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Classification of the European Language Books in Toyo Bunko
A search found 192 entries.
No. 詳細 CallMark Heading TitleAuthor
I-1-D-1 Champneys, Amian L. Public libraries. A treatise on their design, construction, and fittings, with a chapter on the principles of planning, and a summary of the law.
I-1-D-1 Clark, John Willis. The care of books. An essay on the development of libraries and their fittings, from the earliest times to the end of the eighteenth century.
I-1-D-2 Public libraries. Their development and future organization.
I-1-D-3 Graesel, Arnim. Handbuch der Bibliothekslehre. 2. voellige umgearb. Aufl. der "Grundzuege der Bibliothekslehre, Neubeareitung von Dr. Jul. Petzholdts Karechismus der Bibliothekslehre."
I-1-D-4 Baker, Ernest Albert. The public library.
I-1-D-5 Dana, John Cotton. Libraries. Addresses and essays.
I-1-D-6 Bostwick, Arthur E. Library essays. Papers related to the work of public libraries.
I-1-D-7 Soule, Charles C. How to plan a library building for library work.
I-1-D-8 Brown, James Duff. Manual of library economy. 3. & memorial ed. rev. & rewritten by W. C. Berwick Sayers.
I-1-D-9 Roebuck, George Ed. & Thorne, William Benson. A primer of library practice.
I-1-D-10 Bostwick, Arthur E., ed. The library and society. Reprints of papers and addresses. With notes by A. E. B.
I-1-D-12 Johnston, William Dawson. History of the Library of Congress. Vol. I. 1800-1864.
I-1-D-13 Macray, William Dunn. Annals of the Bodleian Library, Oxford. With a notice of the earlier library of the university. 2. ed. enl. & contin. fr. 1868 to 1880.
I-1-D-14 Bostwick, Arthur E. The American public library. 3. ed., rev. & enl.
I-1-D-15 Lowe, John Adams. Books and libraries. A manual of instruction in their use for colleges.
I-1-D-16 Brown, James Duff. Library classification and cataloguing.
I-1-D-17 Sayers, William Charles Berwick & Stewart, James Douglas. The card catalogue. A practical manual for public and private libraries : including other uses of cards in libraries.
I-1-D-18 American Library Association. List of subject headings for use in dictionary catalogs. Prepared by a committee of the A.L.A. 3. ed., rev. by Mary Josephine Briggs.
I-1-D-19 Moth, Axel. Technical terms used in bibliographies and by the book and printing trades.
I-1-D-20 Clarke, Archibald Leycester. Manual of practical indexing.
I-1-D-21 Brown, James Duff. Subject classification. With tables, indexes, etc., for the subdivision of subjects. 2. ed., rev.
I-1-D-22 Cutter, Charles Ammi. Expansive classification.
I-1-D-23 Dewey, Melvil. Decimal clasification and relative index, for libraries and personal use in arranjing for immediate reference books, pamflets, clippings, pictures, manuscript notes and other material. 11. ed. rev. & enl.
I-1-D-24 Dewey, Melvil. Decimal clasification and relative index, for libraries and personal use in arranjing for immediate reference books, pamflets, clippings, pictures, manuscript notes and other material. 12. ed.
I-1-D-25 American Library Association. Catalog rules. Author and title entries. Comp. by Committees of the A.L.A. and the (British) Library Association. Amer. ed.
I-1-D-26 Gradthausen, Victor. Handbuch der wissenschaftlichen Bibliothekskunde. Bd. 1.
I-1-D-27 British Museum. Rules for compiling the catalogues in the department of printed books in the B.M.
I-1-D-28 Sayers, William Charles Berwick. An introduction to library classification, theoretical, historical, and practical. And a short course in practical classification, with readings, questions and examination papers. 2. ed., rev.
I-1-D-29 Ranganathan, S. R. Theory of library catalogue.
I-1-D-30 Ranganathan, S. R. Colon classification.
I-1-D-31 Ranganathan, S. R. Classified catalogue code.
I-1-D-32 Bliss, Henry Evelyn. The organization of knowledge in libraries and the subject-approach to books.
I-1-D-33 Crawford, Esther. Cataloging : suggestions for the small public library. 4. ed., rev. 5. thousand.
I-1-D-34 Stevens, Robert D. The role of the Library of Congress in the international exchange of official publications. A brief history.
I-1-D-35 Library of Congress. The rare books division. A guide to its collections and services.
I-1-D-36 Library of Congress. The card catalogs of the Library of Congress. A brief description.
I-1-D-37 Le Gear, Clara Egli. Maps. Their care, repair, and preservation in libraries. Rev. ed.
I-1-D-38 Library of Congress, Subject Cataloging Division. Subject headings used in the dictionary catalogs of the Library of Congress. Ed. by Mary Wilson Mac-Nair. 4. ed.
I-1-D-39 Library of Congress. Representative positions in the Library of Congress.
