[ohn]. | Asia ... / augmented by J[ohn] S[peed]. | |
108 | E-1-B-60 | Fer, Nicolas de. | L'Asie, suivant les nouvelles déconvertes ... / N. de Fer. | |
109 | E-1-B-63 | Moll, Herman. | Map of Asia ... / Herman Moll. | |
110 | E-1-B-65 | Seutter, Matthaeus. | Asia, cum omnibus imperiis, provinciis, statibus et insulis ... / Matthaeus Seutter. | |
111 | E-1-B-71 | Delisle, Guillaume. | Carte d'Asie ..., par G. D. Nouvellement corr. ... / G. Delisle. | |
112 | E-1-B-72 | Delisle, Guillaume. | L'Asie divisée en ses principales regions ... / G. Delisle. | |
113 | E-1-B-85 | Bowen, Emanuel . | A new & accurate maps of Asia ... / Eman[uel] Bowen. | |
114 | E-1-B-87 | Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles. | Carte de l'Asie ... / Robert de Vaugondy. | |
115 | E-1-B-92 | Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'. | La Chine et partie de la Tartarie, l'Inde au delà du Gange, les isles Sumatra, Java, Bornéo, Moluques, Philippines, et du Japon / [Jean Baptiste Bourguignon] d' Anville. | |
116 | E-1-B-94 | L'Asia divisa ne' suoi principali stati di nuova projezione / Presso Antonio Zatta. | ||
117 | E-1-B-102 | Russell, J. | Asia ... / J. Russell. | |
118 | E-1-B-106 | Faden, W. | Asia / W. Faden. | |
119 | E-1-B-111 | Instituto Geografico de Agostini, Novara. | Teatro della guerra in Asia / Instituto Geografico de Agostini, Novara. | |
120 | E-1-B-112 | [Japan. Imperial General Staff] = *1. | [Map of Asia] / [Japan. Imperial General Staff] = *1. | |
121 | E-1-B-114 | Russian Empire and adjacent countries. | ||
122 | E-1-B-115 | Vivien de Saint-Martin, Louis, ed. | Asie physique / Vivien de Saint-Martin & Fr. Schrader, eds. | |
123 | E-1-B-116 | Vivien de Saint-Martin, Louis, ed. | Asie politique / Vivien de Saint-Martin & Fr. Schrader, eds. | |
124 | E-1-B-358 | Eastern hemisphere. | ||
125 | E-1-B-360 | Südostasien, China und Japan. | ||
126 | E-1-B-375 | Andriveau-Goujon, Eugène. | Carte de l'Asie orientale : comprenant l'Empire Chinois, le Japon, les états de l'Indo-Chine et le grand archipel d'Asie ou Malaisie. | |
127 | 貴 E-1-B-426 | Sanson, Nicolas. | L'Asie divisée en ses principales regions, et ou se peut voir l'estendüe des empires, monarchies, royaumes, et estats qui partagent présentement l'Asie : récueilli de divers memoires, et sur les relations les pls. nouvelles / par le Sr. Sanson, géographe ordinaire du Roy ; presentée à Monseigneur le Dauphin par ... Hubert Iaillot. | |
128 | 貴 E-1-B-428 | Blaeu, Willem Janszoon. | Asia noviter delineata / auctore Guiljelmo Blaeuw. | |
129 | E-2-A-1 | Cloister. | The commercial traveller / Cloister. | |
130 | E-2-A-1 | Spy. | Siam / Spy. | |
131 | E-2-A-1 | Spy. | China in London / Spy. | |
132 | 貴 E-2-A-1 | Pry. | [Emperor of Korea] / Pry. | |
133 | E-2-A-1 | Spy. | Persia and India / Spy. | |
134 | E-2-A-1 | Pat. | On 1 China station / Pat. | |
135 | E-2-A-1 | Ape. | The ever victorious army / Ape. | |
136 | E-2-A-1 | Spy. | Japan / Spy. | |
137 | E-2-A-1 | Ape. | Colonial Government / Ape. | |
138 | E-2-A-1 | Spy. | A Lancashire lad / Spy. | |
139 | E-2-A-1 | Spy. | China / Spy. | |
140 | E-2-A-1 | Spy. | A manipulator of phrases / Spy. | |
141 | 貴 E-2-A-1 | Spy. | Sir Robert Jardine / Spy. | |
142 | E-2-A-1 | Spy. | Naval ordnance / Spy. | |
143 | E-2-A-1 | Tissot, J. | Little Harry / from a drawing by J. Tissot. | |
144 | E-2-A-1 | Price, J. M. | I regret to report / Jmp. | |
145 | E-2-A-1 | Ape. | The Affghan frontier / Ape. | |
146 | 貴 E-2-A-1 | Guth. | Li / Guth. | |
147 | E-2-A-1 | Spy. | The cape high commissioner / Spy. | |
148 | E-2-A-1 | Spy. | An earnest African / Spy. | |
149 | E-2-A-1 | Spy. | Afghan frontier / Spy. | |
150 | E-2-A-1 | Spy. | St. Bernards / Spy. | |
151 | E-2-A-1 | Spy. | Tokio / Spy. | |
152 | E-2-A-1 | Spy. | Diplomacy / Spy. | |
153 | E-2-A-1 | Guth. | Prince Henry of Orleans / Guth. | |
154 | E-2-A-1 | Spy. | Polly / Spy. | |
155 | E-2-A-1 | Spy. | Gunnery / Spy. | |
156 | E-2-A-1 | Spy. | China / Spy. | |
157 | 貴 E-2-A-1 | Kyd. | [Sir Cecil Clementi Smith] / Kyd. | |
158 | E-2-A-1 | Spy. | A most discreet under secretary, drawn for the first time / Spy. | |
159 | E-2-A-1 | Ape. | The man who won't stop / Ape. | |
160 | E-2-A-1 | Spy. | North America and West Indies / Spy. | |
161 | E-2-A-1 | Price, J. M. | Chinese customs / Jmp. | |
162 | E-2-A-1 | Price, J. M. | [Chinese customs / Jmp]. | |
163 | E-2-A-1 | Spy. | Peking / Spy. | |
164 | E-2-A-1 | Spy. | Peking / Spy. | |
165 | E-2-A-2 | Right Hon. George N. Curzon, M.P. | ||
166 | 貴 O-2-A-1 | La Galleria del Mondo. Almanaco Per l'Anno 1826. Anno 1. [Asia.] | ||
167 | 貴 O-2-A-2 | Zimmermann, Eberhard August Wilhelm von. | Taschenbuch der Reisen, oder, Unterhaltende Darstellung der Entdeckungen des 18ten Jahrhunderts, in Rücksicht der Länder Menschen und Productenkunde. Für jede Klasse von Lesern / Von E. A. W. von Zimmermann. | |
168 | O-2-A-3 | Chaulmer. | Le Tableav de l'Asie. Ovカ sont représentez les Royaumes, Républiques, Principautez, Isles, Presqu' Isles, Forts, & autres places considérables de cette Première Partie du Monde. Avec une description plus estenduë des lieux S. S. où se sont acheuez les principaux Mystères de nostre Rédemption: Et les progrez de nostre Foy Catholique dans les Terres les plus reculées. | |
169 | 貴 O-2-A-4 | Bell, John. | Voyages depuis St. Pétersbourg en Russie, dans diverses Contrées de l'Asie; a Pékin, à la suite de l'Ambassade envoyée par le Czar Pierre I, à Kamhi, Empereur de la Chine; a Ispahan en Perse, avec l'Ambassadeur du même Prince, à Schah Hussein, Sophi de Perse; a Derbent en Perse, avec l'Armée de Russie, commandée par le Czar en Personne; a Constantinople, par ordre du Comte Osterman, Chancelier de Russie, & de M. Rondeau, Ministre d'Angleterre à la Cour de Russie. On y a joint une Description de la Sibérie, & une Carte des deux Routes de l'Auteur entre Moscow & Pékin / par Jean Bell D'Antermony ; Traduits de l'Anglois par M*** [i.e. M. A. Eidous] ; avec des remarques historiques, géographiques, &c. | |
170 | 貴 O-2-A-5 | Laporte, Joseph de. | Le voyageur françois, ou, La connoissance de l'ancien et du nouveau monde / mis au jour par M. l'abbé Delaporte. | |
171 | 貴 O-2-A-6 | Benjamin, of Tudela. | Itinerarivm Beniamini Tvdelensis; in qvo res memorabiles, qvas ante qvadringentos annos totum ferè terrarum orbem notatis itineribus dimensus vel ipse vidit vel à fide dignis suæ ætatis hominibus accepit, breuiter atque dilucide describuntur; ex Hebraico Latinum factum Bened. Aria Motano interprete. | |
172 | 貴 O-2-A-7 | Carletti, Francesco. | Ragionamenti di Francesco Carletti Fiorentino sopra le cose da lui vedute ne' suoi viaggi si dell'Indie Occidentali, e Orientali come d'altri Paesi all'illustriss. Sig. Marchese Cosimo da Castiglione gentiluomo della Camera del Serenissimo Granduca di Toscana. | |