I-1-D-40 Jones, Helen Dudenbostel, comp. United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization (Unesco). A selected list of references.
I-1-D-41 Григорьева И. Ф. Справочник-путеводитель по библиотеке Академии Наук СССР / И.Ф. Григорьева, Т.М. Ковальчук, Т.И. Скрипкина.
I-1-D-42 Osaka University Library. The catalogue of foreign books in Osaka University. With addendum of the list of foreign periodicals. Addition IV, 1958.
I-1-D-43 Zinsser, William K. Search & research. The collection and uses of the New York Public Library at Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street.
I-1-D-44 Ruggles, Melville J. & Mostecky, Vaclav. Russian and East European publications in the libraries of the United States.
I-1-D-45 Wulfekoetter, Gertrude. Acquisition work: Processes involved in building library collections.
I-1-D-46 Monteiro, Porfrio Pardal. Estractos da memória descritiva da Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa.
I-1-D-47 Burr, Viktor & Wenig, Otto. Universitäts-Bibliothek Bonn. Erfüllte Bauaufgaben.
I-1-D-48 Aus der Arbeit der Deutschen Staatsbibliothek. Dokumente und Berichte.
I-1-D-49 Афанасьев, Юрий Сергеевич. Публичная библиотека 150 лет / Ю.Афансьев, А.Мыльников.
I-1-D-51 Барашенков, В. М., отв. ред. История государственной ордена Трудового Красного Замени Публичной библиотеки имени М.Е. Салтыкова-Щедрина = History of the Saltykov-Shchedrin state public library = Histoire de la bibliothéque publique d'État Staltykov-Chtchedrine = Geschite der Saltykov-Schtschedrin Öffentichen Staatsbibliothek / В.М. Барашенков, отв. ред.
I-1-D-52 Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie in der UdSSR. Übersetzungen aus der Grossen Sowjetenzyklopädie.
I-1-D-53 Никифоровская, Н. А., сост. Правила библиографического описания произведений печати : пособие для библиографов, научных и издательских работников / составила Н.А. Никифоровская ; под редакцией С.П.Луппова.
I-1-D-54 Филиппов, М. С. История библиотеки Академии Наук СССР, 1714-1964 = History of the library of the academy of sciences of the USSR, 1714-1964. / М.С. Филиппов, отв. ред., авторский коллектив С. П. Луппов ... [и др.].
I-1-D-55 Thompson, James Westfall. Ancient libraries.
I-1-D-56 Répertoire du syndicat de la librairie ancienne et moderne. Liste officielle des membres.
I-1-D-57 Fünfzehn Jahre Bibliotheksarbeit der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft 1949-1964.
I-1-D-58 Ottervik, Gösta &c. Libraries and archives in Sweden, from the Swedish manuscript by Richard Cox. Ed. by G.O., Sigurd Möhlenbrock, Ingvar Andersson.
I-1-D-59 Hummel. The Library of Congress. Division of Orientalia. Chinese, Japanese and other East Asiatic books added to the Library of Congress, 1936-37.
I-1-D-60 Institute International Coopération Intellectuelle. La coordination internationale des bibliothèques. Rapports sur les centres nationaux de renseignements.
I-1-D-61 Saur, Klaus Gerhard, comp. Internationales Bibliotheks-Handbuch. 4. Ausgabe. Teil 1 & 2.
I-1-D-61 Saur, Klaus Gerhard, comp. Internationales Bibliothekshandbuch (World guide to libraries). 2. ed. 1968, pt. 1. Europe.
I-1-D-61 Saur, Klaus Gerhard, comp. Internationales Bibliotheks-Handbuch. 3. Ausg. Teil 1-4.
I-1-D-62 Franklin, Alfred. Les anciennes bibliothèques de Paris. Églises, monastères, colléges, séminaires, institutions, fondations, hopitaux des origines au Moyen ge jusque'au XIXe siècle. Tom. I-III.
I-1-D-63 Bibliothèque des Nations UNIES a Genève. Guide des Archives de la Société des Nations, 1919-1946. Rédaction provisoire.
I-1-D-64 Копанев, А. И., ред. коллегия. 250 лет Библиотеке Академии Наук СССР : Сборник докладов Юбилейной научной конференции, 25-26 ноября 1964 г. / [редакционная коллегия А.И. Копанев ... и др.].
I-1-D-65 Коммунистическая Академия Библиотека. Библиотека Коммунистической Академии : ее организация и деятельность, 1918-1928 = The Library of the communist academy and its activities, 1918-1928.
I-1-D-66 Valette, Jean-Jacques. Le role des archives dans l'administration et dans la politique de planification dans les pays en voie de developpement.
I-1-D-67 Бахарева, Г. В., ред. (отв. ред.) Проблемы формирования и раскрытия фондов Библиотеки Академии Наук СССР : сборник научных трудов / [редколлегия, Г.В. Бахарева (отв. ред.), Н.П. Копанева, М.А. Сироткина].
I-1-D-68 ISO recommendation for documentation.
I-1-D-69 The Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1826-1976.
I-1-D-69 The Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1826-1961.
I-1-D-70 Тверитинова, А. С., сост. Востоковедные фонды крупнейших библиотек Советского Союза : Статьи и сообщения / А.С. Тверетинова, сост.
I-1-D-71 Streeter, Burnett Hillman. The chained library. A survey of four centuries in the evolution of the English library.
I-1-D-72 Карташов, Николай Семенович. Взаимодействие научных библиотек РСФСР, 1917-1967 гг. / Н.С. Карташов ; отв. ред., О.С. Чубарьян.
I-1-D-73 Минаев, Евгений Николаевич. Экслибрис / Е.М. Минаев и С.П. Фортинский.
I-1-D-74 Chapman, Liz. How to catalogue. A practical handbook using AACR2 and Library of Congress.
I-1-D-75 Филиппов, М. С., отв. ред. История библиотеки Академии наук СССР : 1714–1964.
I-1-D-76 International Conference on New Frontiers in Library and Information Services. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Frontiers in Library and Information Services. 9-11 May, 1991, Taipei. v. 1-2.
I-1-D-77 AUSMARC. Bibliographic format. A communications specification for books, serials, projected media, cartographic materials, music and sound recordings, computer files, and archives and manuscript materials.
I-1-D-78 USMARC concise formats / prepared by Network Development and MARC Standards Office.
I-1-D-79 Dewey, Mevil. Dewey decimal classification and relative index / devised by Melvil Dewey.
I-1-D-80 ISAAR(CPF) : international standard archival authority record for corporate bodies, persons and families : prepared by the Ad Hoc Commission on Descriptive Standards, Paris, France, 15-20 November 1995 : final ICA approved version.
I-1-D-80 ISAD(G) : general international standard archival description : adopted by the Ad Hoc Commission on Descriptive Standards, Stockholm, Sweden, 21-23 January 1993 : final ICA approved version.
I-1-D-81 Cataloging and classification of non-Western material : concerns, issues and practices / edited by Mohammed M. Aman.
I-1-D-82 Two Europeans on the Toyo Bunko (Oriental Library).
I-1-D-83 Enoki, Kazuo. Dr. G. E. Morrison and the Toyo Bunko : in celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the transfer of Dr. G. E. Morrison Library to Baron Hisaya Iwasaki (1917-1967) / by Kazuo Enoki.
I-1-D-84 Berichte zur Geschichte der Deutschen Staatsbibliothek in Berlin / herausgegeben vom generaldirektor der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin-Preussischer Kulturbesitz.
I-1-D-85 Deutsches Orient-Institut. Mitteilungen der Dokumentations-Leitstelle für den Modernen Orient / Deutsches Orient-Institut.
I-1-D-86 Goodacre, Hugh. Arabic language collections in the British Library / by Hugh Goodacre, Ursula Sims-Williams and Penelope Tuson.
I-1-D-87 WAINS2 : proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Information Networks and Systems = *1, 13 December 1995, NACSIS Koishikawa Annex, Tokyo, Japan : Joint Study of International Exchange of Academic Information, a grant-in-aid research by the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Japan for the year 1994/96 (06044228), Asian Information on Asian Information Super Highway, an international research survey project funded by the Japan Foundation for the year 1995 = *2 / *3.
I-1-D-88 Serving multicultural populations in the 21st century: universal standardized subject headings : present status and future prospects : papers from the One-Day Workshop at the 62nd IFLA Conference, Beijing, China, August 29, 1996 / edited by Marcia Lei Zeng and Suzine Har Nicolescu ; prepared and coordinated by Eisuke Naito.
I-1-D-89 La Bibliothèque nationale.
I-1-D-90 Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Könyvtára. Keleti gyūjtemény / Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Könyvtára = Oriental collections / Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
I-1-D-91 Harinarayana, N. The science of archives-keeping / by N. Harinarayana : chief editor, S. Venkataramaiah.
I-1-D-92 Toyo Bunko. The Toyo Bunko, the Oriental Library : 1993/94.
I-1-D-93 Toyo Bunko. The Toyo Bunko, Oriental Library.
I-1-D-94 Toyo Bunko. A rough history of the Toyo Bunko.
I-1-D-95 Wood, Frances. Chinese language collections in the British Library / by Frances Wood.
I-1-D-96 International Council on Archives. Committee on Descriptive Standards. ISAD(G) : general international standard archival description : adopted by the Committee on Descriptive Standards, Stockholm, Sweden, 19-22 September 1999.
I-1-D-97 International Council on Archives. Committee on Descriptive Standards. ISAAR (CPF) : international standard archival authority record for corporate bodies, persons and families / [prepared by the ICA Committee on Descriptive Standards].