173 | 貴 O-2-A-8 | Müller, Gerhard Friedrich. | Voyages et découvertes faites par les Russes le long des côtes de la Mer Glaciale & sur l'Océan Oriental, tant vers le Japon que vers l'Amérique. On y a joint l'Histoire du Fleuve Amur et des pays adjacens, depuis la conquête des Russes .... Ouvrages tr. de l'allemand de G. P. [sic] M., par C. G. F. Dumas. | |
174 | 貴 O-2-A-9 | Wakefield, Priscilla | The traveller in Asia, or, A visit to the most celebrated parts of the East Indies and China : with an account of the manners of the inhabitants, natural productions, and curiosities : for the instruction and entertainment of young persons / by Priscilla Wakefield ; with a map, on which the route is traced. | |
175 | 貴 O-2-A-10 | Gemelli Careri, Giovanni Francesco. | Giro del mondo / del dottor d. Gio: Francesco Gemelli Careri. | |
176 | 貴 O-2-A-11 | Feynes, Henri de. | An exact and cvriovs svrvey of all the East Indies, euen to Canton, the chiefe cittie of China : all duly performed by land, by Monsieur de Monfart, the like whereof was neuer hetherto, brought to an end. Wherein also are described the huge dominions of the great Mogor, to whom that honorable knight, Sir Thomas Roe, was lately sent ambassador from the King. Newly translated out of the trauailers manuscript. | |
177 | 貴 O-2-A-12 | Feynes, Henri de. | An Exact and Cvriovs Svrvey of all the East Indies, euen to Canton, the chiefe Cittie of China: All duty performed by land, by Monsieur de Monfart, the like Whereof was neuer hetherto, brought to an end. VVherein also are described the huge Dominions of the great Mogor, to whom that honorable Knight, Sir Thomas Roe, was lately sent Ambassador from the King. Newly tr. out of the Trauailers Manuscript. | |
178 | 貴 O-2-A-13 | Krusenstern, [Adam John,] &c. | Von Crusenstern's und von Langsdorff's Reise um die Erde. Von Langsdorff's Reise im russischen Asien. Golownin's Gefangenschaft in Japan. | |
179 | 貴 O-2-A-14 | Bourges, Jacques de. | [Wahrhaffte und eigendliche Erzehlung von der Reise des Bischofs von Beryte auss Frankreich zu Wasser und Lande nach China : nemlich auss Marsilien übers Mittel-meer nach Algier und so ferner durch Syrien, Arabien, Persien und unterschiedne indianische Landschafften mit genauer Beschreibung der Städte und Plätze Gottesdienste und Sitten der Völker sam[m]t derer zu dieser Reise nützlichen Kosten item von der Müntze so in selbigen Landen gangbar / Verteutscht durch T. R. C. S. C. S. Mit zugefügten Kupfferstücken gezieret] | |
180 | 貴 O-2-A-15 | [Renaudot, abbé Eusèbe, tr.] | Anciennes relations des Indes et de la Chine, de deux voyageurs Mahométans, qui y allèrent dans le neuvième siècle; traduites d'Arabe: avec des remarques sur les principaux endroits de ces relations. | |
181 | 貴 O-2-A-15 | Renaudot, Eusèbe, tr. | Anciennes relations des Indes et de la Chine, de deux voyageurs mahométans, qui y allerent dans le neuviéme siecle : traduites d'arabe: avec des remarques sur les principaux endroits de ces relations. | |
182 | 貴 O-2-A-16 | The travels of several learned missioners of the Society of Jesus, into divers parts of the archipelago, India, China, and America : containing a general description of the most remarkable towns; with a particular account of the customs, manners and religions of those several nations, the whole interspers'd with philosophical obsevations and other curious remarks : translated from the French original publish'd at Paris in the year 1713. | ||