I-2-E-a-43 Muller, Hendrik P. N., ed. De Oost-Indische Compagnie in Cambodja en Laos. Verzameling van bescheiden van 1636 tot 1670.
貴 O-1-D-1 Ordonnance de Louis XIV, roy de France et de Navarre. Donnée à Saint Germain en Laye au mois d'Avril 1667.
貴 O-1-D-1 Texte des covtvmes de la Prevoste et vicomte de Paris.
貴 O-1-D-2 Machiavelli, Nicolo di Bernardo. Nicolai Machiavelli Florentini Princeps, ex Sylvestri Telii Fulginatis traductione diligenter emendatus. Adjecta sunt ejusdem argumenti aliorum quorundam contra machiavellum scripta, .... Quibus denuo accessit Antonii Possevini Iudicium de Nicolai Machiavelli & Ioannis Bodini scriptis.
貴 O-1-D-3 Neuhauss, Regnier van. Reineri Neuhusi, I. C. et illust. Sch. Alcm. Rect. Poemata iuvenilia.
貴 O-1-D-4 Boccaccio, Giovanni. L'amorosa fiammetta, di M. G. B. Di nuouo corretta & ristampata, con le posttille in margine. Et con la tavola nel fine, dell cose notabili.
貴 O-1-D-5 Dufour, Philippe Sylvestre. Traitez nouveaux & curieux du café, du thé et du chocolate : ouvrage également necessaire aux medecins & à tous ceux qui aiment leur santé / par Philippe Sylvestre Dufour.
貴 O-1-D-6 Dufour, Philippe Sylvestre. Traitez nouveaux & curieux du café, du thé et du chocolate : ouvrage également necessaire aux medecins, & à tous ceux qui aiment leur santé / par Philippe Sylvestre Dufour ; a quoy on a adjouté dans cette edition, la meilleure de toutes les methodes, qui manquoit à ce livre, pour composer l'excellent chocolate. Par Mr. St. Disdier.
貴 O-1-D-7 Boëmus, Joanes, Aubanus. Mores, leges, et ritvs omnivm gentivm / per Ioannem Boemvm Aubanum, Teutonicum, ex multis clarißimis rerum scriptoribus collecti ; Cum Indice locupletissimo.
貴 O-1-D-8 Boëmus, Joanes, Aubanus. Gli costvmi, le leggi, et l'vsanze di tvtte le genti; raccolte qvi insieme da molti illustri scrittori per Giouanni Boemo Aubano Alemano; e tradotti per Lucio Fauno in questa nostra lingua uolgare. Aggivntovi di nvovo gli costumi, & l'usanze dell' Indie occidentali, ouero Mondo Nuouo, da P. Gironimo Giglio.
貴 O-1-D-9 Petit, Pierre. Petri Petiti, philosophi, & doct. medici De Amazonibus dissertatio : quâ an verè extiterint, necne, variis ultro citroque conjecturis & argumentis disputatur : multa etiam ad eam gentem pertinentia, ex antiquis monumentis eruuntur atque illustrantur.
貴 O-1-D-10 Miscellanea Curiosa Medico-Physico Historica, das ist; Allerhand vermischte Curieuse Medicinisch, Physicalische und Historische Piecer; Bey Müssigen Reben-Stunden elaborirt von einem Liebhaber solcher Wissenschafften.
貴 O-1-D-11 Bernhardi, A[ugust] F[erdinand.] Anfangsgründe der Sprachwissenschaft.
貴 O-1-D-12 [Sainte-Foix, Philippe Auguste.] Histoire du Commerce et de la Navigation des Peuples Anciens et Modernes. Ouvrage divisé en deux Parties, dont la première contient l'Histoire politique du Commerce des Anciens; & la seconde, l'Histoire Générale du Commerce chez les Peuples modernes.
貴 O-1-D-13 Francisci, Erasmus. Acerra Exoticorum: oder, historisches Rauchfaß : darinnen mancherley frembde Fälle und Geschichte, nebens andern Erzehlungen, als etlicher Kunst- und Natur-Wunder, alter Pracht-Gebäue, wie auch einiger Meldungs-würdiger Sitten, Gewonheiten, so wol als andrer anmercklichen Sachen ausheimischer Völcker, an Weyrauchsstatt gestreuet, und aus Sina, Cochinchina, Tunchin, Persien, Türckey, America, Africa, Rußland, Spanien, Franckreich, u. theils auch von dem alten Rom, zusammen gesucht. Denen Liebhabern solcher ausländischer Materien, zum süßwebenden Geruch, dienstlich hiermit dargereicht und fürgesetzt durch Erasmum Francisci. Mit churfürstl. Sächfischer Freyheit.
貴 O-1-D-14 Orientalisch- und Occidentalischer Sprachmeister, welcher nicht allein hundert Alphabete nebst ihrer Aussprache, ....
貴 O-1-D-15 Lavedan, Antonio. Tratado de los usos, abusos, propiedades y virtudes del tabaco, café, té y chocolate : extractado de los mejores autores que han tratado de esta materia, á fin de que su uso no perjudique á la salud, antes bien pueda servir de alivio y curacion de muchos males. Por el Lic. Don Antonio Lavedan ...
貴 O-1-D-16 Bernard, Edward. Edvardi Bernardi, de mensuris et ponderibus antiquis libri tres.
貴 O-1-D-17 Defoe, Daniel. The life, and strange surprizing adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, mariner : who lived eight and twenty years all alone in an un-inhabited island on the coast of America, near the mouth of the great river of Oroonoque : having been cast on shore by shipwreck, wherein all the men perished but himself : with an account how he was at last as strangely deliver'd by pyrates / written by Himself.
貴 O-1-D-18 Tilingius, Matthias. Matthiæ Tilingii, med. u. doctoris ... Rhabarbarologia : seu curiosa rhabarbari disqvisitio, illius etymologiam, differentiam, locum natalem, formam, temperamentum, vires, substantiam, &c. Item ejus adulterationem, conservationem, electionem, noxam & correctionem, dosin atque usum pharmaceuticum, chymico-medicum, omnibus penè humani corporis partibus destinatum, additis diversis observationibus, & quæstionibus, rhabarbarum concernentibus, detegens, ad normam et formam Sacri Romani Imperii Academiæ Naturæ curiosorum congesta.
貴 O-1-D-19 Ueber die Ruinen Herkulanums und Pompeji. Nebst einer kurzen Beschreibung von den Schauspielen der alten Römer und Griechen.
貴 O-1-D-20 Arndt, Christian Gottlieb von. Ueber den Ursprung und die verschiedenartige Verwandtschaft der europaischen Sprachen. Nach Anleitung des russischen allgemeinen vergleichenden Wörterbuchs. Herausg. von Dr. Joh. Ludwig Klüber.
貴 O-1-D-21 Luntze, M. Jo. Gottlob. Carena und Kehren; oder, Etymologisch-philologische Untersuchung über den Ursprung und die Bedeutung beyden genannten Wörter.
貴 O-1-D-22 Geschichte der Aerostatik, historisch, physisch und mathematisch ausgeführt.
貴 O-1-D-23 Faujas de Saint-Fond, [Barthélemy.] Der Herren Stephan und Joseph von Montgolfier Versuche mit der von ihnen erfundenen aerostatischen Maschine. Ein Auszug aus der französischen Beschreibung des Herrn Faujas de Saint-Fond. Von C. G. von Murr.
貴 O-1-D-24 Cavallo, Tiberio. Geschichte und Praxis der Aerostatik. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt.
貴 O-1-D-25 Zachariä, August Wilhelm. Die Elemente der Luftschwimmkunst.
貴 O-1-D-26 Smith, Adam. Recherches sur la Nature et les Causes de la Richesse des Nations. Tr. Nouv., avec des Notes et Observations; par Germain Garnier.
貴 O-1-D-27 Mathias de Miechow. Tractatus de duabus Sarmatiis Asiana et Europiana et de contentis in eis.
貴 O-1-D-28 Halfpenny, William. The country gentleman's pocket companion, and builder's assistant, for rural decorative architecture : Containing, thirty-two new designs, plans and elevations of alcoves, floats, temples, summer-houses, lodges, huts, grotto's, &c. In the Augustine, Gothic and Chinese taste, with proper directions annexed. Also an exact estimate of their several amounts, which are from twenty-five to one hundred pounds, and most of them portable. Correctly engraved on twenty-five copper plates, from the designs and under the direction of William and John Halfpenny, architects.
貴 O-1-D-29 Crumpe, Samuel. An inquiry into the nature and properties of Opium : wherein its component principles, mode of operation, and use or abuse in particular diseases, are experimentally investigated; and the opinions of former authors on these points impartially examined. / By Samuel Crumpe ...
貴 O-1-D-30 Apian, Peter. Cosmographia. Petri Apiani, Per Gemman Frisivm apud Louanienses Medicum & Mathematicũ insignem, iam demum ab omnibus vindicata mendis, ac nonnullis quoque locis aucta. Additis eiusdem argumenti libellis ipsius Gemmæ Frisij.
貴 O-1-D-31 Ulugh Beg ibn Shāhrukh, MĪrzā. Epochæ celebriores astronomis, historicis chronologis, Chataiorvm, Syro-Græcorvm, Arabvm, Persarvm, Chorasmiorvm, usita'tae: ex traditione Vlvg Beigi, indiæ citra extraque gangen principis: eas primus pub., recens., et comment, illstr. Johannes Gravivs.
貴 O-1-D-32 Goguet, Antoine Yves. The Origin of Laws, Arts, and Sciences, and their Progress among the most Ancient Nations. Translated from the French of the President de Goguet.