183 | 貴 O-2-A-17 | Herbert, [Sir] Th[omas.] | Th:Herberts Zee-en Lant-Reyse, na verscheyde Deelen van Asia en Africa. Beschryvende voornamelijck de twee beroemde Rijcken van den Persiaen, en den Grooten Mogul. Als mede, verscheyde Machtige en Groote Koninckrijcken van Oost Indien, en andere Gedeelten van Asia, te famen met de aenleggende Eylanden. Bysonderlijk verhandelende de Godst-dienst, Tale, Eygenschappen, Gewoonten, Frachten, Afkomsten, Manieren, en andere aenmerckingen omtrent deselve. Benessens een Verhael van den eersten Vinder van America. Uyt het Engels in de Nederlandtsche Tale overgeset door L. V. Bosch. | |
184 | 貴 O-2-A-18 | Büsching, Anton Friedrich. | Suite de la Geographie de Busching / par Mr. Berenger. Tome Neuvieme. comprenant la Tartarie, la Chine, le Japon, l'Inde, deça & delà le Gange, les Isles, &c. | |
185 | 貴 O-2-A-19 | Lockman, John, ed. | Travels of the Jesuits, into various parts of the world : compiled from their letters. Now first attempted in English : intermix'd with an account of the manners, government, religion, &c. of the several nations visited by those fathers : with extracts from other travellers, and miscellaneous notes / by Mr. Lockman ; Illustrated with maps and sculptures. | |
186 | 貴 O-2-A-20 | Lockman, John, ed. | Travels of the Jesuits, into various parts of the world: particularly China and the East-Indies : intermix'd with an account of the manners, government, civil and religious ceremonies, natural history, and curiosities, of the several nations visited by those fathers. Translated from the celebrated lettres édifiantes & curieuses, ecrites des missions Jesus. A work so entertaining and curious, that it has already been translated into most of the European languages. This work is illustrated with maps and sculptures, engraved by the best masters. To which is now prefixed, an account of the Spanish settlements, in America, with a general index to whole work / by Mr. Lockman. | |
187 | 貴 O-2-A-21 | Jones, William. | Dissertations and miscellaneous pieces : relating to the history and antiquities, the arts, sciences, and literature, of Asia / by Sir W. Jones ... [et al.] ; in two volumes. ... | |
188 | 貴 O-2-A-22 | Jones, William. | Dissertations and miscellaneous pieces : relating to the history and antiquities, the arts, sciences, and literature, of Asia / by Sir W. Jones, .. [et al.]. | |
189 | 貴 O-2-A-23 | Pinto, Fernão Mendes. | Les voyages advantvrevx de Fernand Mendez Pinto / Fidelement tradvicts de portugais en françois par le sieur Bernard Figvier, gentil-homme portugais ; Et dediez a monseignevr le Cardinal de Richeliev. Le contenv de la presente histoire se verra à la page suiuante. | |
190 | 貴 O-2-A-24 | Pinto, Fernão Mendes. | Les voyages advantvrevx de Fernand Mendez Pinto / Fidellement tradvits de portugais en françois par le sieur Bernard Figvier, gentil-homme portugais ; Dediez a monseignevr le Cardinal de Richeliev. | |
191 | 貴 O-2-A-25 | Pinto, Fernão Mendes. | De wonderlyke reizen van Fernando Mendez Pinto; die hy in de tijt van eenëntwintig jaren in Europa, Asia en Afrika, .... Nieuwelijks door J. H. Glazemaker vertaalt .... | |