貴 O-1-D-33 Goguet, Antoine Yves. Untersuchungen von dem Ursprung der Gesezze, Künste und Wissenschaften wie auch ihrem Wachsthum bei den alten Völkern, Aus dem Fr. des Hrn. A. Y. H. übers. von Georg Christoph Hamberger.
貴 O-1-D-34 [Pallas, Peter Simon, comp.] Linguarum totius orbis vocabularia comparativa; augstissimae cura collecta. Sectionis primae. Linguas Europae et Asiae complexae.
貴 O-1-D-35 Adelung, Friedrich von. Catherinens der Grossen verdienste um die Vergleichende Sprachenkunde.
貴 O-1-D-36 [Henderson, Alexander.] The History of Ancient and Modern Wines.
貴 O-1-D-37 Smith, Adam. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.
貴 O-1-D-38 Camões, Luís de. The Lusiad, or, Portugals historicall poem : written in the Portingall language / by Lvis de Camoens ; and now newly put into English by Richard Fanshaw Esq.
貴 O-1-D-39 Camõens, Luís de. The Lusiad; or, The discovery of India. An epic poem. Tr. fr. the original Portuguese of L. de C., by William Julius Mickle.
貴 O-1-D-40 Camõens, Luís de. The Lusiad; or, The discovery of India. An epic poem. Tr. fr. the original Portuguese of Luis de Camoëns, by William Julius Mickle.
貴 O-1-D-41 Brown, Peter. New illustrations of zoology, containing fifty coloured plates of new, curious, and non-descript birds, with a few quadrupeds, reptiles and insects. Together with a short and scientific description on the same.
貴 O-1-D-42 Le Clerc, Nicolas Gabriel. Atlas du commerce : dédié au Roi / publié par M. Le Clerc ... et par M. Le Clerc, fils ... .
貴 O-1-D-43 Penther, Johann Friedrich. Gnomonica Fundamentalis et Mechanica ... Allerhand Sonnen-Ahren Regulaire, Irregulaire ... einer Universal-Sonnen-Ahr ....
貴 O-1-D-44 Camõens, Luís de. Os Lvsiadas do grande L. d. C. Principe da poesia heroica. Commentados pelo Licenciado Manoel Correa ....
貴 O-1-D-45 Morandi, Morando. Della cura del vajolo con la china-china, e col bagno tiepido brieve saggio istorico-pratico di Morando Morando medico consigliere del serenissimo signor principe di Modena all' altezza serenissima di Maria Teresa Cybo principessa ereditaria di modena ec.
貴 O-1-D-46 Young, George. A treatise on opium, founded upon practical observations / by George Young ... .
貴 O-1-D-47 Jones, John. The mysteries of opium reveald / by Dr. John Jones ... ; Who, I. gives an account of name, make, choice, effects, &c. of opium. II. Proves all former opinions of its operation to be meer chimera's. III. Demonstrates what its true cause is; by which he easily, and mechanically explains all (even its most mysterious) effects. IV. Shews its noxious principle, and how to separate it; thereby rendering it a safe, and noble panacea; whereof, V. He shews the palliative, and curative use.
貴 O-1-D-48 De Quincey, Thomas. Confessions of an English opium-eater.
貴 O-1-D-49 Marbault. Essai sur le commerce de Russie : avec l'histoire de ses découvertes.
貴 O-1-D-50 [Marbault.] Essai sur le Commerce de Russie, avec l'Histoire de ses Découvertes.
貴 O-1-D-51 Duppa, R[ichard.] Illustrations of the Lotus of Antiquity.
貴 O-1-D-52 Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de. Plantarum Succulentarum Historia, ou Histoire Naturelle des Plantes Grasses. Avec leurs figures dessinées par P. J. Redouté.
貴 O-1-D-53 A Collection of the dresses of different nations, antient and modern. Particularly old English dresses. After the designs of Holbein, Vandyke, Hollar, and others. With an account of the authorities, from which the figures are taken; and some short historical remarks on the subject ....
貴 O-1-D-54 Bar, Jacq. Ch. Suscripcion para la coleccion de los trages de todas las ordenes religiosas y militares de todo el mundo, traducida de la que publica en frances J. Ch. Bar.
貴 O-1-D-55 Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von. Gemälde aus dem Königlich Neapolitanischen Museo zu Portici ... verschütteten Stadt Herkulanum ... nebst ihrer Erklärung von C. G. von M. Nach den Original-Rupferstichen in richtigen Umrissen geäzet von Johann Nussbiegel.
貴 O-1-D-56 Valentin, Michael Bernhard. Musei Museorum, oder Der vollständigen Schau Bühne ... .
貴 O-1-D-56 Valentin, Michael Bernhard. Museum museorum, oder Vollständige Schau Bühne aller Materialien und Specereyen, nebst deren natürlichen Beschreibung ....