192 | 貴 O-2-A-26 | Pinto, Fernão Mendes. | De wonderlyke reizen van Fernando Mendez Pinto : die hy in de tijt van eenëntwintig jaren in Europa, Asia en Afrika, in de Koninkrijken en landen van Abissyna, China, Iapon, Tartarien, Siam, Calaminham, Pegu, Martabane, Bengale, Brama, Ormus, Batas, Queda, Aru, Pan, Ainan, Calempluy, Chochinchina, en byna ontellijke andere landen en plaatsen gedaan heeft : daar in hy beschrijst de schrikkelijke noden en gevarelijkheden, die hy ter zee en te lant uitgestaan heest, en verhaalt dat hy dartien malen gevangen heeft geweest, en zeventien malen verkocht is, en veel schipvreuken geleden heeft. Met een naaukeurige beschrijving van de wonderen en vreemdigheden van die landen, de wetten, zeden en gewoonten van die volken, en de grote macht en heirkrachten der inwoonders / Nieuw elijks door J. H. Glazemaker vertaalt; en met cierelijke kopere platen verciert. | |
193 | 貴 O-2-A-27 | Pinto, Fernão Mendes. | Wunderliche und Merckwürdige Reisen Ferdinandi Mendez Pinto : welche er iñerhalb ein und zwantzig Jahren, durch Europa, Asia, und Africa, und deren Königreiche und Länder; als Abyssina, China, Japon, Tartarey, Siam, Calaminham, Pegu, Martabane, Bengale, Brama, Ormus, Batas, Queda, Aru, Pan, Ainan, Calempluy, Cauchenchina, und andere Oerter verrichtet : darinnen er beschreibet die ihme zu Wasser und Land zugestossene grosse Noht und Gefahr; wie er nemlich sey dreyzehnmal gefangen genommen und siebenzehnmal verkaufft worden; auch vielfältigen Schiffbruch erlitten habe : dabey zugleich befindlich eine gar genaue Entwerffung der Wunder und Raritäten erwehnter Länder; der Gesetze, Sitten, und Gewonheiten derselben Völcker; und der grosse Macht und Heeres-Krafft der Einwohner : nun erst ins Hochteutsche übersetzet, und mit unterschiedlichen Kupferstükken gezieret. | |
194 | 貴 O-2-A-28 | Manesson-Mallet, Alain. | Description de l'Univers. Livre quatrriéme. De l'Asie & de ses Isles. | |
195 | 貴 O-2-A-29 | Broughton, W[illiam] R[obert]. | Voyage de découvertes dans la partie septentrionale de l'Océan Pacifique. Pendant les années 1795, 1796, 1797 et 1798 .... Tr. ... par J. B. B. E**** (i.e. Eyriès). | |
196 | 貴 O-2-A-30 | MacLeod, John. | Voyage du capitaine Maxwell. Sur la mer Jaune, le long des côtes de la Corée, et dans les ȋles de Liou-tchiou, avec la relation de son naufrage dans le détroit de Gaspar, et de son séjour à l'ȋle Sainte-Hélène en mai 1817. Tr. de l'anglois, par Charles-Auguste Def. | |
197 | 貴 O-2-A-31 | Johnson, James. | An account of a voyage to India, China, &c. in His Majesty's ship Caroline, performed in the Years 1803-4-5, interspersed with descriptive sketches and cursory remarks / by An officer of the Caroline. | |
198 | 貴 O-2-A-32 | Johnson, James. | The oriental voyage, or, Descriptive sketches and cursory remarks on a voyage to India and China, in His Majesty's ship Caroline, performed in the years 1803-4-5-6. Interspersed with extracts from the best modern voyages and travels. The whole intented to exhibit a topographical and picturesque sketch of all the principal places which are annually or occasionally visited by our East India and China fleets. The routes to and from India, illustrated by the tracks of His Majesty's ships Caroline and Medusa, correctly set off on a chart, extending from the British Isles to Canton / by J. Johnson .... | |
199 | 貴 O-2-A-34 | Murray, Hugh. | Historical account of discoveries and travels in Asia, from the earliest ages to the present time / by Hugh Murray ... . | |
200 | 貴 O-2-A-35 | La Croze, Maturin Veyssière. | Thesavri epistolici Lacroziani. Tomvs III. Praefationem praemisit Ioann. Lvdovicvs Vhlivs .... |
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