貴 O-1-D-57 A Fragment on government; being an examination of what is delivered, on the subject of government in general, in the introduction to Sir William Blackstone's Commentaries, with a preface in which is given a critique on the work at large.
貴 O-1-D-58 Awsiter, John. An essay on the effects of opium : Considered as a poison. With the most rational method of cure, deduced from experience. Directing likewise the proper means to be used when physical assistance cannot be readily obtained; necessary to be universally known, for the preservation of life / by John Awsiter, apothecary to the Royal Hospital at Greenwich.
貴 O-1-D-59 Saxe, Maurice de, comte. Esprit des loix de la tactique et de différentes institutions militaires, ou Notes de Mr. le Maréchal de Saxe: contenant plusieurs nouveaux Systèmes sur l'art de la guerre. Commentées par M. de Bonneville. Avec un mémoire militaire sur les Tartares & les Chinois, où l'on trouve une comparaison des opérations militaires de ces deux nations avec ce que les historiens & commentateurs Européens ont écrit d'instructif pour le gens de guerre.
貴 O-1-D-60 Tooke, Thomas. Thoughts and details on the high and low prices of the last thirty years.
貴 O-1-D-61 Adelung, Johann Christoph. Mithridates; oder, Allgemeine Sprachenkunde, mit dem Vater unser als Sprachprobe in bey nache fünfhundert Sprachen und Mundarten. [Fortgesetzt und bearbeitet] von Johann Severin Vater.
貴 O-1-D-62 Holderness, Mary. Notes realating to the manners and customs of the Crim Tatars. Written during a four years' residence among that people.
貴 O-1-D-63 Clodius, Johann Christian. Compendiosvm lexicon. Latino-Tvrcico germanicvm, in qvo non solvm voces et phrases vsitatæ continetvr, sed etiam illarvm lectio, adjectis vbiqve observationi bvs variis, ad statvm ecclesiasticvm, politicvm, et militarem pertinentibvs cvm præfatione de lingva et litteratva tvrcarvm, corrvptisqve vvlgari pronvntiatione, nominibvs ministrorvm avlae tvrcicæ; accessit triplex index, ac grammatica tvricica, opera ac stvdio Johannis Christiani Clodii.
貴 O-1-D-64 Kramer, Matthia. Das königliche nider-hoch-teutsch, und hoch-nider-teutsch Dictionarium, oder, Beider Haupt-, und Grund-Sprachen Wörter-Buch : Ein neu, vollständig-, und mit ungemeinem Fleiss ausgeführtes Werck. Dergleichen bereits vorlängst von beiden Nationen gewünscht, aber bisshero noch nie zum Vorschein kommen ist. Bereichert mit allem, was an Wörtern, Terminis, und dero eigentlichen Redens Arten, Application, und regel-richtigen Fügungen rein-, und artiges, von denen neuest- und bewehrtesten Wörter-Buch-Schreibern unserer Zeit festgestellt ... Benebenst dem Kern der geist-reichsten Sinn-Sprüchen, und land-üblichsten Spruch Worten ... .
貴 O-1-D-65 Opere di Galileo Galilei, Nobile Fiorentino, primario filosofo, e mattematico del serenissimo Gran Duca di Toscana.
貴 O-1-D-66 Savary des Bruslons, Jacques. Dictionnaire universel de commerce: Contenant tout ce qui concerne le commerce qui se fait dans les quatre parties du monde, ... .
貴 O-1-D-67 Kulmus, Johan Adam. Ontleedkundige tafelen, benevens de daar toe behoorende afbeeldingen, .... In het Neederduitsch gebragt door Gerardus Dicten.
貴 O-1-D-68 Ulhoorn, Hendrik. Laurens Heisters Heelkundige onderwyzingen, ....
貴 O-1-D-69 Königsdörfer, Georg Heinrich, tr. Johann Baptista Morgagni von dem Sitze und den Ursachen der Krankheiten welche durch die Anatomie sind erforscht worden. Buch 1. Von den Krankheiten des Kopfs. Aus dem Laeinischen übersetzt.
貴 O-1-D-70 Explication des cent estampes qui representent differentes nations du Levant. Avec de nouvelles estampes de ceremonies turques qui ont aussi leurs explications.
貴 O-1-D-71 Catalogus centuriae librorum rarissimorum. Manuscript & partim impressorum, arabicorum, persicorum, turcicorum, graecorum, latinorum, &c.
貴 O-1-D-72 Collecçaõ da legislaçaõ antiga e moderna do Reino de Portugal. parte 2. Da legislaçaõ moderna. tomo 1.-3. Ordenações e leis do Reino de Portugal. Publicadas em 1603.
貴 O-1-D-73 Sansouino, Francesco. Diverse orationi volgarmente scritte da molti huomini illustri de tempi nostri.
貴 O-1-D-74 Straccha, Benvenvto. Tractatvs de mercatvra, sev mercatore, Benvenvto Straccha, patritio anconitano, iureconsulto clarissimo autore. Hvc accessit Petri Santernae Lusitani, Tractatus, de sponsionibus & assencurationibus mercatorum.
貴 O-1-D-75 Durante, Castore. Herbario nvovo di Castore Durante, medico, & cittadino romano, con figure, che rappresentano le viue piante, che nascono in tutta Europa, & nell'Indie Orientali, & Occidentali, ....
貴 O-1-D-76 Memorie van grieven en bezwaaren, van participanten in de geoctroijeerde Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie : betrekkelyk de resolutie van de Staaten Generaal der Vereenigde Nederlanden, van den 24e. December 1795.
貴 O-1-D-77 De aanstaande val en ondergang : der Geoctroijeerde vereenigde Oostindische Maatschappy, Hetvolk van Nederland : aangekondigd, bij Missive van Cecommitteerde Bewindhebbers aan de Staaten van Zeeland, in dato 6 Maart 1794.
貴 O-1-D-78 Plebeius, Iustus. Belangrijke brieven over de nieuwe zamenstelling van den Asiatischen Raad, als mede over eenige andere gewigtige onderwerpen; gedeeltelijk gewisseld, gedeeltelijk nog zullende gewisseld worden / tusschen Iustus Plebeius en Decius Batavu.
貴 O-1-D-79 Wiselius, S. I. Z. Rapport van Mr. S. I. Z. Wiselius, Dr. J. van der Steege en Mr. J. A. de Mist, leden van den Asiatischen Raad, op een request van zich noemende participanten in de O.I.Comp. namens het Department tot de Indische Zaaken, ter Vergadering van bovengedachten Raad ingebragt op den 14 Januarij 1802, bij wijze van Misfive aan het Staats-Bewind der Bataafsche Republiek.
貴 O-1-D-80 [Discours, by forme van remonstrantie; vervatende de nootsakelijckheyt vande Oost-Indische navigatie, by middel vande vvelcke de vrye Nederlandtsche Provincien apparent zijn te gheraecken totte hoochste prosperiteyt, in't stuck vande alder-rijckste ende costelijckste waren vande gheheele werelt].
貴 O-1-D-81 Staat der generale Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie, behelzende rapporten van de Heeren Haar Ed. Groot Mog. gecommitteerden G. J. Doys, Baron van der Does, Heer van Noordwyk, P. H. van de Wall, J. Rendorp, Heer van Marquette, en H. van Straalen, als mede nader rapport van gemelde heeren gecommitteerden en bylaagen.
貴 O-1-D-82 Kulmus, Johann Adam. Anatomische Tabellen, nebst dazu gehörigen Anmerkungen und Kupfern, daraus des ganzen menschlichen Körpers Beschaffenheit und Nutzen deutlich zu ersehen, welche den Anfängern der Anatomie zu bequemerer Anleitung / verfasset hat Johann Adam Kulmus.
貴 O-1-D-83 Kulmus, Johann Adam. Tabulæ anatomicæ, in quibus corporis humani omniumque ejus partium structura & usus brevissimè explicantur, accesserunt majoris perspicuitatis causâ : annotationes et tabulæ æneæ / auctore, Jo. Adamo Kulmo.
貴 O-1-D-84 Dadley, J. The costume of the Russian Empire : illustrated by a series of seventy-three engravings : with descriptions in English and French.
XII-10-C-a-174 Library of Luminary Buddhist Institute, ed. New classification scheme for Buddhist libraries / edited & translated by Library of Luminary Buddhist Institute.
I-1-D-50 Тверитинова, А. С., сост. Востоковедные фонды крупнейших библиотек Советского Союза. Статьи и сообщения / А.С. Тверитинова.
貴 O-1-D-85 Marin, Pierre, comp. Groot Nederduitsch en Fransch woordenboek : vervattende de woorden en spreekwyzen van den laagen, den boertigen, den gemeenzaamen, en den verheven styl, spreuken en spreekwoorden ... = Grand dictionnaire, hollandois & françois : contenant les facons de parler basses, burlesques, familieres, & celles du stile soutenu, les sentences & les proverbes ... / door P. Marin.
貴 O-1-D-86 Marin, Pierre, comp. Dictionnaire complet françois et hollandois : comprenant tous les mots de l'usage avoüez de l'Academie françoise & autres autheurs d'élite, exactement definis & clairement expliquez par des exemples qui decouvrent le veritable genie de l'une & de l'autre langue ... = Compleet Fransch en Nederduitsch woorden-boek, behelsende alle gebruikelyke woorden, door de Fransche Academie en andere uitgelezene schryvers aangenomen, naauwkeuriglyk beschreeven, en door voorbeelden, die den regten aart der wederzydsche taalen natuurlyk ontvouwen, klaarlyk uitgelegt ... / par P. Marin.
II-1-D-28 Милибанд, С. Д. Биобиблиографический словарь советских востоковедов / С. Д. Милибанд.

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